N SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1921, CANADIAN Lim fted KINGSTON, ONTARIO. LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY VICTORIA Phone 38 ALLAN LUMBER EVERYTHING IN LUMB Lath Shingles OUR SPECIALTY: Hardwood Flooring STREET - - - THOS. G. BISHOP ENGINEER A ND MACHINIST Trim CO. PHONE 1042. Brass and Iron Castings, Electric and Oxy-Acetyleme Welding King and Queen Streets PHONE 94. FEEL HOT AND DUSTY ? So do the rest of the staff. Get that fan now. . HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Corner of King and Princess Street, Now Ma Sealed Phone ufacturing the Automatic stave Vaults--Guaranteed 5 Waterproof KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCTS FACTORY H. F. Norman, Manager. Corner Charles And Patrick Streets. 30w, FAULTY DAVIE 208 Welli Pho PLUMBING J8 Costly No Matter How Low ee the Pri Our Plumbing is being built up on a quallty first basis. & BARRETT ngton Street ne 688. ce DAVIS DRY Automobile and Pairs, ing. » East End of We \ Seline Engines built and re- paire v4Fy docking and wood work- 3 The Laturne : BUSINESS WAGGONS AND AUTO BODIES 300 PRINCESS STREET DOCK co, Motor Boat Re- llington Street. Manufacturer Special designy made to order. ~ / MOOPER & SLATER » Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, ete All kinds of Dressed and Rough Lumber. . 128-132 ONTARIO ST. ~ Phone 74. oo y Carriage Works PHONE 152. 7 17 Balaciaya St. "up to the highest that they are une. Corner Queen an FRONTENAC MATTRESS CO. MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER Revovating 'a Specialty Ing a specialty. We also carry a f * Phone 2106w. mn t be judged by the service it gives. Ours standard, as the mileage records of our xcelled for enduzg nce and long life. uh line of Oils, SUDDABY, BROTHERS d Wellington Streets \ CANADA CUTLERY CO. Limited Manufacturers of POCKET and PEN KNIVES C. A. Eaton, General Manager Kingston, Ontario. _ TIRES, SOLID and PNEUMATIC Tire value mus will measure Tires Steam Vulcaniz- Grease and Gasoline. Phone 1088. prove Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes W. H. COCKBURN & co. 95 PRINCESS STREET HARDWARE. - PHONE 216 7 "| closed for any reason, may lunch ~ | vation of the sprouts resulting, This OUR CLUBS. The Significance of Rotary and Ki- , wanis, As we all know two new clubs have been formed in Kingston recently and have been going along since their formation with ever-increasing vigor and success. The Kiwanis Club was the first of these to arrive, Rotary the second, Neither of these clubs are of the type which exeludes the average emall-city business man. There are some clubs, very exclusive, where a man may go and read, may epend a short 'time if his home is | when 1t is convenient, or may do any {one of a large variety of respectable {and useful things, but may also get | beastly drunk outside the reaches of {the law, may gamble away every- thing down to his cuff Hnks and may lead a fast and useless life in general, or what is more disgusting, if it is {not so harmful, may loat his life {away in a very aristocratic manner and still be highly respected. These two clubs which have come | to Kingston lately are of an entirely {different order. What they do is | opent to the eyes of the public, Their [aims are all good and they work hard {in the attainment. The "old boys" | of the city are waked up and encour- {aged to mix with the younger crowd, {to the advantage of both sets. It has | been discovered here that the "old | boys" do not require much of the | waking process 'and are very quick | to recall various ways of having fun, | while 'at the same time their judg- ment is invaluable in the serious | sides of the clubs' work. | Just that by way of a little refer- ence to these clubs. They do not need any defense or recommendation. The point is this: When these ¢lubs were first suggested the cry on all | sides was "It could not be done." | Yet, in spite of this cry, two or three lactive spirits, in each case, got to- gether and produced "the impos- sible." The clubs were formed and | are growing more effectual and active every day, | Therein lies a lesson for the city |of Kingston. Unless it is learned {and the moral followed this town | will be in fifty years the same as [it is now and has been for some time. Things do not grow without | the planting of seeds and the culti- city will not grow if the people con- tinue to sit back and wait for some- thing to happen. . We have a great many churches in Kingston. In fact, it is quite a church town. Undoubtedly that is a very good thing, but it might be a little use, in between this Sunday's service and the one next Sunday, to remember that 'Providence helps those who help themselves." It is good to pray for a thing, but one should notthen leave the rest to the Almighty. That is laziness and He knows it as well as we do. If every- simple matter of saying a lttle prayer then this world would be no problem at all, All that would be necessary for obtaining happiness here and hereafter would be a little prayer, : We must work. Whatever is desir- ed it must be worked for. Pray by all means, but pray for the strength to work harder. That kind of prayer produce better results and better for the soul. Those men who formed the Kiwanis and the Rotary did not fold their hands and say: "Lord, send us nice active clubs, Amen." They seid: "Lord, we're going after something with both hands and we need a little help." It certainly looks 4s If their prayers were answered. As thoee clubs were formed, so must the Kingston of the future be formed. It has been said that King- ston has too much piety. That is not true, as no city could have too much piety. But there certainly has been tco much "lazy plety." Get out and boost, Never mind the unemploy- ment, tight money, income tax, or prohibition; boost anyway and if there is something you don't like, beat it with work. RUMORS AND REALITY Some Changes Made, Others Suggest- ted and Still Others Merely . Rumored. There are several changes being made around the town just at the pre- sent time, chiefly in the line of the retail merchants.' Here and there a Store appears with a new name, an- other springs into prominence almost overnight with an old name in a new situation and changes progress mer- rily. Of those that are known, we have the retirement of Warwick Bro- thers, who have been in business here for many years, as tailors, cleaners and pressers, and the occupation of their stand by D. 8. Collier, of Col- lier's Toggery Shop. Mr. Collier is turning over his gent"s furnishings business to P. G. Reevgs, of the Club, who ill amalgamate his stock with that of the Toggery 'shop. This makes two vacancies immedi- ately in the centre of one of the bus- fest blocks on Princess street, but there are already rumors of occup- ants for them. One repoft about town says that the store recently vacated by the E. P. jenkins Co., is to be oc- cupied by a well-known Toronto man, who will conduct .a ladies' ready-to- wear shop there, Another firm of a different sort, the Rudd Harness and Leather Com- pany, is going out of business on the first of June, as the lease on their pregises expires on that date, This firm has conducted a reputable and successful business on Princess street for over twenty years, # These changes, with others which are only rumored as yet, will make quite a difference in the "make-up" of Princess street. People will be watching these stores for signs thing were to be obtained by the of new owners and there will prob- ably be some new bldod introduced into local business circles in a short time. . ---------- REMARKABLE GROWTH. Almost a quarter of a century ago, with a single upstairs room at the corner of King and Victoria streets, Toronto. as the head office, the Im- perial Life Assurance Company was started. Amidst these humble sui- roundings, a small but serfdus-mind- ed staff formulated the policies which have enabled the company to prog- ress at a rate never equalled jn ilte insurance history in Canada. To-day the company occupies five whole floors of its own fireproof. building, which was erected in 1912 and will soon need enlargement to accommo- date the growth of business. Imperial Life Assurance Company's | wes MOTHER'S and QUAKER BREAD Ac AND i. LESS MEAT PRINCE OF WALES DINING ROOM AND LUNCH FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN #555 Try our Special Dinner from 11.30 a.m. tg 7 p.m, 'Tuble Service--I'rices Moderate, 33c~Regular Break fast--33c, Oatmeal or Corn Flakes, Ham, Ba- con and Exg, Toast, Wheat Cakew, 'Tea, Coffee op Milk, 191 PRINCESS STREET, Americun Management, PHONE 3g4. 3 Phone 834. + ARROWROOT BISCUITS Hive you tried. our ARROWROOY BISCUITS? The Kiddies thrive on thems, If your grocer does not Keep them ring up the office, Try a pound and be convinced. THE W. J. CROTHERS CO. Limiteq Manufacturers of 195 Ontario St. Foremost among the pi s of the company was Thomas Bradshaw, Pow general manager of 'the Massey- Harris Company, who hag also ac- quired fame through his masterly handling of Toronto's civic finances during his term as finance commis- sioner. The first president of the company was Sir Oliver Mowat, pre- mier of the province of Ontario, and its second Sir Mackenzie, Bowell, at one time premier of the dominion. Its present chief executive, G. A. Mor- row, O.B.E., enjoys a unique reputa- tion as a financier throughout Can- ada. ~ In a little over twenty years the Ifiperial Life has accumulated 129 millions of dollars of business in Canada. An official of a prominent competitor has said that it-is sure to be mentioned by any person in this country who is gsked to name three or four of Canada's leading life companies. EE ---------------- MATTRESSES. For Forty Winks or Forty Thous- and. > There used to be two mattress fac- tories in Kingston but now there ia only one. Perhaps there are some peo- ple who do not know where it is. It is called the Frontenac Mattress Company and is on Balaclava street. Over at this factory new mattres- ses are turned out and old ones re- paired. Long mattresses and short ones, thick mattresses and thin ones, mattresses for the baby's cot, ticks for the camp bed, mattresses of all kinds made to order or repaired. Anything in this line that you need will be cheerfully attended to by the Frontenac Mattress Company. A lit- tie phone call to No. 2016w does the {rick. Ten minutes' recreation in a merry-go-round will convince the most skeptical that the world! moves. "It 1s never too late to blend," re- marked the crimson-nosed philoso- pher who favored mixed drinks, _ THOMPSON BROS., Launderers, Limited IMPERIAL LAUNDRY .... KINGSTON LAUNDRY . ..... Operating vee... Phone ++ . Phone 302 on = SE, a oe KINGSTON'S ONLY DYERS A Real Vacuum mn, i: THE MAN WHO WILL NOT IN- sure his life for the benefit of his wife, doesn't deserve to have a wife. The Imperial Life Assurance Company J. B, COOKE District Manager, Kingston, Ont." KEELEY'S Eyesight Survie KEELEY JR. M.0, D.O. 226 Princess Street, THE McCALLUM GRANITE CO. Limited MONUMENT BUILDERS 305-397 Princess Street. Phone 1931. ENGEISH MALT VINEGAR Equalling the finest imported. Largest sales in.Canada. The Wilson Lytle Badgerow Co. Ltd. + Bagot Street Florist 250 Princess Stregt - Phone 061. < JAS, SWIFT & CO, Limited Importers and Shippers. Domestic and Steam COAL 5 { ames RICHARDSON & SONS Ltd. . Established 1537 Head Office S. 85. CORBETT Funeral Director BRANCHES: Fort William Saskatoon Winnipeg ~ Ambulance Phone 143, Residence Phone 215. Calgary Quevee Kingston, Ont. Montreal Toronto N 7 We Promote Induytry and Build Character by Rendering Service M. M. SIMS Representative 130 Clarence Street CS. Kingston, Ont, ) me . KINGSTON NAVIGATION CO., Limited 8.5. ST. LAWRENCE-- 310 PASSENGERS 5.8. BROCKVILLE-- 300 PASSENGERS, Open for charter for 8. 8. Picnics and Excursions. Call us up and get a good date. ~TELEPH ONE 190-- v GRIMM'S AGENTS FOR NEILSON'S AND WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES Phone 797 J. 103 Princess Street. Smith Bros., Jewelers, Limited DIAMONDS, SILVER AND GOLD GOODS Expert Watch Repairing Established 1540. 330 King Streer THE THOMPSON BOTTLING CO. "Belfast Ginger Ale" OFFICE: 204 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 306 . McLaughlin Motor Cars. Gabriel Snubbers, Michelin Tires. 8amson Tractors. \ . If we didn't think these brands were the best in their liane we wouldn't handle them for ope day. BLUE GARAGES Limited, H. M. Fair, Manager, PHONE 067. 2 > Let us prove o'r werk, by giving us Phone 927. ong trial. \ : Dry Cleaning our Specialty PATTON'S DYE WORKS Phone 214 >] \ en - -- bot 7 Cleaner M. AMODEO Announces that the season is open- ing for BANANAS and all the early Greens. LUMBER FOR SALE Good Hemlock Sheeting, sized and dressed to order. THE K. D. MANUFACTURING CO'Y MONTREAL STREET. Would You Like To Se¢ One ¢ Two experts will be here mext Week demonstrating our mew model G Cadillac, Can we have your same? The FROST CITY STORAGE Company Choice Rooms and Spaces in our Storage--clean, bright and dry, Phone 526, \ a. Frank Robbs "TONSORIAL PARLOR" J. R. GC. DOBBS & CO, 41 Clarence St, Wholesale and Retail Princess Street. 4 Chalrs------Best of Service We Specialise in \, CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING 183 Wellington St. Phone 1318J, aad GOODYEAR SloYoLE WEEK Fruit and Commission Merchant 299-303 Queen Street. BIG SALE TIRES THIS Reg. $3.50 Tire for Agents for PERFECT, OVERLAND and COLUMBIA BICYCLES "GEO. MULLER, : : ' 371-373 King Street. Phone 1032w. -- - HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY It would pay you to drop into THE HYDRO SHOP on Princes Street and have our representative demonstrate the most improved types of Vacuum Cleaners. All kinds of Eiectrical "Appliances 1or the home. * THE HYD RO sHOP (Public Utilities Commussion) 268 Prine a8 Siveet. I i» 240 Princess Street ~ Phone 776 oo 'WE HAVE THEM, CIGAR STORE HAVE YOU SMOKED A DUNHILL ? VESTA BATZERY CO'Y THE BATTERY WITHOUT REGRETS Place our Vesta Battery in your car and forget ail your Bettery troubles. It is a real Batiery of service. Whatever You nse it for--for ignition, for starting, for Lignting, etc, {t will serve you well, A Battery you will recommend to your fellow motorists, Phone 410w, Queen and Bagot Sts, W. MILNE aug F, KING BAKER'S - > IN THE HOT WEATHER IT IS NO GREAT SIN TO BLOW YOUR- - Self to a nickel now and then. Take a ride home or to work on the . Street cars. It'll be the biggest nickel's worth you've had in a long JOHN McKAY, Ltd. ) BUYERS and 5 ORTERS o WOOL, SKINS, GINSENG, RAW FURS - Write for further information. -~ 7 KINGSTON, ONTARIO 3 - WILLARD BATTERIES New low price for Willard Service now effective. 1. LESSES ~ 19 Brock Street Phone 1340 oo EY BOOTH FISHERIES CANADIAN CO. Ltd JOBBERS IN FISH, OYSTERS, GAME AND POULTRY 63 BROCK STREET PHONE 320, . ' KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH and CATARAQUI ELECTRIC :- RAILWAY Phones Office: 528, 1000 DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECK. ING COMPANY, LIMITED Lighters, Divers, Salvage work simee a JO DONNELLY President and Gen M / & - - Stem umps, 1550 wi DEVELOP YOUR CITY Kingston Ice Company owning yous oWn home 'and beautifying it--Bateman's Real Estate Limited il you 8 Wu the money to build--insure : ifure--and later, should you dasice i , ta profit. Now ip the ae list oy Propertics." sell your Save food by using Ice. GEO. A, BATEMAN, 150 WELLINGTON STREET Our Ice is certified to by Queen's \ re . University Laboratories as being 3 pure. Telephone orders to 1307. Prompt dellvery is our specialty. ag 7 CITY OF KINGSTON 6% 10 YEAR MOND Denominations $1 00--$500--$ 1000 " FRICK 1v0 AND ACCRUED INTEREST No better investment to be had (nan your own home city. Applioa- tong received t oftice by mall or in person and bunds desivered w ~ We Are Always In The Market sre a eet by wh et Bl - BONGARD, HYERSON & CU. for Scrap Iron, Metals, Rags and Rubbers. It will be of benefit to \ 337 Bagot Street. - LLL TL PHONE, 172% you to ring 2057 or 2060J. We are willing to give our best atten- " - ~~" wrosvaco. II The Medal Heath Ofcer Advised Th . oiling v1 Al ik ad Sa ie Why not let us do it for you and do it right ? Wa clarify it first 'and then pasteurize it. : a : It is clean--it is safe--and it is the best and cheapest food oa | McGinnis & O'Connor HIGHWAY ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS ----- Some men outlive their usefulness, and some others are born without ¥ x MANUFACTURERS OF: cas vu "PRUE COTTONS" || PRICE'S DAIRY : WINNIPEG j MameBls | -e - . 417 Princess Hueet a MONTREAL »