THE D AILY BRITISH WHIG. / ---------- FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 1922, | - This Wonderful Columbia Graforiola | > FOR ONLY $10.00 Deposit and balance in easy '"'never be missed" payment: This Grafonola has been reduced from $135.00 to $95.00 Join the happy thousands who own one. SOME FEATURES Exclusive Non-Set Automatic Stap. Compartments to hold 75 Records. All Wood Horn, Size 40% inches high, 183% inches wide, 203% inches deep. Finished in Red Mahogany or Fumed Oak. See this wonderful value in our window. Better it played. Il: come in and have RECORDS! RECORDS!! All the new hits--all the old ones 65c., $1.00, $1.63 For better service, shop eapfy: in the day. Avoid the evening crowds, TREADGOLD SPORTING | GOODS CO. BICYCLES--FISHING TACKLE--PHONOGRAPHS--CAMERAS. 88 PRINCESS STREET - PHONE 529. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" NE A A Ar A oer. crete tr seve set "The Old Reliabl ey IMPORTED TOBACCO LONG FILLER ----eee 'We Serve- Good Meals For good meals prepared right come and try us -- you will be delighted with our service. R Everything you could want served as you like it. Dainty Restaurant 83 PRINCESS STREET 1 in in rn URS A Choice Assortment of -- HUDSON SEAL, BEAVER AND SABLE Gourdier's BROCK STREET | CADETS HOT STRONG HOR VARSITY GAME | Three Good Men Out--Queen's Quiet But Determined to Turn Tables on McGill.. | On the eve of the first game in the | finals of the intermediate intercol- {leziate rugby series comes the dis- | tressing announcement from the { Royal Military College that the team | may play Toronto tomorrow far be- | low Yts usual strength. This is in- | deed unfortunate but is no cause for undue worry, Mundell's shoulder has not ime. { proved very much and is still so ser- fous that it is not thought possible that he will be used. Swabey has a | bad knee and will also be oft of the | game. Norris is in hospital with | tonsilitis. This certainly is rather hard luck for the cadets, to lose their | captain and star quarter for the first game of the finals, However, the cadets, like Queen's | their sister college, fight best under difficulties and the Varsity II squad | has some work cut out for it, If the | Bluo and White men adop! the kick- | ing and. running game they will find themselves up against exponents and | i masters of the art, and, if heavy work is resorted to, they could not Pick on a tougher crew than the idets, rinediates will certify to that, For the senior fixture hege thers | 's not much to be said, The tri- | color camp is rather quiet but there is an air of determination about the | players that speaks well for the chances of on Saturday. team conditioned second to none in expected for tho conflict, and, as tha Red and White will put up a desper- ate fight, it promises to be a memor- able struggle. Queen's third squad men are com:- mencing to get a little restless. - No | to what team the juniors will meet next or where the game will be play- ed. The hoys are practising faith- fully and keeping in condition and can be relied upon to give a good ac- count of themselves when their op- ponents are announced. In 211 pro- bability Varsity III will be the team. Have Left for Teroato, The Royal Military College tea will leave this afternoon for Toronto, and will go up ageinst Varsity on Saturday morning at ten o'clock. Outside of Mundell, Swabey and Nor- ris, the line-up will be the same as in the last game with McGill, and though handicapped to a large ex- tent by these men being on the sick list, nevertheless the scarlet and white are conceded a victory over the Toronto aggregation, Tomorrow night one of the teams will have to i{ limp home with their first defeat 0? the season checked up against thew. | The return game will probably be played in Kingston on Wednesday afternoon next, » Flowers! Queon's are most certain winners {i ever McGill if one considers the dope, and there is perhaps more truth than poetry in that statement, This tri- color team is evidently a battling ag- gregation that can play football, and the way they mauied Varsity roumd Saturday inclines te the belief that had they started in the first har Saturday as they finished, 'ke Domiu- fon championship flag would wave i: Kingston, this year.--Ottawa Joar- | nal, : : Chicago and Michigan met on the gridiron for the first time in 1892 and the Wolverines were vicorious, 18 to 10, "Canada's Staple Cigars" HABANA ~~ SPORTSMAN SIZE 1Sc A DISTINCTIVE SMOKE BRINGING UP Pe ---- FATHER Both Queen's seniors and in- | Canada. Many McGill supporters are | { | Spotlight Notes } announcement has yet been made as | In the World of Sport | IS JENNINGS TO { SUCCEED MCGRAW {J« J. Said to be Planning Re= | tirement--Has Won Two { World's Series. | | | ! HUGHIE JENNINGS Rumor will not down that Hugh Jennings will pilot the New York Gi- ants during the 1922 geason. Realiz- ing a sixteen year ambition -- that of winning two world's champion- ships--John J. McGraw is said to be planning to retire from active lead- ership of his club, It has now been several years |since McGraw made the statement that he was getting a bit too elder- | ly for active field duty, but that he intended to stick in the game until he had won another world's title. | Now that the Giants have won the | series, it would not be surprising to The Queen's squad is hard as nails | hear that McGraw had relinquished |and Shaughnessy's men will meet al the reins in favor of Jennings. * | Yale and Harvard began their foot- | ball relations in 1878. Frank McDonald, a left-hander | who has® been sigaed by the Boston | Americans, has spent the summer | pitching for an independent team in Lynn, Mass. Glen Myatt, catcher, and Ivy Grif- fin, first baseman, have been released to Milwaukee by the Philadelphia Athletics, * -- The Harvard enrollment of fresh- men has passed the 1,000 mark. The freshman football coach looks asi- agice at the figures. Yale is expected to be a contender with Penn and Harvard for the hold- ing of the intercollegiate track and field championships, Nine baseball clubs from the Un- ited States and Hawadi are planning to invade Japan this winter. The University of California team recent- ly completed a 'our of Japap while the University of Washington squad recantly sailed for that country. Tom Carmody, who won many games for the Pittsburgh Collegians the past season, is now a student in Carnegie Tech. He should be vaiu- able assistance to the Plaid pitching staff next spring. ------------ "BIG FIVE" CHANGES NAME To Be Known as "Western Canada Hockey League." The name of the Saskatoon, Cal- gary, Edmonton professional hockey loop was changed from 'The Big Five" to the "Western Canada Hoc- key League" at a meeting of hockey delegates from the three cities in- terested. The change was necessary by reason of the amalgamation of the two Calgary clubs. The league will consist of Edmonton Eskimos and Dominions, Calgary hockey club, and Saskatoon Crescents, . The Association will open its schedule on December 12th and close on March 3rd with the final game of the play-off between the two leading teams. To Scll Racing Stable. D. J. McDonald, well-known race horse owner of Winnipeg, is going out of the racing game and is sell- ing his entire stable. Phil Pach, 2.05 1-2, one of the leading pacers in Canada, losing only féur races this season, is among the horses to be sold, y CONVERTS AND TRYS | Toronto city rugby foot ball league has thirty-one teams enrolled, It seems but yesterday eince the firet football practice was held a: | Queen's, with Jack Evans, Jack Me- Kelvey, and a half-dozen others out | kicking and running while the base- | ball season was still on high, The Argonauts may win the Do- minion' title and they may not. In any event they are fortunate that they do not have to face Queen's, Prayers and good wishes of King- | ston fans follow the cadets to To: | ronto, where they meet Varsity II in | the first game for the intermediate intercollegiate championship, "Aly" Pierce, speaking of the game in Toronto, of which he was an oye-witness says: "That was just a | warning to the rugby world of what | is going to happen in the next few | seasons to come." | Very little can be told of what will happen between the intermediate in- tercollegiate semi-finalists, As the | teams have played in widely differ- | ent groups there is no baecis 'for | judgment, | Interest in this Saturday's rugby games will centre in the McGill- | Queen's game at Kingston. Locally | the fans can see nothing to it but | Queen's and the latter are also very | confident that they will put Shaugh- | nessy's team out of the running. | Hugh Gall will be one of the officials, | --Teronto Mail and Empire, Many Kingston fans have a hunch that something that will live in rugby history is going to happen at the .Queen's Richardson stadium on Saturday. One can scarcely blame them, considering the rest of this year's intercollegiate series, Argonauts will entertain the Ot- tawa Rough Riders on Saturday, 1 | would be a case of a clean sweep if | Argos win out, as the odds favor, | but the Ottawas would carry a lot of | glory home with a victory, also, | The R.M.C. seniors left today for Toronto to meet Varsity II. They are not unduly confident but can be depended upon to acquit themselves creditably, To Have a Strong Tear, It is expected that a strong team will be placed in the Military Associ- ation Football League by the staff of the Royal Military College, Several splendid footballers are serving at the R.M.C,, including Captain Fin- unoy; Sergt.-Majors Westley, Hug- getis and Preston; and Sergt. Rich- ardson, and fit is felt that they should put up a strong fight for the posses- sion of the "Whig" challenge troply. Hopoto Show Up Better, Although the Highland Cadets were defeated by a local football team on Monday last when they play- ed at the R.M.C. field, they are by no means discouraged, and in the re- turn match hope to give a better ac- count of themselves. And in the meantime they are eager to take on 2ny aggregation of young aspirants for rugby honors. Hockey Star Joins Falcons. Joe Olson, thé flashy wing player of the champion Toronto Varsity hockey club, will play with "he Win- nipeg Falcons in the Manitoba Lea- Bg [I= | SS EASTERN SPRUCE Our Spruce is of exceptional quality from IA the best mills in Quebec and New Brun- swick, Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042 . . . . Victoria Street I OG "RE-BUILDING SALE 25 Sample Brass Beds Must Go Regardless of Price ti -- $60.00 Brass Bed--square posts . . $15.00 $60.00 Brass Bed--square posts . . $30.00 SHOP WORN---- $45.00 Brass Bed .... vs sieieporerste + $35.00 $40.00 Brass Bed . ....... ......$30.00 Special Price on all MATTRESSES ! R. J. Reid Leading Undertaker « Ambulance Phone 577 230-232-234 Princess Street, Kingston Don't Use a Broom to Clean Your Carpets Use a Hoover Phone 441 and we will demonstrate at your house H. W... NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0. 167 PRINCESS STREET. ot) od . Chrysanthemums are now in season. You can always depend on getting them fresh from " 'Ie ° Lawson & Collins, Florists - Try us for anything you need in floral work. ' Nights and Sundays, Store, Wellington and Brock Conservatories, 7 Phone 687W. phone 770. 68 Centre, Phone 1174J. i Colby College, Waterville, Me. will soon boast a concrete grands'an( seating 2,600, donated by an admire: of the fustitution. gue this coming winter. Olson star:- ed his hockey career with the Fal- cons, but developed into a star while at'ending the Toronto Universiy. Still The Most For The Money GEORGE McMANUS : Ses IM GOING TO SEND AND GIVE HIM opp NOT TO TALK may begin at To Merle ments for concerts ace f TO-YOU AD WE MUST LL IN QUR. NEW a FOR THE JANITOR CIAL INSTRUCTIONS HELLO - JANITOR 'WHO HE IS TO COME uP TO THIS APARTMENT: TELL THE WHAT ARE YOU HOLLERIN ABOUT- MAGGIE S WELL IF IT ISN'T