; Slur oy oy five bor Sad te | FOOTB! pesNING FUER caraciTy ineroases, 4 W sary oe on tin ~The Coal and Iron National bank' t il, Avid White New Aen Records for 3 Selehrating She tenth anniversary Ww 2 of its organization. = The bank's {Cuban Players ith Unit St h FE jie Production in MarelieStreet Rail | original 'capital of $300,000 and sur- . Baseball Clubs--~ Cijled Ses X- Wishes to anvounee _, way Receipts Were Ie reased-- plus of $180,000 have grown to eapt-| ° Jak reat Victory of |i a Wye Hy Wishes to anvounce that be Commercial Notes:- # 'tal, surplus, and undivided profits of son; of Oxford : 1 Oren Parton i Froft and: Toronto, May. 2--New i oy $1,586,000, with total resources of | Chief Moyers, catcher for the New : | Confectionery in. conection. fords' in. tle protiletion of pig: tron, |" ren A 10 Te as, _ - with tha threeyeardl Houses. Engl Haunt Lacking, A trig) ordur selieited, ; rails atid coke were made By the Al- COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS ay wi that team. hoses, ne ne Rooms, and any- vi i M) h 280 Prin Street goma Stunt Bogle in March. ) - Football promises to be al | machinery Is used. wheres A cess ? [The ue "Tuas > . 0) * Add as . Lp Ary red et inn Seon wan ~ Whe Thinks Willison Lacks Grace | Smith's Ialls this season. Polar in Sha a Ts cloths, soft | " viohs recérd of 29,800 tows In April, and Gallantry tour good elu already organizd. | BO tt (a isons 1913: of rails 29,640 tons as com-/ : x Asapttn for unrelenting ae | poetic fans o rn our Guat the. Bighest 7 wit | pared 'with -the previous record of |' om i hi oe cord Tennyson BY Fou Io get In thuch with us. 29.200 tons last July and of Ws ---Breasting Boyne brigade. had in mind thi Feddtals when be he We sane nh te make yout pi up. TOWN rROT Y40,760 tons compared with the pre- & Culedonian courage chucks no gan with "Half a leagite, bali: a just. as glad when you have HHH STORE lous HEN of 37,600 tons in Jan- combat. eague, ete., ete.' i made ours. We are the largest x > : : : = a Canada fl Oranges, '15¢; 20c, 30¢ dor This moNth the - corporation re-| FE--English democracy with him. | ~o is doubtinl if Jack" Coombs 1 whuse Pineapples, 18¢; two" sary 1973 D--Do or die. [ manufacturers and dealers in eoived an order for 10,000 tons of| F---Fuse and cap of Carson, naj oo ever piteh again, 'and Connie Hy From Ux aud Support, Oana. 4 ad rails from the Grand Trunk railway] terror. fant ER of. a, pen inn dndustrs, Grape Fruit, 3 and 4 for at 50 cents per ton over the price a Be goiug to cure once for all the H | Chiolce selection of ca quoted by competitors, ster u/cer. ! Gr & Co | Goods delive w H---Home rule for the land of Par-| Move than.a dosen Cuban ball play- > : ay » 'y it of the Phe Yered to ail gang Public Service Compianies nell and O'Connell, the land of schol- | °¥S are now. on' the roster of league 21-2¢ Dulhouste St, TORONTO INCORPORATED 1869 © ET : : ars v lub: Te l * / I "New York, Moy. 1.-The mistor-{or™ orators, soldiers, saints. Fear | "lubs in the United States-and the : Puctors = Montrent : JAMES PAUL Cortal Paid Up . . $11, 560,000 '|sunes of the steam railroads last dh Tith of re many, hey will | number: is Sowing every yuar. J 348 PRINCESS ST. 2 = fvedr were t refle : you as Ss. ve, to be sure, 1 Reserve Funds 13,575,000 yes not reflected in the earn-), 'jot ive alse. Don't crush a Connie Hack's veteran pitchers are . lings of street railways through Total Assets . =: 180,000,000 ns Rates for irghghoit weaker brotlier, he has a right to ex- | being allowed to take it easy and the jstence, a right in his native soil to | :oungsters are getting plenty of work, | ___ ok feat NE z i T -- ing public utility co BS © p COLLECT IONS Having 270 Branches ghout Canada and the by a ay ial Lg ab breathe the air of a freeman and not When the race hfs up a bit Bend- N West Indies, this Bank es uurivalled facilities of a bondman. Do unto others as | and Plank will be quit i A 2 é . prs as { ¢ prominent for handling collections with economy and despite. earnings for last wear of $866,416,-1 oo 04 wish to be done by. Hate [in the box scores. 000, an increased of 4,857,000 : : s ' LONDON, ENG., OFFICE, NEW YORX AGENCY, net earnings pr 33a 34.090. 3nd no one for the sake of God, you will 1, a - SANE SLOGS., PRINCES STRICT, €.C. CON.-WiLLIAM & CEDAR STAELTS . of $19,492 000 The 'surplus not be thanked. (\worge Moriarity is the nmost craity ; i KINGSTON BRANCH, " E. E. NEWMAN, Manager. i and dividends. a 81 § Itch of domination a curse; '| ba¥e runner in the major leagues, gating $81,113,000 showed a fo eh Justifiable. neither to God nor | says Hughey Jennings. Moriarty ( $2,655,000. The 286 companies to man. : lacks the speed ofthe leading base | MOTOR TRUCKS K--Khbaki uniform popular. A runners in the' two major leagues, Canacities 112 9 of the year $2,151,000,000, an in-| L--Leugthening days #1 but he makes' up for his lack of Capacities--1, 134, 2, 3,3 $ and crease of $87,820,000. Sodidda M---Money and mercy make a |=peed with good judgment. _ " : v : (ONS. Xo : : 2 Xe Rec: magnificent team. i . -- a What kind of service may I expect. from the santfacturer New Glass Company N--New strawberries! The Central ' Ontario Racing asso: Ii after 1 have purchased a motor truck?" An impartant question : | London, May L--New Candia 0--0ld age is beautiful when ser- | ciation has drawn up a schedule cov- | i nsider . 3 | ts in y Tatic ew Lanidlan{ ene and full of merit. cring two months from, the middle | & as : ne | prospec in eirculation among un- P-- Pedals are "not" played to] of June to the 20th of August . x SeIVIC egins th an analysis ot vonr deli very proli lems, {derwriter p remier Glass > f 3 riters include the Premier Glass! once) any defect (as a simpleton | follows : Peterboro, June 17-18; Belle resting data regarding the N % First Mort re erofortaes ut Ix ous emul recently said they are) but to pro- | ville, June 24-25; Port Hope, July |G ex .s of business men whose transportation problems are 0 S foaeh. The. directors a Lye vo ars duce power as a drum to a band. 1-2; Lindsay, July 849; Orillia; July sil; AES ~ 4 wehak PARTICULARS . Nt named on the Q--Queen's without Principal Gor- | 15-16; Bracebridge, two days in week 1 hi feral Sl ae i ON REQUEST iveapectus include: Lieut.-Governor - al of am iC Ant rvice ends when the truck wears ont--how long : . don iz not good sense. Proud temple | of July 27th. - Cameron- of Manitoba, Lieut.-Gover-| rjoapning were the poorer by a Sn his will be we d ot know, io rst Mack Truck built, Ca W thr M Juor Brown of Suskutchowa, and Sen- | apapnge. A more pressing want | Writing of the \interqpHegiate relay 14 years ago, is still doing rel* "» work at Tucson, Arizona. a OC 0. | would be to infuse a little grace and | race; won the othsc.day bys Oxford, » The strength of the company behing the truck should be as cares W May Show Deficit * gallantry, if not actual wit and dis- | New York critic of sporting matters fully investigated as the strength "of the truck itsolf. Address Toron' I roronts. Mav. J.-- dust Middl cretion, in the thinking tank of the | has this to say: "Jackson, under Dept. 28 {.. To 0, May 1.--Justicé Middle-| Toronto News' pompous editor. the handicap of | pew scenes'. and % = ton has Fuserved judgment for a few R--Rev. Pastor Yates has closed | changed climate, a dead track that . The Canadian Fairbanks « Morse Co., Limited La " days in the petition for the winding] hell and discharged-the devil without | did not favor his long, easy stride. w Wied WE OFFER $5,000 00 ; Lup of the Dominion Bond company; a moment's notice, which is hard on | and an outside position ™ that des & Sie. 4 ty . , Hin drdel 20 Jee it an arrangement! the old fellow. §ev. Billy Sunday, perate sprint around the fast turn, 3 es . Yon Gf, lo incuce crecllorS ia week or so 3g0, SWore Sir Satan | proved himself, if such was necessary, Bs 0 Rhy, 3 bp {not to press for dissolution. It was| was after his perseeutors, the black- | 4 oreat runner." Si yd | bi) oick CAL PS RE Rial SR ELTA T fa serted by counsel for the petition-|jegs, the booze-dispemsers and bro- eR Cit Ox in S on {ers that the statement of assets and|thel-keepers, that the "fiery pit" was {liabilities would show a deficit: of | the place for them d the sooner The First Carpet | 8 00,000. they went the better? L The first carpet ever seen®in East ---- i | : ---- i S--"Straight gospel" spouting | Hampton, Long Island, was in Par- . J Debentures to Would Help to Finance War may be lovely, but those-engaged in con Lyman Beecher's house. One | _ * "tT 4} New York, May 1.--The head of|it should at least try and tune their | day a little money came from Uncle aC 0 € ICYyC e jone of the largest banks in New York | fiddles so the cacphony will not be | Lot Benton, the good angel of the concerned had outstanding at the end {said to-day, that bankers of the city} so distressingly apparent. Beecher family. With it young Ly- SUBJECT TO PREVIOUS SALE. PRICE RATE Mand ready to take a $100,000,000] 1 --To knock a thing which does | man bought (he COLON: "his wife, " Don't these mornings make you feel like.a spin or \ issue of one-year three per cent treas-| not exist into a cocked Rea is in | Ilo%ana, spun it, had it woven, and TO YIELD 5 ° {ury certificates should the govern-|itself a great feat. painted over it in oil colors, with a on an easy running Massey ? 4 : . i YSNEESE | vent decide to finance the Mexican U---Unredeemed villains now have | way border round the edge, and ! Particulars on Application. ! impaign in that way. carte blanche. zroups of flowers in the a OUR EXPERTS : V--Vice, unpunished, may weil| When the new carpet was laid Will put 3 your old wheel or tires in shape to enjoy F. B. McCURDY & | ie SRE | in Soy yay Listed st youreets 4 Ww ashitigton, May 1. --Gold produc- / here ai , ends olly | the magnificence of the pastor's par- Ye nas PR CO. tion by Australia in 1913 was the be gins, \ 3 lor. Good old Deacon Tallmadge, ALL MAKES OF BICYCLES 0. 125, smallest in three years. The output ---Xtremely amusing. wou be | coming one day, Bfopped at the door, od at 8 to \ , a Members Montreal Stock Exchange. reported by the United States con-| 21! this, were it not supremely sad. ¢ | afraid to enter. Repaire d at shortest notice } and we guarantee satis H. W. NELLES, Manager. ~~ sul general at Syduey, for last year, Y-=Your little winking, sputtering "Walk in, deacon," said the pas faetion. » g was 2,204,768 fine ounces, compared | tallow dips, gentlemen, will scarcely | tor, il with 2,321,343 in' 1912 and 2,484,-| suflice on so perilous a journey as "I can't," he answered, " 'thout > . 2 175 ounces im 1911. {hat which we poor pilgrims of earth, | steppin' -on't.. D'ye think," he Tread old 0 cle and S$ 0 Goods Co i must- pursue before we atwain our | added, in wondering admiration, "ye A . Cape Breton Electric eternal lome. Church of Christ is | can have all that, and heaven, too? 88 PRINOESS STREET, PHONE 520 KINGSTON, ONT. ) ---- FRONT RANK | Halifax, May 1.--Shareholders of | the beacon' light whose unerring | Youth's Companion. { + loot beams you ean trust, Why have shed {the Cape Breton Electric company p i A 4 . {will be asked at the annual meeting His sacred blood if there is. no plac e INVES 1 MEN I S lin May to authorize an increase of of punishment? What did John {$250,000 in preferred stock, so. that mean when he said (Matt. 3rd chap. {authorized stock.-shall be $500,000 }ith and 12th Serses): Pe thitt -- "w ferred ar qd 1,125,000 : come a is mig er an . 8 wil The unique wosond of Canadian Municipal De- pre ou $1,135. Sommon gather his wheat into the garner, but | | Hud Sh - mn 2 1 4 i ' - at | pentures properly places them, for safaty, in | Sfany Women Buy Penn, Stock [he Will burn up the chaff with 'un- | J}4 ¥.0.h., Toronto. 4 thea front rank of all investments. 1 New York. May 1--On April 1 quenchable fire! And David, 9th |p hd =f; Ie) . | psalm, 17th verse: "The wicked shall ' ' YY Ed The following constitute an unusually attrac- | Pennsylvania had 89, 602 stock hold- be turned into hell, and all. the na- 2 tive group to select from: - Ly the He ber of: womens being 4, tions. that forget God." Purity of 1. They can be purchased in amounts of ap- j2a%. ol and: sn' mc roan of 6,000 over life is the way to heaven; next to it proximately $100 and upwards. {the number of women shareholders : repentance and penitence. If you . . 3 don't get to heaven, then you are not |« 2. They mature at practically all periods from jon April 1,:1913 | God's and yours is stinging remorse - one to fifty years. | for eternity, and that's hell enough 4 3. Th re offered iold f ay, t 3% Financial Notes with or without fire! . : oy & = rad to yie rom 4 to 6% per { The Missouri, Kansas & Texas is « ZACCHEUS cent. intarést. inmegotiating for the sale of $800,000 oh ------ {of equipment Lust certificates. oney Out of Tt. |< The merger' between the Queensitollier's 1y CAT. LAUREN, Q. .B : | Syoty Mortgage company and 'the A man s put to: death .in the . io . NELSON, RB, : . y HI yvers Title Insurance and Trust; electric ehair at Auburn, N. ¥. He : s q a re. RICH MC . L BA0% | company has beeh conipleted by thelhad murdered a policeman. But Rides Like Constant Coasting MEDICINE T, | unanimous approval of stockholders. | he stated that he stood ready fo pay ALTA. . Te ca 5.88% "Bradstreet"s reports that, aside |fop his follies; that he had served h , A Lfrom an improvement noted in re-|in the American army and navy and | i} WW £ N. ( if Y { TP. B ONT. ly Sa tail trade in the west, north-west | wanted to- take his punishment "as | { an Ww ew, ar l ou an, e CE SRE oNT. Pa :. dy . {and south-west, trade industry gen- a soldier "should." 'The newspaper SYDNEY, N 3 x Bar: > YANCOU. j eral! has not shown any change this jadds: Sharp, the murderer, had Lr the Old One? BERLINeTOX, ONT... 520% VER, B.C. wr vs vue BOS | week. | been addicted to the. use of intoxi- : 3 . MIETON, ONT. .......53% | SUbB (SEP. : : Dun's Review says . situation in icants ald occasionally drugs, and NORTH BAY, ONT... 523% | SCI'LS), ONT. .....5.93% iron and metal is reflected in further | while in| a raving condition started HIS is to the man who says "T will get a new car this year if Ie can trade ELMIRA, ONT, Sees 5 TRANSCONA, MAN. ..6 : ' { curtailment of operations at steel | trouble in his boarding place, May h : ; RA, ONT, : NA. MAN, : i e y Age GRIMSBY, ONE, .... * | ESTEVAN, SASK. ....600% { mills now running at 65 per cent. of | 18, 1912, When Patrolman Ford | « nt one I now own at the right figure." . SUDBURY, ONT. .....048% | WATROUS, SASK. ....6 | capacity. = entered to learn the cause 6f the | By "right figure" he means one that does not require too much cash inorder to obtain anew car, ALBERTA SCHOOL DISTRICTS .. |" Directors of Mexican 'Petroleum |trouble, Sharp shot him. He also i Don't you know that cars are made to attfact various classes of buyers? Some builders : 5 : company say company has no. fear {shot a civilian before he was over- seek to attract buyers by giving extraordindry* values and with low prices. Other makers give Write for Full Particulars, for the safety of its property in Mexi- | powered. This man Sharpe was the same, or less value, but price their articles high in order that a margin of profit is left with which to "take care of trades, * ~_ This is-made possible by the fact that even the most experienced motorist often. is not able to- compare values. Qualities usually are determined by the prices that are asked. co. » failure----from sodiety's standpoint dly Sent on Request, In June, 1913, there were 27,000 | He"worked his own-ruin, and brought | buyer is deceived. He takes a car priced at $3,000; thinking he is getting a $3,000 value, when, ly a $2, 000 value and the $1,000 is added to the price - . . : shareholders of Canadian Pacific | down another man's life with his | A E | common stock, of whieh 15 per cent. | awn, Yet, from the whiskey-deal- | . . A ES & G0. | was held in -Germany and France. | ing standpoint, from the drug ven-! 3 ir San ; Hudson Six 54 Values Are Real ' The. Whole Blamed Family S--"the handsomest cir ever designed" The Hudson Six 54 rides like constant {der's, Sharp was a success--while Philadelphia Ledger. Whe elves Tor Pash. the. bills to pas? is not built for trading. It is priced low coasting. Whe slaves fof oath, the bills to pay ' Tor cash buyers. It is the kind of value you Up hill or down, over rough roads or smooth, ; Father ! * fs get when you pay cash A% its purchase you at any speed, you ride with a comfort not Who is an angel wweet from heav'n ? are not paying the price to help absorb the at any Speed any four. 'eo Who » «Ks from dawn till pearly lev. used car of some other buyer. =n othr a you, drive . car, then drive this Six for a rele uwting lacking in this car to make Who and tho ? while. If you do not know anything about ; Try pur Paroid Roofing, Bi ne Woe WE rl) Stem me aon oP et Son ! : ho kn othin lect riy ry Oo S arol 00 ng g ue advice i of or great wo Po ah a single dish, . light satiafied ert "hie Hg of fhe Sher ie seat rom either side, four-speed transmission Rosi. ized and) Black Build- ssistar ce. » Re ey »/dearest. wish ? him it is the very best artificial light to be ° ny ot other details--some extlusive, all : d Sound 'D ad 2% io weshalt be + |] Who seratches at his ma y wide, fill, obtained: So it is with the man who knows sve e features you should gees... ing P . an ead- Upon request we And then in father's bed doth hide 7, only the four-cylinder car. He does not under- 'Would In. let such value be fq ya "pleased to suggest suit- Dog ! : . $tand the ple i ing F for Walls and Ceilings. able investments for you. Who. pase and ligks Yor. slock Hui : pwr dy pie] and: adtisfagtion Yo be bi aitious price ol 4 soy clean ¥ : * Who never with a mouse was seen ? : a cat! ° THY * See the Triangle en the Radiator ST AND COAL C0" RB. : Sm Flanigan, a life-long resident : WwW. P PETERS, 117 Brock St. ; 3 ; of Brockville, at St. Vincent de "TORONTO Jb 3 Trek a vit on Wer 1 tlie Or Kingston Auto Go, Garage Cor. Queen & Bagot nesday night after an illness of sev- - -- mo eral days. 4 ; E ee » ~ Yield. ONTARIO GOVT... A. 4.50% OWEN SOUND, ONT..4.90% TP, BARTON, ONT... 400% BROCKVILLE, ONT. 5.00 HESPELER, ONT. ....5 BRANDON, MAN. ....5 a im------ Ea ee == SS -------- -- -- _--- Union Bank Building, Toronts : eipisnes | . [Ho Igsted. He wat an exeellent cus- ; as a matter of fact, he may be getting on tomer. to absorb the used cars: -- A. CHADWIOUK, Manager.