in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ju ly 16 ,2 02 0 | 14 With visits to seniors' homes restricted in attempts to keep COVID-19 out, Oakville teen Luci Oakes decided to help the residents of one assisted living community feel a little less iso- lated. "Seniors might be lonely, but the truth is that they aren't alone; many people are think- ing about them," she said. Instead of presents for her 13th birthday, Oakes requested the help of her friends to make five cards each, to be distribut-five cards each, to be distribut-f ed to the residents and staff at Sunrise of Burlington. In the end, she surpassed her goal of 70 cards with 102 messages of joy and positivity recently de- livered to Sunrise. "...I'm really glad that we did it together. I expected the ma- jority of my friends to want to participate, but I certainly didn't expect our goal to be sur- passed. I'd like to give a shout out to all of my friends who took the time to make these beauti- ful cards too. I am lucky to haveful cards too. I am lucky to havef such generous and giving friends." friends." f Her project was important to her because helping others and spreading kindness is conta- gious, she said. Her family sup- ports various community orga- nizations, "but I unfortunately never really got around to cre- ating something myself. I'm hoping it made the seniors feel good and not alone." Oakes actually does know a little about giving back. She un- derwent heart surgery at the age of three at SickKids and for the past nine years, she has been a SickKids ambassador "telling my story to the public in order to raise money for the hospital." She did receive some gifts for her birthday, but it turns out, said Oakes, that "helping peo- ple on my birthday felt better than a party. You know that feeling when you did somethingfeeling when you did somethingf nice or selfless? That's what I feel."feel."f NEWS TEEN BRINGS A LITTLE JOY TO ISOLATED SENIORS KATHY YANCHUS Luci Oakes had an idea to celebrate her 13th birthday and it blossomed into a wonderful surprise for residents of Sunrise Burlington. Randi Oakes photo " I am lucky to have such generous and giving friends." - Luci Oakes Nobody looks after you like lexus of oakville Nobody looks after you like Lexus of Oakville! AC Deodorizer Service $123 + HST ( Reg) • NOW ONLY $99 + HST • Savings of $24 Offer expires July 31, 2020, Check with your dealer for details. 1453 NOrth serviCe rOad, West akviLLe, ON L6M 2W2 905.847.8400 • 1453 NOrth serviCe rOad, West1453 N1453 NOrth serviCe rOad, West1453 N OakviLLe, ON L6M 2W2akviakviLLe, ON L6M 2W2akvi 905.847.8400 • We are always open at visit us online and view virtual tours without even stepping inside a home! We have new listings coming daily, virtual tours, neighbourhood information and more. Always open... always online VIEW OUR VIRTUAL TOURS