Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jan 1908, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JAN THES PM. UARY 28, 1908, A GOLD WEATHER SPECIAL Our whole energies are now bent on | that playing what hie termed® 'a little | Marks, ar the , ual Shinguct tp = getting ready for Spring selling, and we {joke'" was a very serious matter. Yes | J¢a0° Ingleside," and "Marie De | . senile " 5 Je % $83 .xee ' | werday, Coghlin as charged with Bois," played her parts exceedingly | have to. make room for large quantities stealing a robe from Robert Dopald- | well = Ivy ss by the way she § of New Goods about te arrive. So any | son, of Pittsburgh township, but the | bandied t © role of "Grace Leighton,' | i * (in H space required | case was not concluded. This morn- | the banker's daughter, proved herself | Winter toods Waking up 2 uF g 1 3 . | ing all the evidence was taken, and |t0 be an actress of ability. Millie (§ Will, have to be sold even if a loss oc- curs, as it will to-morrow when we offer the balance of our EDITION: GRAND OPERA HOUSE. oy { The BR. W. Marks' Company Here | For the Week. { Fhe attraction ag the, Grand Opera ouse, last evening, was the R. W.| i i i ion | Marks Dramatic company, The returp! iam 3 of the old favorite 3 greeted th |AND PAID FINE IN THE|/f {ic oid favorite was rote wich| POLICE COURT. sented i was "The Witch of Wali | ! Street," in . a play in which a young Jobn Coghlin Found His Joke! b 4 girl was nveigled inte a weeret mar- | riage with a voung banker. ruined {and cast upon the world. Retribution | 'followed and a bitter oue it.was for! [ the designing sehemer. | The charming actress, May A | Be a Very Serious One--. Wages Case Was Dismissed. When John Coghlin appeared in the i police court, this morning, he found Headquarters --FOR-- Bell | ¥ the magistrate allowed Coghlin to go ell, the gentle "Edith: Matthews," an | on suspended sentence on this charge, | heiress, whose trust in her lover in but hie was aiterwards faced with a | his downfall and her pride on his vin-| more serious charge, that of carrying | dication, gained for her esteem and | a loaded revolver. On this charge, he j admiration, is an at complished | - pleaded guilty, and 'was fined $10, | actress. E. W. Hubbard, as "George with the option of thirty days, | Leighton," a man of the world, and/ In conneetion with the thett of the {a contemptible seamp, performed his | robe, the bartender at the Revere ho- | difficult part so well as to receive sev. | tel told ol foghlin giving him the eral marks of disfavor. George Orns. | robe, and afterwards calling for it, ¥ we, as 'Horace po on," ! and taking it away. The owner of ui Saxes Luightan, There are not many, so come on' time, 2 Ladies' Black Coney Ruffs, $2.50 for $1.25, 3 * : " " 3.75 for 1.75." 2 4.00 for 2.00. 10.00 for $6.50. 12.50 for 8.75. 14,75 for 0.50. 1 " 21.50 for 13.50 I Isabella Fox Ruff, $12.50 for $8.50. " 14.75 for 9.00, 27.50 for 17.505: a New! York banker and distracted the robe came into the hotel, and the father, | was faithful to role in winning sym- | witness told him that he knew the {man who had taken thé robe. pathy and respect. "Joe" Lyons, in| the character of a drummer, and al Constable Hughes told of having | hustler after' business, still made time | seen Coghlin pass along + Princess | to win the lov of a true-hearted girl | street, Saturday afternoon, with the | Samuel Archer. as "John Ingleside," | robe in his possession. At this time, | was clever in his part, | Coghlin was very much under the in-| The specialtios of this compny are | fluence of liquor. always above 'the average and are] Coghlin said that w with interest and pleasure. | was merely a joke, but the joke been played on the wrong man. A. Bell Marks sang two pretty | . songs, 'Captain Baby Bunting" and | The magistrate said that the prison- |" When er's story was not very conclusive. If | which Our Firemen Face the Foe," | 1 a ( were loudly applauded. "Little | ' 1 " the prisoner wanted to play a joke, Glory i 4 he could have left the robe with the pretty songs and dances, charmed all and Rossie Machan, in their! { { 2 . Ar c " : TONES: bartender," aid not taken it to _a|'The Gay sisters, in | , Several Pieces Children's Neck Furs at prices much less store on Princess street. However,on | skotches, were unexceptionally good. | ? their operatic | ) v.S rou will expect. this' charge he intended to allow him | 1 vone and Lyons were at home in| than you ox] ah to go on suspended sentence. their dancing and singing. Archer and |§_ ---- 3 Only Children's Coon Military Caps In regard to the charge of carrying | Garlow, old favorites, in their musical | Suitable for Little Boys or Girls. They are worth $3.00. a loaded revolver, Coghlin stated thats comigues, gained additional friends. | Yours To~-Morrow, $1.95 he was guilty. His excuse was that Mrs. Machan was leader of the orches- " Ladies' Alaska Sable Rufis, $ "" " © al 9 2 " . " " ." " " John McKay FurHouse the whole affair had "" " " It Won't Let You ~ Forget-- Next Tuesday or Wednesday, or some other day, it is important that you write a letter, or call somebody up on the 'phone, or follow up an esti- mate or a shipment coming or going. Until each matter is finally disposed of, it is Sasicmbial to keep all letters, papers or y memos affecting the subject pending CON- nti fine for aud olfente PY ESTANTLY AT HAND where thoy wont be [J {7h mojo sch un ofinee wae 380 overlooked Or forgotten | David Gullon with non-payment of i wages, was dismissed, the magistrate For this purpose you need a. stating that Gullon was only entitlnd to sue in the courts for money actual- : "Y and E" Vertical Follow-Up Outfit ly carted. One of these outfits will systematize your matters pending, and keep in orderly form the valuable papers and records which now litter your desk and interfere with current work. he was employed at nights, for the Lirm. This evening the company will | | railway at the outer junction and he present. 'The Banker's Wile," with | { earvied the revolver for his pfotpetion. May Bell Marks: in the title role. i I'he magistrate, however, said hat he | could not overlook this. The were THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S. | countries in which people were allowed Lto carry loaded revolvers, bit; hap- ipily, this was not the case in this country. The accused was a drinking man, and it might be dangerous for him go carry one. The only people en- titled to carry arms were those doing military or police duty. The prisoner did not come under either of these classes. He would, therefore, impose {the minimum fine of $10. The maxi- nn 3 Interesting News From the oid | University. Henceforth all practical science stu- | dents must enter college and register | before October 31st. A motion to this | eficct, moved by Prof, Gill and second- | ed by Prof. Willhoft, was carried at} the last regular meeting of the mem- | bers of the practical science faculty. I'his arcangement will effectively pre- | vent the cladses fronr being kept back | If you would like to secure one or more of these Furs, and are not quite ready to buy, come and choose what you re- by the tardy students who are very] quire, and have it placed aside wirtil you are ready late in arriving at college, The regu- lation will doubtlvss redound to the | benefit of all practical scence stu | i i Sale ay To-Morrow. + --- ¢ "A Heretic Bishop of the Fifteenth Century," is the subject of Prof, J. La Morrison's lceture before the Philoso- ical Society this afternoong pith prevented Prof Tracy, of artment of philosophy, Toronto | fetsity, from being present, to his lecture on "Immortality from | tandpoint of Philosophy." The City Religious Census. The executive committee of the rd gidus census movemont met, last eve ing, in the parish hall of the Firs Congregational church. The Workers') committee presented a list of thirty- five persons suggested for supervisors and of over 300 for canvassers. The Hormer will be notified at once by | their clergymen, and will be called to- gether for counsel on Friday or Mon- {day evening. The printing committee presented gu list of forms and of work required. The estimate of cost of the jeensus is as low as %150, showing a large contribution of volunteer work in preparation, and of expectant work in tabulation. Laymen of every de nomination will assist. The census | totals alone will he made public. The details will be in the keeping of the clergy. The enumeration will be taken three weeks from to-day. It is expected that the spegker at % this week's meeting of the Engineer ing Society, will be Alexander Gray, | Journalist ard globe trotter, whose | travelilngs throughaut the four quar-| ters of the earth have brought him | into close contdct with many mattérs | of interest to the engineering profes- | sion. He is especially familiar with | the South Afriean diamond industry. | - w---- THE BOARD OF WORKS. = y Get one of these outfits--a handsome quar- tered oak Vertical Tray--holding 3.000 letters or CHS compicte with Daily, Monthly and Alpha- tical Guides and 200 strong manilla folders for $8.00 +. You'll wonder how you EVER got along without it, ? ' ere moan ot wane. | LEFT HAND PEOPLE Stone Crushing Plant. | trouble Ey "The Board of Works héld a special meeting on Monday evening. Ald. Gas Boarding house hockey games are kin presided. There were also present | being played almost daily at the Roy- |Alds. Nickle, Givens, Graham, Fre al rink. Many games have boen post- (and McCann. The mesting was call | poned indefinitely as the rink could [ed to talk over the purchase of the not be secured during the next week | stone crushing plant. The matter was | or two. fully discussed, and on of Ald. Nickle it was referred to a special Having any 81 Clocks | Scissors to suit them should coil The Figures Were Corrected. As the News has charged Annesley Burrowes with mis-statement in quot- | ing the local theatre fire ratings (on The Q question still continues to be committee consisting of the chairman, buildings), it is a duty to say that ; : A the figures he quoted in his letter to [the all-important. one at the college Mr. Youlden, Mr. Campbell, the city expert from Queen s to us, for we have left hand Scissors made on purpose, by th% {| best known Scissor maker in the { United States which is--WISS-- | Every pair fully warranted and | | suitable for every purpose. for Are good time keepers and will prove their lasting qualities in years after pur- 'chase. mouon smallest . embroidery to the larg. est. locks for the parlor. Clocks for the dining room. Clocks for the library. Clocks for the kitchen. Good Alarm Clocks. Fully warranted and sold at 808t prices. Spangenberg Watcher and Jeweler, ing St. Issue® of Marriage Hcenses. TAILORS SHEARS Prices always lowest for quality. es or iy a : Ran Es " the Whig a week ago are correct, as | this week, A special meeting of the engineer and an TegrrcE SrEEALTY Ir em F thoy have been verified. The ratings | rugby football club was held vester- university; Which will report back to! PILING TENS i 2: G scus he o > » Board o orks committee, NANERS OF . on the buildings are: Grand Opera [day to discuss the matter. the Boe es rs . 7 71 { House, $4.47; Wonderland, £1.70: Prin: --- The question of what streets shal) | 97 Welli St. West, § |coss, $1.23: Bijou, .95. In the letter | The Dramatic Club met vesterdas ie improved: dusing the your was dis. v g i : i ay al lecided TORONTO. as printed, the rating of the Pripcess |tornoon, to wind up the season's busi. |ssed but nothing final was decide J h . \ : appeared 'as $1.72, but this was the | ness. Among the plays mentic ged for UPON. : : Phone Main 4240, newspaper's error, and was corrected | next year's performance = werg. "The! Un - the advice of the city solicitor in print the following day. The figures | College Widow," and Shakespears"s | 00d the city engineer it was decided in Mr. Burrowes' own letter were car] "Macbeth." ** aap 1 pe to notify Mr. Bennett to properly | y ing Lear," and "Mid } 'W. A. Mitchell | rect. The Underwriters' ratings are in {summer Night's Dream." {fence the lot owned by, him on Bagot - . 1 c 9 | the hands of all insurance agents, and | street, and ;Mr. Donuelly the lof on {85 Princess St. Har dware i . a they show the Bijou building to be | The wpatronesses at the sophomore the corner of Princess Alfred | rated the lowest of any theatre in |year at home, on Friday evening will { Streets, these lots being in a danger- | Kingston. the Mrs. s8ordon, Mrs Capron, Mrs, [09% condition, J | Watson, Mes: Gill, Ngs. Morribon, {| Mrs. Rose, Mrs. §, KK. Kirkpatrick. | Many of the. students are kesning a | There Always Have sharp look-out far some one. who has | { Scavengers, ) on several oceasions recently. disre- | Kingston has a kind of a garbage garded the distinction hetween "mine | system, even though it may not be a and thine," in. ons of the cloak | first-class one. The by-laws provide rooms. Offences of this' nature merit |for the appointment of two scaven- the attention of a court other "than {gers to whom the people may apple that of the students 110 have their garbage removed. The | ------------ | rate allowed is ten cents a barrel. In- Joins The Mines Branch. stead of making application at the H. Mortimer Lamhe, secretary of the | talth office or the police station, | Canadian Mining Institute, has ae.| PeOPle have depended upon outsiders cepted & position in the mines branch | 10 take away their garbage, but the of the tment of the interior, Ot- removal has not heen done regularly. tawa. He will assume the dutibs of | At any time, an application to the his new office as soon as suitable ar. {bealth office and the police station rangements can be made to provide a J a a : mal 3 ol a Successor fot his present position, is in the pr and i the two city are otherwise engaged, scavengers there is always delay. The new sve tem proposed by the board of health is the only one that will be satisfac and The County Council. THE GARBAGE QUESTION. | The Frontenac county council was fnot scheduled to meet until four Been Two o'clock, this afternoon, a change be- ing made so 82 to enables some of the members to reach the ciiy bv the 3:45 o'clock train. The statute says that the council shall meet at two o'clock, {but statutes do not bother the worthy | representatives of Frontenac, Forty-Two Years Ago. Cavadian Freeman. Next St. Putrick's day, forty-two years ago, the steamer Pierrepont brought over the St. Patrick's society from Wolfe Island to thdveity to join in. the 'procession, the weather being just like a summer's day. The pro- 'jeession was one of the finest ever seen" in Kingston. The late Thomas Howland was grand marshall, assist. ed by Timothy Rigney, uncle of the * present Ald, T. J. Rigney. : Fon Women Warning To Grave Robbers. Caondian F £0 : from = Kifijgton were seen prowling er a a, Suet oe eid & Charles during the | past few nights between to D. J. McDérmott, 111 Princess She hours of: 10:30 and 12 o'clock. is event has been the ting Teionds Hf the dead on the alert and it will indeed be a mirgcle if some of those foolish young students don't Capt. Huntér, gaine warden in charge of Eastern Ontario, went to Perth w Friday lust and fined two residents arrive back with quite a cargo of lead | of 1 together $46.20 for kill-| tory, ny it will keep the sesvengurs instead of a teal live corpse. ing & deer December in a large | poet all the time ira removal ar : - and the citizens will receive con- : . stant atiention, Street We will have them, and they WILL BE BARGAINS. Ge Toocheit Shoe fore. @ PS. > shpe for Little Girls. ty Said Turnkeys Choked Him. Ottawa, Jan. 2%.--A serious allegn- tion is made against the county jail officials hy James Tracy. a prisoner Xe, waa bailed cut, yesterday. Tracy es the statement tbat James ('al laghan, who died iu the prison, Sa turday night. 'was sbdived and Pras tically choked to denth by the turn keys, His statement is backed Hp by Joseph Hudson, another a Wives SE» ~ om C00000000000000000010000000000000000 $00000000000000000000000000000000000a¢

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