Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Dec 1924, p. 13

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«7 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1921 Sy si GRAND OPERA HOUSE " THURS. FRI., DEC, 25-26 Christmas Day Matinee 2.80 Evening at 8.15 OH! LOOK WHO'S COMING BACK AGAIN 4 = JA ALL NEW THIS TIME PRICES: Evenings .. $1.00, 75c., 50c., 25c. Matinee, Adults 50c. Children 25c. Seats now on sale. NOW SHOWING To CHRISTMAS 'DAY, FRL; BAT. "Gerald Cranston's Lady" By Gilbert Frankau. "Ba bbitt" WILLARD LOUIS Ledye, Xe 10, Independent Feliawe. D will be conferred. Wh Dong 3 Hoo: JoStary TAXI SERVICE nn 4 . To all parts of the city [| clouds when AT THE h 5 If laughter is the sunshine of the | soul, as an immortal poet onge put it, then the next attraction at the Grand Opera House, two days and one matinee, commencing Thursday, Dec. 25th should be in line for com- plete endorsement. The offering will mark the first appearance here in the flesh of Mutt and Jeff, Bud Fisher's famous cartoon creations. The "long and short of it,' as they are fawmiligyly and popularly known, will disport themselves in a brand new musical comedy in two acts and five scenes provided by John P. Mal- grew and Leo Edwards. The plot revolves around little Jeff's idea of what constitutes harmonious exist- ence. Being a bachelor he conténds that matrimany is all bunk, pure and simple, and sets about to prove it. The popular Bud Fisher comics fre to appear in the flesh, abetted, aided and endorsed by a group of bewitching and fascinating young women, a corp of capable comead- fans, singers, dancers and vaude- ville headliners, John P. Mulgrew is the author of the book, with Leo Edwards responsible for the melo- +dies. The contribution will. intro- duce the universally popular car- toon heroes in new escapades, ad- ventures and frolics. "WINE OF YOUTH" BEST OF THE JAZZY SERIES "The best of the modern jasz pic- tures yet. That was the verdict of the audience of the Capitol Theatre last night at the first showing of "Wine of Youth," King Vidor's pro- duction of Rachel Crothers' very popular story, which was known in its stage version as "Mary the Third." Directed with a whimsical touch of humor and played by an ideal cast, "Wine of Youth" provides an evening of fast and furious enter- tainment that certainly ought to satisfy the most captious spectator. The cast includes Eleanor Board- mag; Pauline Garon, Ben Lyon, Wil- gm Haines, William Collier, Jr., nt many others. Carey Wilson 'made the adaptation. | "GERALD ORANSTON'S LADY" OFFERS A PROBLEM Wealth plus social position divid- ed by love equals what? , In "Gerald Cranston's Lady," from Gllbert Frankau's novel of the same name, the aboVvé Sum ig ans- wered with mathematical exactness. If you would learn the answer don't miss your chance to see the film at the Capitol Theatre, where it opens Christmas Day. James Kirkwood and Alma Rubens head the cast. SINCLAIR LEWIS GREAT NOVEL ON SCHREEN A superb picturization of the sen- sational novel, "Babbitt," by Sin- clair Lewis, which ' enjoyed great pépularity im bodk form, will be fshown at the Strand Theatre for the last time to-day with Willard Louis in the stellar role of '"'Bab- bitt," the greatest character In modern fiction brought te vivid life cn the sereen. "Last mihute shoppers," see Gib- son's. It is reported that of 1,630 minis- ters on the constituent roll of 77 Presbyteries, 1,307 will enter the United Church of Canada. There are 126 Presbyterian ministers yet undecided. » "Yardley Kingston Agent," Gib- son's, Meéting an old sweetheart does 'not always give a man a thrill, fds more apt to remind him AM a fool he was to. have wasted much money on her. * You select the plant, we keep it tll Christmas. Lawwou's . Green- houses, 66 Centre. Alr mall pilot falls to death from parachute falls at Chicago. . West Bromwich Alblong cling to leaderstilp of First Division "by an eyelash." "Last minute shoppers," gee Gib- son's. : &% California Pete. ... ... «.. Crucible Steel "Spanish River, com. STOCK 'MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 86 Princ se street, members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock BEx- changes). New York. Dec. 23rd, 1.30 p.m. a 100 .. 164% 130% 14 22% 161% 355% 40% 25% 2% 57 561% 24 17% 44 116 36% 31 118% 70 61% 62% 62% 5% 102 M% 61 45 4254 1485; 117% 44% Amer. Loco. Amer. Can. Baldwin LoCo. ees os. B. & O. ese see ese. tee wee eee esse see sae Bes see se C.PR. ... Chandler Motors .. Corn Products. . Cosden Oil ... ems ses ees gar, Pd... Cuban Cane Sugar, General Asphalt ... Inter. Nickel ... Kelly Springfield .... Marine, pfd. Mack Motors Mardapd Ofl ... New Haven ... ... N.Y.C. Northern Pacific ... ... Pacific Oil ... Pan. Amer. Pete. ... Pan. Amer. Pete. "B" Pierce Petroleum ... Sou. Pac. Sou. Ry. . Standard Oil of Studebaker Texas Oil ... Union Pacific US. Steel Rock Island vee ee see see sass eee see sae see see sees cee een ceV Calif. ... Montreal. ' Dec. 23rd, 1.30 p.m. Abitibi Power ... . 61 Asbestos . 35 Bell Telephone ... 38% Brazilian ... 64 Brompton ... ... ... .... 31% British Empire Steel, com. .. 2 Britishh Empire Steel, 1st pfd. 26 Can. Converters 81 Can. Cement, com. 90 Can. Cement, pfd. 07% Can. Steamers, com. '... 12 Can. Steamers, pfd. \,. 47 Cuban Can. Sugar, Pid 35 Detroit United ... ... 25% Dom. Bridge . . 82 Dom. Textile ... ... « .. 6B Hollinger ... eee oo. 14.80 Laurentide ... 81 Mackay ... 112% Montreal] Power ... 16515 National Breweries, com. ... 61 National Breweries, pfd. ... 104 Ogilvie ... . 370 Ottawa Power 943 Ont. Steel Products .. 40 Penmans 150 Price Bros. ... 363% Quebec Power ... Lo 91% . 102 112% 41% 131 88% 58 58 36 evs ese 1 esl Spanish River, pfd. ... Shawinigan ... Steel of Canada .. Twin City ... .. |i OBITUARY | Late Miss Margaret Walsh. The funeral of the late Margaret Mary Walsh, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, aged fif- teen years, took place on Monday morning, from the family resi- dence, 86 Ontario street, to St. Mary's cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass was delebrated for the happy repose of her soul. Mase was colebrated by Rev. Father James. Deceased was possessed of a lov- able disposition, a devoted studeémt of Notre Dame convent, and her death caused much sorrow among her wide circle of friends. Miss 1. Ronan conducted the funeral. De- ceased is survived by her sisters, Eileen and Josephine at home; Mrs. William Christian, city, and Mrs. A. Mayo of Montreal. The pall- bearers were James Wilson, Wil- llami Christian, James Campbell, Joseph Campbell, James Kineaid, Reginald Saunders. The floral of- ferings included the following: Wreathe--Staft of , Anderson Bros., Ltd.; James Kincaid, Mr, and Mrs. W. Christian and family, . Sprays--Mr. and Mre. ohn Dunn, Josephine, Efléen and mo- ther, Miss 1 Gildersleeve, Mr. J. P. Gllderslesve, Mr. and Mrs. Jewitt and family. f Spiritual offer: ames Kin- caid, Miss Mary Ryan, Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Campbell, Mr. and Mre. P, Alken, Mr. and Mrs. W. CO. McDon- ald, Sisters of Notre" Dame Con- vent, Joseph Campbell, Mr. N. E. 0". Connor, Miss VanHoosler, Mrs. John Duan. Wayagamack ... | i g | ¥ : 53 £ i i Eh i P §¥ 7 ! 5 2 i =2358 inti if Ii: TH g : i ¥ FH : #ast? git E i : Hi of Hi 5 i | 1 E i f : i: : fort ; HAD ONLY STATEMENT OF GENERAL MANAGER Against Foreign Meat--British Liberal Newspapers Have Taken Up Arms. Toronto, Dec. 23.--R. P. Gough, vice-president and director of "the Home Bank, now on trial on the charge of making false statemefits|- concerning the bank's finanelal con- d'tion, continued hig evidence this morning in his own defence. Exam- ined by D. L. McCarthy, crown pro- secutor, Mr. Gough Said the annual report. presented to the shareholders at the annual meeting. of the bank in May, 1917, had not previously been submitted to the directors. At various times he had been assured by the general manager that inspee- tions of the head office and the To- ronto branch had been made. He was, therefore, surprised to learn recently that the Toronto branch had not been inspectéd in years. He declared that all the directors had before them when declaring a divi- dend was the, cut amd dried state- ment from the general manager. THREE DEATHS IN FAMILY, During Past Thirteen Months--Late Dr. J. B. Rattan. The death of Dr. J. B. Ruttan, which oecurred at Wellington on Saturday last, makes three deaths in the Ruttan family during the past thirteen months. The late Henry Ruttan, who for years was with the James Richardson firm in King- ston, first passed to rest; then his sister, Mrs. Hunter, mother of Miss Emma Hunter, secretary of the Kingston General Hospital, and now Dr. Ruttan. The late Dr. Ruttan was eighty- three years of age. He graduated from Queen's medical college when he wal twenty-one years of age and was in the same year as the late Dt. Oliver, Dr. Irwin, Dr. Thomas Fen- wick and Dr. Tracey, Aftér his graduation he served in the Am- erican army but later returned to Wellington = where he practised medicine for over forty years. He is survived by two daughters, Mre. Lula King of Wellington, who lived with him for some years, and Mrs. (Rev.) Empringham of New York; one brother Walter Ruttan who lives on the old homestead in Pittsburgh, and 'two sisters, Mrs. Daniel McLean, 572 Princess street Kingston, and Mrs. Joseph Steven- son, Wellington. , The funeral took place on Tues- day afternoon at Wellington. Wal- ter Ruttan of Pittsburg went up to Wellington for the purpose of at- tending of obsequies. Mrs. Daniel McLean was unable to accompany her brother to Wellington on ac- count of illness in her son's family. FINGER NIPPED BY SAW, An Accident Befell Britton Wood at Arden. Arden, Dec. 21.--Britton Wood had the misfortune to have his fore finger on his right hand cut off at the first joint by the wopd saw, on Wednesday last. He was rushed to Dr. O'Gonnor's office, at Tamworth. It had to be taken off at the third joint. Last reports say he was do- ing fine. / Mr. and Mrs. H. Hannah, Cross Lake, spent Saturday at Mrs. Ed- ward Hayes', Mr. aiid Mrs. Edward Barker had a sale of household fur- niture on Monday, and have gone to Watertown, N.Y. to live. Fred Kellar, Long Lake, visiting at Frank Loyst"s for the week-end, ' Mrs. William Steele and Mrs. George Nugent spent the week-end in® Kingston at Mrs. Annie Duffy's. A number from here attended the funeral at Mountain Grove, on Sun- day, of William Barr, - Mr. and Mrs. D. Lott, Tamworth, and Mr. ahd Mrs. Charles Walker, Toronto, spent Thursday 'at Mrs. John Steele's. Thomas Loyst and Harry Hayes spent Sunday at Oso. J. E. Barker and son will soon have their new Dulling saihid-and have their saw and planing mil put in. It has been greatly needed. "Open Christmas' day," Gibson's. Mrs, BE. BE. Warren, Lansdowne, died in Brookville on Saturday, aged seventy-two years. She was a 4d ter of the late Wellington and a Methodist in religion. 3 "Christmas Huylers," Gibson's. To clean pewter, use only the fin- est of abrasives In 'order to avold scratching. ' ter, A | some of the dispositions. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG > | LIFE' SOCIAL SIDE. (Continued from Page 8.) Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sherk, Wast Lorne, formerly of Kingston, "will celebrate their fiftieth wedding an- niversary on Wednesday. They are parents of Mrs. E. J. McBride, Lind- say, Ont, and Mrs. Hugh C. MeKil- lop, West Lorne, both popular while living in Kingston, * * . Mr. Leonard Cochrane, Cleve- land, 'O., is spending the holidays with his brother, Mr, Leo Cochrane, William street, Mr. Edmund Macdonald, of the staff of Western University, is here to spend Christmas at his home on Pembroke street. Principal R. Bruce Taylor is ex- pected home from Boston on Christ- mas Day. Oh Monday and Tuesd&y he preached at King's Chape!, Bos- ton, and last Sunday at Harvard. - . . ' Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin, and their daughter, Grace, "The Prince Albert," Ottawa, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Weir, University dvenue. Mr. and Mrs. F: A. Pybus, Napa- nee, are the guests of their parents, Division street, for Christmas. Miss Julia Pybus, Belleville, with her parents, Division for Christmas. Miss May Perry, R.N., New York, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Perry, Union street. is street, Frof. and Mrs. BE. L. Bruce, Bagot street, hag left for Toronto. treal, and Dr. and Mrs. Haxlett and their little son, Creemore, Ont., will be with Mrs. J. M. Fair, Aberdeen ayvénue, for Christmas. Miss Lorna and Miss Doyothy Hor- wool, Bishop's Strachan School, To- fonto, are with Prof. and Mes. B. L. Bruce, Bagot street, for the holi- days. Warner Watts. A pretty Christmas house wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Watts, Frontenac street, at ten o'clock on Tuesday morning, when thelr daughter, Myrtle Roberta, was married to George K. Warner, B.8c., St. Joseph d'Alma, Que. Rev. J. A. Waddell, Winchester, assisted by Rev. Dr. R. H. Bell, performed the ceremony. The house was gay with Christmas decorations, and the bride, who entered the room on the arm of her father as Miss Pear! Nes- bitt played the wedding march, was] frocked in white georgette over pink with a girdle of French flowers and carried ophelia roses and lily-of-the- valley, The bridal couple stood un- der an arch of evergreen from which hung a white bell. During the sign- ing of the register, Miss Nesbitt sang. Roses decked the wedding cake and the bride's table. The gift of the groom to the bride was a diamond bar pin, and to Miss Nesbitt he gave a gold and pear! pin. Mr. and Mrs. Warner left for Toronto, the latter wearing a smart black French frock with touches of chiffon velvet and tur, a cloak with gréy far and a hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Warner will make their home at St. Joseph d'Alma, Que., where the former is with the Price Conipang. The dut-oftown guests were Miss Macnenee, New York, and Mrs. J. R. | Dyer, Toronto. A -------------- MR. FERGUSON. TO TRA He Has Left His Business In Ottawa, Elgin, Dec, 22.--The school closed on Friday Christmas hoMddys. The beautiful Christmas tree, in the principals room, held gifts for thé pupils, who pleased and delighted the assembled guests with a programme 0f real worth. . A. J. O'Brien, M.E., has returned to spend the winter at his home here. Mr. Chapman, Watertown, N. Y., has béen engaged as assistant in the Ferguson bakery, owing .to the retirement of Mr. Fergtison, Sr., who has accepted a position as tra- veller for an Ottawa firm. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson will leave in Janu- ary to take up their .residence in wa, WEDDINGS. to, Live village for the x 8. Haskins, mail carrier, R. R. Ni 3, has moved from Phillipsville 8. Topping's farm. The funeral of the late Willlam Thompson, who died at his home, near Phillipsville, was held in the Methodist church this afternoon, Rev. Mr. Sanderson officiating. Gus Coon has returned from Montreal to spend Christmas under the pafemtal roof. Doctors claim to improved people's health by ing out the tonsils, adenoids and appendix and pulling out all the teeth, but they are not going to improve the world much unt!l they learn to amputate "Christmas Tollet Gifts," Gib- son's. fod 2 on : ' In Kemptville the desth occurred of, John Johnston, ¢ ~ a AMA A Very AA A C lives added vigor; lands. Days when the year. We plunge back Dr. Alcock, Ottawa, who was with Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Fair, Mou- | {Cla td elected the following. of: wisdom and never let your heart. holy. Carry it through well, my friend." | \ I Se RR iin | SPORT -- Ey -- Boston Trailing. St. Pat's defeated Boston 10 to 1 in the National Hockey League fixture on Monday evening. Carroll starred for Boston. Regiopolis Made Irish Step Lively to Conquer Regiopolis Club proved their right to contest the senior city league title last night when they turned out for their second game and made the fast-travelling Irishmen step lively | to win § to 4. Before the Green 8hirts had found their ice legs the Garnet and Gold youngsters had slipped two counters past Willough- by, the new goalie, who appeared with the Harps for the first time. Regiopolis appeared with a strengthened team. "Jock™ Mtllan turned up'at left wing and made a good job of holding his brother, 'Terry' in check whenever he was on the ice. Lawless, he defence, featured with his loping rushes and in goal Taugker beat the Green forwards time d again. notched several of od. men--Goal, Willoughby; de- centre, ; wings, Terry Millan and Joyce; subs., Daryau. ' egiopolis Club---Goal, Taugher; defence, Fannon and Lawless; cen- tre, Muchmore; wings, Lovatt, Mil- lan; subs., Prout, M. McOrath. Referee--A. Casterson. . In the second game the speedy Live Wires defeated R.C.A. 9 to 1. The soldiers were game but sadly lacking in players, both Lieut. Col. Constantine and Lieut. Panet be- ing absent. LeSage made: some pretty stops in gbal for the Artillery- men but could mot hold back the avalanche of pucks rained on him by Gibson, Joe Smith and Lawior. R.C.A--Goal, LeSage; defence, R. Pugh and Myke; centre, Worm- ington; wings, M. Pugh, Douglas. Live Wires--Goal, Brookes; de- fence, Watts, Bullock; wings, i og Gibson; centre, Lawlor; 8 Collins. Referee--Roy Reynolds. The Circle-Six Hockey Club will hold a general practice for both O.H. A. and City League teams on Wed- nesday evening from 9 o'clock until 10.30 at the Jock Harty Arena, All candidates for positions sre given a Cherish its spirit and keep it ever close Practice it, scatter it, Make it of your life a part. Keep it a ritual one Great Recorder can To All Our Friends Happy Christmas HRISTMAS has come to our doorstep, having been absent a year, giving our chasing all thoughts that are dear. 'Gently taking our labor, our troubles and toils from our hands. ing us out of the sordid and into the happier Lead- holiday spirit enters and gives us a thrill, lighting our lives with happiness, giving our friends'our good will. Christmgs is just a reminder, telling us which is the best way of conducting our living, but few of us stand {fo the test. Seems like we al- ways forget what Ghristmas teaches us each to what we were do- ing and forget that it ever was near. "Our lives are just what we make them," 80 says an axiom bold. Let us abide by its Christmas grow old. to give Tt. to the end so that the say: "You have done CRAWFORD - poe THE HOME OF GOOD COAL | W. Hammond, W. Fowler and G. Pap- | pas. SOME LIKELY CHANGES In Rules of Intercollegiate Football For 1025. Although little of a definite na- ture has been done, the. Intercolle- glate Rules Commission, at its meets ing on Saturday, brought up many suggestions 'which will be dealt with in January. The forward pass in "a modified form" was consider- ed and referred to a special commit- tee to report back. Five-yard inter- ference across the field was shelved - as putting a premium on line plays. Penalties were also discussed and the team, instead of the man, will likely, be penalized for holding in 1925, a change which would be wel- comed. Billy Foulds was elected chairman and representative on the C.R.U. executive and Prof. Malcolm, * of Queen's, secretary and represen tative on the C.R.U. rules commis sion. HEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs Gathered by Re= porters--What the Merch- ants Are Offering. Bananas at Carnoveky's. Bankrupt stock sale, The Club, three doors below Grand Opéra House. : Clyde Jackson has returned to his home in Cape Vincent, N.Y. after a successful operation. Mr. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received st 100 Clergy street west, 'phone G6dw. . Good Red Rogers Grapes for the dinner table, 60c basket, at Carnov« sky's. "You would not like to forget anyone." But if you 'have done so, go to Gibson's on Christmas Day. 0 LAKE FROZEN OVER. And the Teamsters are Able Travel on Ice. Lee Valley, Dec. 18.:--The Christ. mas concert, on Wednesday evening, was a fine success, 'Dawson Spear. ance has left to visif his friend, James Kennedy, of the' North Shore, Mr. Hill, "teacher, leaves on Friday evening for his home in Owen Sound. Fred Ropt is working for M.. Cloughley. Harold Hunt is having a shooting match for turkeys in Espanola, Sat. urday. Teamsters are haulidg om Maple Lake as it is frozen over this year. to * Just call to be on hand. v LL ---------- : Tarkey Winners, High individual seore for ome string wins a turkey esch day at the College Inn Bowling Aci . The winners so far have LC. Rept nolds, who won Saturday, and Clar- efice Gibson, who captured the Mon- day turkey 'with a score of 362 for one fivepin string, which included jeight etrikes. Duging the rolling for the turkey Gibpon bowled four strings well over two hundred and took it in a walk. »- Irish Officers. The Young Irishmen's Hockey Fv iy cers: Honorary presidents, J. ¥. Sowards, Mayor Angrove, William Harty, Jr., T. H. Sargent; president, HERR ANGERSTEIN TE Io alleged that be. ons, including his wit Ww, with ah axe, set fn the

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