Port Perry Star, 15 May 1907, p. 3

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P oy wee vas broken. and that he was se- will be the first / 1y in August. Rao Manitoba flour has been increased 20 s per barrel. © Ere mYa fires are raging at many: points couver, # © G.T.P. denles the rumor, that Ta 10, Be ARR GO ric hn ur ing can nds out of Newfoundland. « Provincial revenues for the first four -of the year reached $3.173280. 'Contracts have been lel for the new | Carnegie Library at Woodstock. Near -- arly fourteen thousand immigrants have arrived at Quebec during last week. The Government is' sending out extra rangers to protect the pine forests of ovince, Li ; truction of - the National Trans- c continental Railway in New Brunswick : Steady st 17¢c to 17% Honey--Pails, 1ic to h.; combs, $1.50 to $2.50 per dozen, According to quality. © -Beans--81.50 to $1.55 for hand-picked primes. {and $1.35.t0 $1.40 for | Polaloes--Ontario, 85c 10 90c; eastern, 181.05 to $1.10 In car lots on track here, despatch from' 'Winnipeg says: A | smashup took place in the C.P.R. ; t Portage la 0 on Wednes- 5 { rain Iween the yard en and a ing train from < W veg, #which Engineer' Daniel McDonald, "che of the wrecking engine, injured and died in the hos- urs later, The switch was d Engineer McDonald did it wes open to the side frack until he was almost on top of it. 'He fell Just west of the switch, and his head struck an old grain door lying beside Jrack. 'His skull was fractured. Ving 49326: pails, 12%e. Ontapio, nominal, 'Hay--$12.50 lo 813 per ton for No. 1 timothy. and $10 fo $11 for sec- ondary grades, in car lots here, Baled Straw--Easier, at $6.75 {0 87 per ten, in car lols here. I IE - PROVISIONS. 'Dressed Hogs--8$9 for lightweights and $8.50 for heavies, ay a Car lots nominal Pork--Short cut, $23.50 to $24 per bar- rel, mess, $21 to $21.50. "Smoked 'and Dry Salted Meats--I.ong clear bacon, 11¢ to 113c for tons and cases; hans, 'medium and light, 13%¢ lo 16¢; heavy, 143%c to 15¢; backs, 16 fo 170; pdt na Se 11 out of pickle, 1¢ less than smoked. rd--Ensier, Tierces, '123%¢; * tubs, MONTREAL MARKETS: Montreal, May 14.--~The local market fer oats is firm, and 45¢ 1s now quoted fcr. No. 2 white Manitoba and 44c for the same grade Ontario. . Buckwheat--55¢. to 563¢c per bushel. Corn--American No. ~ 2 yellow, 55¢; "INo. 3 mixed, 650, ex-store. we from London says: The i on. Wednesday. yal | lo822 {ii bags, $20 $29.50; 4 straight grain, - Peas--Boiling peas, $1 in' carjoad lots, $1.10 in jobbing lots. ~'| Flour--Manitoba spring. wheat, $4.95 | to $4.60; strong bakers', | . 81 to. 84.10; winter. wheat. . paten| $1.10 to $4.25; straight rollers, $3.60 to $3.70; do., in bags. $1.65 to $1.75; extras. $1.50 to Millfeed--Manitoba bran, in bags, $20 ; shorts, 822 to $22.50; Ontario bran, fo ' #21; 'shoris, $22 to mouille, 821° to 825; $28 er ton. 3 to $29 hap-| Rolled Oats Fer hug, $1.90 to $2. ; or, 10.50 $13.50; No. 2, $12.50; No. , mixed, $11; pure clov- per ton in car lots. | Provislons--Barrels, short out mess, £20.50 to 823.50; half harrels, 811.75 to $12: ar fal backs, $24 {0 A ess, $90.50 @ received an increase in y. . The C.P.R. is rushing its double-track- ing between Fort William and Winni- Ee Sommene : a ' : Hi )graphers. on - the "western 'lines * 0! Tho CEH. hav pa peg. Great irregularities have been discov- ard in the customs house at Niagara 'alls, Canadian customs officers will receive an increase in pay from ten to fifteen per cent. . ; Calgary has 1,600 children on the pub- 1i3 school rolls, an increase of 334 per cent. 3 A new Masonic Temple, costing be- tween $40,000 and $50,000, is being erected in Regina. Brantford's = Bell memorial fund has received a contribution of $250 from as A. Edison. Work on the Edmonton-Dawson trail by the Mounted Police will be resumed this summer, Bight inspectors of mining claims have been appointed by the Government to work in northern Ontario, Cattle shipments from St. John this season total 80,628, against 84.561 the previous season. & 'Winnipeg's assessment commissioner "festimales the realty assessment for 1907 Ao be $90,000,000. One 'hundred and twentey-flve new Jocomotives are to be delivered to the Canadian Northern Railway. Six thousand dollars. will: be "hung up" 'for the racing department alone in the 1907 Edmonton Exhibition. The Governor-General's Foot Guards of Ottawa will leave on June 28 for a visit to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, 'Winnipeg insurance will be reduced three: per cent., as a salvage corps ig to be added to the fire department. The bill for the inspection of canned foods goes into efféct on August 1 and 45 inspectors are to be appointed. Canada's commercial agent at Leeds says an enormous increase. in the impor- tation 'of oyr apples has been noted. The proposed enlargement of the G.T.R. car works at London will cost $75 and an increase in employes by 200, 3 A load of whiskey was seized by the police at' Owen Sound on Satur- day thai -had been brought in by a far- mer, The financial statement for the year . [shows '& surplus of $18,000,000, the most prosperous year the Dominion has ever experienced. : Villlam ~~ Williamson, a Hamillon Street Rallway' conductor, was fined | thirty dollars for. being drunk while on 'Carlson, while smoking in his yard fo at North: Battleford, 'had 'his pipe : | smashed by a rifle bullet fired by some rsa, rt. of the Georgian Bay Canal n shows that a twenty-one from the bay to Montreal will ut $105,000,000. 7 rer Sivas il ts i 0 Away steam engaged now in pulling Thompson, it nductor ible for the fatal wreck at 'sentenced fo three.years tiary by Mr. Justice Riddell in Commons as one of the experienced nj % ak 2 7 ? 5 Betsan, _ Liculenant Governar 0 i¢ other day described in the House of inistra Diest dnd Indt i rs 8, should have summoned big military re Inforcements to Lahore and postponed. his gérded as adding to the gravity of the situation, The India Oee. ny issued nothing on the situation, although it is understood it is in constant communi calion with the Viceroy. Pending some official declaration the newspapers com- ment sparingly, but print their own and the news agencies' news conspicuously. Such comments as printed call"for firm action by the Government.' =~ Some recent statements in the House of Commons by Mr. Morley and his ap- 'proval of the deportation of Lala Lajpat Rai Betray no sign that he is disposed 10 underestimate the possibilities of the situation. 7 ALSO IN EASTERN BENGAL, Although for the moment the Punjab séems to bo the chief centre of the trou- ble, 14 is noteworthy that there is in- creasing unrest among the natives in Eastern Bengal: This séems to centre in the Mymen Singh district of the lat fer province, which is a thousand miles George G. Newcomb was 'shot five times and almost Instantly killed, at Palm Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, by Thomas W. Troy, who is a lumber dealer in South America. They got into a dis- pute over some trivial mdtter; and Troy emptied his revolver into Newcomb's body. As the result of two attempis at assas- sination from ambush at Orange, Texas, Wednesday night, one man was killed and two seriously wounded. The dead man 18 'Major Boykin, a megro officer, who was fired on by unknown persons as he was leaving a negro saloon. He was shot five times, all the bullets enter< ing his body and producing instant death, Only four buildings are standing in the little town of Birthright, Texas, as a result of the tornado which swept through the northern portion of the State on Tuesday. The court house, postoffice and every business house in the town were destroyed, as well as nu- merous residences and barns. 'As far as can be ascertained, only three persons lost 'their lives, but several are seriously injured. GENERAL. Several battalions of Turkish troops were cut to pieces during a battle with rebels In Armenia. Thirteen political prisoners were liber- ated by revolutionists at Alexandrovik, Russia, on Sunday. ~ New craters have formed on Elna and Stromboli, and the eruptions are be- coming more threatening. Negotiations are in progress between Japan and France which will still fur: ther complete the isolation of Germany. Eleven thousand Herpéro tribesmen, tired of resisting the German troops, per- ished of starvation on a trek. The Newfoundland. Supreme Court up- holds the validity of the law" preventing United States vessels employing New- foundliand fishermen. The eruption of Mount Etna continues, The flow of lava. is increasing, and the smoke «is 'abundant and heavy. Earth shocks 'also have been experienced. The Vaticén garden wall requires $20,- | 000 worth of repairs, which the Holy See cannot' afford; so thé old specimen of renaissance architecture. will 'have fo he demolished. : Several {rawlers near the coast of France reporl. a sirange occurrence, sheets of fire and smoke apparently com- ing up out of the sea. Ii Is thought to ba & volcanic disturbance. Rumors of serious trouble at Morocco City are reported from native sources, Tt is declared the powerful Rahma tribe have seized the town; and given all for- eign residents orders to leave within a fortnight. £ "| IBALOUS, TOOK HIS OWN LIFE. ------ own departure from that city, is re- | rested dering and burning villages, and ill-{ treating loyal nalives, many of whom! have been murdered. 0 MANY AGITATORS ARRESTED. Thirty-seven agitators have been ar- by the military police, who trying to stamp out the movewent, i despalch further says: thal ous lit erature has. been spread broadcast through Eastern Bengal, and that the rioting at Rawal Pindi has been distorted into a triumph of the natives ageinsi ° the British, hovel Jalives, of the Jeter Slap ans 1 a {he newspapers and' authoris ties, ing the necessity for promp¥ measures, They declare that the antis Eurdpean movement «has gained. lm- mense strength In Bengal since the re- signation 'of the late Lieutenant-Gover-i ner, Sir: Bampfylde Fuller, who } ' forced to relinquish his post because be fried to suppress the present agitation in the nalive schools. : The participation of Mohammedans in} the Mymen Singh oulrages shows ho ly that the movement is directed against! British rule instead of being a fight be- tween Hindus and Moslems, as was ab, first supposed. : Deslauriers, a bartender, resident on Cooper Street, committed suicide on the head with a revolver, Deslauriers had only been married three weeks, and it is said was led to commit the act through jealousy. ermine NATURE STUDY AT GUELPH. I to Hold Teacher Classes Thére. A -despaich {rob Toronto says: It has heen suggested to the Ontario Minister, of Education by President G. C. Creel- man, of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, that the Summer schools for na- ture study at the Agricultural College' be utilized by the teachers from all parts of the province for this year only, The proposition 'is being considered by Hon.; Dr. Pyne. The department has in (he rast held Summer schools at which teachers could - obtain special instruc. tion in such subjects as nature study. These were conducted in connection with the provincial Normal schools. Were the plan of holding fhe regular nature study classes at Guelph adopled it would be possible to devote the Normal school classes lo the Separate school teachers, who are desirous of qualifying under, the Act of last session. sein ad NINETY VICTIMS OF MINE FIRE. Proposal Training E evening by shooting himself inv Supposed to Have Perished in Mexican Copper Workpigs. A despatch from Mexico City says: Ninety men are supposed to have lost their lives in a'fire which started in the Tenares Copper Mine, at Velardena, in the State ef Durange, last Friday night. The fire is still raging and is said to ba beyond control. Thirty-five bodies have been recovered. = Seventeen miners are known fo have escaped. This informa-! tion has been conveyed in a despatch to 'Mexico City. The'burning mine beé- longs to the Guggenhelms. Settembre AFRAID OF SMALLPOX. Precautions Will Be Taken fo Guard Training Camps. A despatch from Olfawa says: A militia order issued on Saturday states that owing to the presence of smallpox in certain parts of the Dominion none rut individuals who are considered to ba protected will be allowed to go into camp. This applies 'especially fo the foll counties in Onfarlo : Essex, Huron, Middlesex, Oxford, Bruce, and

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