_PAGE TEN this so far as Ontario is concerned. | 27c.; eggs, 25c. : : PLOUUR : : : fil | Present indications point to a Dor | Veoatables-- Oni .. a. PD mal crop in this province, with qual- jy. Sen ian, oy Bunch; pats: Our Robin Hood Brand of Sour RICULTURAL QPICS ill lity excellent in well cared for orch- sb $ ¥ r doz; {has & guarantee in every bag for ii ards. in Novi: Statif, "where a re pr hg 1 a doz; Mttuce, 5¢. bunch; 1 ne ' 11 i cord crop reduced' 'the prospective a ie, Be. bunch; 'shubarb, 50c. a MAOLRAN, A if: | yield below the average. In the, == Peas in pod, Bc. quart; cucum taro Street. R ' fll Cafe 'States, too, early reports otf eS: ¢ to Te. each; potatoes, $1:60 bumper yield have bedn gremily dis- per. bag; nely potatoes, $2 a bush. counted by later reperts, and-in Bu- I H. oe Loe fruit thus : Conversation The Issue. with the recommendations made by [rope the crop generally does not pro- lerries, Sc. 10, ¥1 a basket; straw- the royal rn whi th imquirs | mise to be wore thin ordinary, Most | berries, 20c, 4 box; bananas, DO NoT RENT. Farmer Jones, over 'the fence: } o .. " eins s 'the faet that | 20c. 'a dozen; oranges, bc We "Does y py rip 2u jed into this Guestion <a short time [encouraging of all is t > ges, . to 60e, oes Four vow givers: lobo! milk ago. the syndicate uniting a number of | a dozen; tomatoes, 15c. per lb.; can- WHY NOT BUY? Farmer Town, lately from the city 4 3 3 7 = "Well | think she oil a a lot Mr. Gareau is now ready to inves-]local Ontario co-operative apple-ship- | telopes, two for 250.; gooseberries, but my wife and d ggreed we would [tigate complaints of excessive 'short | ping xssoclations into 'one orgufiisa-| 0c. quart; watérmelons, 50c. to $1 We have some great bar- be waving 'of 'It, and 1 'only milk wi¥eights' or discrépancies between a Sirendy Da Ms. an ene; - allerin J Cache, 0c. to 0c. { gains. Two bungalows with pint or a quart, or Just what we want dhe marked weights of butter and jdouble the quantity § apples | 1 do pears, 30c. to 40c, a doz; . I $6 use, ¥o there 'won't Be any Wast: chebse, and the weights as found by |through this organization last year. | harvest apples, 50c. a peck; raspber- ob rooms, good locality, at gH 3 V}the public weigher at Montreal | Altogether the outlogk. for apple lus 13: a box. $15 00, T h B 1600, a Chdese factory and creamery sales-|growers, who have looked after thel: + A McFarlane Brock siruat. ve J WO nouses, ---- - 3 py g atigfactory ' Cows That Wenr "Well. Hed and Feveivers o butter 20 orchard , seems a satisfactory one. ports 2xain, Hour 'and Teed aa av good locality. Apply to LADIES' WHITE CAN. . . HR eheese, are requested 10 notily in ---- ollows : One of tie Wany attvantages reap-Lo:* 416 department of agriculture Poultry Pointers Oats, 50c per bushd: wheuy, $1 to THE KINGSTON BUILD ed from systematic cow testlug 1s the [9ag 'Commissioners street. Moatreal Green bone is very rich in phos-}$1.10 per bushel; = yellow 'feed eorn, ERS' SUPPLY CO. VAS PUMPS NG fact that it not only detects cows of Q : - 3 t uébee, (Phone M. in 4145) if they | phate of lime 90, irdifferent value ia iret : phate of lime. dle. per bushel; 'bakeps' flour, many & od points the. aurden ot hr yy fn have an TOTALS to Hike FER Never send a fowl to market that 82.75 to $3: farmers' is $0.75 2nd Ehoor, Room 4, ' bes oc the two less Cows Instead of their having jecting the 'weighing -of these arti-Lipg v-fyjberop to $3. Hungarian patent, $3.00; King Edward Building LADIES WHITE NU- Jon coo Lood tows. to support then ), but ial The igdpecter has instructions ao in ary-picking pluck the feathers oatmeal, 83.75 cwt.; rolled onts, $2.75 BUCK COLONIALS ] Y un cee gu 8g it hus frequently diseoverad vali-lyoon in Touch with the work of the Voile the body is still warm. per 0) lbs.; cornmeal, 82 cwt; bran, v J able cows, For instance, a farier putilie Weighier in Solis A Rub the window panes well with | 294 50 ton; shorts, $26.50; Yaled straw, at Enuismore, Ontario, had a~eimuil | cas where he finds any evidence of [01d newspapers it will let in the sun- { ton; shorts, $26.50 ton; baled straw, | LADIES' KID SLIPPERS Stdéenizeg eHative! Sow wich he'in-1.y iesive short weight it will be his|Shine. : " 39 per ton; pres®d saw, 29 a ror} tended to sell, not placing much va lao, i Dry-pieked poultry will stan pressed hay, 315. ! y y to investigate without specific ' {ge ug her, Put cow gasiiug showed request longer shipments than those that The Dominion Fish company reports BOYS' AND GIRLS' RUN- dl she is one o the Hest in the po 2 o Mr. Gareau is a graduate of the ure scalded. the following prices: Whitefish, 150. herd, both for milk and fat produc- Buglington, Vi, and St. Hyazeinihe Careful\bree ding, proper feeding, Ib.: pike, 12je. lh.: blue fish, 15¢.; We should be glad to NING SHOES Hat Dow , rice save ous Dairy Schools He 15 been aland the 'right kind of care, will pro- | Chinook salmon, 30c. per pound; show you our Boys' and 8 Calls another c al Ayer }uhepsemaker and an in pector for the | duce heavy laying in any breed fresh haddock, 124c. per pound; Girls' School Boots BAREFOOT SANDALS 'HH abec y . rl. y LL > hv ? d . ) 230. 3 3 at i a Quebec, pought at aw tion fold Dairymen's association cof the prq-| Sudden fright and excitement: at |steak cod, 12ic.;. salmon 7 trout, $1.50 00 Re BEd -- py De valge vinee of Quebec, and has alte had once tells on the egg crop. Never | 15¢. per Ib.; Saguenay salmon,' 30c prices from : tc $3.00. ide she 8 pith m g 1 } ' ' otters as the A poorest in ae ri years! experience in the cheeseallow strange dogs-about where the | per lb. mackerel, '15¢. per lb; pick- We save some splendid REDUCTIONS IN MEN'S Pip i, in iter trade : 3 5c o . v herd of the man who was Hn | Re will a aot as a referee in the re of an abdominal pouch erel," Toe. per Hh. Hnes in Men's Shoes, which OXFORDS out. The present owner believe: i Mar nf I gi He ed iregt size of ¢ Fi i TY a cow testing, and bas refused 3:01] mobter of quality J. A Ruddick lin ou goose indicates great age, a RUINED BY BOOKS. exnnot be beaten at $4.00 i : A ary anc oly Storage His 3 " 1 . A ie for her; she gave 322 pounds of fai] .. fact that is useful in "purchasing {| . . h in seven months. ? hoier. 5 breeding stock. The Strange Career of a Scholarly .All good solid leather. - eet " The men who have built up herd Nova Scotin's Tntiled Acres, Professor Dawley says that chemi- Recluse. REPAIRING DONE d ke Sa er that average 8,000 or 9,000 pounds . or hand ; : . J cal analysis of different grains show | London, July '17.--The hermit of : conmmnsssnssnnans of milk per cow are just those men b Pon ily 1 oF Ne vheat to contain a larger amount of | Walthamstow is dead. af the age of ! . - who 'know, throwgh having preyed] 'P® 5 EIven 'Dy he eensiis ACH humen than any other grin. There- { eighty-six. A once wealth + me S ore » atiaties bre " ) hie "hr ir Ni . : ' : > ; gs y wine mer {Albion Hotel Jt that cow testing pays. Your cows wp Drath "of tu J B ARI fore it is the grain to - make the | chant of Mayfair, London, who prac- | oe tore miy be like fancy china, of very fis 4 (oH de on 3X HE Te, oer base -for -egg-producing 00d. tically ruitied himseli by his love fois oe PHINOESS gh { 8 i Nova, Scotia, : . . n 208 Barrl he p " ¥ nent, out of aw available area "for One of Kingston' 8 Best. produce, : Yay ou eu lh wiltivation of 8.000000 geres, not strike them, and they should be |a literary recluse. « Mr. Ward inherit } 2 YOU 8 y er y «| 2 @ ' ; , note 4 3 . . each during the seven months" fas piflion are actually under cuitiva turned every other day. They keep [ed the wine business in the sixties toy season tion. Leading merchants in the. Marj best in a room or cellar where the | from his father, with its income of : $ time provinces feel that with the |lemperature ranges betwen 40 and [over $5,000 a year; yet, so great was a podnibilitie possessed by such © | 60 degrees. his literary aspirations ang--his ii Advantages of Lucerne, . . > ¢ ; vantag f Lacern widespread territory, the great pro While meat is an excellent food] fatuation for classical 'and abstruse 3 ® 1 AS 3 Tue Ey growing lems to be met are these of ade jyop egg production on accotnt of its Wolfie "thar, as Lr Niunu ope Poison M t 4 Or ee rien ys Tile tran Ey 3 naar nitrogenous quality, there are a marked, he woke up almost on the ous a ches 3p re sR arge 3 ¥ it is pointed out, sdy a alifax ne number of other feeds which also | vetge of bankruptey-~books had been mare an Son e that wf Gover, ' age, that the United Stats with ite [ore bigh in nitrogen, among which his curse. He sold his business for a I le tl . " a beads most - nigh A Bo E . reads A NS a Xn i may be found linseed meal, malt few hundreds of pounds and went n less than two years it w ill be unlawful to nos as high a fe ; as bran | weasing population, must ultimately | Shu * t ireme re ty VEar p "It ia the most enriching crop for yecome the ta £ purchaser of Ca sprouts and gluten feeds. ig cai ali vo Hin nd buy i fo se poisonous white phosphorus the ground which we have. nadian produé > The fact isnot It is best to salt the morning He was a Greek Latin, Hebrew matches ¥ ih, ' P A hdr Thomas Copley kee "When a good stand is once seepr ost sight of, however, of the oppor mash, but not more than one ounce French ! Itai woke. H =i it will generally last foursto six ' red By the now de-ffor 100 head of Stock 'should be | reucs and liaiun scholar, Te spent " Everybody should begin to use § \( 'a appearanes, but they may not went ' J Eggs si 1d. be hel g ack, | books, Charl A W Remodel thr hout. \ 3 > oA Cow i sini with three hundred years' settle :ges should be held in a rack, s, Charles Augustus Ward spent lod oug well Dut the tested cows, that &¢ : end down, 20 that the air can |the last years of his life in poverty, a i ed unities offered Tl : BF Telephone 987 years veloping South Ainerican Republics, |1sed. Dissolve the salt in hot wa- all his time, col geting hoo ' 5 wii 3 > Drop a eéard to 13 Pine street when "It ean b% fed as hay to all kind: | whi ¢ also be to become pa-|ter with which the 'mash is 7 Lg he last few years®of his life ' : hieh are also bound ecome pa is mois Ye 4 his sister, who EDDY S NON-POISONOUS 3 Nantng any fling donk in The tarpen: of animals, and has no superior 'as : |'irons of Canadian food product tened. In this way it 'will be more was supported by of repairs 4 new work; also hard. | Dig pasture - 4 > . evenly distributed. died only three weeks beiore him, wood floors off all kinds. AlN orders -- Ontario's Crop. The first eggs of the STowDs egg leaving $7,500. This legacy he has will receive prompt attention Shop : Gi . . 3 i race Yo bromp en In : Growing Alfalfa. We are infor a light crop in 'On-| layers are generally of a good color, leit to charity. back tel : 6 . "9 TN A RA APPA ANNAN NAN a ror: Four years ago, the University of | iario. this year, says "W.L.S." writ. | but as the hen increases her laying He leit 3,000 books, which have i squm atc eS SEY | So ckatchewan, Saskatoon, instituted | ng in the Weekly Sun Hay will|she decreases the amount of color, | Pon reset} to whe London dibrany, A : a competition to stimulate interest iv | je the lightest in years. The young owing to the gradual loss of the pig. | ©f Which he was 'one of the earliest : : NEW YORK FRUIT i J th production of alfalfa throughou | -lover was checked by .the drouth|ment which colors tie 'eggs. members, "having joined in 1854. They And thus ensure safety in the home. TORE i the province Six thousand dollar » last summer, and further injured Overgrown fowls are no 'better in include a large number of curious old J Were. sel aside for prizes to be {hy the dry cold weather of early|any particular than those of normal awarded for the best fields of alfalf. pring. Finally a dry, bot June re isize. The; breeding, care and selec- : a nding, the avira fired RTowin in ihe old Heb dows, tion designed for Increase size, | 4O" Sitwary_ ) ' 7208 Vi p 5 75, be 3 8 tli ge areas y ' on 2 s ¢ POVErsy: Fresy, strawberries and cher- o . y ak Fhe result i tal in large avea MY had better bir devoted to 'the de- Letters of unis cof roversy i laily sides which a grand champion prizc | will not go beyond half a ton to the | velopment of Mayin qualiti d He was a convinced woman-hater ries daily, will be awarded to the owner of the | sere, and all over the province the! tat £-9 es am and a great .faddist' in. all food Bary &. Prac fear Sweet Oranges, 20c, 23c, B | pedt field in the completion. The tirép will be short {table quality Instead of quantity. ters, and = an epicure. Neurly 30¢, 40¢ and BOc a dozen. judging was fixe ake place \ ; ri , : James Rankin says he never sold | matters, amc of . rh of y judging was fixed to take place ir Fall sown grains, where not win x broiler in 'hi forty books on cookery were found om a 1914, for which purpose the province | er killed, will do well: but there! .. viler in his life, for the reason : 3 . cn. ret. Kin (} § 2 . 1 ; that the broil is 4 among his collection. He had con was divided into four sections. Dear | was a good deal of killing out las , ller age is just the time tributed extensively to Notes and 34 Princess St Phone! 405 Rutherford of the College of Agricul- | winter All spring cereals will be| hen all the danger of mortality 0 aries. avd "he was sroud to relate Lf f ture at Saskatoon, sfates that the | short in the straw, but recent rains has passed. The last two of three iy Carlyle 5 stened to his "on farms which have already been jud should cange heads to fill fairly weil { pounds can be put on much cheaper | that once Larly 3 s { . . reading of a long manuscript. 8- p ed have shown results far in antic Faking grain crops as a whole they than the first. Whoever raises beef vf jor th » name pation of the judges It is inter | will not be up te the average or pork knows that this is so. He ually he wrote under the name ) AA A A AN a AAR esting to note that until merely : Considerable damage was done to|holds his chickens until they are |©f Felthan Burghley Among his 00 0 few years ago, alfalfa was condemn | he corn crop in some sections by |four and a half months old. , aT Sh stated, a. ed as an impossible crop for the | he frost in June, but where that| According to the Central Experi. | 1°tters . 'whic arlyle wrote to hum ; i i i ti Lr 3 pers Mr. Ward dressed shabbily and very west The pessimism concerning | was eseaped corn is. doing exception nent Station, Oftawa, Canada the r Perhaps we can assist you by sug-| the natural resources was 1 | ally well The feed sitnation in the | composition of the average poultry quaintly. He was often seen aboyt gesting the following: more marked than in the eg P. 4 ywrovinee depends more on the -out-| manure is as follows: Water 66 per in a Holland smock or a blue frock Cooked Ham, Pressed Ham, Jel- | falfa; yet it has been successfully de | turn in this wing of crops than ever |ecent, nitrogen two to eight pe ? Dor coat with brass buttons and a Pan- lied Hocks, Corned Beef, Hendcheese, | monstrated as remarkably adapted tc | petore. ~~ With a good lot of corn {phosphoric acid, two to re 7 | ama hat with yellow ribbon. ete, agricultural conditions on westerr | odder the winter may be passed over | cant potash eight to ni 'eé per abbiobii Ripe Tomatoes arriving daily. plains without grave inconvenience. If for | This anavigis would he the Fruits, cakes and pastry of all - semen iny reason corn should fall the res [op " a iin ® |per ton at §I f kinds, 1lt will be disastrous. Ip any case at 35 to $8.50. If Dissolution of Thread Trust Is Work the Soil. hie situation is such as to call for the | eo. S All orchard soils should be kept | most careful saving of every pound Produce and Prices," . i Sustained. eid bone GAGE'S BUSY STORE, well worked during the summer |of feed Kingston, July 17,--~The market New York, July 16.- Every ouse- months It is very essential tha 80 far as the apple crop is con-| clerk reports the following Wite.n America will enjoy the bene. 254 Montreal St Phone thete should have an abundant sup- | erned the outlook is quite encour-| Meat, heat, local, carease, 120. | fit of competitive conditions in buy- ply of motsture during the whole | aging At one time the fear was | carcass. outa. 10e. to Mo - mutton, | IN spool thread if a dssolution de- of the growing season The trans | for over-production the world over,|1lic. to le; live hogs, 88; dress. {70° '0 the Thread Trust gt Ten- piration from fruit and foliage i: | and consequently fow prices The | « Hl hogs,. 12¢.: veal, Se. to 12.: lamb, dered last month in the United congiderable at any thme; but during | June drop, resulting from drouth, hy carcase, $6: western beef. 1de. to States court of New Jersey, is sus the hot and windy weather the |and injury by tent caterpillars com- | 13e., by Gnrense: : tained. The Department of Justice amount of moisture which Is requir- bined, have removed all danger of|- Dairy--Butter, creamery, 800. prints jeshad statement fn explanation of jy. ¥ > hd ' e Case. od by a tree, and which is ultimately 1 oy ye re ---------- The governm:nt charged that the dictionaries, books on occultism, and some whith are missing from the Lon. colléetion on the famous BOON TO HOUSEWIFE. ranspired from the tree, is very ex | ; *eptional ; American Thread company, and its { Ixcessive transpiration is often affiliated concerns the J. & P the cause of loss of young trees and | Coates company, LR he 4 ed and of 'hew grafts They are found to| Thread company an others a Full flavor d part with a large amount of mois | monovolized the thread industry perfectly cooke ture, and gre not able to retain or| and controlled ninety per cent. of | the domestic thread trade. make delicious obtain sufficient for their nourish | ment; they thea very seon wither and | In its action the government delight. wr Tee sandwiches. die The sail around these should | i i 4 sa charged that there was a communi- Cu "a nu kept well stirred, they should aso | 3 5 tv of interest hetwen these firms; picnicker's 3 RJ be given a good straw mulch. . 8 ' % that through price cutting, "misrep- 3 > régentation 'by welling 'agents regard- choice. 4 Successtol Farming. wy ; ing the standing and dusindss :Evetybody's EY The protien of successful farming 42 ; Maho of Vi ete oa ather monopolistic v favorite. 'Inowadays inust depend for its solu % \ tion eon intensive culture, which es : had monopolided the Gomestic means that the crops grown oue afl thread industry. ter 'another in quick succession must In praising the work of the De- be sown in soil worked into a condi 3 partment of Justice in this action » tion as perfect as possible, and must representative of the Blodgett' Ors- | \ : be regularly nourished with ample i \ well company predicted that the de- ' , perforation indicates upper edge " supplies of available plant-food. 11 éejon. would be helpful' to trade 3 * horses are put to extra hard work "We feel that this decree w'll go they are supplied with extra rations for," he said, '"'to cirh the unfair . : k, including -energy-producing grain; g practicés of the great moaopoly ] J similarly the soil, if expected to pro ' heretofore controlled by a foreirn 3 0 SE en errs ory duce quick succession of exhausting A 3 dictator, and both foreign and do- " as strated. crops, must be supplied with the mestic autocrats fa the thread buel- pourishing material to enable 'it to neds have been taught 'to 'respect hear with success the strain. Farm just laws enacted for thes publi» yard manure applied In moderate . SE good." quantities will muintain the soil in a Yi de good 'physical condition, and will : * Explorer Sued for $8,000. keap it supplied with Bumus. Then y London, July 16. -- Sir Ernest ghtsphate of ute ghd Patten 3 Sait ] hacklcton, the celebrated Arctic " able orms must use erally, \ explorer, has 'been sed d Miss olin oern. err ny womeane fl] the fertilizing elements in them are Josephine Brown for §5, 00%. The pleased with her shoes thet | Ji not liable to be washed away, and - ; ; case is down for héarimg on July thought 1 would come to y therefore any balance mot utilised by : ; ) % ; 28th shortly after Which dat "ai We A er, ontisliest. [Hl lone erop remains svaligble for the J : . Ernest Niakes Nie depart a he To it aon Fa oa sour Triends | Bet, 4 Tyuep Wouhing "with Shoe Re " Antarctic expedition. tire ngham, > * ure. © have nil ma ough harrowing mus given Pe g C p Tone-Plece | Froiah the. neck and sleeves with Due and ud nixien of oF mews, won oi Mg Bl} tore all seeding, for we must under Fa : | RN A Frantis R. gi 2 broth- | dress. because a - touch of simple sam tonholed seallops and French riots. io pee ta we stand that owe gfeat wdvintuge in AR a er o explorér, 'was imprisoned eg 5 sofhe tite ago On a charge of ob- asing fertilizers is that they are fine that they. may, + worked %% f : RT : 3aining Money from 'this 'woman by Ab Pp : mited srough 'the. dott, Wnt ualom - : "|r ove Patterns Can be Obtained from fhe soil itself 1s thoroughly cultivat- aire, that dhe it weet 3 Strom g de. jy ed this cannot be done. NG TWO FROCKS IN LATEST STYLE. 'be heard as' quiekly 'as 'powstble 'as N & Sh Weighing Innpovter Appohsted Ome of these yourg girls wears a very Vout frock of white he has, he' assets, a complete ams- eéwman aw [willow tafféfa with white pearl 'embroidery on the belt. wer fo-her atfegations. ° ' a Martin has voor pinistar 8 ig arti draped to narfow a1 'the Ary ed ; era apne ; P . ~ S pointed i so ionable now. ore youthful is the o pect : Tmcess Garean, Inspector of Wealthy ofido duty for dancing also. It is of 'white peso with & Do aot it wil bis oh - the f : freee 2 block, Dutier wud cheer, i accordance of white tulle,