Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Dec 1908, p. 7

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N - + THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEME ro ER 24, 1908. -n x KincsTong PEMBROKE . RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Christmas & New Year Excursions Round trip tickets will be sold at One-Way First-Class Fare Good going December 24th and 25th, re- turn limit, December 28th, 1908; also going December 31st, 1908, and January jot, 1909 ; return limit, January 4th, 09. First-Class Fare and One-Third Good going December 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 28th, 20th, 30th, 81st, 1908, and January 1st, 1909. Return limit, January 5th, 1909. Full particulars at K. & P, and, C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. "Phone, 50. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union, station, Ontario 4 p.m. daily (Sundays excepted) for Sydenham, anee, Deseronto, burn and all points north, To secure despatch to Bannockburn, Mayndoth, points on Centr: tario, route your ments via Bay of inte Rail A further particulars, apply to R. W, D "Phone, No. 8. N, INORG Christmas & New Year Holidays 1908-1909 Round trip tickets will be issued at Single First-Class Fare Good going Thursday and Friday, Dec. 24th and 25th, returning on or before Monday, Dec, 28th and on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 81st, 1908, and Jan. 1st, 1909, returning on or before Monday, Jan, 4th, also at First-Class Fare and One-Third Good going Dec. 21st, 22nd, 28rd, 24th, 26th, 28th, 20th, 80th, and 81st 1908 and Jan. 1st, 1909, returning on or before Tuesday, Jan. 5th, 1909, Local Branch Time Table. Trains will leave and arrive at Oity Depot, Foot of Johnson Street. WEST. Lve. City Arr. 12.88 a.m. 1. 2.85 a,m. 9.15 a.m. » 12.25 noon 12.56 p. . 8.19 p.m. 8.51 p.fn . 7.08 p.m. GOING AST. Ive. City 1.48 a.m: . 2.85 a.m. « 8.16 a.m. .12.25 p.m. . 1.02 p.m. 3 7.02 p.m. Nos. 1,2,3,4,5.6.7 and 8 run dally All other trains daily except Sunday. For Pullman Accommodation' Tickets and all other Informatio poly to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Jobuson and Ontario 8ts., King ston, Ont. GOING THAIN RAILWAY For Copy Of Notes by the Way With Time Table Of Maritime 'Express. Canada's Train, noted for excellence of Sleeping and | Dining Car Service between | Montreal and the Atlantic Ports, Apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James Street, | or General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. QUEBEC 8. S. COMPANY. BERMUDA Reached in 45 hours from New York by the 5,530 tons, Twin Screw Steam- ship 'Bermudian.' Sailings 26th Dec., and 6th. January, and afterwards every | Saturday at 10 a.m. ' | New York to Bermuda, Nassau, Bahamas and return. | 8.8. "Trinidad" 2nd, 18th February and 8th March. West India Cruises from New York New Steamer "Guiana," 8,700 tons, with all up-to-date improvements. S.S, '"'Paripa,'"" 8,000 tons, 8.8. "Korona,' 4,000" tons, sail - from New York every alternate Wednesday. a | For beauty of scenery and perfection of | climate these trips are unsurpassed. For illustrated pamphlets giving rates of passage and all information, apply to A. KE. OUTERBRIDGE &"CO., Agents Quebec Steamship Co., 20 Broadway, | ew York; ARTHUR AHERN, Sec'y., Quebec, Canada, or to Ticket Agents, J. | I'. HANLEY, and C. S. KIRKPATRICK ALLAN RS LINE WINTER SAILINGS TO LIVER- | POOL. ) From St. John, Halifax. sails ......... Jan. 1st. Jan 2nd. sails ... Jan. 15th. Jan. 16th. sails Jan. 22nd. Jap 28rd. | TO GLASGOW. Carthaginian, from Boston . Corinthian, from Portland ...... First-Class, $70.00 upwards. Second- | lass $4000 upwards, Fhird-Class, £20.00 and $30.00. ' i Additional sailings and rates on ap- plication to J: P, HANLEY, or 0. B. KIRKPATRICK, Local Agents, King-| ston. 9 OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO Smoking and Chewing, at forty-five cents a pound, Is a good tobacco. Why pay eighty-five cents. Ontario streetl Tunisian, Hesperian, Corsican, . Jan. Oth. | Jan. 16th. | "My youngest boy, 3 years old, was sick with fever last June, and when he got better the doctor prescribed Scott's Emulsion, and he liked it so well that he drank it out of the bottle, and is now just as plump and strong as any child of his age any- where . . . two bottles fixed him OK."--MR. JOHN F. TEDDER, Box 263, Teague- Freestone Co., Texas. SCOTT'S EMULSION is the greatest help for babies and young children there is. It just fits their need; it just suits their delicate, sensitive natures; they thrive on it. Just a little does them so much good and saves you so:much worry. You owe it to them and yourself to make them as strong and healthy as possible. Scorr's EmuLsion will help you better than anything else; but be sure to get Scort's. It's the best, and there are so many worthless imitations, ALI, DRUGGISTS Mr. Tedder has just written us another letter about his brother:in-law's children. Let us send you his Jotters and other information om the subject. A Post Card, mentioning this paper, is sufficient. SCOTT & BOWNE 126 Wellington St., W. Toroate Yes, We Certainly Do GAS FITTING See Our Window. It is part and parcel the Plumbing business. If you would like to have us estimate on any such work, we will be glad to dou so. of That what well, to do, we do unnecessary but--we do! Phone 335 David Hall 66 Brock St. we is almost state, There are many baking powders but | There is Only One MACIC BAKING POWDER tis Pure, Wholesome and Economical. SOLD IN ALL SIZES. EW, GILLETT CO, LTD. Tarouto, Out. SILVER TEA SETS We' have many beautiful Tea Sets ranging in price from ten to sixty dollars. One of "these would make a very gift would be very much appréciated. KINNEAR & (PESTERRE JEWELLERS, Princess and Wellington Sts. OPEN EVENINGS acceptable Christmas and Don't of the the disease. over antagonize a man with a cdol consumption Andrew Maclean, | million: he is in a position to makeit hot for vou, EXHIBIT IN NEW YORY OF ALL THE STAGES OF TUBERCULOSIS. Dr. R. M. Mills Describes It--This Exhibit Was the Famous One at the International Congress in Washington. New York, Dec. 21.--(To the Edit- or) : The famous exhibit which was the feature of the recent International Tuberculosis Congress at Washington iv now being displayed in New York City and in view of recent events at home, perhaps a short description of it would be of interest to your read- ers. It is the hope of those interested that several million people will learn from this exhibition the rational and practical methods by which they can rote tifguselves and their families rom tuberculosis, making the con- sumptive patient less a menace to his family and preserving the well from infection through contact, or diseased meat, or tuberculous milk. The exhibition is to be open daily from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. for six weeks. The attendance has far exceeded the most optimistic forecast and as many as 166 persons per minute were admit- ted last Sunday afternoon, while cach day celipses the record of the preced- ing so greatly had' public interest been aroused. The exhibits cover a wide range and presents in the most graphic way the knowledge the people need, intelligent- ly, to prevent and combat the great white plague. The contents of tihir- teen freight cars were delivered at the American Museum of National . His- tory; 12,000 boxes and cases were un- packed; more than 200 exhibits from thirty-one counties were set up, cov- ering 40,000 squarc feet of floor spaco and 110,000 square feet of walls. Particularly in New York city and state, Maryland and German ex- hibits is the extent of the ravages of consumption shown by charts, dia- grams and modals. Other exhibit show. the effects of tuberculosis on the race in the reduction of earning ca- pacity, in the crippling of children by tubercular diseases of the 'bones, and in making the consumptive pationt and beef and milk dangerous as sources of infection. The entire exhibit is arranged in sections and booths; nearly every civil- ized nation having contributed. End- less pamphlets of statistics and in- formation, specimens of sanitary wall paper, napking, drinking cups, ete., are at the disposal of the visitor. In- structors follow each other at inter vals, going to every exhibit in turn, explaining, and answering questions. One section is devoted to showing how the registration) and sanitary super- vision of tubercular cass are ducted. Charts, mottoes, photo-en- largements are lavishly displayed Every inch "of available Space indeed, | throughout the length and breadth of the «tire exhibit is utilized for thi purpose. IL becomes almost impos- sible 'tof do justice t@¢ the cxhibition in a brief description. A complete tuberculosis clinic such ac is conduct- ed by the municipal board of health, aitd the Jarger hospitals is tebe seen in operation. Nothing is omitted. A model of Otisville and other sanitoria, and a view of the diagnosis laboratory of the Riverside hospital are most in- teresting while the Klondyke outfits as adopted for consumptives, recalls our own Canada. The municipal sup- ply of milk is illustrated on a very practical basis, a model dairy and its occupant even boing on view. In the COn~ {exhibit from the Henry Phipps' Insti- tute of Philadelphia, one could spend profitable hours. The portable shool exhibit and the model of a servant less home wherein the waste heat from the kitchen warms the home and where alb the corners of the rooms and the junctions of the walls with floors and ceilings are rounded to prevent the accumulation of dirt, dust, and germs, prove of special interest to. the housewife. Ther most modern ideas in the way of tents, hygienic clothing, drinking fountains, ete., are shown. The dismal scone of a crowded room in an cast sido tenement district is sharply © contrasted with the same quarters nude cheerful and bright un der the guidance of the visiting dis trict nurse. The marine hospitals, the Indian Reserve hospitals, and all the large saniloria from New York to Denver are all here in perfect models. On view in the medical section is the most complete collection of specimens that has probably ever been gathered together, and it amply illustrates the ravages of tuberculosis on every tis sue of tho body and in every stago of advancement. In short, the whole history of the fight against tuberculosis is presented that 'he who runs may read." The fresh air treatment of tuberculosis is shown in models of sanitaria, cot- tages and tents, and the consumption breeding tenements are contrasted ith the improved flats built under tenement house laws. The practical methods of preventing the 'disease are illustrated. The precautions to be observed against communication of the disease from man to man are forcibly brought before the visitor. Then there is a section devoted to orthopedics and another to the dis- play of useful articles made by in- cipient patients; while last, but 'hy no 'means least, the destruction of the tubercle bacilli in the milk sup- ply must not be forgotten. This is practically illustrated in the working model of the Nathan Straus labora- tory for the "pasteurization of milk and for the making of butter from pasteurized cream. ! Never before has. such an' exhibi- tion been granted the public, though, of course, it must be remembered that never before has there beén as united and as successful an effort' to combat the great white plague as the world is. now "witnessing. The problem to be faced is not medical alone. The social side deeply interwoven and sympathetic alliance physician, district nurse, the charitable organization, the fe- gislator, 'and the sufferer himself is most imperative. The$ largest com- munity # overrun with victims --of tuberculosis, the smallest community is scarcely free from the ravages of In New York city alone 44,027 people are carried offi by every vear, while the United States of Am- SO is throughout deriea every 3 minutes some one is dy- ing from it. Our own Kingston is not free. Ana yet in a city of its size the work of stamping out tu- berculosis should comparatively casy. The means for so doing, the' prevention, and the cure (for tuber- culosis is a ventable and cureable disease) could all be enforced. Being particularly interested in this 'work it was with pleasure that I read accounts in your paper of the course of lectures recently delivered by members of the medical profession te the citizens, on the subject of tu- berculosis. Why not protect the young and through them the genera- tions to come? Will the future see a course of instruction along the lines, say, of a "consumptive primer for school children," introduced ? Would compulsory examination of the lungs 'of all school children and like enactments be expecting too much ? The future for the consumptive is filled with hope but ultimate realiza- tion calls for the co-operation of all interested, and the education of the. guile to the fight. --~RICHARD M. ILLS. eee ee Had A Month Of Pleasure. Montreal, Dec. 24. --After an unceas- ing round of social engagements which lasted for a whole month, Their Ex- cellencies the Governor-General and Lady Grey have left for the Capital to again take up their residence in the government house, where comparative quiet prevails. His Excellency return- ed to the Capital to-day, the Countess Grey and Lady Evelyn Grey returned last night. The visit of the Vice Regal party to the commercial metro- polis has been an almost uninterrupt- ed succession of engagements of a public and semi-public nature, and Their Excellencies have had but very little timé" that they could call their own. From the aiternoon of the offi- cial opening of thé exhibition held by the Montreal: Tuberculosis League last month, which was attended by Earl Grey, to the final civic reception held in the city hall, Tuesday night, Their Excellencies have been kept on a con- tinuous series of visits to philan- thropic and educational institutions, receptions, dinners and dances. Piles Relieved At Once. Wade's Ointment relieves the - dis- tressing symptoms of piles at once and, faithfully used, will cure per- manently. It has remarkable sooth ing and healing properties. Best fo all the purposes for which a healing ointment can be used. Cures eczema, salt rheum, scaly on itching eruptions of the skin, pim ples, blotches, dandruff, ete. In big boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store. Harrowsmith I1.0.0.F. A{ the revular meating of Athena lodge, No. 306, the following officers were elected : W. 11. Walker, Yarker, wab clected for noble grand; S. Db. Babcock, Yarkegs vice grand;! A. For- sythe, Harrowsmith, was re-elected treasurer; H. Bo®Wricht, Harrowsmith re-elected secretary; Dr. Lockhart, ve elected medical examiner; F. 8S. Wart man, Colebrook, and J. A. Wallace, elected 'mmditors; S. 1. Smith, L Storms, andl. A. E. Holland, trustees. Had Small Blaze. What might have turned out to be a serious fire, occurred at the home of | D. Campbell, Elm street, Tuesday af- ternoon. Mr. Campbell was lighting his pipe, when a spark alighted on a chair, setting it on fire. The chair was all ablaze before Mr. Campbell notie ed, and before he could extinguish it; the chair had been ruined, also a lit- tle cover, and a large hole was also burned in the carpet. The damage will amount to about $50. Campbell Bros'. To-Night. For a pair of fur shoes. Imperial underwear is guaranteed all wool. Ask your dealer for it. Many a woman prides herself on her ability to understand things without giving them a thought. The Whig will not be Christmas day. Imperial underwear is swell. issued on A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY Must Have Luxuriant and Glossy Hair, No Matter What Color. The. finest contour of a female face. the sweetest smile of a female mouth. loses something if the head is crowned with scant: hair. Seant and falling hair, it is now known, is eaused by a parasite that burrows into the scalp to the root of the hair, where 1t saps the vitality. The little white scales the germ throws up in burrowing are called dandruff. To eure dandruff per- manently, then, and to stop faling hair, that germ must be killed, New- bro's Herpicide, an entirely new re sult of the chemical laboratory, de- siroys tho dandruff germ, and, of wurse, stops. the falling hair, and prevents baldness. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50c. and $1. G.2W. Mahood, special agent. *Silver Plate , that Wears" For beauty of design, brilliant finish and long wear ~ "1847 ROGERS BROS: spoons, knives, forks, efc., are unexcelled. Recognized as the highest standard of silver plate excellence. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Dishes, frays, tea sefs, elec. weled for beauty and durability are made by MERIDEN BRITA CO. The t Uterine Tonic, and only Seats effectual Monthly nw per receipt of price on IG hlet. "Add ess: The T. (formerly Windsor) MEN AND WOMEN, Use Big @ for unnatural press, , for | 3 bot | 81.00, or les 82.7! Circular sent ou request, | Ghe Montreal Stock Co. : Extend the ~~ Season's. Greetings to all of their old and new customers and to the other Jellow's Customers With Best Wishes For HAH Merry 'Christmas and all prosperity during the coming year. 180 Princess St. . 180 TR BSA 0000000000000 00000000 0000000000000 00000LOV "STOVES." We carry in stock one of the largest as- sortments of Cooking Stoves, Ranges and Heaters in the city, and invite you to ex- examine before purchasing. See the "Art Garland"and "Art Treasure" Heaters. The 'HAPPY HOME" Range has a large ventilated oven, handsomein design, econ- omical in fael and a perfect baker. ELLIOTT BROS. [00N0000000 Fine Tailoring Melton and Beaver Overcoatings. Newest Shades in Ulsterings and' Suit- ings. John Tweddell 131 Princess street. SPECIAL Our Own Blended Tea, 30c., 40c., boe., 60c. per 1b. of 16; ounces. Every ounce guaranteed. 77 PRINCESS ST. 00 Take Out a Compound Quinquennial Life Canada Life Assurance Company We also carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, ¥ruits and Confection ery. 0 . Fresh Oysters - D. Couper, 76. 341-3 Princess PROMPT DELIVERY. or Endowment Policy in the "Phone, Bt, Full information J. 0. HUTTON, Manager. as a Christmas present. given at the office, 18 Market St., Kingston. I Keep the Newest in WALL PAPER at lowest prices. =D. E. FRASER'S, "Phone 373. 78 William St. Pure Cream Goods for Xmas PURE CREAM PUFFS, : ECLAIRS, CAKES, CHARLOTTE RUSSE. --Order them early-- 'Wm, Murray Auctioneer | _ 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, ?Cutters, Harness etc., for sale, Sale 0! Harses every Saturday, LADIES' AND GENTS TAILORING | We Jully Suarantes superior Juality, y sh Also a complete line of Xmas Fruits, etc. R. H. TOYE, King St., Crackers, Phone 141 : Stockings, Nuts, correct style, artistic work | perfect fit. SPmsniy sid Jd . B. Ouellette, 000000000060 006000000000000000000000060000000 L ' ARRON BAN, $1 We have them in ONE DOLLAR BUYS A andsome Gift FOR A LADY 1u 300 pairs of Ladies' Fancy Felt Slippers just arrived. 'Brown, Red, Green and Black, trimmed with far. Real good values will be sold at $1.00 Pair Many other styles at $1.25, Store Open Every Evening ABERNETHYS | SELLELITALLEEETIIE100 6000004000000 40405000300 0000000 0000000000007 4 * »

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