THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1924. Begin Re N MARRIED. UTCHINGS -- BERRIGAN -- At £ H LS Chapel, May 14th, 1924, the Re Father Hyland, J of Kingston. DIED. -- HARE--At Estevan, Sask: on May 15th 1924, AnnaShaw, Wildam Hare and late Felix Shaw. : Interment at Cataraqul Cemetery Monday. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Phone '147 for' Ambulance sister of AAA AAPA NENA ENTE NN SNe ROBERT J. REID : The Leading Undertaker Phone 577. M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME 40 COLBORNE STREE AMBULANCE PHONE 1839 JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Parlcrs, 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 599 I. RONAN Undertaker and Embalmer Plione 356w. -- H. J. KNIGHT UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER FARLORS---.Syde Yarker and i 3 ] WOMAN'S INSTITUTE. | Ne, 1 Sms Seeley's Bay. The regular meeting of the Wo- | man's Institute of Seeley's Bay was May Mrs. afternoon, Hall, held on Tuesday 6th, in the Masonic Young presiding. The meeting was | opened by singing "The Maple Leaf." The roll was called, to which a large number of members responded. As the lady speaker is expected here the 17th of June, the members decided to have her give a talk on "Wo- man's Responsibility in Home, Fam- fly and Community." Thirty-four members of the Elgin Institute be- ing present, the rest of the time " was given over to Mrs. Smith the president. = A very interesting pro- programme was rendered. liday gave a paper on "Spring," fol- lowed by a solo, "In the Harbor of Home, Sweet Home," given by Mrs. Mustard. A paper was read by Mrs. Ripley, "There is no Union Day for Women." Miss Nickson then ghve a solo. a reading on "Co-operation in the School and Community," should be a help to all. Mrs. Mus- tard then favored with another song. A canvass was made for members for the coming year. While this was being done, Miss Nickson sang again and there also was some com- munity singing. The meeting was + brought to a close by singing the Institute Ode. A pleasant half hour was spent after which the members served refreshments to the visitors and a large number of the Institute, Elgin, 3 The monthly meeting of the EI- gin branch of the Woman's Institute was held in the town hall on Thurs- day afternoon, May 1st, with an at- tendance of thirty-three, After the usual routine of business was over, the secretary, Miss E. A. Halladay, gave her report of the year. Then the election of officers took place as follows: President, Mrs. C. F. Smith; first vice-president, Mrs. J. A. Ken- ney; 'second vice-president, Mrs. 'B. Kelsey; secretary-treasurer, Miss E. A. Halladay;. , assistant secretary- treasurer and scribe, Mrs. H. H. Rip- ley; district director, Mrs. N. A. Brown; board of directors, Miss S. Dunn, Mrs. C. C, Stevens, Mrs. Rob- ert Taylor, Mrs. E. Burt. The In- stitute carol was sung. The roll was called and answered by "Thoughts on Mother." Several splendid papers on "Mother" were read by different members. Miss Nixon sang a solo in a very pleasing manner. The secretary took the names of those who wished to join the Institute for .the coming year and collected the fees. The meet- ing closed with the singing of the National Anthem. THE KINGSTON PRESBYTERIAL W.M.S. AT TRENTON The ' tenth" annual meeting of Kingston Presbyterial W.M.S, open- ed in St. Andrew's church, Trenton, on Wednesday evening, Rev. Mr, Cranston presiding. The scripture reading and prayer was conducted by Mrs. H. R. Duff, Kingston, Mrs. E. J. Wilson, Trenton, gave the ad- dress of welcome replied to by Mrs. A. M. Morrice, Belleville. Greetings from the presbytery were read by Mr. Cranston, Much interest was taken in "The Story of India in Song," recited and sung by Prof. and Mrs. McFadyen and the Misses McFayden, Kingston, who spent many years in India, The Kingston Methodist District Financial Meeting The annual financidl meeting of the Kingston Methodist district open- ed in Queen Street Methodist Sunday School hall on Thursday morning at ten o'clock. The opening for the ministers of the di the main session will com 2.30 o'clock. At this meetid preathers in charge of the different circuits make their financial report for the year. Delegates to the an- nual meeting of the Montreal Confer ence, which is to be held in Ganan- oque the first week in June, will be chosen. . A large charity is the growth of years, the last result of meay trizls. st. by Francis | Berrigan to Alfred Hutchings, both] relict of the late | the | on | 230 Princess Street 238-240 Dagot Street Calls Night and Day Promptly Attended A A A A AAA A Miss Hal- | Miss E. Halliday gave | which The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular. | ized according to Al! ads. are restricted to thelr proper classification," and to the regular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive { insertions: | Minlmnum charge, 25 cents. | Daily rateg per lin Charge Cash} ve wee 3 4 6 inse charged, Births, Engagements, Marriages, $1.50; cash, $1.00. es tents Card of Thanks and Me Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, § each insertion Advertsing ordered for {irregular insertions takes the one-time 'nser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words line. Charged ads. will be recelved by telephone and if paid at The Erit- ish Whig Ontice within 6 days from the first day of 'nsertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space the same as a line of type Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publisherg reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. Announcemen b . i 1.00 the to Personals SKIN Hair, Moles, | | Warts, Skin Cancers, | | Scars, Pits, etc., removed permanent-| ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and] | furnished after others have failed.| Goitre cured without operation. 38] | years' experience. Dr, Elmer J. Lake | | | | BLEMISHES Birthmarks, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1136J. | I IE ET TR | 10} Lost and Found | | AUTOMOBILE LICENSE -- Found, on| Johnson Street, No. C-23-188. Owner apply at Whig Office. AUTOMOBILE MARKER Lost, €23-148. Finder kindly return to A.| VanLuven, Brock #reet. 1 | BLUE SERGE COAT--Found, boy's, in| Victoria Park on Sunday. Owner ap-| ply at 440 Albert Street: | v BROOCH---Found, small bar, 10 carat| gold, with star of gold in black enamel | and two pearls. Owner apply to 208 University Avenue. | | CRANK---Found, on Union Street, near Arch, street Owner apply at Whig] Offic << i | CLAMP---Fonnd, | Union Street. | bert's Grocery. automobile, on! Gil- for Owner apply at | CHILD'S SIGNE | fommons, near | Owner may have same at 12 | Street, by proving property. | eee eens {FOUNTAIN PE corner Earl RING -- Found, on Frontenac School 3 Stephen T and University. Owner may have same | by proving property at 113 Alfred St., about 6 p.m. PACKAGE-Found, containing letters, | etc. Owner apply at Whig Office. | SMALL PARCEL -- Found, on Ontario Street, Owner apply at Whig Office. HARROWSMITH NEWS. Bishop of Ontario Conducted a Con- firmation Service, Harrowsmith, May 13.--Mothers' day was observed Sunday in the Me- thodist church to capacity congrega- tions. The altar was a perfect bower of flowers. Rev. Mr. Armstrong de- livered a masterly address. The singing' of the male quartette is de- serving of special mention and was enjoyed by all present. Miss Ada Botting has resumed her position in the telephone office. Dr. Percy Day left Tuesday to visit his parents in Belleville, A. Hunter end wife, previous to her going to British Columbia. The late rains have put back the farmers in operating their farms, and seeding will be much delayed in consequence. Philander Baker lost a valuable cow last week. Marl Ward and wite, and daugh- ter, Fern, spent Sunday with his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ward. Mrs. A. Woodruff, Coleburn, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Frank Patter- son. Mrs. W. D. Percy, Verona, is with her sister, Mrs. W. D. Reynolds, The Anglican church was filled to capacity on Sunday to greet the i Bishop of Ontario, who held a beau- tiful and impressive confirmation service. There was a profusion of| choice flowers everywhere in evi-| dence, which lent a charm to the in-| terior of the beautiful little church. | During the offertory Mrs. M. Wood cock sang splendidly, the solo "Spirit Divine." Mrs. Leech, Sydenham, ably presided at the organ. Four | candidates were presented to the bishop to be confirmed, viz., Mrs. Harry Watson, Mis¢' Iva Watson, Pleasant Valley. Miss Daisy Wood- | cock, Harrowsmith, and Okley Wat- son, Pleasant Valley. | W. A. Purking hus moved his ton-| sorial parlors to the Segsworth] block and has now a busy shop. Ar- ' | nourishes it.--Earl of Clarendon. BRINGING UP FATHER wy THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ading" These Columns To-day And Continue The Good Habit Daily 'A Wish-Filling Station You may go to different stores and find the means of meeting most of your needs and wishes. Then--in case you still want something you have not been able to obtain--you may go to a manufacturer, a machinist or a carpenter and have it made up specially for you. And after that--to satisfy the complete range of human wants--there are such men as real estate agents, insurance agents, brokers, public accountants, and so on. You can get anything you want--provided you keep going long enough. But-- ' There's only ONE place where you can get EVERY- THING you want! The A-B-C Classified Section of the Whig tells you instantly where to get both the usual and the unusual things which enter into the lives of almost every one. It's a wish-filling station of everything for everybody. Read it and heed it daily! | FURNITURE FINISHING --OF THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS. ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVJCE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORT@NITY. = ------ ey Business Service Hemstitching Automobiles Automobiles For Sale Used Cars for Sale Ton 21b | PICOT EDGING Hemstitching. | Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs. Fella, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess | Stress, Phone 2433). Suecessor to Mrs, Hat Cleaners 21c DON'T--Throw away your old Panama | Straw, Felt or any other Hat We! can make thet like new. George, the | Hatter, 90 Princess Street. Next to| the Bank of Nova Scotia. | One Ford One Passenger bus. 5 Ford One Ton Truck with flat platform and driver's cab Two Reo 114 ton speed wagons. Hudson Four Passenger Phaeton. Reo Four Cylinder Touring Car. {| WOMAN--To work by the day. Business Services. Merchandise Real Estate For Rent Repairing ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRED-- All kinds; first class work guaranteed Jackson & Timms. 'Phone 1765m. } ail Kinds | 43 John| Call and see W. Driscoll, street. Phone 296F. MATTRESSES--Renovated and altered and made any size. All kinds of new mattresses in stock. Frontenac Mat- Treay Co., 377 King Street East. 'Phone! UPHOLSBTERING--New or used tural. | ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a | TY W. J. Gavine, 218 -Bagot Street. | UPHOLSTERING--And general repair- | drop a { Harold, 104 Clergy Street. | J. | ing. Leave orders at or to F. W. Phone 1600, card Employment Help Wanted--Female 82 COOK -- Suitable for tea and lunch room; good man pleasant | temper wt be. ciated. Apply| Chateau Belvidere, King Street. | ppre 141 20 Articles For Sale GARAGES--Steel or wood, all sizes and designs. McNamee & Son, 345 Alfred Street Agents for M. S. 8. Co. 'Phone 2202w. GREEN HARDWOOD -- Dry mixed wood, also hard and soft slabs, hem- fock lumber $25, thousand and up. Shingles $4 thousand. W. H. Talbot, 8 St. Catherine Street. Yard on Con- cession Street near Division, 2302w. 51 | LAWN VASES-- And ornamental ce- ment work done at the cemetery or in the city by Kingston Cement duote Factory, 89 Patrick Street. phone 730w. MOTORCYCLE---Harley Davidson, 1924 model, 61 cubic inch electric equipped Solo or Side Car. A snap, with the season just opening. Come in and look it over at Collie's Ltd., or phone D. W. | Wilson at 2520, Kingston. OAK DINING ROOM SET --Roll Top Desk, Stoves and Furniture. We bey good, second-hand clothing. . Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. | MALE CLERK -- For general office. | Give references ani experience. Ap- | ply Box W-14 Whig Office. MAID--Apply Mrs. Geo. A. Brown, 408 | Johnson Street. | | Apply | 25 King Street West, rp | Help Wanted--Male 83 | reat htt pei etetsmten pea | MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$1 to $2 an hour for your spare time writing | showcards for us. No canvassing. We | instruct and supply you with work. | West-Angus Showcard Service, 17 Col- borne Building, Toronto. YOUNG MAN--To take charge of our| radio department. Muet be familiar] with the line and able to produce | resu Apply Mr. Gordon, Manager C. . Lindsay, Ltd. Bolicitors, Canvassers, Agents 85 Insurance 23 { CITY PROPERTY--Owners and farm- ers: for Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Health and Accident insurance, con- sult E. Williams, 2 Couper Street. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK---36 Clarence st, Kingston, Marine, Fire, Accident and Automobile Insurance. Lloyds Agent Kingston district. Teléphone b68w. J. B. COOKE -- Representin Imperial Life, London Fire and Globe Indem- nity, Accident and Sickness. Phones: Office 503w., Res. 1731m. One Essex 4 'cylinder touring car. Boyd's Garage, Ltd. 129 Bruck St t'hons 201w. iN aptomasaie | Auto Accessories--Tire: s--Parts 13 Comfort and when yeu. b Cushion Inneg Tires from Canada Maxo Co., Queen tario streets. 'Phone 2050. what Aero astern and On- SA you buy ervices. ~ Business § t------2=| Phone 178251. TY Services Offere s CT ! Business Services Offered 18 | -- HUNTER OGILVIE -- Representing | all branches of Insurance. Secure pro-| 'r Breeding and Racing stock. | rates on Foxes. 3§ Clarence "Phone 568J. FIRE---~Automobiie ana Casualty Insur- ance. I. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street. irtesy and hon-| 3 JCTIONEER--For c¢ al igg, 192 Barrie est dealing, W. Street. Pnone 820J. ~Only the most reliable represented. ge, established in 1860. Office: 95 ence street, upposite Fost Ql companies Strar Clar Moving, Trucking, Storge ASHES--Cleaned out of yards, cleaa job done. 24 Russell Street. cleaned, | treet, i | FANCY GOODS -- Of all kinds, small |, wear, Sweaters made to order, plain] sewing. Mrs. Lavin, 136 Wellington St., opposite Post Office. 'Phone 396K. | - i CHIMNEYS -- And Furnaces Apply C. Jackson, 108 Montreal 8S chimney viewer. cellars and| A. MacGregor, Phone 2255. STORAGE SPACE--For furniture, . and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, Frontenac! Nelson street. trhone 13914 wr 618. and Lennox and Addington. The most modern equipment in America. For STORAGE--For fufnitu full information write to F. J. Garri-| airy rooms and Spuces; your own lock .son Co., Colebrook, Ont. and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- Ri 8hw. 206 Queen St. Phone 526. eS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS = Repaired. 5 avid J. Coates, 393 vision Street. > ng, P Pupil of Or I Telgmann School of| _tAntng, Papering, Decorating 26 Music. ( PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY -- Mrs. E. Wood, 246 Nelson Streeti-North, near Princess Street. Phone 1653w. Terms | { WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water wells, the oldest, the largest, the only | sanitary well drillers in clean 137 re, cledn, ary, PAINTING--Papering, Decorating, firs class work guaranteed. Vaper samples in stock. A. Anderson, 72 Wellington Street. Phone 1966, -- Ponsa eee SO moderate. | PAPER hahgng -- Supplying select == papers with services. Also outside and Boller-maker 18a| inside painting; large and small con. | tracts. Best material and keenest R. D. PRNTTIE--Repair work on boil- | prices. H. Rowley. 'Phone 2039w. ers and moke stacks,' promptly at- tended tu. Inspecting and testing] boile specialty. Prices reasonable,| SIGN PAINTING---J. 8. Ro Phone 2313W. 453 Albert street. | 276 Bagot street. Ladics' Hair Farior. ay binson, rea" 21a Chiropractic 28¢. UCY--Drs. G. F. ana Jennle A., Chiro« | practic Specialists and Reglatered | Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Pho Pe3w. Hours: 9-12 a.m. 1 to 6, and 6 to 7.30 p.m. Sunday and otlier hours by ap- pointment. Consultation free. este SN PUDNEY-- Dr. W. G., 182 Welling- ton street; upstairs. Consultation free. Hours 9-12, 1-5, 6-8, ana bv appoint- ment. Phone 2570, Lady 'tendant. | BARBERING--AIl first class, also lad-| ies' and children's hair-cutting, singe-| ing, marcel waving and any beauty shop work done at your private home, Prices moderate. Phone "1802J. J. A.| Ferguson, 166 Sydenham Street, tor| appointments LADIES TRANSFORMATIONS-- Lob- bed curls, switches, Shampoing. singeing, curling, Ladies'| and Child ren's hair cutting. Mrs. Qunningham, 46 Bay Street, Kingston. Phone 1613w. FRENCH MARCEL Water Wave, Hairdressing, Dental SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dent'sts, Wellington street, Phone 346. 28d. 159 corner of Brock | | AGENTS--Get in a profitable, all-year| commission business Every property or prospect. Nine hundred of hardy Red Tag Nursery products.| Cash every week Seta equip-} ment and instructions free. Write| Dominion Nurseries, Montreal. { of your own.| owner is a customer | varieties | PIANO --- Gerhard Helntzman Upright, like new, mahogany case, in perfeot condition. Can be bought at a great- ly reduced price. Easy terms arrang- ed. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Prin- cess Street, Kingston, Ont. PIANO---Square, Dunham & Sons, New York; in very fine condition and excel- lent tone. Well worth investigation. Apply No. 90, Barrie Street. PASTURE--For a number of young cattle, good fences, plenty of water. Reasonable rate for entire pegson. Apt ply Arthur A. Ward. Harrowsmith. SCALES--AIll kinds, new and second- and. ash or easy terms. Toledo Scale Co., Ltd., 209 Princess St.,, King- ston. TAYLOR & HAMILTON--Five 40 watt Electric Lamps for $1.00. White Paint $4.00 per gallon. 89 Princess Street. Phone 418. TALKING' MACHINES-- New, Gerhard .Heintzman, or will exchange for Up- right Plano. ¥. J. Grace, 37 Mack St. 'Phone 2267J. USED MOTOR CYCLES--$50 up. Two Excelsiors and one side car; one In- dian, one Brigg and Stratton Motor Wheel; one Smith Motor Wheel; one Shaw Motor Wheel. Apply Muller's, Bicycle Works, 371-373 kine Street. 'Phone 1961w. SALESMAN -- Excellent | osition. Apply Saturday evening between six and eight o'clock Al Lane, Prince George Hotel. | IRGETIC SALESMAN---To 'represent a thriving Caradmn Company in Kingston dis-| triot. Apply, stating qualifications | and experience, to P. O. Box 282, King- | ston, Ont. | | | | SALES AGENT---Reliable, for unrepre« sented districts. Good pay, free equip- | ment. We are the largest growers of fruit and ornamental trees in Canada. Sell for a Nursery, not for 3 Jobber You will be successful. Write: elham | Nursery Co.. Toronto. | SALESMEN WANTED--Write now for | Miss Simplicity Electric Washer! agency. A popular priced made-in-| Canada product, gelling on easy pay-, ments. Highest commissions paid. | Earle Electric, 107 Richmond Street | East, Toronto, | Financia! WOOD--Dry hard maple, dry body soft wood, hardwood slabs, kindling, cut and delivered; livin prices. Peters & Son, corner Brock and Toron- to Streets. Phone 889. Radio Equipment RADIO--Open this evening Read our ad. on page 5. Free applause cards: Oome and get some. Canada Radio Stores. _Rooms For Rent Rooms Without Board es FURNISHED BEDROOM---To let, suit gentleman. Central. 'Phone 2630J. Eke em] Rooms For Housckeeping 6v | UNFURNISHED ROOMS--One or three, | LOTS---Best locations suitable for light, housekeeping on bathroom flat. Apply by 'phone 1978F. 'Phone | J. | Houses For Rent - ' DW ELLING---Upstairs over Williams & Jackson, 163 Wellington Street. Ape ply to C. Livingston & Bro., Brock ¥ BUNGALOW--§ roomed, on south side. of Princess? Street. G location. Central. Apply 375 Alfred Street, or Phong T69w. | FURNISHED HOUSE--and flat for sum= mer; best, locations. . Kingston Agen- cles, Ltd, 87 Clarence Street. | HOUSES--39 Queen Street, all improvements; 69 Quee number of single garages %R Concession Street, five rooms. Ap- PTy 185 Queen Street. Phone 988w. HOUSE--New, seven roomed, and barn, on North Alfred, near Concession St. Apply J. D. Boyd, 332 University Ave. Phone 1083m. > 1 | Summer Homes For Rem 80 | FURNISHED COTTAGE--For summer, boat house and skiff. Wolfe Island. 'Phone $08w. FURNISHED COTTAGES--At Eastview Park, 6 and 7 rooms, large screened verandah and fireplace. Apply J. D. Boyd, 332 University Avenue. 'Phone m. . ---- "SEND YOUR. CHILDREN TO THE SANDBANKS"--- An ideal resort for children, or private cottage. Central dining | room. Excellent music Dancing | Finest bathing beach In Canada | Select. Always homelike. Booklets | sent on request. Address Lake | Shore House, Sandbanks, Picton, Ontario. six rooms, n_ Street; a One house Hotel ------------= Sale _ Houses for Sale 84 COTTAGE--With four acres of land, corner Union and Palace streets; rear end\gould be opened for good stone quarry. Apply Muller's Bicycle Works, 'Phone 1§61w. DWELLING--7 roomed, hot air, electri- city, garage, fruit trees, double lot, Alwington. Bargain. Immediate possession. Kingston Agencies Ltd., 67 Princess Street. E. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker, Johnson and Division Street Phone 539w. See adva. FRAME-- 6 /rooms, Rideau Street, $2,700. | FRAME--6 rooms, improvements, Johnson street, central, $2,600. | Come to office, see lists, T. O'CONNOR, Phone 1268). Barrie and Princess Sta. | J. E. CUNNINGHAM { Real Estate, | Insurance and Loans i 79 Clarence Street f | | SUMMER COTTAGE equipped. Power boat ston Agencies Ltd. Il improvements, Terms. on -- Complstely' Apply King! Jlarence St 85 Lots for Sa EE -------- BUILDING LOTS--Five, or would make | 80od garden ground, 176 feet frontage by 132 feet. Will gell individually, Al- 80. one lot on Ellerbeck Street near, King. Apply E. E. Wathen, 137 Nel son street. ' eo ply to Kingston A Clarence Street. in Kingston. Ap. gencies, lad. §7 Money to Loan FRONTENAC -- Loan &nd Inve Society incorporated 1861. Pr A. B. Cunningham; vice-president, A. D. Cartwright. Money to loan on City and farm properties; Investments Bonds bought and sold; deposits re- ceived and Interest paid on minimum monthly balance. . C. Cartwright, Manager, 87 Clarence Street, King- ston. 40 stment Live Stock. Poultry and Supplies 49 BABY CHICKS--O you lovers of Chick- ens, come an to Marshall's, 101 Queen street. Several breeds. Reduced price. Now is your chance. 'Phone 181w. EGGS AND BABY CHICKS-- White's famous White Wyandotte Eggs and baby chicks from prize wilner. Joseph White, Portsmouth, Ont. 'Phone 2301! Tr. 4. Merchandise Articles For-Sale AWNINGS -- Tents, Autemobile Tents, Peterborough Canoes, fo vin Cushions, F a, Tarpaulins. A . Cooke, 219 ot Street. Phone 436. | ---------------------- BABY CARRIAGE White wicker, in| first class conditioh--$Also a Chevro- let touring car, model 490. Apply 114/ Colborne street, or phone 2224J. | BRICK--Hard and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Fhoties 1331J or 618. (Agent for Baker Brick). °° 51 Ladies' Hair Cutting, Curling, Facjal and Scalp Treatments, etc. MRS. WILKINSON, 360 Frontenac Street. Phone 1080J. for appoint- ment. KNAPP--Dr. A. E., Dentist. Office: 258 Princess Street. Phone 652w. Open evenings by appointment. 2 3 Legal 28e. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitess, hg Clarence Stre ngston. A. unningham, K.C. Cyril M. Smith. , thur Cowdy has opened an ice cream parlor in the Cork block. T. Clark COTTAGE PIANO--Upri tor Phonograph Boo oak. ! Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Princess St.| 'Phone 2610. got. small Vie-| case, Suits, slightly used, in good condition Special bargains in Overalls, Shirts,| Pants, Caps, etc. A. Shapiro, 45 Prin- cess Street. | | i CLOTHING -- Men's and Young Men's | | has improved his residence on Syden- ham street, with a very pretty ve- DAY AND REVELL ~Barrigter and randah, ™ solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, ing- ston. | A. Day, Adrian I. Revelle Mortgages arranged. Phone 3205. EASTER SUITS--Made to your order! $30. Easy terms of payment. Large! selection of patterns. J. G. Patterson, | 120 Johnson Street. Anger is the most impotent pas- sion that accompanies the mind of man; it effects nothing it goes about, and Hurts the man who is possessed by it' more than any ' other against whom it is directed. It exposes him to laughter and contempt, without any return in satisfaction and conm- tent, as fngst of the other passions most essential to fasten the.truth do; it is a barren and unfruitful|upon the ordinary mind, and no vice, and only torments him who teacher can afford to neglect th's| ! part of his preparation. Barrister and So- RKREYNOLDS---J. C., k Street. Money to loan. licitor, 68 Broc SHEA--Ambross, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office. cormer of Kin, and Brock, over Royal Bank Money to loan. Phone 1999. A wisely chosen illustration is al- ~ 3 Cat 3 i If taken away, | and celk FREE CLINKERS for roadways, Barage floors or concrete work, or we will d liver at 60c. load. Cinders for top| dressing or mixing with eement, S0c., | if tAken or $1.00 delivered Reduced | Coke prices $2.50 1-4 ton; $4.7§ | ton; $9.00 ton. ood, split, $2.50 load. | Unsplit, $2.25 load. 2% Wellington Street, corner * Ordnance. 'Phone] 2440w. W.,C. Bruton. { GET MY PRICES--And big discounts on gang ploughs, disc harrows, silo] fillers, tractors, traction engines, threshers. E. C. Smith, 199 Col orne | Street. ROOMS---For light housekeeping, fur- mished or unfurnished Apply 217 Stuart Street. Rooms For Housekeeping 69 25 KING STREET W.--Opposite Park, lady Mving alone, would rent 2 or & rooms furnish ing. Married couple or business lad- ies. No objection to small child. No other roomiers. Gas, vath, hot water, electric light, phone. ROOMS Furnished or in. or eli rooms for light housekeeping, bp 1 rent eparately in splendid locafity; use o elephone. Apply. 52 Lower Willi#m Street. ? Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats APARTMENT---8mall, five rooms, Winston. Apply 52 or phone 178. APARTMENTS--University a artments, 281 University Avenue, five and rooms; convenient to college Street car line. Apply 337 Street. FURNISHED APARTMENT -- At 155 Sydenham Street. Apply Ringland Apartments, 184 Queen street. TO LET--In Sydenham Apartments, two suites, each four rooms and bat room, hardwood floors; bath rooms tiled; clothes closets, kit ment, gas stove, Water heater. 74 in the Earl Street or ohnson refrigerator and gas Apply 69 Brock Street. Business Places For Rent CENTRALLY LOCATED--Sto NO" 282 and 382 Princess street. ho ib building, 290 Princess, wil] be com- pleted as store and apartments, ces or 'halls to suit tenant. Cohen & Co. Body Hardwood . . . . . Kindling Wood . .... ed for light housekeep- | s atid chen equip- | vs of-| Apply y Domestic Coke "65¢. per 100 (cartage extra) James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street "MERCHANDISE Cook Stoves With and without tanks. Also . Square Heaters. Real cheap, ate "J. Turk's PHONE 706. FOR SALE Motor Boat, 20 ft. long. Speed ' . 156 miles per hour. Ford-Scout and Ford-De-Lux Disappearing Propeller Boats, Several Gasoline Engines, 3, 1, and 14 h.p. st : One four cylinder four cycle 30 1. p. Pumps and other equipment. If interested, call and inspect them and let us quote you. DAVIS DRY DOCK Co. East end of Wellington Street BUSINESS SERVICE ------ MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER Writing Fire, Life, Automobile, Ac- | | cident, Sickness, Plate Glass and | | other lines of Insurance. 33 BROCK ST. 'PHONE 685w, ---- es -- vor. $4.00 per load Seve. $3.50 per load | | |W. KENT | BY THE SAFE SE ™MMY - HIDE DS CAN OF CORNED BEEF AN' CABBAGE N TO ALL RIGHT: JIMMY \T IT OUT AGNI AWUZ MISTAKEN | CANT- BIR - | DHUT THE SAFE -DOOR. AN THE TIME GEORGE McMANUS ANAT WON'T OPEN UNTIL TOMORROW MORM™NIN - WELL + LL wa: :