reprodu "bring about a better business relationship between Se and merchant in € lows, and thus i about community in which to live. * AJ. DAVES > ae Rezall sore DRUGS, . STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS CONFECTIONERY TOILETRIES KODAKS and DEVELOPING Telephone 49 Residence 134 BROCK & SON DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BBOTS & SHOES. WALL WALL PAPER A SPECIALTY, Telephone 43 * a W. R. WILLAN THE MERCHANT TAILOR Clothes Made to Your Measure Telephone 45 Morrison's S Drug Store KODAKS. FILMS AND DEVELOPING MOIR'S CONFECTIONERY COMPLETE NYAL LINE Telephone 16 mimmeebenbee I. R. BEN TLEY JEWELLER & STATIONER Our Values are, Equal to Anywhere ; .. BYES? TESTED FREE. J. F. | McClintock DRYGOODS, GROCERIES, | BOOTS & SHOES i CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED. Telophone 5 36 EH GERROW BAKED GOODS AND CONFECTIONERY i ICE CREAM & SOFT DRINKS Telephone? 32. ~ Port Perry Lumber & Milling C. COMPANY ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER HARDWOOD FLOORING SHINGLES, LATH DOORS and SASH CUSTOM CHOPPING, FLOUR AND FEED OF ALL KINDS. Telephone 26. IE. B. Walker, Aosta] Manager. WE HAVE MOVED _ to our new premises in the Fe Block. - We invite you to pe The Royal Bank of Canada PORT PERRY BRANCH B. D. HENRY, Manager . > + Communiiy Co-operation One of the biggest words in business today is co-opera- tion, and simple as it is to say, its accomplishment is a difficult feat. Man is a predatory animal who arrived through the ages by defeating his neighbor in the race for the good things of life. The understanding of selfishness and its disastrous effects came slowly with civilization, and even up to the present time is not entirely universally re- cognized, but in business today it is admitted that the one looking for self alone is doomed: Your community today points with pride to its success and when asked the reason you remark that it is due to the unselfish spirit of its mer-' chants and residents. one looking after the other's interests. || The more prosperous your merchants are the more enriched you become--your dollars spent among them revents back to you continuously. It enhances real estate and is the one thing" that 'creates the desire in others to lIécate among you. Community Co-operation is good. It is necessary. Don't play alone. Eliminate selfishness from your community by co-operating with your merchants and all business interests. Buy in Port Perry and keep yourself big in the thought that it is your community and you are a big factor in making it what it is. Nuf sed. Willard & Co. General Merchants GROCERIES, DRYGOODS FRUITS, VEGETABLES, Telephone 46 r 2. W. T. RODMAN. i' It is-a pleasure to do business with Wm. Rodman. He carries a delightful stock lof modern cloths for suits and 'overcoats. He is accurate in his 'Measurements and when you get a suit from him you are proud to wea rit. His prices you get a suit from him you are proud to wear it. His prices are quite reasonable. Next time you need a suit, call on him. His place of business is above the Telephone Office. W. L. Parrish HARDWARE TINWARE PLUMBING, and HEATING Telephone 65. The Canadian Bank of Commerce PORT PERRY BRANCH Equipped for service--Following the Amalgamation of the two, Jocal brnehes, increased facilities to serve the pabi ie Java been introduced. THIS YOUR B 0 = Hutcheson, Manager. CARNEGIE HARDWARE Let us give you an estimate on Plumbing and Furnace Work. HARDWARE wR PLUMBING 83 FURNACES Ladies' Rend. to Wess Millinery ; Men's Clothing and Furnishings; Dressgoods and - Dress Essentials; Ladies Un-- derwear and Hosie 3 Staple - Goods; Draperies--a 'in your Home Town. Phone 246 Bert MacGregor : | FOR QUALITY MEATS CANNED GOODS : BUTTER AND EGGS Telephone 722r27 "McKEE & SON GENTS FURNISHINGS i & SHOES GROCERIES & FRUITS FLOUR & FEEDS Telephone 152. - Hall's Restaurant "A Good Place to EAT" ICE CREAM and , CONFECTIONERY W. T. RODMAN MERCHANT TAILOR Made-to-Measure Clothes Cleaning, Pressing & Repairing W.A. BEATTY HARNESS; LEATHER GOODS; SUIT CASES, CLUB BAGS TRUNKS, ROBES, RUGS NE LLS : * "BEARE, BROS. McLAUGHLIN AND CHEVROLET MOTOR SALES AND SERVICE Telephone 130 Ww. A. L McDermott FURNITURE AND HOUSE y FURNISHINGS Telephone 128 W. House 128 J CARNEGIE-DAY MOTORS This is "EXIDE" BATTERY WEEK. No where can. you Beat Our Prices. Buy your BATTERY in our town. Phone 61 | Standard Garage DURANT CARS AND TRUCKS "Service is our, Motto" =' Telephone 74 Wiwito sie os ov ifternoin last In the absent meeting was conducted by Mzs, (Rev) 'Newell. At the close ofithe. busi session. a short "program: was given: consisting of a reading by Miss Mabel | Alfrad, and a tation "témpérance wl / Rev. Mr: Newell, Lagrieh was "ser "October meeting sof ther. a Auxiliary of St. John's. 8: Church will be held &t the home of: Mrs: Chas, Stith; on Thusday "evenimg, -of 'this® week" "Tn the: pet th United Chinn choir oni Sun y gyening. the, "music was provided. hy, the choir: from North Nestleton. +. MEG al On: Friday aftetnidon she 4th; the 3 pupils 'nd' teachurd of he" Co fina 5 tion SthodT held' 'thelr 'annual Daper chase af the' close; of. Which supper was ser ved in _gne of the: classrooms. On Monday. evening dast about 150 guests assembled at the home ofr Mr. and "Mrs. Henry! Moun tjoy-und: ie- sented théir-son Russell ind "his bride | with d spléndid 'migellaiicons shower of lovely and ugetil" a i Yi Mr, Jack fa Smith, "followed. by, speeches: including those from the: bride and groom -and the' groom's father, then all joined int singing for they 'dre Jolly Good Fel-1' "The rerhainder of the 'evening : lows," was 'spent in' a happy soci the partaking of lunch, two items of E Wool Cashmere Values from §: ( : of colors 'and priced 'make price Be: Pair. wd MEN'S FINE U We carry a full stock in the 'following makes---Mereury Stanfields and Watsons--all leaders in' the different. Fall and Winter * weights at $1.50, $2.75, § : 'a NEW W Délighittel Sunworthy Be Blue, Green, Yellow; Mauve and designs. Priced at 5c. 80¢, and 36¢ SPECIAL } HEAVY P : = In a wide range of colorings, FLOOR OILCLOTH E These remnants are Suitable for si Tnder stoves; lengths run 1 from 1 to 214 yards. ced for Yuick wie at 4b yard. F. W, Brock & Son which. weve. wedding: cake. and. ice £s ot cream, served by the bride and groom, Rey, and Mrs, "Newell '6 enjoying a visit from the foxmer's fathgr and. sister; -Mr. Newell, and Sauter of: Toronto; « +». 5d On Friday venti 'of! this 'wok "the 'young people 'off thé Unitdd- 'Chiirch| Leagui tire Holilitig thelial" "ban- quet. A good ptogram' 1s "bei ros vided by outside Ang loeal'talent. | No. school; hells, BANE on, 'Thursday and Friday of Inst week; the teachers being at. Orono, attending ithe: Con- 5 ventigh + ay Mr. Sod.' Biadbiufi Spent' Sil at thine' of Mi, AC Gratis," "Fourbeenl ladie a LIEW of 3 Orange Lodge, Were enter i inj Orono. by the Orono Ta on, Tues- dayseveningof. last Week. i A splendid programy was provided and .aidelight- ful 'lurich: served; was 'reported By #0 te Cressy' Concert. Co. He i village last, week and Ww ple: with the, nightly attendance. he popular, lady. contest, WAS WOR Miss Gertrude Henry, who received as a. prize an all wool fancy plaid/blankst. | "A mot 'enjoyable £ on: 'Thirsday evening, 'the' Company | : staged: a nai] driving" 'ontest, 'with seven lady contestants, Mrs. Norman Taylor being the: winner. night 'a kecond Hail was staged' beta On: Friday | Taylor, champion for 'Blackstock, 'and id Mrs, Geovge , Wilson, champion "for : | Nestleton and: Janetville: ; Nail driven straight ladies, bub' Mrs) Taylor agai y herself the. winner and: the