ar@ the only kind that pay. THe most healthy are thise free from lice--and Hi cahnot exist where ! EMPIRE § Poultry Duster is used. ills lice instantly, Large Package 25c. r : Er Drug Store, #hd dealef® in Poultry Supplies.'" all < Hgw many wonderful love romances are into the dust these days; Cupid's toppling many of being discovered how goddesses dreamland are to possess clay feet ! When news came from Europe the OLUTELY PURE. me Price as the cheap adulterated kinds. E.W.GILLETT company LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. is the cream of the wheat ~the choicest Manitoba Spring Wheat and Ontario Fall Wheat. Wit contains the good qualities both, makes wholesome, rishing Bread and Biscuits 1#le Manitoba flour -- and light, tasty Cake and Pastry, 1#e Ontario wheat flour, It allo yiel® MORE of both to the barrel, than any other cooks say that their atest help on baking ¥. is BEAVER OUR. Try it. ers---write for M toms [& 1 kinds of Feeds, Coarve ne and Cereals. Ji. Taylor Co., Limital hatham, Caugh Caution on from a Simple cold enly--yousho 4 al, soothe, and ease the irritated bron ps. Don't bli wdly suppress it with & stypely poison, It'sstrange how soma thin 8 nally e about. For twenty years Dr.8ha fhe ntly warned people not to take cg tu or prescriptions containing OP ase or similar poisons. And now=--a lh @ i ABough-C Jongress swys Put iton the lat cough always eh r Coligh Mixture." Go orthisyeryreasonmoth 8, hould insist on having Dr. Shot 's . No poison marks on Dr. Shoo *s y in the medicine, else it'must ol be. Rnd Jes nok ory safe ge at know it best, a trul emeédy. Take nochanee then, ur children. Tnsist on having Cure. Compare carefully, > package with others and. notejthe No poison marks there! You fcami p on tho safe side by Supls Coug h Cure " i DEALERS" 3 ---- + "Whe sudden changes in weather ought to suggest the wisdom ol pugting in some good coal. sell good 'Coal. It's the Kind that sa out the most heat, and es the homé comfortable; it's ¢ best money can buy, and th is rione better mined. deliver §t to you clean and wighout slate, at the very bottom priges, Booth & Co., frfone 133. Foot of West St. m th The ard we for full figures 'Is the Corse Many expert lady corset fitters have expressed their appreciation of the style, fit and lastiog qualities of the Grand Ducfiess Corset. ---- Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness pte., for sale. « Sipe of Horse every. Saturday, a other day of the impending 4 tion of Grand Duke Cyril of and his wife, a niece of King Fdward of England, and one wedded to the Grand Duke of Hesse, it was realized thyt clouds had fallen upon one of the most sensatiodal of royal romanges. Unlike on pieyids when Cyril's affaird have been publicly dis sympathy is now expressed for kim in nearly all the capitals of the Old World. For the lady whom he so dramatically too.. to his bosom only three short years ago has come to be designated "the roval vixen of Eu- rope," and no one seems to blame the czar's petted and spoiled cousin for turning his eyes longingly toward the divorce courts. separa~ Russia twtsions, cussed, as Vic czan and the much the were In first toria first opposed their marriage that the Victoria was a divorced woman He had had enough experience Cyrilr to harbor un belief that of such close blood relatianship not likely to live happily together And then it seemed to the ezar that the reason given for Victoria's divores from her first husband rather weak. It to express it move than in the voluminous legal ments filed in the "invincible mu- tual antipathy." At the same time, the czar aware of rumors that the largely due to the rather place, Cyril cousing, and as , account as for reason that will persons Wer was tersely docu was, case, was well divorce was more than | who x be cousinly regard of the young woman for the handsome and proffigate Cyril, | The Grand Duchess Cyril is a niece King FEdward of England. She was Princess Victoria Melita, , eldest daughter of the Duke of Edinburgh, became Duke of' Saxe-Cobourg. Her first husband was the present Duke of Hesse, her first cousin and a brother of the czarina. Victoria is spoken of as a head strong, domineering woman, who has tried to rule her present husband--as she did, pérhaps, her first--with a rod of iron. She seems to have had, ever their marriage, a habit becoming furiously jealous of him the slightest provocation. She has state, has been accustomed to dressing magnificently and of diverting her mind from™ unpleasant thoughts by driving a four-in-hand coach reck lessly about the country--she is splendid whip. Grand Duke of the of gince of on always maintained great a Cyril is the eldest Grand Duke Vladimir, the czar of Russia. He October, A876, and is about a lder than Victoria, He won some prominence of his own account hv going to the front at the beginning. of the war with Japan, and was appointed by "Admiral Makaroff to an official position on the battle ship Petropavlovski Cyril was on this ship when it was own up at the entrance to Port Ar thur, April 13th, 1904, but wued from drowning hy two and escaped with slight following month he Petersburg. and later tended trip through Italy Cvril has alwavs been noted son uncle of horn in month wa was re sailors The St injuries to an ex and returned went Germany on as one of the gayest scions of Russian no bility. He and his brother, the Grand Ss 2 | Puke Boris, have been charged playing prominent roles in more than one highly scented scandal. Both grand dukes were leading mem- bers of the so-called club of Sybarites of Charkofi, where indescribable orgies are said to have taken .plfce, All the meals were served on gold and silver plates, and the club's home was in a palace of white marble. In 1809 Cyril paid a visit to the United States aml dij some high rolling while on this side of the ocean. Before he went to the war gossip was busy connecting Cyril's name with 'that of a beautiful young wo- man, of the middle classes. He saw her hile walking the street, and be- came infatuated: he followed her to her home and began at once pressing an ardent suit. It + was understood bv his friends that he expected to marry her secret: ly and fly with her to the United States. Affairs had the and: banish the g apprehentled, lisappeared. It Finland. When Cyril went with wel so far that Mere ordered to interfere irl. Before they could however, the couple is said they fled to progres police w to the front the laripg voung woman followed him as far as Harbin. One day, however, lisappeared mysteriously and, as mown, has not been heard since: When Cyril war experience tie who had been divorced from her husband in 1901] The violent opposition of his family and the stern necative of the ezar | failed to shake his purpose. and the | couple martied in Munich in | October, | While she far from 80 returned from his hrief he announced his inten werddine his eonsin Victoria first mn of were 1905. she remained unmarried, Vie AN ECONOMICAL FOUR- FLAT HOUSE. flat those buildings are very popu- people having a small amount to invest in a home and wish- ing the same time to get a certain income. This plan shows a four-flat house. Each flat contains five rooms. It can be built for £4,000, exclusive ol heating and plumbing I'he size forty feet in width by forty-five feet in depth. There floors throughout and hard pine finish, stain- od and varnished, each flat having the same accommodations. The chimneys are so arranged that the flats can be warmed with if desired, each flat can have a separate heater in thé basement, each tenant furnish- his own fuel and heat. Small lar with at is are hardwood stoves, or mg There is a large, carriod up two id with large col umns, giving ap ing and attrac- tive appearance to the building, which is otherwise very plain and simple | There is a neat .molded..carnice carried across the front and" the two sides, and the roof is flat, pitching from front to rear. The porch 1s cov erexl by the main roof, with an open EE a reaching from the basement to the second' story, affording access to the rear for all tenants spacious porch, rear good the base- stone outside the Laundries can be arranged in ment; if desived. There is a twelve inches high aronrd the at grade line. From the top of pose, LIVING maowm HOW o FIRST FLOOR PLAN stone top windowsill course the outside is coméhted with rough dash" finish, and from the helt: course to the cornice the buildihg is ¥en "pebble w SECOND FLOOR PLAN. BREAKING OLD CUSTOM. How Blackballing Was Brought to > An' End. authentic story club id St. + number of ancient members made it a law to themselves to reject every one witheut exception who had offer- ol himself as a candidate. This prac tice of blackballimg was long held as an imperative and unbre. akable rule, hut was at length evaded bya strata- gem. At one election a number of a bh yewcomer's friends were in attendance, the the told of street where is An one James' {but outside at a distance from No one appears in and 1t was general clubhouse. committee room, ly supposed there would. be no quo- The malcontents therefore ab- rum, But when only legal stained from voting mimites of the remained and a few time balloting the servants for | point of removing the hal- number of and elected at the lot boxes | were an overwhelming the candidates rushed in | him before the = 0 bw | cout id be ganized. After this the absurd system of hlackballing was the club to«day is stil! prosperous: or | dropped and + and Once A Traveller. York Judge 'You used to travel a"great deal, Senator Brown." "Xe answer re d the man, hat was my pags. $ime."" great Wher a fellow has - more money than brains' he also ;has more friends than he knows what with "Pass" the! batter apd the chisel, | | toria was in iin of a yearly al lowdnce of $20.000 from her first hus- band. While arranging to marry Cyril | she bbgan negotiations for a continu- | ation of the allowance, but upon be- ing refused promptly renounced it al- together. This was the first confirma- tion the family had of reports oRher impending second marriage. SUNDAY It seems {o have been unhappy, al "most from the first. The grand duch- not beautiful; she is high-- strung and nervous, and few could understand the infatuation of Cyril for her. Royal romances sometimes end as unhappily as do those of/ the comsion ess is } herd. Joll-0 pint of boiling water 'Makes Enough Dessert for a Large Family." FLAVORS: Lemon, Orange, Raspberry, Strawberry, Chocolate, Cherry, Peach. No trouble to prepare--simply add boiling water-- cool and serve. Flavored just right. Sweetened. just right. Perfect in every way. { Cheaper and better than fruit, pies or pastry. CAUTION : Don't accept a substi= tute, or you will be ------------------------------ disappointed. There's no other dessert just like JeLL-O. Sold by all good grocers. THE GENESEE PURE FOOD CD.. BRIDGEBURG. CANADA. Highest Award, Gold Medals at SL Louis, Portiana and Jamestown Expositions. "10 CENTS PER PACKAGE. » 1 oe 2 Big Shoe Bargains. Bargain No, 1. o Bargain No. All Our Patents and Gun Metal Bargain No. Bargain No. Bargain No. Bargain No. Wemen's and $3.00, for a Bargain No. Bargain No. J Bargain No. y Widow Ties Bargain No. sizes 8 to 10} Bargain No. sizes 11 to 2 Bargain No. Regular 60c. to 7 Girls' All Our Men's Brown Women's Brown Oxfords. Women's Brown Oxfords. Brown Girls' Brown and One lar ge lot of Baby Boots, ; $5 Oxfords, in Tan and' Men's $4.50 Oxfords, in Tan and 4 3. All Our Men's $4 Oxtords All Our Men's $3.50 Oxfords Women's Tan Oxfords. Oxfords. Regular $2.00, -$1.60. Regular $3.50, and Black Strap Black Strap sizes 3 to 7. - =. =00e¢. VERY DURABLE AND COMFORTABLE. MONTREAL Toronto .mEers TERED TRADE MARK An absolutely sanitary filling of curled wood-fibre covered with carded cotton. THE ALASKA FEATHER & DOWN CO. LTD. WikniPEG 30,000 Mattresses oearing the above label (red) were sold last year, and over 150,000 since 1900. Made. in three qualities to fit moderate purses. ou ~ T. F. HARRISON co 229-237 PRINCESS ST. #1 (4) The teem Axio 1a the two "mot more (han nine in a direct {synopsis oF CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Hebtt an a be LF Tay Royalty, five cents pen tony QUARTZ --A Ring, wad i ove having go | PLACER MINING CLATMS Sonrall 100 fest square. Kntry fee, $5.00 y DREDGING. ~T'wo leases of ave wiles pach of a river may be issued Joos licant for a term of 20 20.00 a mile per annum. A a per. cent after the output exceeds $10 W. W. CORY, Deéputy of the Minister of the Interfor, N.B.--Unauthorized pablication of this advertisement will not be paid for. (Gold Bracelets A very handsome gift to present to a lady is a gold bracelet. There is nothing newer or more appropraite. We have a beautiful assortment 'in Solid ! eld, pla plain, cliased and { pearl wet: + Also: +4 very pretty styles Gold Filled. SOLID GOLD BRACE- LETS, from $8.50 up, GOLD FILLED BRACE. LETS, from $1.25 up. in Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers. 100 Princess St. ston. , King- GASOLINE 18c. PER GALLON. Put in your tank at our dock. Spark Colls, Spark Plugs, Colum- bia Dry Batteries, ete. in stock, REPAIRS PROMPTLY MADE. Selby & Youlden, Ltd, Kingston Foundry. American Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds Prices on application: W. F. KELLY & CO., 'South Cor. Ontario and Clarence, » JL EL B If you wish to be successful ats Lf tend The Kingston Business [J