WB COMMUNITY FLAVOURFUL FUNDRAISER ALL BRALL inconvenience lL AE innovation If your business has flyers delivered in the mail, you don't have to think of the postal strike as an inconvenience. Think of it as your opportunity to discover a better way of doing business! Milton Canadian Champion When you book your flyers with us 0] & RAL EL GTI CR GR TS precise geographic and demog latest technologies and quality assurance processcs : Tiger Jeet Singh School photo Tiger Jeet Singh School Grade 6 Student Council members (front row, from left) Jude Al-Khazraji, Barina Khan, Grace Hong, Abeeha Zehra, Chloee Germaine, Ayday Shaakerimova, (back row, from left) Sabeeh Hassan, Mayurika Chatterjee and Riley Smith show. the treats they served up to teachers on October 30. Donations raised through the cupcakes and coffee, totaling $190, will go toward Chapters gift cards for Halton Women's Place. The Grade 6 Student Council includes 30 members. door to door delivery access to various multimedia (in-paper and digital) optic } | LJ B® easier distribution process for you | |} | | cost efficiency starting as low as $56 1000 FOR INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS... CONTACT US TODAY 289-293-0620 | vdillane@starmetrolandmedia.com STARMETROLAND February 1-3, 2019 TTT Enercare Centre thestar.com 7 Custom solutions from our expert marketing team to. maximize. vour ROL Rireh bichiv toraete K1mize youy I. Keach highly targeted ; youd : ; al) engage 1 ouples and wedding Pl inners | [ | nationalbridalshow con @MNationalBrida SHOW BOOK! Don't males out Secure your spot today TODAY! 75% sop on CANADIAN IMMIGRANT : « FREE PROFESSIONAL PHOTO ng FOR YOUR Linkedin PROFILE E J A IAT PLATINUM (RUAGIEORE £ IRIN CHA TR OE SCRE) 3 www.canadianimmigrant.ca/careerfair ; HE 3 ie sponsors KER colege (I) oc 0 £