-- 8 : NEWS Milton Chamber of Commerce bringing tsconcerns to provincial election candidates ™ oN 17. Milton Canadian Champion | Thursday, May 21 Vote Prosperity message to be pushed during campaign The Milton Chamber of Com- merce is joining with the Onta- rio Chamber to help bring its recommendations to political leaders and local candidates this election. * Qver the course of the cam- paign, local chambers and boards of trade will be boldly pushing the Vote Prosperity message through debates, campaign period local. cham- . Build Healthy Communi- events and stakeholder meet- Dbersand boards of trades willbe ties: Building strong communi- ings. * hosting all candidates debafes ties through adequate and af- "The Milton Chamber of Commerce and local chambers and boards of trade across the province have been advocating tirelessly with local candidates and elected officials, highlight- ing business priorities for this election," said Scott McCam- mon, President & CEO - Milton Chamber of Commerce. "During this election campaign, we will continue those efforts, talling on our local candidates political party leaders to adopt our eco- nomic plan that will help strengthen businesses competi- tiveness, foster job creation, build healthy communities and improve government' account- ability." Since October, the OCC and The Milton Chamber of Com- merce have been meeting with local candidates, elected offi- icials at.Queen's Park.and senior public policy leaders, to advo- cate for the recommendations for a strong Ontario outlined in Vote Prosperity. As leaders in their communities, during the and events, with a focus on the Vote Prosperity message. The OCC and Milton Cham- ber have also warned that Onta- rio's next government must be committed to taking bold action Ain providing pro- -growth policy solutions. "Ontario has the foundation for sustainable and equitable growth. But, bold action and leadership will be required of - the newly elected Government of Ontario, whetheit is Liberal, PC or NDP," addedRocto Rossi, President and CEO at the Onta- rio Chamber of Conmerce. Vote Prosperity is based on four pillars for Onfario: . Strengthen business com- petitiveness: Rising input costs, ~ especjally those costs deriving from government regulation and policy, are the most com- mop and acute concern of the buéfiness community in Ontario. Foster Job Creation: A ro- bust labourimarket consisting of ~ good jobs is essential to prosper- ity for all Ontarians. fordhble housing, sustainable. health care, and good infra- . structure also supports busi- ness prosperity and growth, which supports those communi- ties. ; . Improve Government Ac- countability: Poor implementa- tion of government initiatives can result in resource waste, po- litical frustration and disrup- tion for ordinary citizens, as Champion file' photo Milton Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Scott McCammon demonstrated by a series of pol- icy failures under governments -of all political stripes. The platform provides eigh- teen unique recommendations that will help bolster Ontario's ~long-term economig 'future, Ep --------L a B 6KG CHLORINE PUCKS* Annual Pool Accessory Sale! while also addressing the press- ing issues the province current- ly faces. 'The full list of recommenda- 'tions in Vote Prosperity can be found at http://www.occ.ca/ ea. VARIABLE SPEED PUMPS : FROM $500** After Rebates Coupon expires May 21,2018 ! A: $3 4% expires . 1 May 2} 2018 y 1 1 i 1 expires : oe om - BLANKETS = i uQuiD Bl Sy R= SPX 24 $59.99 xi i CHLORINE Ai | OPENING KIT* x ; 14 X 28 $79.99 Comer + + REFILLS BY oud A $ 4599 be 16 X 32 $99.99 ik AQ cnr op ey 5 : |__.._ MANY MORE SIZES AVAILABLE _wsyzizosi | 'FF rrrersirse wyiizve | | CpmupimMyos Nw AUTOMATIC POOL 20KG POOL SALT* GAS HEATERS* Ai | $799 Se] CLEANER* Can $9 ,000 BTU Si : expires expires Limit 4 bags/household expires : May 21.2018" 1 699 May 21,2018 May 21,2018 ee Cd FLOOR MODEL CLEARANCE * 6 PERSON HOT TUBS . Coupon expires May 21,2018 Eo CELLS* 9 tll uissY. Py 504 Iroquois Shore Road, Unit 1, Oakville, ON. L6H3K4 905. 815. 5252 www.leisureindustries.ca "limited Time Offer, no Dealers Please, Quantitites Limited. Restrictions poly check i in-store for details. Not applicable on prior sales." One per household unless otherwise stated.Product may not be exactly as pictured™* After rebate where apa insidehalton.com > / . Lp : a p--