Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Mar 1908, p. 6

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PROE STR, Pr---- 0000000000000. BRASS KETTLES y have become almost a ngeessity and are just the thing to heat water at a moment's hotice. A Brass Kettle makes a very suitable giftfat any time, our stock in is line will be found mos complete, every kettls is ted with the newest patdnt burner. C4ll in when passing and let gs show yon what we have. Our prices range from $4.50 up. -- Kinnear &d'Esterre Jewellers. Cor. Princess and Wellington Streets. DOO 0000000000000 WE'RE AT IT TOOTH L 0000000000000 000C 0000000000 DOD OOO Our Lpmpetitors may be "in hot Water "trying to make ends meet,' but we Won't he outstripped by any- body If furnishing satisfaction to th puhlic. 0 teil - naked truth we are going tp outdo ourselves in toeing the mark thls coming season Il yow have any City Property to sell, list It With me at once. 1 have several clients gut of town who want to buy in Kin on before May next, I. J. Lockhart, Real Estate and Insurance Agent 159 Wellington Street. ! EDUCATIONAL. Waoehecssssecsevesssevs In you wish to be successful at tend 'The Kingston Business . College Limited, hoad of Queen street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE 'busiess school, Bookkeeping, shoethand, Yypewriting, tele- iy. commercial hb ta , thoroughly taught by fom experienced teachers. a ight classes, Enter gt nr | time. Hates very moderate "Phone, 440, HH. F. METCALFE, President. J.B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. POOGONOGOGIOROIOGOOIOOOIOGOOIOOORTS BOOCOO OOOO 0000 IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER Dayiand Evening Classes ut the Frontenac Business College, ' § Barrie and Clergy Stas. + Lome Now TOCKDALE, "Plone, 680, Principal. TUT ss EIT ISIS IRS TE When You Wear Merchant Rubbers You Get The Best Now is the time you need not wear the best? They cost Fou no more than the wothen kind. INGS, King St. RR RHONA ORORORORORCRCROA) gif -- 00000 | Kinetic Energy Kinetic is a good word. "it means "power to make things go." A fat bank account, a rock on the edge of a hill, a barrel of gunpowder, and SCOTT'S EMULSION all contain "Kinetic energy," so the professor tells us. Power is stored up in Scott's Emulsion This force let loose in the system of the consumptive gives him the strength to take on new flesh. It is @ powerful flesh-producer, All Druggists; 80c. and $1.00. is a blend ot Ontario Fall Wheat Manitoba Spring Wheat It is equally good for Bread and Pastry -- and best for both. "It's the choicest flonr tliat Canada's choicest wheats can yield. Try Beaver Flour and see bow much if improves everything you bake, At your grocer's. Dealsrs--write for priveson all kinds of Feeds, Coarse Grains and Oe reals. TH. Taylor €0. Limited, Chat- ham, Ont. 64 P i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, FT BENEATH CONTEMPT SAYS PROF. STIRLING. FINDS Gorn IN ONTARIO. Bay Man Said to Have Made Strile Watettown, NX. to desp vatche §, of A#xandrig this city, a March 24. Ac Roswell Visger, Bay, a well where be has vis of time bs, has struck a the obalt reg , north As 8 purser upon the Visger had a a former] known in Dean of Medical Faculty in ited a number rold mine in Victoria UniverSity Says Lines . Yoroat in Hand Are Due to Muscular yacht : dle. Action and Mean Nothing. quaintance. London, March 24 Palmistry i A absolute absurdity; the the idler, beneath contempt, declared wirdl Visger Stirling, dean of the I facu Mercer d professor of physiology at Prospe y toria university, Manchester, in claim his father. But course ola leetirn at the Roval letters have reached this city from tution this week, / Viger, and the telegram came Look at your palms," irst announcement of the rich vau will find certain classical by the prospector. These lines--the so-called lines! heart and head, and the girdle] and the bracelets of life {around your wrist--what do vou sup-| 'they really They are noth- ing more or less than ®reases or folds] produced by the astion of the mmscles I'he line of heart, for instance, is the flexure of the four fingers. The of | { hie is the result of the action of the! thumb. Al "these lines which have heen | given astronomical names by palmists| are characteristic Hexures. You will find the same lines on the palm of the Barbary ape. Hunianity is daily gull: | Store, ed through its extraorfinary ignorance| o of the elementary facts of physiol gy 4 ' gion year or so ago, Capt. Visger, died of beart failure later Academ t in the was owned by ATE, whole ti took a course 'at which he left to jon, where a is med burg Co rey the Insti- | few young as the strike he continued, | male young young 'and | lines f lie, lof Venus, Escapes Needless Disease. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Locomotor Ataxia, Tumors and a variety of other diseases as' well as a general debilitated condition of the system | comes from impure or impoverished blood. Escape these ills and keep { health up to the highest standard by : Wade's Iron Tonje Pills (Laxa- They fortify the system against dise sase. They are 'a great nerve strengthener and blood maker, In 25 cents, at Wade's Drug 25 Money back if not satisfac 1 pose are line | boxes, | ra Littl irl' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION | s.Bis)'s Dress { Has Placed Its Views on Various | Matters. { From Our Own Correspondent. { Ottawa, March 24. Mr. Boyee, Al} goma West, started proceedings of in terest when he asked if Ontario far | mers were to be precluded from the] benefits of the sum set aside for seed] for farmers in the Sir Wilirid Laurier replied that up to date applications for aid had been received | Ontario farmers. Mr. Fiélding| R. L. Borden that the civil ser commission report was not vet] to lay on the table as a por | had been omitted and the be ready for a west, from told vite ready tion of it whole would not lays. So far as can few | gathered the increased cost be re-| lays stress on the port which practically | of living 'in Ottawa, Os. Woon Nonway Pise Staup la rich in the lung-healing virtues of the Norway Pine Tree, skilfully combined with Wild Cherry Bark and the soothing and expectorant properties of other pectoral herbs and barks. It is a pleasant, safe and effectual medicine for Coughs and Colds, Hoarseness; Sore Throat, Pain in the Chest, Asthma, Bronehitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy and all troubles of the Throat and Lungs. A single dose will sonvinse you thas it will stop the cough, soothe the throat, and start you on the road to recovery. Be sure and do not accept a substitute for Dr. Woed's Norway Pine Syrap. The genuine is pus up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark, and the price 25 cents, Miss C. M. Woodsork, Xinmouns, Ont., writes 1 "For some time I suffered from a lingering eough. I was afraid i¢ would tan te consumption, and, as I had tried many remedies snd found ne eure I asked my father to got me a bottle of Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. When I had taken that bottle I was se much better I gos thres - mars, ad 1 am mow eeinpletaly Yon cannot =n have a better So than |EPPS'S A Seliclous drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritions and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. COCOA Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers * in }-Ib. and 3-Ib Tins. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Coughs and colds of ail hinds, La Grippe & Feverish colds, Don't hesitate-- send at once for a bottle of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar & Cod Liver Oil. The only cough remedy t hat REALL and PERMANENTLY cures you, ~-because it builds uv your system. It is a certain rauedy Grippe when takes with Mathieu's Nex: vine Powders. 4 Large bottle of Mathieu's Syrup, 35¢c. Mathieu's Ner- vine Powders, 18 Powders, 25¢., from all dealers. V. L. MATHIEU Co, Sherbrooke, Que. means a recommendation for increased | alaries. But the commissioners have extended very much further of their enquiry than the position the scope | White lint, with lace insertion and ivil se#vants. The management and] tucks, developed this neat little model, wdministration of some of the depart- i which shghtlv blouse efiect and ments come in for eriticism and in bas the 16ng waistlines. The body is this regard it is said that there | gathered at the lower edge and Very much interesting reading. In et | skirt it under a belt of it is'said the report means trouble tor | tio m. A déep hem and tucks ertain parties on Parliament Hill. f the skirt, A hali-inch tuck at The house then went into committee | side of the centre front extends on the orders of tht day, Mr. Ross! the belt, and the fullness between Yale-Cariboo) being prominent with | taken up in fine short tucks; his act tq incorporate the Shuswap & | tucks on each shoulder' take up "Thompson River Boom company. There | remaining fullneses The closing was a lot of talk on the part of Mr.| made at the back with buttons Foster and those members interested | buttonholes. mn the district, but for all that tii" done the bunch might have kept their Blondes More Photographed. seats and allowed the bill to pass to!Cleveland Plain Dealer. the next reading. The object of the Blonde women have hill simply to boom the company | § graphs taken just about and the greater part of the day was | ten in the long run as brunettes," re spent in advertising it. | marked E. Balody, photograbher, the There is one more issue an:tother day. "The reason is easy other private bill to the same effect|blondes take better pictures © than is already before the house and the | bruneties. The lighting of are bet (uestion simply a case of which|ter when the subject is an blonde A ig to go Jerward. The opposition are|blonde girl may get a photograph fighting Mr. bill in favor of the} that will flatter her, where of a other, and rather wildly that brunette taken under the if this through the a tous will not even do her would secure a monopoly of the river, the girl + portrait an accusation that tickles the her has them made ernment to no little extent. The ob-| dark-haired sistem struction was kept up as each clause |less easily shown on paper the opposition Ca dering away from 'the point slightest, pretext. of is in inser finish Joins to is tw is oi was their photo- is twice as of side joss" one assert ame goes Just ie I turally ne gov-| ofténer tha whose charms wan-| the | was considered, on Remember that when the stomach nerves fail or weaken, dyspepsia or f indigestion must always follow., But, i Strengthen' these same weak inside nerves with Dr. Shoop's Resorative, Actress Demands Annuity Because | and then see how quickly health will of He: Children. |again. return. Weak héart and kidney Madrid, March 21==The "judges ix [nerves can also be strengthen®l With Tene Elene Sanz = affair called at the the Resorative, where heart pains, pal- palace, vesterday, to take the evi- | pitation, or kidney weakness is found, dence of the queen mother Don't drug the stomach, nor stimulate Elene Sanz was a Spanish actress | the heart or kidmeys. That is wrong. whom King Alfonso XII had to the cause of these ailments. natural sons. These children are now { Strengthen these weak inside nerves suing the heirs of Alionso X11 jor an | With Dr. Shoop's Restorative and get annuity which they claim was Joft to |Well. A simple, single test will surely their mother by the king, and which | tell. All dealers. was to revert, after her death The th took them. ~~ { Tvendinaga, on Friday, The queen de posed that a few davs daughter of Nr, after the death of Alionso XII. Senor [Ward C. Carter, at the age Salmeron came fo Senor Abbella, whe | teen years. The decensed had bes was then master of the household, { for several months and told him that Elene Sanz had in | The only true her possession certain letters from the | Must begin its late king, the publication of whic 'h | tion when it sriters the mouth. Hol would cause a great scandal. She | lister's Rocky Mountain Tea restores would give them up for $13,000, and the whole system to a healthy, nor in addition Salmeron claimed 1 L000 | mal condition. 33¢.. Tea or Tablets. for his services in the matter. Trust- | Mahood' 8 Drug Store ing to the integrity of Salmeron, the | Instruction in physical queen paid over these two sums and { form a part of the work of was assured by him that all the let- he school at the 1 niversity PAID TO STOP SCANDAL. | | by two | Go dea piace at Myre Hall of Miss Alena and Mrs Fal to | only of seven n iil constipation othing, healing ac cars wil] the sum of Utah culture ters in queltion had been destroved. | this year The present : suit of Over 6,000,000 French we qmen--half {hawever, is hated entirely upon let-|of them marricd--earn their own liv- {lors ideniified with those which 'the | ing. | queen paid to have burned. The Sanz matter. is 10 come up before the su- preme court, that tribunal havine de clared itself competent to try the pase. the Sanz heirs, Live Wire Restores Sight. Philkipsueg, NJ., March 24 Knocked n by a shock of electric. ity from a wire he touched, John Miller, an employee of Howard Schoolay, a butcher of this place, had the, sight restored to an eye which had been blind for thirty-three years. | There had been a filmy growth over the eyeball. Upon receiving the shock he saw a woman wearing a blue dress walking in the street. "By gracious, Schooley I" 'exclaimed Miller, "I see her with my bad eye," and so it proved. "p good tonic pill to take in the} spring." The Blaud's Iron Tonic Pill, with a red cross on the box, Sold ak Ki Sp, only at Gib the each 0 the 1908, » WANTED HER RIGHTS. ---- Thinks They Include Drinking at} Bars, NX, evelope wh befo March tl he re aré so firmly" 'Canadian {Facine Raflway ol policame v privilege Ibecause they of | proper twist to - secured that "% | withstand PenAngle LOW ONE- WA} oupsle "with that ad 2 aloon should villing to admit izing a lecen tly it 'Just he I have the cou convictions and walk in t and drink what 1 please J should be arrest their intoxi homes are immune,' rument she advanes Her mother also ag sated that Mabel was of age, free too and so far as she was her permission Ca lise RL REL LEY: IR AN ny door reason why women who have livered at their was the line of arg to the recorder peared and eighteen years concerned had to into saloons if The saloon man was sent for and given a | curtain lecture and Mabel { tenced to the House of Shepherd "at Troy the go she so dekired Rail € part | ot Quinte Cu FICRNON, Ag ars, apply | 'Phone, RAILWAWE HLL SS ONE-WAY COLONIST RATES Feb. 20th to April 29un B.C, Victorig, B.( Ww a ttle, Was} until of twenty-one age years. Awarded A Medal. Prescott Journal Ex-Mavor Ste ciprent of a medals from the Humane Asso to our te Carthy, brave the a Leeder St. phengon was {Second Class One Way | Yaily, nl 29 to April 29, 0 weir B. C, Points, Vancouver, SE Porititle, Portland, eto. Full particulars st LPogein snd C, P. R. Ticket Office, Untario St, F. (ONWAY, " American EE rey i ---- BAY ( OF QUINTE RAILWAY Ves uniow station, Ontar tre om. daily (Sundays e ; Oils Tweed, Sydenham, Napay qo ei chhurn and all pots {To ure Guich despatch ¥ C 1 Qil 3 your points q Lubricating Oils | Gasoline | We make a specialty of handling | Lubricating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. Dai WwW. F. KELLY & CO., { Vane uver, South Cor. Ontario and Clarence. | Hash muon, to he br. D. a memento for the part of of ay whnsman, as on the Ying Preséntation At Willetsholme. rom a fananog Reporter Lawrence, La Mr. and My o, for'a num-| is of bronze, and po n the ber of higl od réwidénts the words in Id relief, "R of Wi tor Canadian. Humane A tion,' on! last wv then the other side js ' i t the follo ony M. Me colrage dre "Local. Branch Tim e Tat les Tro ns Il leave and arrive af ( Depot, Foot ohnson street GOING WEST Lve. Cit in July last are J hh ara home mm No. 5 mail Wing 5 ber of neighbors 3 expres arthy for promtitud and | and present in s v of Ira from 1967 will he evening, ¢ f the made at hie the treet bil rooms, strengths The perties 1.1 well-known ning 1ro iron, combined with other nery Pitts nerves and body, blood and ec Mrs. George Caughey, of | Prince | rd county, died after months' If Very Thin, You're Liable to Catch Pneumonia or Fever. awfully thin, to ward off diseas thin or ran in this land of plen best remedy consist n tonics a foupd in Carter's strengthen the improve the a most perfect ine, are Iron which 1 fu HANLEY Ontaria Sts ymplexion some illness vears of age INTERCOLONIAL | RAILWAY Royal Mail Trains From Montreal to Halifax CONNECTING WITH {Royal Mail Steamers From Halifax to Liverpool People who vitality tikes root in people but sheer overcome, Prob v the time. It is a remarkable in thousands of cases has added fin oun 1 mule week, Fer «no Canada's Famous Train are nourished, whole litt]e na oh, mn risk--they have but uern are and no energy so ent invariably ¢ T'hitine 3 where who are down not onl it be ot taking Ferrbrone Hanger wickedness wea) that Zone blood-forming ane ' wld emedy t fatter times daily « the congant edd ment i tonic effect nev feel the good results ir All these tell of "the afford to risk thinness rnest ommen three 81 stem iy] THE MARITIME EXPRESS TREAL Fr - and nerves vou rehurhd vhen reminde voll are ! i then What. Everybody Has Been Expecting and Looking For. A Record Sale for the New "Writing in Sight" |" quEBEG 8.5. COMPANY LG. SMITH & BROS". TYPEWRITER ..2ERYY°A eid {Bey efter: SPECIAL FOR {FORMAL TRUNK RAILWAY 'Montreal Ticket Office 141 St Pet fees M - Zod i 161 We have just closed our first 3 Years' Business : . : 3 f New York We have SOLD over 1,400 Machines in Canada. West 1nd'a Cruises from New Yo We hold the biggest record for the sale of placed on the Canadian Market. Have you seen our new Ball-Besring Type Bar ? Our Opponents said we ""Couldn't do it," "WE DID." Alaa ty of scenery md patlection It will be money in your 'pocket to look at it. nphiets givis ! Let us demonstrate it to you. Newsome & Gilbert, Limited, EST £ IALLAN 525 LINE TO LIVERPOOL ¥ rinn se f St I ak i New any Typewriter | wii tre sail L Branches -- Halifax, N.S., Ottawa, Ont., Winnipeg, Man. LOCAL NEWMAN-SPRIGGS ELECTRIC co., 79 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. AGENTS: A Full Stock of Typewriter Supplies for all makes of Machines! ul ot passage snd wil witoruws. always on hdd. HANLEY, Agent GT iL, of O 6 We have a large stock, all makes, 2nd ban Tyvewriters; s0ld || KIRKPATRICK, Local Agests, on easy terms. ' ir i al a The" sudden changes In weather ought to suggest the wisdom f puting in some good coal. We » goud Con ite the Rind that sonds out the ost Beat ne} makes the home comfortable ; the best money can there is pone better ul We deliver it Shout sinte, at be yery bptto Booth & Cor Phone 133. Foot of West St RT. "JUST 17." RASS 420d RAS IRE 4 43 Ripe Bhi Pineapples, Tomatoes, Tangerines, Malaga Grapes. ORANGES CHEAPER THAN EVER. Codd." Tl. 4 For {bs Ad. RRORCROAO CRF Sart ceammmeindin. & hat shoe of Frost |

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