THE DAILY DAILY ; SRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY AUGUS! aes dg the men. For some days Mrs. E, H. 8 ? ; SS E J M A i [FO ch IER Pense, Miss Bessie Smythe, Mrs. Hai i : loway Waddell, Miss Mabel Brown- | 4 A . : : » . . " C. ey, field. Miss Agues Richardson, Mrs. i . 8 clearing during night. Sunday fair, with winds. W. H. Cralg, Miss Mildred Jones, GREAT DEAL OF UNREST IN OT bee dt . 1 STON Mrs. Hansord Hora "and Miss Emma , Penge spent many hours arranging TAWA OVER FOOTBALL . Xow Mayor Shaw abd Col. Rathbun Spoke | 07 the lunches for "he men, a i bg ry urniture Dealer 10 The. Mon aiid Gave God : They arranged that each man | Fddie Elliott, of Kingston, Will not RR Aen | 4 Hod AGVICE | vould be furnished. with three lun- be on the Lineup This Year --|i ~The Parting Scenes At the G. T. | 'hes as he would be on the train for > and R. Station. i period of almost twenly hours. A tesntioni Mean WHE Likely 4 : : ' Amid the cheers of thousands of | ATE€ WAREON was Secured by the la Close.on' Lahor Pay, i sitizens: the G1 nd Tronk iran 'cap lies to carry "the eatables to the There: is a little unrest in rughy , K Un ker rying the 5th Field battery nnd the Bn, : ootball circles in Ottawa just now ' is expecied that the men wil wer the 1514 Big Four team. A tourieen viluateers from the 14th J - v Regiment 121% the Grand Trunk fun irrive at \ alcartier on Saturday} ine quartette is lost to the red, hey will transfer to tp C.N.R. di] shite and black in Eddie Gerard, er station on: Friday afternoon ai a dontreal. Tddie Elliott, Silver Quilty and Reid 4.20 o'clock for Valcartier, ---- 281 - t The sight of the wives, mother a teins ubman. These 'players held up the : 2 Ba a8 Princess Stree fathers and friends of the men, whe THE : : eam last year in a marked degree. / d left for the front, as they stood on 'hey were stars in their respective 2 . . Phone 86. the station platform will long be re A Lot of Short Toms Run in To- | jositions. Gerard has turned profes- ' % v ' membered by those who gathered 2 : gether. ional, Quilty {5 entering MeGill, El- ' : the station. Many of the women Cheese sales : Brockville, 14jc iott will not return to the capital, efying while others were doing thei "A 25¢. foot powder, 13e."" (ih. | hile Tubman has gone to war. best to keep Lack the tears (haf { son's. The team wil have to reorganize seemed deterriined to come. Jutter in. 14 Ib. boxes, 27c. ai back line, but there appears con- TLS Fo the music furnished by tI | Gilbert's, : iderable timber from which to re- rr band of the 14th Regiment the ve William Swaine, piano tener. Order ruit a good running and kicking di- ! lunteers paraded along on Ontaric | eceived at MeAulay's. Phone 564. ision. Boucher, Johnstone, McCann d streets from "ete de Ponte barrack It is reported that 1. C larke ha nd Gilliban, look the rear guard at ' he present writing. Unless inroads » and boarded the train at the foot o: | sold his farm in Willie fo a art) makes of : i a | re made on youngsters, the line will Conn if oo 2 get good | Johnston street from the vieinity of Coe Hill, y snaps Jet 4s' lok your camera The members of the 14th Regi "A 9 we made up of several veterans with nly a few ydungsters. Meglouglin, 25¢. foot powder, 15¢." Cib y over, We make no charge for ars ; r ies at 4 ' sin pi Gi tm Len ta dd chn {| ment paraded at the armouries a jon's. . 1 : . oi you'in he Way to get good re. | three o'clock and were met by the Bargains in Boots for all, Dutton' | "mmerson, yaughan, tyan, Fastalls NE s Will interest every Kingston woman. sults. band and proceeded to the barrack | tore, opposite Griffin's theatre. ummings and Holly are all avai i, : id WE RENT Cameras of all siz-] were they linad up on the barrack Rev. A. L: Fraser will be inducted | Pe wile range of weights, fabrics and prices. , by day or week. Speak for|square. A number of the men of th: | into the pastorate of the Smith's : one's a8 tis department | pifle regiment, who are on guar | Falls Presbyterian church on Sept Bombardier w ells, the English 1weavyweight, has taken up golf, and Is very ular. duty, joined in the procession anc § 3rd T WE HXCMANGE Cameras. 1f| marched to the station. After 1h. Sale-- Baby Dresses, 40c; Bathing |S showing almost as much profi h Cl h : au a ot satisfied with yours | riflemen left the armouries they pro- { Suits, 20c. Dutton's, opposite Grif 'iency with driver and putter as e ot S re . - at we can al-| ceeded along Montreal street to |tn's theatre. ¥ith the gloves and spiked shoes Tow Jon Ona new one i Tolle i of a Princés® down Princess and along] The tomato or Wells is a sprinter of rare speea, Y 3 $ . y : ; ite Stop, 18 now. toming in 'unning close to even time in _ the ( hevidt, Sport, Ganffer, Granitte, Boucle Plush, Zibeline, French WE FINISH more films than | Ontario street. very freely and all Wellington fi T 3 al dealers jwice over. We. do At 'Tete de Ponte barracks the) { tories are at work The ality ne iundred, but his golf prowess. was Mveeds, Nerges, ete. --plenty of the old favorites are also sh WI mexpected. With less than three . . < { ( x. inet quick Ww, Wey and most We vonth's practice he has turned in reaso fve you better | lined up on the squs and wer. the tomatoes seems to be good. value for your money in buy'ng | addréssed by Mayor Shaw and Lieut "Week-end sweets." Gibson's. a camera, "ry us Col. E. W. Rathbun. The mayor | H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 2) | OMe exCellent cards. He is a splen- Th C ] I i 4 when addressing the men; urged or | King street, Teave orders ht Me lid driver, getting both distance and e 0 ors nc u e them the nacessity of conducting | Auleyv's book store. lirection in his stroke. themselves in a good manner Hi nn le DeMille : a, meni | . vi 5 " ) stated Liat the Lindliest: wisnes or a -- uk Fle DeMille, pion. of js The baseball season of 1914, al-|4 5 Tapestry Bine, Goblin, French B lue, Navy, Pacon, Forest Green, the citizens of Kingston would 'a been appointed dental surgeon oni the eady noted as a period of unusual eet-root, Amethyst, Terra- cotta and M: ahogany Fg? Sd ways be with thém and he hor staff of the Seattle geteral hospital iccurrences in the national sport, . that they would not do anything for "A 25¢. tooth pdste 15¢." Gik ; romises to establish a record for Drug Suave. 9. which they need be ashamed. f.adies' NEL je. Cihdon he purchase and exchange of play Th P : R sk 3 "My only cret is that 1 am not | lerins moderate. Miss A. Keys, $. rs in the big leagues 1 e rices ange rom going with you" was the statemen! | Colbo street. . ie Me th Rjttst . of Col. Rathbun when, addressing The ( Poe : yao Trunk Jassie McGregor, e sburg { 50c for . . ria? . : ; ' : fhe voluntaers. Heo urzedion the men | Pacse unk and Or aie nk ywned mare, the property of Henry | $| : le for the kiddies' school dress of (all-wool) Serge to madam's ex- the necessity of doing as they were | to move their share of the big har Jliver, has to date been the sensa- clusive suit patterns at $3.00 a vd. told and always obey their superior | vest from western Canada to the | lon of the d circuit season. In officers no matter how hard the task | shipping points. 'luding the ng at Buffalo of a might be. "The home: of high-class sweets ia | * 3-000 stake, Lassie McGregor has After the volunteers gave three] Kingston." Gibson's Red Cross Dug | (TOught her owner Just $20,750 since = © 1 he Cleveland meeting A pleasure to show goods, Noobligation whatever. cheers for Mayor Shaw and Col. | Store. Rathbun they formed in a proces. The adic fice 5 y selarec The medical officer having declared Miss Florence Wikoff, of Calumet gion, headed the band, and pro-§ him medically unfit for active service hy Bria Red her hiatol ceeded to the railroad station where | Lieut.-Col. Adams, Picton, has for nd Tg e¥pericnce in le} mate i ' they entrained for Valcartier. The ded resignatic p Jd of | With Mrs, C.F. enneberry, 0 ) ion af "2rded his resignation: as colonel ilenview, on the Wheaton Links, in men had only been at the station af the 16th re ) 0 iment. " ste golf cha io few minutes when the train arrived "Pint ice cream bricks," 23c. Gib- he women's western golf champion | EYER SEOTED WITH [}ana her wee son on thie wey fof ogy soe; | On the fourth green a snake coi The Busiest Store in Town the place of mobilization, Sale Over' s 50¢; | : p A ovr O¥ircE At Gananoque the loeal men were Wii a Shoat, Sat- | €d itself around Miss W ikoff's ball . 2 3H Joined by the .8th Field battery in|een Underskirts, 50c. Dutton's, op- ind her caddi= killed it with a midi -------- - Es NO DRUGS USED [fcr of vie Malor Ruseel Bric | poses Griins thesis Which ome Mun Wikoll a stroke and -- ton. Canon Roberts, Adolphustowp, has x BC 3 £03. 138 ! ol as Pe A Xu RRR ps a he - », and unnerved her so much that mm Ruby R . bad | I The fith Fiold battery, almost two | | tel¢ received a request, from Lady | 20 Isbister and Robert has she was beaten 2 up. his term as capiain hundred strong, was loudly cheered | ('yrhe Eneland . 3s i UIRIN ' 3 arbery, ngland, for permission to Lt : { CASES REQ G " : , hate as vho is e od i i i as it marched along the street. Alinclude three of his hymnefunes in| _1h¢ oid 8s ale As i who } Wey Ottawa went out in front in the . - --m f number of the men were forced to | her forthcoming hymnal, which has | STeatest ball player o RT eer Canadian League yesterday by win- |i MED. CAL ATTEN. go in civilian clothes on account of! . day and that other endless argu ning both games of a double header ome limina on | been granted a has n . id there not being enough uniforms in "Newcombe" Plano cheap, Dut- (Ment as to the greatest bail Thayer from London. Shocker and Kulat of all time probably never wi '€1 twirled excellent ball for the Sena- . TION WILL BE 80 the stores. When the men arrive| tion's at the camp grounds they will be Plums, gages, pears, peaches, at | Zottied, The trath of the malier tors. The scores were § to 2 and | § Our Specialty \ . rages INFORMED @ | furnished with an entirely new | Gilbert's. gages, is that éach fan has his"own fmpres-{ 1 og ip | equipment. Oue of the Picton milk vendors was | 1°00 of the thing so firmly and seenr a The fourte:n young men of thelj.fare Police Magistrate Williams ely entrenched 'n his dome that after The Philadelphia Athletics have || : - . 14th Regiment who decided, during charged with selling milk that was you have proved to him Senelusively won _ thirty-five games out of the Chaste and Beautiful the past few days to go on the over-1 up to the standard. After hear that their favorite player Is worthy{ ast forty. : : of more consideration than his, he A ! . | seas contingent were loudly cheered| i,' (he evidence the magistrate im i Keeley I. M. 0. D. 0. along the line of march. While un-f cd a fine of $10 and costs. {leaves you with the impression that{ gpending Holidays In Log Camps 8 i riefiel > sic cs at | while your m'nd is hopelessly dis- The log cabin camp enterprises in Gas Mantles 10¢ And U ' f der canvas at Barriefield the men For everything in music call Ae a ST AND sro] got the war fever and waited upon | pyutton's, opposite Griffin's theatre eased you are probably harmless en-} \jgonquin Provincial Park of Ontar Stree: Major Dawson, and asked to enlist The masons and carpentérs are busy ough to be allowed to. run around io, the first of their kind in Canada, 8 does awe i Speen Hou" The number which left on Friday]. (he new Episcopal church, Amel go De Ta ale proving very popular this sea- will make the 14th contingent forlc gure and expéet. 40 have. it en jer of us fuln = 8 to : i ola. | son The Grand Trunk railway of- | ff Ca Sa overseas service up to about one] jocad in a fow 'webks' times The | DaVe always stood on OT rs e bt ficials are receiving many apprecia- ~ hundred. The following is a list of | (ilo «Si Albans? seems fo be the | °F against the outfielder. Take Load tions of the camps as ideal holiday |i those that laft on Friday; Messrs.| 0 oo ular name jor thesmew edi- | And Collins, *or instance, who COVer lrasonts. ~~ H. A. Maedonnell, direc-|} H. W. Newman Electr: C ! E 3 as much ground in their respectivef ,,. .r colonization for the Ontario C 0. Mont Sry, Bradley, Arti Wil- . a Ake TE art. Byron, | 1° T positions as any other men. Cobb. vernment, with his family, bas | fi Phone 441. Home 1278. 79 Princess Street. kinson, J. Atkins, J. Ewart, Byron, advanos " oe : . No advance in bulk teas or coffees |}, 3 300 chances to retire a batter been staying at "Nominigan Camp." D. Hamilton, T. Stevenson, Harry . ' 7 | at Gilbert's stores. +3 amy a ~~ i113 nail 3 One More Day Berl ia Campbell, E 2 "Cherry Cordials." Gibson's. jot Xe BE olin hg Speaker "We are all delighted with the ar Smith, Ralph McLeod, G.- Wickham, y * Rei 3 { had 438~chancCes make an rangements,," he says "It is up te ' ip 1 W. J. Reid, Gananoque, found during the season, Weaver had 580 ! e ys p > G. Willis. A couple of the riflemen quite a curiosity' ¥h "his garden. In un the minute for a perfect summer were carrying their arms in a sling | pulling some carrots he came across chances and McInnis 1,595 opporiu-| ome to holiday in." Nominigan on account of being recently vacei-| ona which, though covered by the} nites, THp is situated on the easterly nated. sarth, seemed unlike the rest. On - g PI shore of Smoke Lake Like Camp The men of the field battery who : anh, Ey he hes it to be| President McC affery returned Minnesing it has a large ily are going to the front have certaind}a piece of bone, rough which had [from New York yesterday. He f8Y41 lodge which i§ used as a genéril ren ly been on ihe job for some time.|grown two small carrots. They were | that it is more than probable that! geovous and dining room. In tYose Iw International League will close 5noximity is a series of individual The officers of the unit have had] perfectly formed, dnd had matured | Uw & Load Ys . great difficulty in recruiting bui| from the seed by coming up through | on Labor Day. President Barrow has|, cabins, thoroughly in keeping Ee DONT COST ANYTHING TO MAE A " 3 : they stuck to their job with the re-{the hollow of the bone. faken the matter up and the clubs with the natural beauty of their lo Jenkins TR are almost unanimous for closing. | cation, which furnish accommoda- Every pera EY 5.0 BIOYClE ue Bicycles, tires, 2 c -, '. sult that they secured two hundred ecu first class 'volunteers. Although Legislature May Meet. RIE tion for families and parties, tubep, cement, oil, saddles, pedals, and any old thing you m Yor ' » ) eed your : z \ vill like- some of the ruen were a little green Toront Aug. 20.-1t aid that a The selection of captain will rin v Re C for want of crill they will be in fine special Sunion of the Ontario legisla | 1y be made at ths Initial Bratt oe War Does Not Stop Wrigley. Mieel. Gratomoisn, Hips sud Et a aacks Do pa: WwW iti in the se of a couple] ture ja bei sidero b Cg - | the Tigers on Saturday anc 1e k ci g N¢ alls, eballs oves, Spikes, ts, ar Sale oF weeks I urse 2 town ae a aia Er choice rests beiween Sam Manson . Mok glasba n sapped oft maby l'o gts. oF hiug Poles, Flies, Trolling Spoons, Lines, Reels, Hooks Sinkers, Ss, @ » ratify eg y e Aris " : ha i« | Yonto buildings pe ng a settlement oats, ete. The 660 lunches which had beel | government and to secure sametion 167 and Harry Glassford, Glassford 2 of the war, but the William Wrigley A 3 : ¢ z , ) nythin » epairs done prepared by a number of ladies of| further aid if necessary, as well as to i the oldest member of the es Jr. Co., Limited, manufacturers of right, y 8 AN everything counts. Get your r quick and ---- the city were greatly appreciated by| pass emergency legislature. i the matter of service excep the famous Wrigley's Spearmint, are Be ----., going right ahead, and exeavating is DON'T MISS THE BAR- TT Tr IRAN Ti ro . now in progress for the largest and i i factory in "the finest chewing gum .~GAINS AND BE SORRY : - fatory., in " - er pe ; British Empire, which will be built on Carlaw avenue, Toronto. Such grea advances have been made in 'the Wrig- BOYS' SUITS pa ay NS E i ; 3 pe ley business in the last four vears Yesterday was the biggest : ; % ey s i 4 7 that a large plant was determined ne vet in boys' suits. 25% dis- : . : a ha Fe -- count makes it worth while. : The Closing Night. . 7 4 To-night at Lake Ontario Park the MEN'S SUITS i 1 4 es 4 last vaudeville entertainment of the . > ? season will take place. The man- : . . in B 3 » J 2 ) Ae agement, although the season Yas : All at astonishing prices § . Lh been short, with many drawbacks for the last day. i c : . ' A : well Pleased with the financial : W " : Be ? i sult. he park will remain opd One dollar saved is better ; RE eT LE RRR het unl ater labor day, than a dollar made. Now is JIS a : Snap No. 3-100 Bottles pickled the best time to save. aa TR : 5 3 tS ve 3 for 25c. Ye. a doz, " PS ned SE yn, os . at Gilbert's stores. HATS AND CAPS oun PY 8 | Dutlon's 18 still the bargain store, No spite of he war the ehildren Aust 5 soon go to : : ; ws theatre, opposite GHEE YL sehool, . Come here and see our splendid schoo! shoes 3 a - A : : fin's theatre. All kinds of hats and caps ' 1 Sate . News was received on Monday that for boys, $1.50 to $2.50. Ij iner grades up to $4.00, at exactly half price. A Livut. Jiles Ravers papas, 4 aly Our girls' and infants' shoes can't be beaten for . is in Belgiutf, Sttéched to 'the Bri-| quality and price. Balance of 69¢ shirts for ] ) = 0 Dalgiu id | = Phone 1246, 7771 Ww Wh © A one 1248. 3 ; Balance of boys' JShirt- 3 ge ; SCROFULA_ AND ALL : ; waists for 29. 3 ~ es INR : Hp : HUMORS GIVE WAY . ---- ab ; There are many thinzs learned Nida dy $1 Us THE PRACTICA ; $i od dn hg Be with the crowd to-morrow } from experience and observation hs LE i A PTE k ¥ ; that the older generation should im- (EEN 2S a IA 2 5 . press upon the younger. Among a si ie. mn : : fa gr : i them is the faet that serofula and : 4 el i ! other humors are most successally. e ¢ of first Japan-| Twelve persons were ¥ treated with Hood's Sarsaparilia, | ®¢ squadron has reported to the | fatally, when Kaptaa. Cit - a " " This reat medicine is a peenliar | "avy department that his ' torpedo | passenger train No. 1 MOTORCYCLISTS ANSWER - foe Wor en combination of remarkably ¢ ective Hotilla cram ime a Asphcon,: The was derailéd near Mi Narblo. Ot he clists, oF Senden in ¢ ppenl Ve : ling blood 3 ying and health-giving 2 Mere ed and five men | A broken ra The "rally oft ORE. to an calling Tools harks amd herbs. and bas bees Jost _ Shei lives as a result of the| Snap No. eda fistment of motoreyelists as despatch bea: ors, * ; . i Dledon commons aud thousands of motorcycles w od Wp wh i re ners enlisted. tasted Aur Louty yours GnkikJoday. "Cherry Cordials." Gibson's. this seek gulp, #