Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Mar 1908, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, PRIDA NOT USUALLY THE CASE. -- Train Men Not Anxious to In- convehiénce Public. Woodstock Sentinel-Review, Feby 20ih, A measure bas been introduced: in the House of Commons imposing a Penalty of, #0 per minute on all late passenger inves, except where physi eal impossibilitys can be proven. The late train is, of course, a great in convenience, ad i it could be brought in on time by an act of parliament the travelling public would welcome such an act. But it is scarcely likely that trains are delayed just for the. purpose of inconveniencing the public or to suit the convenience of the railways. If the truth were known it would probably be jound that the railway companies are 4s anxious to bave their traing raoning on time as are the people who travel. Indeed many of the accidents that occur to railway trains are attributed to the EDUCATIONAL. GOTO 000ONOPIPOOOED eres IIE SPORT EVEN 2{ ANOTHER HOCKEY MATCH Bingston usiness THIS EVENING. Limited, head of Queen street, Mic-Macs and Kingston Business CANADA'S HIGHEST 'GRADE College to Play For City business school, Bookkeeping, Championship---Gen: tes shorthand, typewriting, tele- plo : oral No graphy." and all commercial on the Various - Sporting Fields. subs ject thoroughly taught by Duy aah Bight" classes. Tater ot What should | of the 1 d ah . at should he one best and timeis cRates very moderete, fastest hockey matches of the season will be pulled off at the Kingston rink, this evening, between the Mic- Macs, champions of the KA HA. league, and the Frontenac Business College team, champions of the senior city league. The teams will line up as follows : Mic-Macs--Saunders, goal; Cherry, etcalfe, rover; What is Going on in the Business World--The Markets. A New York Stock Exchange seat sold at $60,000, compared with a last preceding sale at $52,000, It is estimated that there are about soven millionaires in the Canadian senate and thirty-one in the United Slates senate. The Grand NOTE CUE ALLO RAILW AY IN COANECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Rallway LOW ONE-WA} RATES i: Second Class One Way 5. ¥. METCALFE, President. Baily February 29 to April 29 J.E, CUNNINGHAM, Sccretary. ' 0 [O[ HR: S Seusavibersrarsuonass §50.i0 5 Portland, ste. q We do not make clothes pnder any : other name than "Semi-ready. An emphatic statement is necessary: Dealers in ready-made clothing have been in the habit of bringing clothes with a gaudy 'name labelled on them and telling thew customers that they " were real Semi-ready: 3 garments, only sold under another name. 2 There is one Semi-ready Store in each town and city--only one--and we do not" © make clothes under any other name thas * *Semi-ready '--not for anybody anywhere. Trunk railway system trafic earnings from March Sth to Hth, are as follows: 1908, $687.111; 1997, $767,700; decrease, $50,597. About 8,000 acres of coal lands lo- cated in Monteroy County, California about twenty miles from San Francis- to, are about to be developed in an extensive manner, On the old Sind, Punjab, and Delhi railway there is a stretch of 142 miles of straight track, broken by one short curve. This is believed to be the long est straight track in the world. » CVOVETOIOVIIOVIITONS | _ Pull particulars at K.&P. 'B; R. Ticket Office, Ontario 8. F. CONWAY, Gen; Passe. Agents - rar ptr asA BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY 'Frain leaves union station, Ontario Street. 4 pan. daily (Sundays excepted), for Tweed, Sydenham, Napsnes, Deser- ooto, Bannockburn and all points vorth. To weeure quick despatch to Bannock- burp, Maynooth, and points on entral >, route your shipments via Vay of Quinte Railway. For further particu Day and Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business College, Barrie and Clergy Sts. ne JT. N. STOCKDALE, 'Phone, 680, Principal. | point; Lemmon, cover; 4 Houghton, centr; Dowsley and Cooke, wi . - ¥ B.C.--Kane, goal; Fraser, point; McKenzie, cover; Rattray, rover; Sin- gleton, centre; McCartney and Laird, wings. Added Another Win. At Rockwood rink, on Thursday evening, the Young Rockwoods added another win to their large list of vie tories when they defeated the Black J their trains om fime, and it has. been anxiety of the companies to bring in seriously su more than once that the companies should be punish ed for such a # when they are attended by damger. Between a pro- posal on the ene band t punish for not being on time, and a proposal on the other to pubish for making extra efforts to be on time, the railway companies may be puzzled to know just what to do. One thing the com- m of been Southern Pacific, to the Yosemite Na- tional Park, a distance of eighty-five The! Yosemite Valley railroad finished has dtom Merced, on the iles. It rises 1,900 feet in thot dis tance, It is estimated that the sharcholdors the states and Canada have lost $20,000,000 as the result of the busi- ness set-back which ous enterprises to either cut cr pess their dividends, has forced vari. or under any circumstances, The man who says we do may do othe dishonest things. Lm 'q Semi-ready Tailoring is "Bistinetive and different, and it has " earned a fam& which inspires both envy and superficial imitaffonss Be on your guard. Get the genuine. Unless the 'Signet of Surety is on the coat it's not "'Semi-ready." jus who fp do. Que hi the com Every garment bears the convenience of the travelling public, and that is furnish some more reliable sytem of train reporting. Many of the reports fornished now appear to be guesses. Even the most considerate and best-ngtured man. is liable to turn sour and ranky after he has waited for an hour and a half for a train that was reported twenty min- utes late, 20 A GANANOQUE FIRE. A Leeds Farmer Meets Death By Accident. Gananoque, March 20.--An explo- sion of gasoline in a blow pipe used! hy plumbers at work at the residence of George Cook, John street, caused quite a little blaze yesterday morn- ing. The fire brigade were promptly on hand and soon had the flames under control. The loss will not be very great and is covered by insur- ance. "John Seal, an old and highly re spected resident of Leeds township, near Maple Grove, met with what pfoved t6 be a fatal accident Wednesday evening. While backing his team and sleigh from the barn the rear of the sleigh struck a large stone, throwing Mr. Seal backward, his head striking on a large stone and rendering him unconscious. Medi- cal aid was at once summoned, but The Pearson Land company have purchased 350,000 acres near Lost Mountain. Ma. paying a million dol- lars for it. Another big transaction is the reservation of 50,000 acres at Tramping Lake, for a Lutheran col- ony from Nebraska. As nearly as can be estimated mere than $2,500,000 has been squandered -- ' by the speculative public in Wall Lita of this stupendons sum sora | 10 H. D. Bibby Company have the Sole Agency for "Semi-Ready" Clothes in i, Kingston. . WatchNIL, 7 goals to 5. The game was fast and strenuous all through, both teams mixing it up to quite an extent. The teams lined up: Rockwoods (7)--8t. Remy. goal; Me: Cammon, point; Davidson, cover; Bai- den, rover; Forsythe, centre; A. David son and Kennedy, wings. Black Watch (5)--Muarchand, goal; Coyne, point; Dixon, cover; Little, rover; Hunt, centre; Duncan and Mil- lar, wings. T. Nicholson made a satisfactory re- ferce. A return game will be played at Royal rink, to-night. label. , lars, apply to R. W. DICKSON, Agent. 'Phone, No. 3. LEAS NY CRAND TRUN REARS, ONE-WAY COLONIST RATES Daily Fob. 20th to April 20th: Vanover B.C. rtorin, B.C., West nator, B.0., Sesttle, Wash. Tacoma, hy Rortiand, Ore ....... ...oo. 10, San Francisco, Cal., Los Angeles, Diego al, Asada Tox. L358. ha bannsisingen. 3osmmmans .. $57.55. ranch Time Table. leave and arrive at Cily Depot, Foot ol Johnson streets GOING WEST. Live. City Arr. City No. 8 mail .......12.88 a.m. 1.07 a.m. a1 . 285 am. 3.17 a.m. a.m. J47 a.m, express 11 local ..., 9.45 Joter, lad, 12.25 noon 13. Wrca Tas Sromace | Semi-ready Tailoring ¥ l Cal .y $52.05 Te i tually invested in stocks or borids. Over $250,000,000 of stolen money is known to have been poured into the stroet, I | Sporting Notas. New York papers state that the Montreal Wanderer-Shamrock hockey game was. the best ever seen in that city. Spit ball artists will not be in such great demand this year. 'The rough covered ball will make it almost im- possible to make the "'spitter" eoffee- tive, & There will be no Ottawsy Valley hoe- key championship match this season, Buckingham, Lower Ottawa cham- pions, having declined to meet the professional Renfrew team, champions of the Upper Ottawa. Montreal Star The Toronto out- field, Mertes, Grimshaw and Gettman, are a trio of sluggers, and haye the outfield of any other Eastern league team frayed to a Irazzle as far as the batting strength is concerned. 'The Wanderers, of Montreal, holders of the Stanley Hockey cup, and the Shamrocks, of Montreal, Tuesday 'night, played the finest game of hoe key played in New York this year, the former winnifig by 'a score of 12 to 7. Shrubly refuses to run Johnson thir- ty miles, but agrees to take him on at twenty on condition that they also run at three, five, ten and fifteen miles. he winner of the three to take ¥5.- 000 side bet. Johnson's proposition to Shrubb was to run ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five and thirty miles, or a level twenty-five miles for £1, 000, Toronto Globe : Chaucer Elliott will not be in baseball this season. He owns the Oswego franchise, where he won the pennant last year. He looked over the Ontario ball towns when the International league was proposgd early in the winter, and came to the conclusion that it was a bad pgospect. "Knotty" Lee thinks that a mistake was made when Wood- stock and St. thomas were not in cluded in the new international cir- cuit, : Inwthe "wonthosin hockey games at the Montreal Arena this season. X5, 000 spectators turned out. Victorias made the money; Wanderers not bet- ter than even; Shamrocks made ga little: Quebec broke about even, as did Ottawa, while Montreal lost. The New York American says: Burns entered the ring, slapped Jem Roche once or twice, and the Irish champion went to the floor for the count. lo one minute and twenty-eight seconds, it was all over. It was nota fight, but simply an unusual ocour- rence, "Yommy" Burns is a fighting cham- pion--that is to say he fights for a living and does not decline to. risk his title avith the best fighters = the world can produce, This is in mark- ed contrast to. the habits of previous champions, who fought at intervals of from one to four ye In the past year Burns has foughl six fights and won them all but one--that with Jack O'Brien--by the knockout route. Two of his fights lasted less than a round. Burns' right name is Noah Brusso. He was born in Hanover, Ont. June 17th, 1881, and is Sherstoms fut Suite twenty-seven years e : in the CLA in Galt and Woodstock, and that was his early training for the prize ring. -------------- K How He Ate. Harper's Weekly A member of the school board Philadelphia describes a unigue schoolhouse in northern Pennsyl vania, where the schoolmaster keeps his boys grinding steadily 'at their desks, but sometimes permits thom to umibble from their lunch boxes as they work. One day the pedagogue was structing a class fn arithmetic, he noticed that one pupil was voting more attention to a piece pie. than to his lesson. "Wiliam," commanded the mentor, "will you pay attention the lesson ~ "I'm listening sir," said the boy "Listening, are you?' exclaimed the the 'unfort te man succamd to bis master, hen you're liste ning with fone ear and eating pie with the injuries yesterday morning. He was' her 1' sixty-sevon years of age, a consistent] 2 °F * member of the Methodist church and for half a century a member of the Orange 'order, under whose auspices his burial will be conducted. George Gallops, M.A, gave a most excellent illustrated lecture om *'Old Englith Cathedrals," at the Church of England parish ise last evening, under the auspices of the Anglican Young: teople's: Association. He is only a few years out from England. John B. Mc Murthy has been con- fined to his home, seriously ill, for the past week. Thomas Dempster, spending the past two months in Galt, with relatives, has returned to town. F. J. Kiniomond, Charles street, spent some time during the past few. days with friends in Kingston. F. 8S. Lent, Market street, is on a two-weeks' vis- it to New York city. : ¢ 11 1 7 mad 4.1v p. v 7 15 local ... . 7.08 p.m, 7,88 p.m. GOING EAST. Live. City Arr. . mail .... ...148 em. 2.17 a.m, 3 fast express 2.35 a.m. 8.17 a.m. 14 local ...... ... 8.18 a.m. 8.50 a.m, '6 mail 12.35 p.m. 18.56 p.m. 4 fast express 1.03 pom. 1.29 p.m 13 joeal o.oo pm 7.88 p.m Nos. 1, 2.8, 4,5,6, 7 and 8 run daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. full paruiewlars, appix wo J. P. MWANLEY, Agent, Cor. Jobason and Ontario Sts. INTERCOLONIAL SAAR 4 Royal Mail Trains From Montreal to Halifax CONNECTING WITH Royal Mail Steamers From Halifax " to Liverpool (Canada's Famous Train THE MARITIME EXPRESS Leaving MONTREAL Fridays at 12.00 (noow) carvies pass s baggege and European mails, dock at HALIF say . SPECIAL TRAINS carrying passeogers and mails when inward steam- ors not connect with the MARITIME EXPRESS, leave HALIFAX immediate log" co the arrival of the steamer, wak- of Coughing is the Coughs worst thing you can do to your throat. It inflames the tonsils and aggravates the air passages. Gmy's Syrup stops a cough at omce. It soothes the irritated parts and strengthens the throat and lungs. At all dealers, 25c and 50c a bottle, Gray's Syrup of ed Spruce Gum Relieves Colds-- Hoarseness--Cold in the Héad--Conghs--Bronchitis-- . Asthma--Pain in the Chest-.Dry Night Coughs..and permits Restful Sleep, are inflammations of Colds themucous membranes usually of nose, throat, and lungs. Neglected colds canse Pueumonia and, Consumption. Gray's Syrup will break up the most severe cold in a day or two, It takes away the «inflammation and relieves the nose and throat. in- w hen dos of E fli i F stern to : i Hn if h Don't Delay Curing Corns. What's the use? Every cofp you hgte can, in a few days, be éitirely removed with little trouble and no soreness by use of Peck's Corn Salve. In big boxes; 15c., at' Wade's Drug ih j What. Everybody Has Been Expecting and Looking For. A Record Sale for the New "Writing in Sight" L. C. SMITH & BROS'. TYPEWRITER" 3314 % Off All Leather Goods For a short time we have decided to offer our customers a special discount ot 33 1-3 Fer cent. of any article in our stock of leather goods. This will afford you a reasonable opportunity to urchase a Purse, dandbag, ard Case, Bill Fold, Cigar or Cigarette Case, Pocket- book, etc., at a price great- ly below regular cost. Remember our showing ineludes goods only from the best manufacturers, and we personally assure vou af our guarantee of quality, Kinnear &&Esterre Jeweller. Cor. Princess and Wellington Streets. achin the steamer's AX the following Suture THE VILLAGE OF ATHENS. Preachers Debate on the Question of Love. Athens, March 19.---On March 4th the Women's Missionary Society, of Brockville district, held a convention here. - Mrs. (Rev.) F. A. Read, of Merrickvile, spoke both afternoon and evening, and with many other ad dresses and' papers the session proved most interesting. Seventy delegatés and out-of-town visitors registered. On "March 16th; under the auspices of the Epworth League, a most en- tertaining apd profitable debate took place. The subject was, "Resolved, that in the affairs of men, love is a more potent foree than the force gain- ed from all possible knowledge." As a proof of the good-will existing gmong the various denominations we might mention that the Anglicans, Baptist, Preshyterian and Methodist churches were represented among the. speakers,> The affirmative speakers were Rev, C. J. Curtis (leader), Rev. W. W. Pomeroy, Miss Duncan, Mrs. Towriss; the tive, Rev. W, d Scott (leader), J. E. Burchell, Miss Crimmer, Miss Mclean. The judges decided in favor of the negative. A. E. Donovan, M.R.P., spent Sun- day at home here. S. A. Taplin is slowly recovering Irom pneumonia. Miss Martha 'Trickey has been called home from Syracuse by the illness of her motner. Rev. C. J. Curtis preach: ed very accepiably in the Methodist church last Sanday, while Rev. We have just closed our first 3 Years' Business. ®e have SOLD over 1,400 Machines in Canada. We hold -the biggest record.for the sale of any Typewrifgr placed on the Canadian Market. | a i Have you seen our new Ball-Bearing Type Bar? Our Opponents said we "Couldn't do it," "WE DID." 'It will be money in your pocket to look at it. Let us demonstrate it to you. Newsome & Gilbert, Limited, No. 9 Jordon 8t., Ternnto. . Branches-- Halifax, N.S., Ottawa, Ont., Winnipeg, Man. LOCAL AGENTS NEWMAN-SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO, 79 Princess Street, Kingston, Oat. connections for Ottawa, Toronto, = roit and poiots west. FOR TICKETS AND PURTHEW IN- FORMATION, apply to nearest GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY AGENT, of to Montreal Ticket Office 41 St. James St. 3 QUESEC 8.8. COMPANY BERMUDA Reached in 45 hours from 'New York by the vew Twin Screw Steamship "Bers mudian,'"' 5.500 tons, Sailicgs every Sat urdey at 10 a.m. , Bermuda to , Bahamas Nassau, 8.8. "Trinidad" fortnightly in February and March. West India Cruises from New York New Steamer "Guiana," 3,700 fons, with all up-to-date improvements aod ther first-class steamers sail from New ork every 10 days. For eli 00 000 Rheumatism SEE can pains the bane of 50 many Hives (hat hors fo whare weomakeour great boast. Our pillacureit while oo Pe aren doen ee nos dnp 5 Ble In vidisat 35 conta ; five for ia Art T- CARTER MEDICINE CO., Now Yorli Spall FL Small Dos fal Pcs i Full Stock of Typewriter Supplies for all makes of Machines alwhys on hand. > We have a large stock, all makes, 8nd band Typewriters; sold on easy terms, information, apply to A: tamathip Co. 8° Broad tay' 0. 0 . A ARBRA, Sec'y., Guebee, of 'to Ticket Ages, ut, F, ¥, and J.P. GILDERSLEBEVE, SPRING NEEDLE RIBBED UNDERWEAR They Lead The Procession. Campbell Bros'. $2, £250, 8, $4 derbies lead the procession and are constantly gaining on their lead. wedding took place in | church, when Miss Lottie Irwin Wiltse is attending grand 'of AVOU.W. in Toronto this Be a7 'Sat, Mar. 98 A very pretly Tweed, on Mopda, i Don't Listen to the dealer who tells you there's any other brand of Underwear "just as good" as this. No other Underwear can be as good-- because mo other Underwear is made with the Spring Needle stitch --which we control for Canada. "It gives the garments great elastic- _ity--makes them fit the form. AIC LTR HAMILTON, ONT. i is 5% gr =f i i 3 ih 15 oe ii i i : i | i i Hey il

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