Daily British Whig (1850), 4 May 1908, p. 1

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-- i _YEAR 75--NO. 105. ONTARIO, MONDAY, MAY 4, 1908. : LAST EDITION A -------- < COMMISSIONERS IN COURT. | PITH OF THE NEWS, - ~===. Probabilities ON TO HUDSON BAY oi =a . REVOLTING CRIME [=> em Exonstate Officials. Over The World ' el] May 4, Ottawa wd -------- Uttawsg, May ~ Thomas Fyshe, a Joseph . Torres ce wa drowned at vl i Valley and Up [ civil service i. did "not | Fenelon Falls. «i a td . The Government Will Build a Rail- |: cuits ort den, ie so = woo Tho Berlin Public ( Chief is a Sherlock] T5, | fs: Sis : + on the opening of the new enquiry be Six lives Were lost in a tenewms nt | i . . 2 . fore Justice Cassels. | house at Bogion ! * rate winds, fine way for a ew t el. Mr. Fyshe declared that he was not | M. B. Bently, Toranto, died of an 0 eS. : i 4 to~day and on a detective and that the report was {overdose of « | hloral i ] aimed at the whole department. {i Hon. Fran Coclirae threatens le- | J meat i Tuesday, with a He declined emphatically to name | gal action in respect to the Loughrin lice € bighes temperature. The Plans Have Already Been Suggested by... "ic: i. 2 | "55% ay somicesste wos oo Another "Jack, the Ripper," is Cleverly sclence in | Quebec, by the steamets® Virginian and . > - | ¢ the department, and that J 3D) g wl Ci Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Clifford | some of the oficials are serving two | Luke frie. Ww Trapped at a Church . . . Mantes ; The Guta; io logislatBee has hres dlis- 1 Fi "1 refuse either to excuse sxcnl- | solved by proclamationiel the livaten- | Sifton--- Wide Territory. pate," said Mr. Fy ie: Mr, Bai . ant-governor. ' sl ' : ire. erated the objection. Patrick Steep, Mereilfon, was leat "ial -- en and robbed ih hig" house of all} Ottawa, May 4.-The government for sale would realize $36,000,000 a Faris Hand's Revenge. his money, $9 i { Berlin, May 4.--The perpetrator of , ing saturated' with blood and a gum sufficient to" pay the cost of the Ardmore, Pa., Mav 4. --F owing af Thomas Lytle, former, of Alre the mysterious murder of a boy whose | butcher's kaife. Heider was absent ! construction of the road to Hudeow's| fire which destroyed the barn of Louis | ¢ entre, Frascat . outityh 'has mystery | mutilated remains were found last | " i A Bay by the government, the building | Halberstadt, a farmer fixing pear |OUS'y cisappeared Br | week in the Tiergarten was arvested Pohee' Lommmisioner Wannowsk providing for the construction of a' of eles ators at Fort Churchill, im-} here, the body of John Jacob, a farm Seott Moneriefi, a tish subject. | . . : { who conducted the investigation, came | railroad {0 Fort Churchill, on Hud: | provements to the harbor, and any | hand, was found in a strip of woods| Has been slain hy Orde of the sheik, | early Sie i mng alter Fesearches | to phe stew conclusion' that a man | son's Bay, thus providing ¢ new out- | peeessary buoying and lighting of the | gn the farm, with a bullet wound in| ® the Blue Nile provinces. look Ho all the best efforts of Sher | of Heider's charaéter was almost ecer- | ler for tie rapidly increasing annual | channel for steamers in the bay and] his head. The fare hand had been Hon. AG Mckay elgmed | his North- | Whet eh weds § tain to be atu weted wy the Lire at yield of western grain. Although ' the | straits. | employed by Halberstadt, but had ®t" Ontario tour withs Harge meetings ; Mh + rag y was fiw discover- | the garrison church, last night, and details of the measure are not yet]! The feasibility of the Hudson's Bay | been discharged. Halberstade believes | 8t Burk's Falls and Powassan . PN y % ser ad t bi ¢ ne Whatever Bis deniter 40118 spot a strong forte, available, it is understood it will belroute for ocean steamers during from | Jacobs set fire to the bara and enter-! The appointroent of M. Malevgky- ) x : od y : : y Ti : be Victim, | of dete tives, accompanied ba two | along the lines suggested in the com-| three and one-half to four months | ing the woods shot himself. After his Malavitch to be ambasSador of Russia | Whose body was literally hacked to persons who would be able to iden ag 2 s of Fp pn neces, so that it was entirel 'e- i ider owsh surmise | mons last wession bu Sir Wilfrid Laur: jevery year has been now well estalh- | dismissal he threatened to square mat. | *° Japan, i o he jay Ro In =. Es oy wre Fa i Wah an - _ ; wr, and by Hon. Clifford Sifton in | ished be reliable reports and investi: | ters with the farmer. case of sma ox Bas deve oped in | A , i ; fond s he i} proved correct. de ider was loafing Mareh last, ation during recent years, The need Guelph. A clerk named Schricher, in pawa Ucket found inside the lin- | year the scene of the fire when he was | Ls ai weent years, . po | Ii------ progr | HOUSEKEEPERS' SUPPLIES will, nec rding to present antvntion, and remained away for two davs. submit to parliament shortly a hill . x the Dominion Bank, ig the vie jing of owe of the shreds of clothin tls pent, recognized and arrested | The proposal as nunciated by Mr. |of a new outlet for western grain to Clerks Driven From Desks. i William Eva: wp bt itm. {near the mutilated remains lod, after I Hp th ¢ i : nti i techert | Bifton is te d coeds from § Erpe it becoming increasingly re snshure The = 4 aus, # vo ye ram at] . cl : s g BIS S14 AN Etta i Ah > fun She J oo Jeon Lives al i Socomting inereatingly re Ogdensburg, N.Y. May L--The St. paris. Omt , was found dead on a | troublesome inquiries, to the discovery | into an apartment, I having mur | fae he ) iv a en o al mt gn A ith each Riteding vear, Lawren e river has broken all previou | bars se on the Thames, in London. Eng. | that the victim was a boy named | lered the boy, cut the body in pieces con ae ves on he a n thee he - . fara in dong in the fall, | high wate: Fecords, the highest focks Cincinnati brokers Rate been indict. | Hermann "Blechert IE er mguiries | He put the fragments in a sack, which . a ¥ " oR 1 oa. Re < - > re . 3 . or a1 " » 3 x atihare sections in he ¥ > ith r- | far mo rion Sum, in any hae fh | along the river front heing intpudnts "ied by grand jurors for participating | Proved that he spent the night before ihe i through the streets to the O Apert as rai way r serena ton scm, is to be avoided, acetic along | Mills have been compel i 0 Close] in the operation of "alleged bucket | the murder in an unde ro jund tavern | suburban railway, by whi e tra lands for the €. P. R. and C. N. R.{the line now contemplated by the gov- | down and in some of the offices clerks shops. fF {in the east end of Berlin frequented | vellod from Al xanderp the | » 4 Ie wet ai JS od . i Tn r ry BV 11 ") 1 ¥ 3 Ee Rpt E ' 3 > | Phew wven-numh red sections or rail- | ernment scems imperative. Moreover, | had to leave their desks on account of North Essex liberals nominated Hon, | BY suspicious characters liergarten. He travelled a third way grant lands in the west, agare | the new line will open out for settle- | the rush of water, R. FP. Sutherland fto® the h was ascertained that he had bee 1 i } I i y y : commons, ¢ ane iat he had been! class compartment nw + other | puting gome 30.000,000 acres, will] ment another hundwed million acres of BAR and J. A. Tremblay for the leg ; : i | shortly be relmsed for homesteadine. good land in the west, and the result Decline To 'Care For Douks. ture. : It ix estimated that in a few years | will be of incalenlable benefit, not only Regina. © Mav i --Aftorney-Ganeral Stephen Prince is held bw the Toren | {sen nin the company of a hooligan passengers were sitting, and on alight k Ee 1 : . ! u. i the proceeds from, say, 3,000,000 weres | to the \west, but to the whole of Ca Turgeon stated that the 'government | to police on cuspiciol of being con- | raordinary efiorts He proceeded a } the | i | | pamed Heider, w * nawe and ad- }ig# at the Tiergarten tio » was | sla- 1 aress were also discovered after ex- | geen carving the of these Iands reserved hy the erown | nuda declines to accent responsibility for! nected with the recslit: jewel robber Fhe police searched Heider's apart- ! bark, where he threw the remains on » - ------ - ae ssn the care of the Doukhobors at York-| ies. ment a found convincing etidence of | the spot where they were found next {ful : . : yo , : The soldiers' hore - th his guilt, includin, articles of cloth- ing SAW HER PARENTS SHOT ton The North-West mounted police . he soldiers' platy whore the fo ® & ' oth 1 morning ACTIVE OLD AGE. hase been instructed to enforce the diers who fell at Stoney Creek are law and arrest any Doukhobors who! terred, was consecrgted Ly Bishop disturb the peace: | Dumoulia. 4 UNITED STATES CONDITIONS. FAIRBANKS TO GREET PRINCE | - -- -- Hay wa y irtains it 80 happen in Rage. 92 Years. . ! Battle Creek, Mich, May 1.--Anger- Mississippi, May 4.--N. Clark, thet -- ~~ TR Lo OTE $ ~ [Money Plentiful, But Business| Vice-President to Represent Uri Don't Miss Seeing | { 1 , p od by the action for divorce started venerable postmaster at Mississippi, Conditions Discouraging. ed States at Quebec. The great range of Lace Cur by his wile, oH ihephs B, Blunt, a liuor after a protracted stay in Kingston % 3 New York, May 4.--Henry Clews re- i tains a i The quali : : ; 2 ». 410) ' 8 R o8 are of at terns RR broke into the home of has returned, and will resume personal y ports that the improvement anticipa 2 el r and the price a Jower Ma Hts patents, hate, where she | managesient of the office 3 3 ted for several weeks has fully ma than ever before vas living ith her children, and Mr. Clark is ninety-two sears of age 5 r terialized. The stock "market shows killed 'his wile's mother and father ; : } and the people of Mississippi are just renewed activity, and on several days | N tti h 6 t ins Wd Yrs. Hotner 8. Jones, ly proud of his ambition to again as A R Ml R t E rth dy S sales passed the million share limit, be s i 0 ng am ur a Mrs. » Who saw "er parents | sume ° p a In an 4 : 1 a v "pa ents pime the duties Mr. Clark enjovs a es un 0 ; the trend of prices being upward. The X , 5 From. 30c. 'td 'sens Xi are , scantily clad, utdoors in good health and. has always been of splendid success of the Pennsylvania Action For Divorce Sets Husband Postmaster Resumes His Duties at ¢ i 3 2: a 4 i : . x aa § speci jugs, evi a i to a snowstorm with her baby in hee | fejont in the . discharge of his postal loan 'was the main stimulant. This pecial valve ry pair, ' . 4 arms, duties, hut he b , i i f $ i ® oy as no pativhee with demonstrated mproved conditions | : rab > " n ' . * 1 ; ' 3 SWISS CURTAINS, Blast the Fame omn town and | the young fellows of sixty or seventy i and bettered the chances for Hotation \ 4s : gave himsoll np to the police. yohrs of age who retire on account of . : of numerous other additional issues, CURTAINETTES, old age. . ¥ held back since the panic. lt \ix prob- ) MADRAS MUSLINS Charles W. Vatu, New York, the ania shitnan: ai able th 25 : : a ¢ : . si {gd that $250,000,000, i neh more, ape a up teomor | stenay souoor Teacues [He ged With No Less Than Bight Burg-(57..",. 0 iit, "5 ART Musi, #ble 10 pay ¢ Mig ! ¥ rT : year, but there will be sharp - dis CURTAIN SORIMS htednews, Is Now Held to Be a Skilful a Method of Operation ergnination by bankers and investors 2 ART DCHS hi ouside in the placing of new issues. If mat DAILY MEMORANDA. Burglar. ; y : ; 5 YX 0; A London; May:-4=<Ihe: soliton of the oak Simple Bat Effective. tors "are pie xed 1p fast a sharp re | 3 f FLORAL SATIENS, wi se mn, / Waterworks Committon, 8 p.m. mystery of the theft, In December last. action IAL SATIN CLOTHS Division Court, # a.m., Taeesday. are or As FLORAL BATIN AY ' Civic Light © A i : cf $250,000 worth of diamonds from day, he Lemmitice, pm, Tues. the bedroom of the wife of Captain Fumiture Sale, 214 William street, to- | avid Beatty, Brocksley Hall, is pro 0 Morrow morning. mised with the arrest of John IFred-| " Street Parade, Primrose Minstrels, | otick Spencer, a pemarkable Jeckyl|leze and traveller, married to a young 4 pan. : y sec pp ' Trades, 3 Ro Company _ rooaive tens and Hye Sunday school "teacher and | oelety woman of Oakland four months dors for Coal for Kingston Mill, Wednes burglar. 3 he arrest of Spencer. was | i the » t td 3 day. the culmination of a series of most | Wi } sraveliod th B Near Th tout toi onli wo fe visit thore the Prince of Bijou Theatre-- Life and Death of | skillfully exceuted burglaries in the | Charged with the burglary of eight! Bed a : 7h doh on Np. A Tn ihan ts :. ilies. and ord re ym K de les, July 22 20th, on the o Mandref, the Smuggler ohn Rover! | fashionable Milton, Mowbray and Lei! ay o Is, Hie pu BE CHArST) as is vont 4 . the & HE il ry aus 1. G8 [casion of the Te that 1 1 300th | Davis Sings, he Dest Thing In Life cester al ikon - : | private secretary, e had also heen | ferred. n the textile ade thege 1 " iversary of the arrival C} peter districts ever perpetrated Oakle Jerkeley, 8 x . : { 3 1 . A ai wm Wonderland Theatre-- "The Night Rid Ragland Se Jt ry it vy I \ - wkland and Berkeley His name ap- § secretary for Dv. Biddewolie, a noted | much depression, but the: outlook i plait This government will al ere." Very realistic pictures. Hiustra ted on and. . cola i i ADU seared on most of the hotel and | ove angelist. | brighter. Production of cotton goods | represented at the Sang, a SH rading Smiles sung by | admitted defeat in unravelling the! apartment house register as D.. | eR ih, gs ber 5 ow » ee < 3 3 ar mith my Sherys dye site Sime de fost hoes Wythe, an alias, he acknowledged. The! tive of Virginia His parents, it aglto thirty per cent. Prices hate de 2 } New Hampshire navel al arres y Of} Vv tn " CONN fo { Dork ley police had him under * suspi said, live in Washington, D.C. He was | lined twenty per cent and over; | man f Capt. Winslow WHI PHONES. to release the prisoner for lack of evi-| : : ¥ 243-Businoss Offa, 0 Fels 5 pris g {tion for the last two weeks, and by in the Spanish war, serving in the | Wages and r miterials have also! . 220--~Fditorial Rooms. eh 'i'tting the places robbed have ob hospitsl corps in Cuba. { fallen. Railroad earnings still make | Workmen Locked Out 293--J obbing Department, i discouray ging gross returns Over | London, May.-d--T} ; ia | Legal Forms, «ll kinds, wt Whig. Fy a Ee --- =| 375,000 dle care are reported, much ob al Tey nes ine Wool Workers -- HHH CRISIGIIAISIAICIOIR A WOMAN CHOSEN t ix officially announce «| the largest total on record. Many | }7, ™ $hibuuliding yar Hs oun Me theially announ that th i k . N p ry, totalling about 15.000 pn \ : Dominion and White Star li will | reads are making herédic efforts to off- |; Fam : ' s GAVE DONATIONS. 3 vis MOR and. Tar nes wi 1 locked out. to-day " « of As 'Member of the Municipal|commenes a joint service to Canada | ®t the Josses in net earnings by rigid | he determination inni -- el Council of Paris. next spring economy. los Winnipeg: May 4. Gearge 3 'aris, M f.--Mile. J he wed ling of Prince William, of] The most encouraging feature is the F, Galt, one of the direct- ij DVaris, May 4.--Mile. Jeanne Laloe, Special prices for a short Plan A : . ound tha + had been cast for : pe 3 ' : time only. Best quality Sets. III » Fa ie. her opponent, Paull: It is expected that the Toronto city | are exceedingly good. Catton is doing HINA "1 Escudior received only 330 ' Legal | council will, to-day, authorize thew ell, with no decrease in acreage. ratiti 6 Pieces, $1.40 opinion, however, is that the law "ining of the contract. with the hy- 1 Ta North : { | dro-electric power commission # At Dens Col making the aration. { Have you seen our new brown and stabs, { the A idence. Bis ant a ue_to San { ¥ : t y i fi cos Algom steel { cin YRReS : totalled] ¥. ¥ 3 i : i" grey suitings for spring and summer | ie turhaces of the Algoma Steel|cial losses, which : . > Wt of ofliee i Bishop Potter Recovering. wear It would be x pleasure to show | company, at Sault Ste. Marie, are be-| The American Federation of Labor the 2 intent of RU to enford: | The Leading Undertaker. i New York, Mav 4. Bishop Henry C.{ 4 00° (0 Con Drop in and see them. [ing blown. out, and the whole plant|{will have a six months' political cam. | the law st the sale of il "Phone, 577. 227 377. 237 Prinoam au street, Conservative. nominations. on Sat | ig 4ueea | i arday, were : J. P. Downey, for Sonth t ~ . . - Wellington, Hon. Col. Hendrie and J. | -------- ---- ; . J. Scott, KU, for West and East | : i Mov Kadi 3 To i ; | And the quality is as good as ever. Hamilton, amd J. C. Milligan, for! London, Mav 1. ln ia isa source | oh ish forces, is astening orward RY Te Stormont. 3 of considerable uneasiness to the Brit is trobps to meet the new develop Sweden, to the Grand Dichess Maris! crop outlook. The season is fully two 4 i i Lai ' . de ke ! ah' Rg 10 Pieces, $1.65 Evelyn Out Of Limelight. Lilt not permis Mile. alae to take Wichmeinter, coma gonomlasattonnds pf his watch, Charis N bE Anan Potter, who has been ill for several boo ped & Walsh, tailors. i will shit down until the demand for! paign in the United States. The first | the weion of crime > : ; pent. | In an Hoel Fire at at Fort - eS Wome, Ind.,' YOR! Mes. V. Nott Pierce, wile of Dr. V. | ish government at the present moo! M0 i ' Mott Pierce, head of the World's The difficulty with the Maha i ' " to general conditions, the situa tion is unsatisfactory and complex San Franejsco, Cal., May. 4.--lr. W.) tainéd evidence that they believe will | The wave of depression, which began: rea . Goelet, graduate of Columbia Col] hold. him on several charges, in Wall street, has 'left that district VICE-PRESIDENT FAIRBANKS Goelet's methods, according to theland is expending its force on com Washington, May 4 --Vice-Pre police, were to engage rooms in high- | merce and industry. In the iron trade { Fairbanks will oifieiall represent the |eldss hotels and apartment houses, | depression is extreme: both orders and i! nited States at Lucho, ( i i HEAVY DRAPERIES, ART BLINDS, Tw URTAIN POLES, ETC, Lace Curtains anywhere hore' than ident anada, dur ago, is in the Berkeley City prison, | then plander right and, left. Some | profits being less than hall those of 4 residences and apartment houses in| FRAN] s0 be : ceremonies by af Goelet is thirty-five years old, a na- | 8nd woolens is being curtailed twenty | ing t ith probably he the new | *, under com i hk fea Appointment ! 4 wen OUP Jove dethy, : St. John, N05. May 4, -Hon. 1. P fondiy cherishes the lind of the Transcontinent + through New Brusiswick He will ka i i B sr of the Ot | 3 Hospital has received a member of the municipal council, ha rearelent: Selo. wenther conditions = have "heen parti all colors. : identity undbe the name of "Mes. | seated, to appeal to the courts and il} ter to the United States in suc- | heart and instantly killed in a store ve : ASH AWAY. | probably be able to take up his duties | The fetes commemorating the cen- | '88%, sp that he can or Madame this week. : - |tenary of Spanish independence have Gould. This Mill enable, the couple lo | inoue eas have advineed in price, { begin in Madrid. The royal family | United hy both a and retigious je arc still seliing | donation of $1,000 each {scored a great victory so far, at F : | Fitzgerald," Bvelvn Neshitt Thaw is | necessary take the question to cession to Herman De Lagercoaniz. into which'*he had crawled in pursuit P i : } arcs, former minister of agriculture Peter Pelangio, on Italian, whe | took t in the exercises, and Queen | MATTiAge ceremony. anh i farmer living | cularly favorable for cultivation el | least, as the balloting is concerned. | ank Swineford, a farmer living [eu y ty, from Lord Strathcona and BEL s air A near Rnoxdale, Pa., shot and killed | planting. No damage has been re understood tobe higng the life of} coungil of state + The Angus shops of the CPR, lof a burglar. . for the province k {efe i r pes grow brighter an obscure person for the fast time} { Montreal, are closed for a few davs,!| Julian Bakk, the Jewish millionairs | for the province, 0 Was defeated 1p ve near shining shore eloped from Orillia with Alice South- Victoria was greeted with frensied | W. Havercamp, aged twelve, was ur wn ori, n fitcenyearcold. girl, was -ar-| cheering when she held wp the infant struck ou the head, at a baseball | 3 3 4 i > 0 od ok » » ester ' Lord Mount Stephen in aid The ;haliotihg took place, yoste ra an unknown tramp, who had forced | ported from the cool spell except to eine she beenme the central figure inf for stock-taking. Both the C.P.R. and 1 | publisher of The Rech, hanged himself; the last provincial election, has been ! kn Aromn : tie a $ & b Prince of Asturias to the crowds. nine in Grand Rapids, with a pop B i P wr dl ad M N De- Spe ial Bl nd rested at North Bay. jee He died from the injuries, Ed- ritis are @ to eel ew "| C1 e § : g o » ballots re © N 2 of that institution. jad whin the haliots were taunted his way into the house. j fruits. Reports as to winter wheat the most: noted murder trial of a sen- | For Soring Wear. the GLT.R. are reducing their elerical [in the bathroom of his St. Petersburg | 2PPointed commissioner of pole along | Wait th ie ie ward Parks is under arrest. At the vid price of f i the independent socialist candidate for! * ors of the Winnipeg General . I gut id 'avalona, of Russia, took place at { weeks earlier: than last vear, and ow k » 802 She intend I she is un- . . - - New York, ; May 1.- ~Coucenling her | her scat. he intends, if she Cairo, has been appointed Swedish [a policeman, was wt through the fon. LP. Fare . } 3 : days as a result of overwork, is much | . | rails improves. jun was fired in Chicago on Sunday. | ie better, and i Cis stated that he will | emmys -- « | "Prince de Sagan will turn Protes- | ment, Dispensary Medical Association, Bui- . ed on the ex Seizing Bombs And Pamphlets. | fal ied on Friday alter a lingering Tatu wi son y - = Settlement Caleutin, May 4--Tho re Red Importers Of Pine Groceries illness. Mrs. Pierce was prominent jn | ToC 08 a » -p . ng e . {the police, in a native shop, a of % Rosial circles. ports ohne ere, a new . danger namber of bombs and enrtieid To For Every Variety Dwellings, Port Wayne, Ind. Mav 4.-At least son, Chicago, M. Wirsch, New York : The Nelson, B.C.. News, the leading | threatened in an attempt by = av | bows the length to which the disal- } Lots, Etc. twelve persona lost their lives in afl RB, Miller, Sheboygan, Wis. J. Ed cow of Southern Bettiet Colum: | Aighan force, numbering from 13.000] fected natives are prepared to go in § y fire which destroyed the new Aveline is, Chicagol J. W. Pitener, Fort! pin, hg veg changed. hanes, F. -E. Deane! to 20.000, which crossed the border, | their: hostility to British rake The {ome hotel, yesterday. The entire interior | Wayne, J. Wo Pevine, Philadelphia : Feeling ont to W. 6. MeMorrie, former! Jj ided- in two bodies, 16 seize the | bombs were of the latest paticen, with | Apvly to ef the building is a smouldering threo unidentified - men, business manager of the paper. Iv will i hiock houses in Erber Pass, I electric batteries for esploding them, | EWIPT'S REAL ESTATE and of rains a many The known missing are: Max Was-jhe n conservative paper. Luli Botal. The attacks wees rel Among the articles which fell into the | Insurance Agency. fain hy the debris can only be con: som, a wrestler, Fort Wayne: Prank] at San Franciseo, Tirey 1. Ford, | pulsed with triffing cpsualties on thiol hands of the police wns a library of | The hotel : ls B. Alty fehiof counsel for the United railroads, part of the firitich, but the Afghans | up-to-date books on the manufacture | ; . 'amie, Former & remaived a front of Landi Ko ; ex, and un rollection of Turki] AL Port lood, N.5., the miners at i i apd seditious | the colliery have struck for an in. Ove thirty arrests have congas of pay sud the mins are come pletely tied wp, % In the city, including Palm Lands, fu -rn in best location,

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