i £ i f iH Bz i geil it ii 2 5: i 2 LI] ii i ¥ prosperity,' he or- Jes Chaya and Cichei, in a huge swing set up in the square of Sao Chingcha. "How Old Is Ann?" We 'do not profess to give an answer #8 to the number of years which Ann bas lived, or the number of birthdays| which' she has celébrated, because we are quite willing to leave the solu- tion of that problem. to the mathemadl- clans, or to those who enjoy strug- sling with such pussies. - The i son why we refer to Ann's age is be- * edusé "this 'gtves 'uk the op) 40 point'dut to our.Teaders that there are 'more ways of determining age E i 2 i I birthday, but the candition of his body at 5 g ! by 'the condition essential parts, It they Wear, then the body is regardless of the num- days passed. Old age 'wearing out of the body health work seeks to mature old age by pro- body from needless by warning against the i 222 £8 HH s2g3ETEY iH Egges for many of the breaks during years when fitness should be tained. gg main 'If we were asked to determine Ann's #ge on this basis, we would want to the condition of her heart, her arteries, her kidmeys, her lungs, | and of these, particularly, would be ~~ interested in heart, arteries and kid- 'neys because it Is in these organs that the first signs of wear are usual- Jy meen. We would then want to * know how Ann lives. What does she _ 'eat? Does she get sufficient rest and In other words, does I 'of 1.8 horses per farm, but as they in- creased the number of acres of cultl- vated land on the farm after they had ery way it real * {equivalent to a Ta ST onli fthe Tablets and would also like your per farm, All farms, it was shown, are not suitable Where purchased their tractor did not apparently give very good study, which included the cost of pro- |ducing all farm crops in Eastern Can- Ada, are related in Bulletin No, 115 of me Department of Agriculture at Ot- {tawa, which shows that the average 1 for tractor use. the Jand. was too. hilly, too stoney, too sandy, er too wet, the results. The results of this ly operating cost of a "tractor ranges from . $8.67 for a twe-plough tractor, to $10.22 for a three-plough PINK PILLS : "A HOUSEHOLD iN 54 COUNTRIES" Farm Notes famount of annual work done the low- | "Ibut it also does it at one-half the cost there is shown to be a fairly substaa- "| horses do the work equally as cheaply 2 hi These costs include over head charges so that' the greater} er the cost per day in operation. Tables contained in the bulletin show that the two-plough tractor not only ploughs more than three times as h per day as the two-horse team per acre. For disking and cultivating tial saving, while for harrowing the as the trator. The results of this sur- vey according to the opinion of tract- or owners show that where .a farmor has sufficient work for a tractor to do it will prove a very profitable in- vestment. i Precautions When Extracting Honey | Honey when properly ripened, us- ually immune from spoilage by fer- mentation, may be subject to serious deterioration under certain conditions. To ascertain the causes of this fer mentation the Dominion Bacteriolog- ist has for two years been working with fermented honey obtained from many sources. In his studies of the subject he has found several varieties of yeasts. "Some of these, ho has de termined, are obtained by bees from certain flo which they visit in search of nector. The results of this work are contained in Bulletin No. Farm Machinety Operation The annual cost ef general farm na per acre of cultivated land "11s calculated to be about $2.85 per | Teast yeast contamination is partly acre in Eastern Canada. These fig- ures have been reached in a study of the cost of producing farm crops, by H. 8. Hopkins, Dominion Field Hus- bandman. These are average figures covering a large number of farms, some of which use, special machinery such as traetors, trucks, automobiles, or threshing outfits, while others had no special machinery of importance, erindulgences which are respons | depending upon ordinary farm equip: ment such as ploughs, harrows, seed- ers, binders, etc. - There was g/very wide difference in this respect as while the average in- LUXO FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber--He Knows 116 of the Department of Agriciilture at Ottawa entitled "Microbiological Studies of Honey." In this it 1s shown that in teh ase of extracted honey st {preventable by the beekeeper and | partly beyond his control. There is 'no doubt, says Dr. A. Grani Lochhead, [the Dominion Bacteriologist, that by the exerelse of careful precautions to {maintain in cleanliness at the time of {extraction and to ensure that contain. ers and utensils are all as nearly ster ile as posible, a partial prevention of the yeast contamination of the ex- tracted honey may be effected.--Is- sued by the Director of Publicity, Do- minion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. eesti '| Nothing else so humanizes a great man as the publication of his golf score.--San Francisco Chronicle. tft. 'wet day and a lion with violent tooth- ache?--One is pouring with rain, and | the other is roaring with pain. iL Hi i them are ill I always use Baby's Own Tablets and have found them good in Mttle booklet Health and Sickness' i 1 would nof be without 'Care of the Baby in Baby's Own' Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25] cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Marshy Ground Lists Pisa's Tower Increase of Water Around; Foundation Causes Lean of Structure to Increase 'Rome. -- Plsang, once again are alarmed over the stability of their| tower. The anxjéty this time is due, to the increase of water around the foundations, which on one side are becoming marshy. The question of how to remedy the continual leaning tendency, which in.! creases yearly, has occupied the au-| an Italian expert," Professor Cuppari, Then he voiced the warning that al collapse of the Venice Campanile, Cement Wall Suggested Last year the government Provin- cial Commission disagreed regarding the remedy and the French Professor Imbeaux came to Pisa from Paris. He (held that the only remedy was to build a circular wall of cement, lined with zine, outside the moist sandy sec- jon of subsoil-to a depth of 114 feet, the space beween the dry part and the moisture to be filled with cement, which in drying would prevent water from seeping around the foundation. This is the method already used in excavations in Pompeil to prevent moisture from ruining the finds. A Welsh firm of engineers offered to do the work gratis to preserve the tower. The experiment was success- ful, but when work started the permit was withdrawn, as Italian architects objeted to giving the project to for- elgners. The work was thus suspend- ed. Commission Studies Plan The commission is studying the plan offered by Plsan architects, which consists In draining off the water and turning the course into an outer channel. The authorities say they are ready to begin work, hut there has been a disagreement over how the pumping is to be undertaken and, therefore, the work is still at a standstill, The Pisans are anxious about draw- ing off the water, as it might increase the leaning of the tower and it might find itself no longer able to stand out of plumb.--New York Herald Tribune. en Ag oa What is the difference between «Night Life Makes Police Records Show Thieves . Busy at Siesta Time Madrid. --Burglars in Spain find that their victims are so sleepy in mid- afternoon and so wide awake at night, that. the best time for their stealthy operations comes in broad daylight. Police records show that the favorite hours for housebreaking are from 8 to & p.m. ~ It is the custom here to stay up most of the night, start business next day sround 10 'or 11 o'clock in the | partment extends this humanitarian | recent addition to.the lst of free thorities for the last few years since' similar cause had brought about the" : Daylight Robbers | water, The people of Ontario are also very appreciative of the fact that the De- service to include treatments for per- sons suffering from specific diseases ~--insulin for diabetes, serum for in- fantile paralysis, antitoxin for fever and diphtheria, ete. i The most striking item, however, .s| the provision, without cost, of con-! | re > ---- Home Made Bath Salts Here is a good and simple recipe Tor valescent serum for the treatment of making bath salts: To four pounds of infantile paralysis, which is the most| pounded soda crystals add half ounce essence of verbena, mix well together products distributed by the Depart ment. Jhis was undertaken during the present year when an invasion of infantile paralysis within the boun-! and pound again. For coloring, add a few drops of cochineal or a little washing blue well pounded. i a-- darfes of Ontario seemed at least a gop Colds with Minard's Liniment. possibility if not a probability. | It is scientific knowledge that the blood serum of a recovered case of Infantile Paralysis has a curative of-| fect it injected into an acute case in the time." i the early stage. Fully 200 cases cases have been treated with blood: serum.obtained and prepared by this Department during the current year. ae S "What is the difference between an author and a grandfather clock." "One tells a story and the othef tells dma anni When the meek do get to inherit the earth, it appears now as tho their Without this treatment either aratyal Brodie Would stil be He truck driv- ed or would have suffered death. The €T---M.inneapohs Journal ' etme mses complete cures in the treated cases this year show a successful result of | over ninety-five per cent, which means | that nearly 200 citizens of this Pro- Professor Nunston declares that people in Chighgo do'not take life ser- iouslly, This may be; but what is fun vince will be alive and well instead ot|10 them is a very serious matter for being either dead or paralyzed, and |their victims.--Punch. the cost in connection with this work has been in the neighborhood of fifteen hundred dollars. ep---------- Film Actor (to latest wife): "What | Who gave it! a beautiful necklace! to you?' Latest Wife (a cinema ac- tress): "My next husband. Pretty, isn't it?" -- . Another thing modern woman's garb has done: It has put the Dance discovered that the subsoil was infil: | of the Seven Veils completely out of trated from a hidden source of water. 'business.--Louisville Times. amie 'When ig a cup of tea not a cup of tea?--When. it is a little sweet. ASTHMA QUICK RELIEF obtained by thou- sands through use of Dr. J H. Guild's Green Mountain Asthma Compound. Its pleasant smoke vapor soothes and relieves. Originated in 1869 by Dr. Guild, specialist in respiratory .dis- eases Also relieves catirrh, Standard remedy at druggists: 35 cents, 60 cents and $1.50, powder or cigarette form. Send for FREE TRIAL pa age of 6 cigarettes, Canadian Dis- 286 Bt Paul Bt. CER LL Can. Dr: Guild s Sum _SIMONDS CR $S' CUT SAWS Cut eats through the toughest woods --thespecially tem= ered Simonds teel gives extra service, SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO: LTD: MONTREAL VANCOUVER About two hours after eating many people suffer from sour stomachs. They call it indigestion. It means that the stomach nerves have been over- which neutralizes many times its vol ume in acid. The right way is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia--just a tasteless dose In em stimulated. There is excess acid, The proved method. way to correct it is with an alkali, another when you know. | When Fi bod Sours ard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. 'It 18 the quick method. Results come almost instantly. It is the ap- You will never use Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi. clans for 50 years in correcting excess acids, Each bottle contains full direc. It has remained the stand- tons--any drugstore. ~ the thing to give. It is almost certain to clea | minor and could by no bil; ME Ais good ted D ROSE ORANGE PEKOE isextra good -------------- Classified Advertisements ' SITUATIONS VACANT . } WANTED BIG M%3 MEN work, ED aie earn- ing barber trade under mest reliable Wits or. oa oer RRL for free oler, | |e College, 131 Queen West, Toronto, | OB SALE. 1 ERED PEDIGREED SILVER LE $400.00 § pair delivered. Wm. Bates, igetown, Ont. . Since Russia and China have both signed the anti-war pact their pro- blem seems to be to find a way of fighting each other without going to war.--San Diego Union. $1.25 All Druggists Deteriptive folder on reqenst A. O. LEONARD, Inc. 30 Fifth Ave. New York City Good for Cattle Keep Minard's in your barn for distemper and colic. An excellent first ald for your stock. The man who would never walk again, Who could imagine a more poignant story thes this? A champion athlete: ridden. ~ Told that he could censl never walk again and then Ae took Kruschen. * My doctor told my landlady that I could walk again. Bad rheumatism set Ghaiutinaa-itey and was confined wo moni "I am nearly sixty years of age. After tak Iam staring to work next od "Up till two years ago I had been a Cham- - lon Racing © ols. 1 have won a prize every EE Es iv 0 fon a, aoprtnns IDES SHOTEH In ChmAdn ot 56 a oles A tle contains hough to last for 4 or 8 monthe--good health for half-a-cent a day, Felt To 3 and Miserable for m id tired feelings on