THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. DIAMOND Fine Canadian Furs - Custom Made. JOHN McKAY, Limited THE FUR HOUSE 149 TO 157 BROCK ST. VICTROLAS and QUALITY RX: Me., | i ing "His Master's Voice" Records | Victrola XI $240.00 Hawaiian Records Ainahau (Music by Princiso Siki} iki) "frene West Hawailans Meleance (Hula)---Irene West Rova) Hawallans loha Ai! (Farewell to Thee), Guitars he Rosary (Neirn), Guitar--Pale Hulu Medley (Hawaiian Guitars) Cunha Medley (Hawaiian Gultars Hawatlian Walts Medley (Guitar Duet), Juet)--Lua and Kaili Kilima Waltz (Guitar Hawallan Nights Waltz (Hawaila k Lua --Palek Lua-D Kalli Palek Lua-D. Kalli ), Palek Lua-D, Kalli n Lua and Kaili Guitars)--Hokea Nani Sweet Hawallan Moonlight Walte-- Ben Hokea-A. Nani ilimal Medley (Hawaila n Guitars) --Hokea Players sllaner Waltz (Hawajian Guitars) --Hokea Players Sams rrssnen v» $1.00 My Isle of Golden PrealuasBen Ho Kea Mi: souri Waltz--Ben Hok 216100 Vrssrssessernanian 216100 My Hula Love--Medley March--Lua and Kalli Kgwailan Waltz--Lua and- Kail} All the popular Vocal and Dance Liccords in stock, ati-- MAHOOD BROS. THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA $4,300--Albert street-- brick; 7 rooms; 'hot water heating; hardwood floor; electricity; verandah and balcony. Pos- session May 1st. | $4,100--Johnson Street--brick 7 rooms; furnace; electri- city; fir floors; verandah. $8,200--Union street; brick; 7 rooms; verandah. $1,750--Stanley Street; frame; 6 rooms. Victory Bonds bought and sold. Money to loan. The McCann Agency | Real Estate, Insurance and Flaancisl Broker 86 Brock St. Phone $308 or 621 200 pkgs. extra fine . 800 sections, choice Clover, 30c. each BUTTER 500 Ibs, Belleville Creamery MACARONI .12¢. pkg. SPAGETTI 200 pkgs. .......... 12¢. pkg. BEANS .5 lbs. for 35c. SHORTENING arr LED OATS @1bs. 30c. 'Cullen' 3 CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS 318, CAMPBELL'S SALE | We've made a drastic re-marking, and offer exceptional bargains in every department. --Ladies' Fur Neck Pieces. --Ladies" F ur Muffs. --Eadies' Fur C oats : Gi surplus stock must be reduced before ~--Men's Fur Coats "--Men's Hats | --Men's Gloves --Children's Hats, etc. mventory. --a lat We | CAMPBELL BROS. I 22 PRINCESS STREET a ==|land's history and literature. = in Burns' time. Prof. James Roy, THE INTEREST 1S. GROWING | i i | | | + |! In the Meetings of Missionary Confererice at Bethel Church. | The Bible and missionary conier- | ence being held at Bethel Congrega- i tional church, Johnson street, {tinued Tuesday, with three sessions {At 10.30 a.m, a service of prayer was held. It proved to be a time of { help and profit. At 3 p.m.» Rev onto, presided. Rev. C turned missionary, from livered anv address on- 'The | fons and Races of India." Mr showed that India's people w [ brothérs, being of Aryian st | also showed that their religit conge to our shores in the form various cults, and were per | the very vitals of oug church o showed that our way of } was id the means of prayer. con- A. W. Roffe, Tor- Eicher, re- India, de- Eicher ting He deliv- work among the w their lives had heen transformed | in answer to prayer. In the evening at 8 o'cl William Franklin, was the spoaker, & the fourth chapter of Eph as his subject the | the Holy Spirit. "When Paul wrote these letters to the church at Ephesus, he wrote them to those in the church, and not those oht of it," said the speaker. | "It waa for those raised up in Christ. | | | | i | There is a great need in the church { to-day for people filled with the | holy spirit, but the trouble is, we do not invite Him to come in. We should be filled: with the spirit and. realize the need of it. Some people say they would be glad if they could only make sure of Heaven and escape Hell, but we want something more than that, We want Fellowship. Fellowship with God, and we can only obtain that by having the Holy Spirit come into our hearts, which brings us nearer to God. "But what relation are we to the he Spirit. We are His temple, the place of his abode, and we must re- cognize the necessity of keeping our body a fit dwelling place. But what are the conditions? We must put away all uncleanness and greediness; lying, giving place to the devil, steals ing, corrupt communications from out of our mouth, and, grieving the "Holy. Spirit of God., We must have the inflow and the outflow of the Moly Spirit to be able to do these things. "There are many hindrances to the incoming of the Holy Spirit but they are all on our side. We are passive when God would have us active--passive to the things that offend God, and He will not take a thing out of our lives until we give consent, and when we do, the Holy Spirit will come in. We are born with a sinful nature, but habits are put on. We must let go and yield all our members to God. Thought contfols all our members, and while we can- not ourselves change thoughts, God can. We mustinot wait for Him, but must wait upon Him. Let God walk in your every member, Walking in you, and through y "But having the Hor spi dwell in us does not mean that we shall not have trials in faith, for we will, but it enables us to pass through them still believing im God." Mrs. E. A. Treneer, during the service, sang very sweetly, "God Will Lead Us Home." During the next three days three sessions will be held daily and the interest and attendagpce is steadily growing. In the City Hall in Honor of Robert Burns' / Birthday. The Sons of Scotland celebrated the 162nd anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, national poet, on Tuesday evening. by a splendid ban- quet and dance in the city hull Nearly tliree hundred people attend- ed, The music was furnishod by Pipe Majors Fraser and Finlayson on the bag-pipes, anil 8. A. Balis- '£ | bury's orchestra played throughout the dinner. A procession was form- ed, and led by the veteran Thomas MacKenzie, with drawn sword, and the two pipers, the haggis was borne on the heads of waiters around the hall. Arriving at the head table, J. D. Bankier pronounced the Burns' grace, and then the haggis was served by the Honcranle Chief Brother - Major-General Sir A. C. Macdonell, Major-Gon. Macdonell presided, and after exlendipg a very warm welconie to the guests, introduc the spoiikers. Rev. Prof. J. F. Fadyca progesed the toast "The jm- mortal Mewory," in which he inter- a preted tha spirit of Robert Burns and emphasized his place in Scot What Wallace and Bruce did in their time, Burns did in his time. Prof, McFadyen gave a brief sketeh of the conditions prevailing in Scotland While there were Scotland aid ¢ conditions, = not prodWce Sinn Fein clubs, but she :| produced the immortal Burns, who breathed into life that splendid spirit of Scotland that the world can- oughts of Cod and oughts of man. His poems inter- preted the music and romance of the Scottish people, and his love songs = were rather addressed to the female == sex in general than to any particu . 1 woman, for he idealized them alff' Ot Scotland's girlhood he said "G bless them all." in Tn briéfly to the toast, said that did not d above the p his day and be was not, 4; i Relig- |" k Rev. | of 0!d Orchard, | and spoke from | SCOTTISH BANQUET tu not take away. He gave to us truer If fetime, the object of Sations] ven- :ration that he had become. his position was rendered the. re- verse by reason of his personal weaknesses. But his powerful hu- man sympathy found response in every heart and he interpreted old Scotland, of ventions society, there was a Indeed | and though he was ostra- § cjzed for his sins against the con- | Feather Your Nest. pathos in his lot that made him a |] tragic figure, and to humanity at large. Col. 'A. Macphail proposed toast to "The Ladies" Mitchell replied in a very h that evoked repeated ap- A delightful musical programme was rendered by Mrs. Andrews, so- prano, Messrs. Bankier and A. Ker, baritones. Mrs. VanDreser, and Miss | Rogers accompanied the singers, At |} the cqnelusion of the programme the {ball 'was cleared and a most enjoy- oe dance was held. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY | Racy Local'News and Items of General Public Interest. Prone 87. Cc. W. | Try Chadwick's coal. ! Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, Lindsay, Limited. | W. Swaine, piano tuner { 100 Clergy street. Phone 564w. | Joyceville and Barrieficld play at Joyceville 3 p.m., Saturday, for the Edwards hockey cup. Tea and Coffee prices rapidly ad- | vancing; get your supply of DALY'S now. At MAHOOD'S. After six months' rental we will on purchase of piano. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, Orvis G. Hardy, aged sixty-eight years, for many years a resident' of Alexandria Bay, N.Y., dropped dead in Watertown, N.Y., while waiting forg'a street car. Miss Bea McKenna, Toronto, and Miss Mae McKenna, Montreal, have returned to their homes after attend- ing the funeral of their father, the late James McKenna. At 9.45 p.m., Tuesday, the-fire- men were given a call to 287 John- son street, where some hot coals fell into the coal bin and started a fire, Only slight damage was done. Charles W. Trotter has sold his farm of 100 acres, the old homestead in the township of Pittsburg, to Thos. Gillespie, Joyceville. He " paid $10,000 for the property. ------re rare To Cure a Cold in One Day. ' Take GROVE'S Laxative BROMO QUININE tablets. The genuine bears the signature of E. W, Grove. (Be sure you get BROMO). 30c. dt Ladies' Fur Coats At Tempting Prices These are the das every lady necds a Fur Coat snd these are the days she can bay ose at the right price. Our pric:-cutting Sale continues for thie (8) more days and many 'oats sale now will not ke pucura at the same prices nat week. "We are offering them at less than the cost of maniacture and, we are very certdn, less than next season's prié, - \ FUR COATS #83 tb $135 Black Pony Coats, invarious lengths, choice No. , very glossy skins and trimmed with large collar and cuffs f Rac- coon, Gey Oppossun and Alaska Sable -- regulr $200 and $250 Coats for . . . (135.00 FRENCH SEAL COTS in variohis lengths; with Seal, Skutik aid Bolivi Beav- er, f0F .....0i.000.. J120.00 MINK MARMOT CATS in full lente" splendid vt ui 7 ALL SALES FOR ASH His genius and hu- | manity gave a heritage to Scotland | i the | | and + Prof. | § witty | i Orders at | allow money paid in rental to apply! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1021. rrr Hear These Three Big Numbers I Rose of My Heart Grieving for You. Sting by Mr. Sid Grant, the gifted Baritone Singer, at the Strand Theatre, Monday, Tuesday and W ednesday of this week. "The Restless Sex" Read the book and then see the play. The College Book Store Phane 919 to make sure of a co py, as long as the supply lasts. Telephone 919 FOR THE "GUID MAN" Men's Underwear at Prices That Will Mean a Quick Clearance. Fleece-lined Underwear-- Good, heavy quality; Shirts and Drawers; sizesupto44 ............ « «+... Thursday 89c. Penman's Union Weight Underwear--broken sizes; to clear on Thursday LEY oh ae RGR a ee Penman"s Heavy Ribbed Underwear--an extra good garment for the man who works outside .. ........ A table filled with odd lines in Men's heavy Underwear--slight- ly counter soiled; nearly all sizes; Reg. $2.00 and $2.50 lines. On TharedaV, each... ve a Laat NE Penman"s medium weight Underwear--suitable for the office man. Thursday, eel ........ ious voit is sna srsevssanntiSlsSl Men's Combinations in light, medjum or heavy weights; Pen- man and Watson brands. Thursday special ........... $3. . . Thursday, $1.50 each 50 up Carpets, Oilcioths, Draperies, Silks and Dress Goods--20% off Pictorial Quarterly for Spring. Newman & Shaw "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" READY FOR ICE HARVEST Power Plow To His Hywipment., Cape Vincent, N. Y., Eag - W. A A. Casler, ANS of the St. Lawrence River Ice company, has ev- erything in readiness for the annual harvest. The river is now frozen over, and if the cold weather con- tinues it will not be long before the work of cutting will be commenced. The work of harvesting this sea- son will be made much easier owing to the fact that Mr. Casler has pur- chased a Bruet-Duford ice cutting machine. The machine, which is dri- vén by a gasoline motor, has a capa- city for cutting about thirty cakes per minute. Heretofore the cutting had been done by teams, which was a rather slow process. For a number of years past the St. Lawrence River Ice company has fur- nished ice for the St. Lawrénce divi- sion of the New York Central Rail- road. This year, with new machinery and the plant remodeled for the quick handling of ice, Mr. Casler will be able to get out and ship a larger amount thaa ever before. Has Added Form Their Otvn-Conclusions . Kingston, Jan. 26 --(To the Edi- tor): Ihave read George Wal ker's letter of the 26th inst. and as my time is fully occupied with my work at the Royal Military Col- lege, I have nothing further to add to my letter of the 17th inst. I am quite willing td leave it to those in- terested in and with a knowledge of. wrestling to form their own con- clusions as to the challenges -1ssuea by Walker. ~--CHARLIE FRASER. Pentecostal Tabernacle. The American evangelist, Mrs. Ethel E. Goss, is continuing her campaign tl} over Sunday, Jan. 30th. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS DON'T BE CAUGHT WITH THE STORM DOOR SHUT $2500---Earl Street; brick dwelling; barn and garden. $2500--Hichson Ave.; frame dwelling; extra lot. $3400--John street; frame dwelling; extra lot. $2800--Portsmouth; frame dwelling and 1-5 acre Jand. $1 ;-cament clad dwelling. $2530---Markland Street--Cement Block Bungalow. and a complete list at offies. 'E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate Cor, Johnson and Division Streets, At Less Than Pre-War Prices . $4.95 Men's high grade Brown Boots--Goodyear Welted Soles; in both marrow and wide toes; splendid looking; well made shoes anil shoes tiiat will give excellent wear. Regular $0.00 values. All sizes. NOW » SEE THESE IN OUR WINDOW S. J. MARTIN "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" . Phone 2816. yr ' a It takes an old-fashioned woman | One a long time to make up her mind to | here times Is the fact that use rouge on her cheeks. But when | are not getting effeminate she starty she is no pier. Woman s1¢ getting mateuting; ¥