Milton Canadian Champion Legalization of marijuana will keep police ~ on alert for impaired driyers : ro No pot luck if ( i Ni ri VIN wh ile h oh TIM WHITNELL Halton Regional Police is reminding motorists that impaired driving 1s im- paired driving, your ability to operate a ve- hicle is compromised by al cohol or marijuana - or some other drug. Halton police says there has been "significant me- dia attention" concerning the legalization and regu- lation of recreational mari- juana in Canada with fed- eral legislation (Bill C-45) possibly in place by the end OAKVILLE &§ MILTON HUMANE SOCIETY ¢ CARE » EDUCATE Register to walk, and raise money = for animals in need. . whether of this summer. "Ourcommunity has ex- pressed concerns about how this legislation will impact the incidenee and enforcement of drug-im- pdired driving in Halton Region," said Halton police Sgt. Ryan Snow, Traffic Ser¥ices. "We know this is an 1s- sue. It's becoming more commonplace for motorist to mix drugs and alcohol, which leads to unpredict- able consequences of im- paired driving," he added. "This is why we contin- ue to train officers in spe- cialized areas regarding drug recognition. We are in a. position. to accurately identify symptoms related to drug-impaired driving, even when in conjunction with alcohol." Halton police notes im- The Milton Mutt Strutt | Walkies? PRESENTED BY: BD) by a drug. head of paired driving is impaired driving, whether the im- pairment 1s by alcohol or The Criminal Code of Canada does not differentiate between alco- hol-impaired . driving of- fences and drug-impaired driving offences. "Driving while intpaired by any drug 18 a criminal offence, and has been since 1925. In fact, over time, the Criminal Code has evolved in such a manner as to en- hance the ability of law en- forcement to detect dr ug impairment," said 'Snow. - Impairment by alcohol or by drugs affects inford . mation-processing, hand- eye co-ordination, judg- ment, concentration, com- prehension, visual acuity and reaction time, says Halton police. "These effects are readi- Metroland file photo Driving while impaired by any'drug is a criminal offence, police remind motorists. ly recognizable and cannot be concealed by a motorist. If suspected impaired driv- ing 1s, witnessed, a traffic stop will be initiated by Halton police officers," said Snow. If adriver is suspected of being impaired by a drug, specially-trained officers will conduct a roadside Standardized Field Sobri- BUILT-IN VACUUMS GREAT VALUE! SAVE *140 BEAM Classic Central Vacuum System Package $479 ety Test (SFST). The SFST is-a physical co-ordination test used to determine if there are probable grounds to conduct further testing. If there are probable grounds to conduct further testing, an additional 12- step evaluation will be con- ducted by an accredited Drug Recognition Expert (DRE). * Model # 000318 * 500 Air Watts of Power [f the DRE officer has reasonable grounds to be lieve that a suspect is im paired by drugs, they can demand a blood, urine or saliva sample. Based on the results of the DRE evalua tion, eriminal charges re lated to drug-impaired driving may be laid under the Criminal Code. "The impending legal ization of marijuana will . not have an effect on how Halton police enforges drug-impaired driving. Our service will continue to use the SFST and the DRE evaluation to apply the Criminal Code," Snow said. Current penalties for drug-impaired = * driving range from a $1,000 fine on a first offence to 120 days in prison on a third or subse- ® See IMPAIRED, page 21 SN WIRE LTA La] TT rE AT lad SREY Complete with BEAM Electrical Bare Floor Cleaning Kit - Model #060268 * Self-Cleaning Filter Reg. M.S.R.P. $619.99 * Great Compact Unit BEAM ALLIANCE CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS - A BEAM EXCLUSIVE! \ BEAM Alliance Central 1 $4 4 System Package $1299° Complete with BEAM Alliance Air Package * Model 700TCNO1 ' * 700 Air Watts of Power * Self Cleaning Gore-TEX™ * HEPA filtration * Advanced Smart Screen : * 15 year Motor and Electronics Warranty ALSO AVAILABLE with Reg. M.S.R.P. $1529.99 BEAM Alliance Electric Peds PLUS TAKE 1 oa HST RT 0 INSTALLATION VISIT YOUR LOCAL BEAM EXPERT FOR DETAILS! 550 Ontario St. South, Unit 8, Milton, ON Located in the Rad Brothers Plaza FOLLOW waslatlo Ofer Seta 905. 864. 3050 Tange WIhout Notice. mages May Not De {actly As 3 Garage Door Openers * Rh Doors * Electrolux Portables we