Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Oct 1921, p. 7

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ETI-- nu. > Area Decorations and Favors, Place Cards, Tallies, Dance Programmes, Pumpkin Heads, Black Cats, Witches, Owls, Caps, Streamers and Festoons, Fortune Tell- ing Games, Tea Cup Reading, Masks. Everything to make the Hallowe'en party a success. -- AT R. Uglow & Co. | Walters, was taken to the Kingston | | Mr. Hill, Musical Director, Ad-| 5 o5pital and operated on for appen- i and School Club. dressed Victoria Home \ A most intersting meeting of the { Home and School Club was held in | Mb Victoria school Friday. allsggan, I president, Mrs. Best, presi | Reports from various committees showed the amount of interest being | taken in the work. The treasurer re- ported a balance of $590. A football ed for the use of the children, Mrs. H. D. Wightman was elected Year. e¢njoyed. Mrs. Coleman was the foun- der of Home and School work in Kingston. Preparations are being made for a meeting on Canadian authors in November. Mr. Hill, musical instructor, gave a. very instructive talk on his work, He said that this work was not new, "Richelieu" PEARL NECKLETS Reprdouctions, lus- trious and lovely of the Perfect Oriental gem -- graded strings with gold or silver clasps set with rhine- stones. Priced from . $10.00 to $75.00 . Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS HE greatest enjoyment T the world has known since the art of printing was discovered has been reading and if your eyes are not-allowing you to drink in the imformation that you once enjoyed you should come here for a thorough ep- tical examination. We can look back into your eyes and determine with exactness the manner in which they fail to respond and we can remedy these weaknesses by scienti- fically correct Jetizes, 100 PRINCESS STREET & = | apd that we read of it in Greece in {500 B. C. Later when kinder- '| gartens were started in America the importance of music was again felt. The first musical instructor in schools in America was appointed in Boston in 1838 Many other cities | followed soon after. Toronto children tion for thirty-five years. He said that it was a benefit to children phy- sically, and this fact was being en- doreed by musical men. He cited cases where both heart and lung trouble had been helped by the brea- {thing necessary in voice culture and | prophesied that twenty-five yoars | hence, preachers, lawyers and poli- i ticians would feel the need of voico training. Ontario has the best musi- cai course in the world. A vote of thanks was moved to | Mr. Hill by Mrs. H Moore, ceconded | by Miss Spooner. CAUGHT A CUB BEAR Napanee Had Some Excite~ ment in Making Capture-- Masonic Celebration. Napanee, Oct. 21.--Yesterday af- ternoon Napanee had some" excite- ment, in the shape of a bear hunt. Barly in the 'morning, some parties noticed a young bear about 5 months prowling about the west end of the town, near the race track, and later Registered Optometrist in the day it was again located near 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office --- Automobile Repairing ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1030. Res. 1537), 378 BROCK STREET TO RENT - In Telegraph Building, SUITE of FOUR GOOD ROOMS, with two brick valuts, suitable for offices or will arrange for residence. Ap- ply MR, KIRKPATRIQCK on emises. the River. Our local Nimrods equip- ped themselves with rifles and sal- lied forth. They had dogs after the bear, and the frightened animal took to the river and swam across just opposite Blute's farm. It took to a tree, and climbed out of harm's way but when the hunters arrived they 209 Off Everything For Cash Sales With the exception of a few A rticles wtih Price Restrictions An opportunity to select from the finest stock ever displayed in Kingston Diamonds Watches Clocks Jewelry Silverware China Leather Goods ,. Cut Glass Ivory Ebony Lamps: This is a real genuine discount sale. FOR CASH SALES R. J. RODGER Jeweler 132 Princess St. "WHERE THE CLOCK IS ON THE WALK" - - - - decided to try and capture it alive as it was only a cub. One of the party climbed the tree and sawed off the limb which brought the bear to the ground, and when it touched earth a coat was quickly thrown over it and a chain soon secured the prize. It was brought to town, and is at present with Mr. V. Cowling. There is, a report that the bear will be tamed and given to the town for the park. It has been suggested that Chief of Police Barrett, who assisted in the capture, keep the cub as & police mascot. Mount Sinai, Chapter Masonic Lodge, celebrated its fiftieth anni- versary with a banquet given in their ngwly-decorated lodge rooms over the Royal Bank. About two hundred masons and their wives $28.00 overcoats at Tweddell's. and daughters were present. After a_ bountiful supper, speeches were made and toasts given by O. 8. Red- dick. Dr. Austin, of Queen's, G. W. Morden, of Picton, Richard Spencer, of Treaton, G. F. Ruttan, E, J. Wal- ters: Mr. and Mrs: Jules Brazil, of Tor- onto, provided excellent ment. Mrs. E. I. Boyle entertained a number of her friends at Bridge on Friday afternoon in honor of her guest, Mrs. W, H. Bleecker. Miss Sadie Purdy leaves on Oct. 23rd for Waukegan, IIL, to enter Victoria Memorial Hospital as nurse- in-training. Mrs. A| McCarney, who has been very ill for two weeks, was taken to the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, on Mon- day. ' Mrs. Peter Bogart, of Ottawa, is min If Stomach is THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 See Page Fifteen for full particulars iJ Allan M. Reid | SHOE STORE «= 111 Princess Street - - - Kingston ~ Out of Order - --"Diapepsin" wd gems ACR RARELY LLOQ tule CB million stomach sufferers in the Unit- ed Slates, England and Canada take Pape's Diapepsin, and realize not only immediate, but lasting relief. This harmless antacid helps digest any- thing sou eat and overcomes a sour, gassy or out-of-otder stomach in five minutes. If your meals don't fit com- fortably ,or what you eat lies like a luinp of jead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of indigestion. Get from your druggist a gixty-cent case,of Pape's Diapepsin. There will be belching or une with acid, no gas or heartburn, no [ullaess or heavy feeling in the rtom- ach, no nausea, headache, or intes- tinal griping. Prove to yoursel! in five minutes that your stomach is as good as any; that there is nothing rea.ly wrong. Stop this food fermen- tation and begin eating what you want without fear of discomfort or in- SDE gent: otndbtisn: Norma Shenapa- this) and baseball outfit is being purchas- | recording secretary for the coming! A letter was read from Mrs. Cole- | man, Vancouver, which was greatly | | have heen receiving musical instruc- | entertain- | 4 "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. spending a few weeks with her sis- ter, Mrs. J. L. Haycock. i Master Allan Walters, son of C. A. i dicitis on Tuesday last. | Mrs. R. A. Beard left Friday {morning #0 visit her sons in Toron- |to, and other relatives west, She | will be absent all winter. Miss Keech, of Kingston, is the! | week. | { THE MAN ON WATCH Kingston's city clerk is not giving | | & cook book with every marriage 1i- i cense he issues, as is done in Hamil- | iton, or is he giving a rolling pin to ithe future missus. Congratulations to our old friend | Christy, who is not only a city fath- {er, but has this week qualified as a | county father. When Quéen's is distributing | more LL. D.'s it might remember | our good fellow citizen, John Camp- | bell, who keeps Kingston supplied | | with electrical poweg, when the pro- | |vincial hydro system goes bust, as | |it so often does, Who about here is | (performing a greater service for his; |fellowmen than the same John? \ . Thank goodness Kingston is free from church squabbles. Toronte |certainly has its fill. of religious | |bickerings. The Portsmouth Philos-| {opher, however, thifiks it is a healthy | {sign when congregations have dis- | {putes with their clergymen, for he. | | says it shows the people are interest- | | ed. | | { The butter sold in the island mar- |! { ket will now be out of danger of the | | germs carried there by those women's | | organizations which have been using | the building for rummage sales," The | decree has gone forth that no more {such sales are to be held there. | People who go to a certain Presby- | | terian church are amazed on a rainy | |evening at seeing a very dear old lady {of some ninety odd years enter and | take a place in her pew. Her pres- ence at worship is an object lesson to | the fair-weather church-goers. It is indeed truly said that to more RE Sizes 4 to 7. Brown value. SATURDAY ...... CHILDREN'S BOOTS $1.50 Kid Blucher Boots; regular $2.25 Ladies' Black Kid One Strap Common Sense House Slippers--sizes 4108. A regular $3:00 quality offered Saturday at ........ $2.25 Ladies' Brown Kid Laced Boots ----high heels--a real pretty shoe. Sizes 3 to 47 only. SATURDAY ...... .... $2.95 and Black . ..$1.50 3 $2.25 $5.00 Boys' Black Brogue Boots. Sizes | to 51. The best school boot made. $5.00 Young Ladies' High Top Black Saddle Strap Boots; all sizes 2} to 7. Special $5.00 $1.95 Sale of Suit Cases -- 24 and 26 inch--good value ....... $1.95 == men than one might imagine, Sunday means nothing more than the day on which they do not have to go to work The Lampman is told that a cer! tain Kingston clergyman was very indignant over a "skirt" dance put | on in his church ball at a recent con- | cert. No doubt he was right. A church hall is no place for dance! manoevres which are at all object- | fonable, any more than it is the pro-; per place for holding raffles. and games of chance. Out in Australia the Veterans were right in replacing the Australian flag with the Union Jack. The latter flag is the only proper one to fly on land. This has long ago been officially set- He ang civic authorities should take eed. Now the public library board has run foul of the city auditor, the man who keeps the city couneil, the county \ [------ OUT OF THE ORDINARY We have something extra choice in the=line of olives, pickles, catsup, relishes, jams and jellies. Just come in and see them, or phone 530 and we will tell you all about them. C. H. Pickering 490 and 492 Princess St. Phone 530. : meet) a council and the utilities commission in the straight and narrow way. The auditor knows his business, however, and the library board will have to bo good or it will be bawled out. --THE TOWN WATCHMAN 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder 50,000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles Free to horsemén Who give the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colic, Inflammation of the Lungs, Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper ete, Send 25c. for Malling Package, ete, Agents wanted. Write your address plainly. DR, BELL, V.S, KINGSTON, Ont. DECLARES FARMERS ARE NOT GRITS IN DISGUISE Hon. Mr. OCrerar Speaks at A CLASSIFIED AD. would get you a better job. THIS STORE SPECIALIZES IN HOME OUTFITS For years we. have made a careful study of requirements of youn' couples starting out in housekeeping. We offer you our experience and excellent store service. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker. PHONE 147. Mount Forest--Liberals Oppose Him. Mount Forest, Oct. 22.--Hon. T. Crerar, Progressive Jeader, ad- dressed a large meeting of North Wellington voters here yesterday in the interests of John C. Pritchard, of Harriston, who has beén chosen as the Farmer nominee. . Miss Agnes McPhail, the Progres- sive candidate in the adjoining rid- ing of South Grey, expressed es- pecial pleasure in being present since on the way ino -town her car had narrowly escaped being run down by a train which neglected to whistle. An accident was only averted by the presence of mind of the driyer, who {turned the car into the ditch and saved the lives of the occupants. . Miss McPhail added that the foes of to-day were 'the bunch of finax- cial autoerdts who sought to rule the country; mot for the benefit of 'hz magy, but for that of the few." John Pritchard, the Progressive | candidate for North Wellington, placed himself on record as "stand. ing with both feet on the Farmers' platform." He sald that he was pre- pared to sign the recall if his suap- porters so desired. * \ Mr. Crerar, in opening his remarks, derided the charge that the Progres- sive movement was really a Liberal party in disguise. He said that the Liberals in Albérta had little ground for supporting this belief, follying their defeat by the Bives at the provincial polls. As added proof, Mr. Crerar referred to the fact that the Liberals had nominated a can- didate to fight him in his own con- stituency of Marquette. To-Night at the Fruit Store. Basket of grapes'and a big basket | of 75c pears for $1.00 at Carnov- sky's. T - By a judgment of Justice Chauvin in Montreal, it is not illegal for a person to carry liquor over the inter- -- X digestion. border. $25.00 cvercoats at Tweddell's. MEN'S SUITS Extra values -- no cotton or shoddy, but pure virgin wool . --two colors only, plain grey and brown stripe--sizes 36 to 44--These suits are a special bargain. Come early. 512°

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