How_8he Discarded Unsightly Complexion A A -- How often 1 exclaimed as 1 beheld my ugly complexion in the mirror, "If 1 only could tear off this ol skin!" And, do you Kyow, I've learned iow to do that very thing? Not to actuaily re- move the entire skin all of a sudden; that would be too heroic # method and poe ul, too, I imagine. The worn-out [Luticle comes off in such tiny particles, and so gradually---requiring about ten days to complete the transformation it doesn't hurt a bit. Day by day the beautiful complexion underneath comes forth. Marvelous! No matter how iauddy, rough, blotchy or aged your complexion, you can surely discard It by this simple proces. Just get an ounce of ordinary 'mercodzed wax at your druggist's, apply nightly Mke cold cream, washing it off mornings. My wrinkles I got rid off by an eq- fially simple method. By dissolving an ounce of powdered saxolite in a half- pint witch hazel and bathing my face in the solution, every line completely @isappeared. First the finer lines, fin- ally even the deep crow's feet, vanish- #d entirely. --Mona Morrow in Town toler, < XMAS PERFUMES Never have we had such a fine display of high class per- fumes, ranging in price from 23 cents to $5.00, Perfumizers Something new this year for I spraying perfume. Be sure and see them. Handsome and inex. §i pensive. Toilet Waters All the better makes 50 cents up. Do your Christmas shopping J "The Camera Shop." At Best's OPEN NIGHTS Sunday Hours, 1.30.10 5, 6.30 to 9 from Told In ~ Twilight fl . A number of friends surprised Miss Kathleen Simmons, on Friday nght at her home on Barrie street, and held a host enoyable dance. Am- ong those nresent were: Miss Emily Wilson, Miss Flora Abernethy, Miss Hazel Abernethy, Miss Harriet Chap- man; Miss Dorothy Roney, Miss Bet- ty Graiuey, Miss Mildred Worm- with, Miss Jessie Slater, Miss Ruby Driver, Miss Beity Connelly, (Mon- treal), Miss Bessie Chown, Mis Ruth Campbell, Miss Stella More- land, Mist Ethel Simmons, Miss Bea- trice Driver, Miss Maude Chalmers Miss Mona Oshorne and Messrs. D i. Brown, M. Shiels, George Driv- *r, Arthur Pope, Arthur Howson Oswald Kennedy, Clyde Mglloch Robert Dunsmore, Stanley Dniver William Spence, Jack House, Vie tor Williams, Norman Grace, Sid ney Burwash, P. BE. Prouse, Guy Macfarlane, Bruce McLaughlin Orand MéLaughlin, J. A. Erskine Urlin, Ray Smith, Charles Tennant- William Stewart and Neil Stewart * . Mrs. Neil C. Polson, Jr., Stuart street, was hostess at a small bridge yesterday afternoon in honor of her guest, Migs Gladys Heustis, of To ronto, and at five o'clock a few more guests dropped in for a cup of tea. . . A jolly Dutch luncheon was giv en at the Country Club to-day wher the guests included: Mrs. John H Byrna, (Ottawa), Miss M. Hague (Montreal), Miss Marjoria Pense Miss May Rogers, Miss Susie Ang lin, Miss Eva Richardson, Miss Jear Duff, Miss Hilda Hague and Mis: Mamie Anglin. » Mrs. R. 0. Sweezy, Earl street, en- tertained at a delightful dance on Wednesday evening. . - » +". Miss Winifred Claxton entertaine informally at the tea hour on Thurs and note the fine Christmas bargains. son's, Chown. wat Memorial Hospital. "Fry's Xmas Sweets," Gibson's. Buy your Christmas good early. "Elastic stockings." Dr. Chown. Read tlie Whig's advertisements Penman's sweater coats, $1.49, at Mendels sale. Turkeys this season are quite rea- cnable in price ranging from 15¢ to {Se per Ih, "Cadbury's Xmas Sweet's, Gib- "Tabloid tea, 100 tablets 25¢." Dr. The stamp fund of the Mowat Me- norial hospital is growing. Send long your dollar. * Any hat $1.98 at Mendels sale. "Parisian ivory goods." Dr. Chown. Additional fire appliances are to be 'dded to thé eounipment of the Mo- "Page and Shaw tibson's. "Thermos bottles and kit." Chown. Miss Leonore Fralick has return-} d to the city from Picton to spend fe winter with her father. 'Obey that impulse" and send a ex of high-class sweets from Gib- on's Red Cross Drug Store at Xmas 'Abdominal supporters." Dr. Chown. Prof. J. L. Morison gave an illus- rated lecture on "Wellington and be Waterloo Campaign' in Napanee n Friday. "Tabloid tea, 100 tablets 25¢." 'hown. : Every soldier in the 21st Battal- on should know where Gibson's Red 'ross Drug Store' is located. On larket Square opposite Whig Office. It 'will likely be several weeks be- ore, Col. Sam Hughes and the prem- r, Sir R. L. Borden can come to {ingston to see the troops. "Fry's Xmas Sweets," Gibson's. "Ebony hair brushes." Dr. Chown. Col. Carleton of the Royal Military 'ollege will leave for England on 'ec, 21st. He is now making final alls on his numerous friends. The most beautiful assortment of igh-class sweets ever displayed in {ngston are at Gibson's Red Cross rug Store. "Tabloid tea, 100 tablets 25¢.' hown. 8. Collier, Picton, was in Nap- 1ee, settling up the season's busi- Xmas Sweets," Dr Dr on crement, -------- | DEFEATED QUEEN'S IN THE IN. TERCOLLEGIATE CONTEST. The Subject Was, Resolved That Land Improvements Shall Be Ex. empt From Taxation. The Intercollegiate debate between Ottawa College and. Queen's, in Con- vocation Hall, on Friday night, re sulted in a victory for Ottawa after two hours of brilliant speeches irom the members of both sides. The aflirmative of the subject, "'Re- solved, that in the municipalities of Ontario improvements shall be exempt from' taxation," was taken by ny Queen's team, H. L. Spankie and J. H. MacInnis, while Ottawa College was represented by Mr. Lacey and Mr. Ciuillet. Mr. Spankie, the first speaker, ex- plained that the aflirmative side op- posed only the tax on improvements and hot the various other means of vevenue, . included under the idea of single tax: He showed that the new svstem had been tried successfully in New Zealand and in parts of Canada and that petitions had been eent to the Ontario government to have im- provements exempt. Whenever a man makes a much-needed sanitary im- provemént he is taxed for it, while the non-progressive man goes scott free. The farmers in New Ontario want the néw system. The present state of afiaira makes fortunes land owners without: any work Mr. Lacey, Ottawa, pointed that in any field of business there is unearned incremews and why not in land speculation. Taxes should he imposed on the man who invests in manufactures as well as on the man who invests in land. 'The exemption on improvements will increase tnxe: agriculture. The tax on land value is a tax on industry. - All wien should pay taxes in accordance with their ability to pay, whether it bein money or sacrifice .of labor, J. MacInnis, the next speaker in the best speech of the evening, ex- plained that the proposed exemption would take place gradually at a rat of five per cent. per year [for vears Io make up the deficit an tn would be placed on the unearned in where the land owner had done anything to -improve the Tor ont twoanty not PROBS. --Moderate win For Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9 to Il a, m. Double Dis- Instead of taking extra space in the papers for special Christm we are giving the people of this community the benefit. as advertising' . This extra incentive in addition to getting absolutely the most for your money, should make this store the logical shopping center of every Kingston woman. 198 LADIES' EVENIN and white, mauve and white, and white, sol $1.35 and $1.50. TO-NIGHT A ---- AN, TO-NIGHT - - From 7 To 945 TWO PARTICULARLY GOOD BUYS. G SCARFS-- All silk in cole vs pink and white, blce d regularly at aay rnd . 3 lay aftern an, ness of the steamer Lamonde. Mar- in and Collier are securing a larger ad faster boat for the service next sason. "Ebony hair brushes." Mrs. John Bremley and Master Jack have arrived from Herbert Sask., and will spent Christmas wit! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merrick, Wil liam street. Mr. O. T. Maclem has gone to To ronto and will go overseas with the cycle corps. Dr. R. C. Cartwright was in town from Napanee this week. Miss Calander and her causin are due to arrive from England on th 88. Scandanavian the end of this week to spend some time in tow with Professor Calender, Welling ton street. ' Mrs. Simcoe Daly who has beer visiting Miss Daly, Albert street will leave on Monday for her hom in Lloydminster, Sask. * * * land. The new scheme would preveat illegitimate land speculation speaker further added that both Fng land and Germany taxed the increa ed value of land. Fhe last speaker, Mr. Guillet. ar gued that the rate of taxation has nothing to do with speculative value, and that if improvements were un taxed, the taxes on the land would be too high. If the whole assessment were placed on the land, undue taxes would be placed on the poor man, and relieve the load on the owner of the mansion, Judge Lavell, in giving his decision in favor of Ottawa, stated that the battle had been very evenly contested and it had been difficult to choos» ihe winner. The judges weve Judge Lavell, Meek and T. J. Riguey. While the judges were making lecision the '15 quartefte gave a ection, and G. McFarlane sang 'Rule iritannia." the 300 MEN'S XMAS NECKTIES, in holly gift boxes, pure silk and regularly sold at 50¢ and 75¢c. TO-NIGHT Dr. Chown. sass avn STEACY'S HAD A GOOD LECTURE. EYES TESTED WITH OUT CHARGE NO DRUGS USED CASES REQUIRING MEDICAL ATTEN. TION WILL BE 80 It Was Given by W. Herrington, of Napanee, Gananoque, Dec. 12.~W. S. Her- ington, K.C., one of the prominent 'gal lights of this section of t)ntar- », Under the auspices of the Ganan- oque branch of the Leeds County Pa- otic League and Relief Association, lelivered an excellent address on Belgium and the European War," at e new armoury, last evening, in aid f the Red Cross work. The lec ire was very entertaining and in- structive and was illustrated by some 0 excellent lantern slides apd in- 'nuded a number of photographs of Goers and men of the 3rd battery f the lst brigade. Mr. Herrington i no stranger in Gananoque, he be- 'g a past D.D.G.M. of the twelfth Masonic district, in which Gananoque + included, The attendance was a arge one. The Young People's Society of Grace hurch held a very well attended and mjoyable session in their lecture room 1st evening. The programme was a '0st interesting one and thoroughly njoyed, > 3 Quite a large delegation from the lethodist, Presbyterian and Angli- an churches went to Brockville ves- terday to represent the local churches t the Boys' conference in that town n Friday, Saturdav and Sunday Gananoque council, No. 132, "F., has clected these officers for NA: PC. Gordon Heaslip; C.C.. I. 0. Elliott: V.C., Lawrence Sherhy: prelate, David Darling: recorder and reasurer, Walter B. Fmerv: marshal, rthur Compeav: warden, Frwin Faw- ott; guard, Harry Harper; sentry, \. J. Waldie; vepresentatives to orand ouncil, Geo. 1.. Johnston and G. A Teaslip; alternates, W. RB. Fmery .and ". Gillespie; trustees, R. W. Cun- vingham, D. Darling and B leating. Mrs. C. 8. McKenzie, Preston, he guest of her parents, Mr. rs. C. KR. Wright, Sydenham 'or the holiday season The STORE WITH The CHRISTMAS SPIRIT R Miss Katharine Hart has returnec from Torgonto, where she has been th guest of her aunt. Miss Nora Robinson, of Denver, whe is gttending school in Boston, wil arrive in town next week, to visit he: aunt, Mrs. Robinson, Alfred street. Mrs. J. Garland, who has been i Belleville visiting her daughter, Mis Margaret Garland, at St. Agnes' Col Inge, spent a few days in town thi week with Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Broc street, leaving for her home in Otta wa on Thursday. Miss Betty Connelly, of Montreal, i the guest of her aunt, Miss Dolan Union street. Mr. und Mrs. 7. B. Caldwell, whe were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Archibald Strachan, at the custon house, returned to Lanark on Tues day. - =F the se- COTITUVIWYe « Suet 15c¢. Boiling Fags 32c. Every Egg Guaranteed The Wm. See our beautiful line of semi- from $6.50 up. Eminently suited for Xmas present. A handy electric bracket lamp will fasten on indirect fixtures, RELIEF FOR JERUSALEM Turkish Government Consents to Rxpedition From New York. washington, Dec. 12.--The Turk- ish government, through Mr. Mor- genthau, has signified to the state department its willingness that an expedition be sent to the relief of people in Jerusalem. The expedi- tion is being organized by Hebrew philanthropic societies in New York which plan to send a ship through the Mediterranean to Palestine. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 238 Princess Street 8 doors above the Opera ows | 20% Discount TILL XMAS ON Suits and Phone 441. JAPAN RETAINS CONTROL .0. » - * - Ex-Cadets McKnight and Lawsor have returned to Ottawa, after spend ing a short time in town, The committee in charge of the sci ence dance, which will take place i Grant Hall on the 18th, include Messrs. W. G. Stewart, D. H. Wright S. E. Prouse, J. E. Forbes, A. ( Malloch and R. T. Smith. Mrs. Mellis Ferguson and her littl son arrived on Wednesday from St Thomas, to spend Christmas with Mr and Mrs, Malcolm Sutherland, Far stidet, Mr, Ferguson will arrive la ter for the holiday. Miss Dorothy Carter, who has bee: the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. R CU. Carter, West street, has returned to Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. land, have been William Anderson, short time. Not Handing Ovey Pacific Islands to Australia. London, Dec, 12.--The recent re- ports that Japan intended handing over Pacific Islands to Australia is inaccurate. Information obtained from an official quarter to-day says it is planned to give Australia con- tro! of only a portion of these is- lands, while Japan retains military eontrol of others until the end of the war. It is understood that the negotia- ns for this division are practical- ly completed. For Your Christmas Cake Gold Medal Cleaned Currants Full Weight 160z Package Davies Co. Limited. Phone 597 | | i { i and is Deliberate. Rev. James Hamilton, mivister of Liverpool, while on holiday in Scot lund, had a narrow escape from drowning Accompanied by a boy, Mr. Hamilton was fishing for sea trout, when he 'slipped on a stone, lost bis balance, and being encumber- ed with heavy wading boots, had great SPLDIERS' SCRAP BOOKS. Rothwell, of Rock the guests of Mrs Earl street, for » ondon Pupils to Start on News Bu- reau For Volunteers. A novel plan is being carried out! 1 London Ont.,, among the school hildren, to give them a part to play PLATING i» Nickle, Silver, Copper, Brass. Wood's | lish Remedy: { Tones and invigorates the whole - ee. nervous system, makes new Blood | Mrs. William Madill, of Toronto | } " Overcoats FOR MEN AND BOYS The mild weather of the last two months has! left us with too many | Fischer overéoats, 80 = we have decided to clear them out and that right now. CHRISTMAS SHOP. PING MADE EASY Give him a practical present, a suit of a coat. Either at 20% discount. ee is visiting Mrs. James Macleod, Al fred street. Mrs. George Ellis who has beer visiting her aunt, Miss Bolger an« her sister, Miss May Bolger, Broc} street, will leave on Monday for he: home in Vancouver. Miss Ada Petrie who has beer with her aunt, Mrs. Richard Hoop er in St, John, is mow in Winni peg, the guest of her sister, Mis Viviéne Petrie. Miss Millie Ferrig, Stewart street left on Wednesday for Bound Brook New Jersey to visit her sister, Mrs Mist Gladys Heustis arrived from Toronto on Thursday to visit Mrs. N. C. Polson, jr. Mr, and Marjorie | to spend Christmas with Nr. W. ilgar, Brock street. 4 Me. Harry Wade, of Rochester, N. Y., who has been spending a few days in town this week visiting his mother, Mrs. Henry Wade, at "Avon- more," returned to Rochester to-day. Rev. Wi and Lew. m ¢ with Mr. W. Low : toon, where they will re- HT IH xpeots © wa" en, for the Nickle are ex coast on Sup = W. TF. home from the Grocers sll recommend White Rose tree's Xmad Sweets," ON 1 the present great conflict and the fan is one which should appeal to 1e children in Kingston. The scheme as proposed by the inspector of shools; C. B. Edwards, and it is that f having scrap books in which are y be pasted clippings from the news- apers and sent to the boys at the rent. Newspapers for obvious rea- ns are not available at the front, ind it is desired to keep the men wosted on the news and activities in heir home town which they would 10t otherwise get. War news will not e featured as the feeling is that the oldiers will see enough of the war 'ithout reading in the newspapers hout it. Death of Mrs. Jasper Dingman. Death came suddently to Mrs. Jas- er Dingman, Picton, on Saturday, Ir. and Mrs.. Robert Coulson, who ave been stopping with Mrs. Ding- rau for several months, went to mar- et leaving Mrs. Dingman apparent- in her usual health. When they turned in the course of half an our they found the lifeless body of reir aunt in the pantry where she ad gone to get something, and col- peed, evidently passing away quick- v and withaut a struggle. The de- eased was a member of the Hoover uplly. She first married Bd- Stickney who died many years 20. Her second Rusband, Jasper her several reached olg! he last of the Hoover family. difficulty in keeping his head above water. Finally he managed to get back to the shore, although in a very exhausted state, and said to the hoy "I noticed that you never tried to help me." "Na," was the deliberate response, "but I was thinkin' o'it."' "Fbony hair brushes." Dr. Chown. | Divide your service between the Lord and the devil and the devil will get the lion's share. | "Abdominal supporters," Dr. Chown. | The man who wants something for nothing is partial to the com-| pany of the too generous man. CATARRH LEADS TO CONSUMPTION Catarrh is as much a blood disease | as serofula or rheumatism. It may be relieved, but it cannot be removed | by simply local treatment. It causes | headache and dizziness, i airs the taste, smell and he \ acts the voice, deranges the digution, and breaks down the general health. It | | | 2 & l "Sick room specialties." De. Chown, | « | Made in Kingston in Worry, dency, oss of Energy, Palpitation i Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per boz, six for $5. One will please, six will cure, Sold by ali | druggists of mailed in plain pkg. on 1 eeipt x . Ni let iled free. THE WOO! PREDICINE COL, TORONTO, ONT. CFrmets Wid) By Kingstonians | SMOKE THE BEST ! | | | | | | Eventually it's the same kind of dust in the pind coffin and in the expensive burial case. carry the best. Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a ¢éard to 13 Pins street whes wanting anything done In the carpon- ery Hne. stimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; alse hard. wood floors of all kind. ordary will receive prompt attention. Shop Quesn Etreet Wo wmei%e all kinds of trom and wire work. Get prices. - n AR Aan a ou Winsor boo the cold weather comes to st a pair of our heavy wate: i have a large variety of styles 00 to $6.00. nH Or let us fit you from owr large stock of rubbers. $ Wwe