d, ft: h a it d i A Worthy Fund The entire net proceeds from these parties will be devoted to the improvement of the reading room and purchase of books for the liorary. The fund is being administered by the library committee which is a guarantee that the money will be disposed of for the purposes above men-- tioned alone.. Consequently, we feel that these socials should receive a ready response and that the attendance next Mon-- day evening will be large. The ladies of the Scopa club and the Last Thursday evening the Vanguard held a surprise birth-- day party at the home of Hen-- ry Barone in honour of, Mr. Mari, unknown to him right to the final moment. The surprise took place in the usual manner. He took it as a man recover-- "The main objective in our Italian schools and clubs", said Mr. Mari, "should be to preser-- ve the Italian spirit, their lan-- guage and to build up.a youth of honour." He took it as a man recover-- ing a lost fortune, stunned with emotion,petrified «with surprise, s taring in astonishment and overawed by the excitement. Ait the table, after the presen-- tation of a token, he gave a fine talk in 'Italian expressing his gratitude. -- The last card party was emi-- nently successful especially when it is remembered -- that sub--zero weather, prevailed all that day. Those attending com-- mented. on the very pleasant evening spent and the majority gave an assurance that they would be present at : the next social, accompanied by some of their acquaintances. A cordial invitation is ex-- tended to all who hear of this card party, and they are also asked to request as many of their friends, as they wish, to be present. Some people have 'been under the impression that these gatherings were restric-- ted to certain groups. There is nothing farther from the truth. We are pleased indeed to wel-- come any person or groups who desire to take part in the games and can assure all those. who accept this invitation, that they will spend a very en j o y a D 1 e evening in pleasant surround-- ings and with congenial compa-- Mr. Tomasicchio and Mr. Ma-- gi were amongst those present. Games, dancing, sin g in s, joking were at their peak here. Vince Novaco tickled the ivo-- ries, while Adams, 'Scandiffio, Bagnato and Natalie harmoni-- zed. Some withstood the tortu-- re, others left the room . It so-- unded good (for what?) . ' The party broke up in the wee hours and everybody went *_ There is plenty of accom-- modation, the club rooms 'are cozy and warm, the prizes va-- luable and. desirable, and the subscription is only 25 cents per person. The girls, so we ascertained, have a weakness not only for olives but also for those famo-- us "Rico" bananas. Be on your guard for a banana party any day now! § $ The third bridge ' and scopa party of the season will be' held in the club--rooms, 202 St. P2 trick St., on Monday, M a r c in :'Sith at! 8. 45 o'clock in the even-- ing . i \ 10@E SCOPA AND BRIDGE AT CIRC. COLOMBO Monday, March 5th EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB Past Pres. Gid De Spirt President Joe Piccininni Vice--Pres. : Rocco Polito Secrctary Jas. Simone Asst. Secretary Fred Catena Treasurer G. B. Garbarino il BOLLETTINÙ rrALO--CANADESE Surprise! Surprise! Everybody Invited THE ITALIAN VANGUARD By Frank A. Scandiffio During. the oyertime period, the Circolos more than held their own and : literally stor-- med the Woodbridge goalie but could not outguess" him. The winning point came when with two minutes to go, the Circolos with two men in the penalty b e nc h' were . hemmed in 'by Woodbridge and two quick go-- als were scored to decide the is-- sue. 0 home happy : Mr. Mari left the party at least fifiteen years yo-- unger, not a year older. # # @ The second game was a dif-- ferent story . The Circolos with their backs to the wall, facing elimination, played like an in-- spired 'team and during the re-- g ulation time the Club boys had the better of the play, and should have led by a good mar-- gin. The score at the end of the regulation time was a 1----1 tie . £ A _ New . Club--Room i Rev. Father Truffa has given the boys a room for their club meetings. This means much to the boys and another sacrifice on the Reverend , Father's part. The Vanguard will try as much as possible to be no trouble to him but, on the contrary, of so: me assistance. _ x Scandiffio found it impos-- sible to attend 'the meeting last Sunday . The members immedi-- ately went into a huddle with the result that James Dipede became the vice--president. To date the Club has been minus a V. P. In 'choosing a youth for this seat, they could not have elected a more capable member. Pull up a chair, Jimmy, and sit at the head of the table! 8 & & 2 Miss Beatrice Barone has ti-- me and again come to the aid of the club. She has been one of its most valuable a ss e ts and through her their parties were successfully carried out. She has been indirectly respon-- sible for their present meeting-- place. Please accept their thanks, Miss Barone, you deser-- ve it, and your association de-- serves much merit. They are a snappy group. @ it :. . F. S. A fter . going «through the regular, schedule without suf-- fering a single defeat, the Cir-- colo Colombo was defeated in two straight games by Wood-- bridge at the Willowdale arena by the scores of 6 to 1 and 3 to 1, . the: final' game --requiring overtime to decide the issue. In Semi--final Overtime Fixture In the first game the Circo-- los were simply out--classed but we should not term it thus for really they were dumbfounded by the beautiful passing and combination play on the parnt of Woodbridge, whom we really b el iev e, . are headed for the championship for in Kitson and Whitey they have two real stars and the rest of the team are above the average. i 'ladies and gentlemen of the Bridge club have supported these efforts ' wonderfully well and.we wish to express to them the sincere thanks of the com-- mittee in charge. We are most grateful also to those unatta-- ched individuals who have pa-- tronized these |functions and trust that they shall continue to consider. these. parties as worthy of their assistance. Circolo H.C. Eliminated (1 COMING BIRTHDAYS March 5th.-- Brother James Motta, -- former , "Junior" .. but now one of the staid old happily married men,.. celebrates an-- 'other . birthday . OQur secretary made! his pre-- sence felt on Wednesday night when he 'came in "A la House of David' with a beard so long that it seems he gave up shav-- ing for Lent. And were the girls mortified ! . fe Andy 'Ga'glione,. our , care-- taker, has been confined to his bed for the past two weeks. It is our wish that he has a spe-- edy recovery. ~Congratulations, Brother Ja-- mes, many happy returns of the day. : » March 6th-- Mr. Joseph Ro-- mapelli, the grand old man, who is the father of Brother Leo, and Luigi and Don. Mr. Roma-- nelli, although old in years, is still a youngster at heart and They 'have, as I understand at this writing, a mascot which has four legs and two long ears. Its name starts with."J" so fi-- gure it out yourself. Don Romanelli is attending the Club. quite regularly and together with Nick Altilia, they are challenging and defeating some of the best snooker play-- ers in the Club'. In fact, Nick is so interested in the game that he passed up bowling with his team last Wednesday when his club was in need of him . . Although the Circolos bowed down to defeat to Woodbridge in two straight games, the Club boys have nothing to be asha-- med of as they met a team which, the writer believes, will win the city title. e » 5 The Easter Ball Committee are already 'at work h a v in g h el d their first meeting last Wednesday evening. No doubt, activities for the preparation of this Ball shall begin within the next few days. a go'". Rumour has it that a group of young ladies from West. Toronto have banded to-- gether to form another club. . Clubs may come and clubs may go but it appears that one more club will try to "make it it is our earnest wishes thaf he continues to feel young and happy for many years to come. e e o ' Getting away from our male members, on March 7th, Miss Lois Befrene, daughter of Mr. and : Mrs. Charles Befrene of M e dl a nd St., celebrates her birthday. The Befrene girls ha-- ve always been staunch suppor-- ters of the ' Circolo Colombo, they have always been willing workers. in any . undertaking and it is indeed very unusual when they are missing from any of our social events. Con-- gratulations, Lois, many happy returns 'of the day. TRESETTE PARTY CALLED OFF LAST MONDAY . Owing to the fact that the Circolo -- Hockey Club were unexpectedly ordered to play last Monday . evening, the tre-- sette party was called off in or-- der that our followers and sup-- porters would be given an op-- portunity to see the game at Willowdale. However, this tresette party is being transferred to a future date and particulars concerning same will appear on this page. Now 'that the hockey season is over, at least as far as the Club is concerned, our interest is directed to the bowling finals in our house league. «o CLUB NOTES e % @ George F. Sansone, R.O., Editor It is reported that Bro. Leo 'was so proud that he was in a daze and that his illustrious brother Luigi had to reprimand him several times while broad-- casting for forgetting his cues, but Bro. Leo nonchalantly and still in a daze, only answered: "I'm a Happy, Happy Father" . BRO. LEO ROMANELLI BE-- COMES' A_HAPPY FATHER The stork paid a visit to Mr. and . Mrs. Leo Romanelli last Friday, when Mrs. Romanelli (née Rita Garbarino) presented Bro. Leo with a bouncing baby boy. The blessed , event took place in St. Michael's 'hospital and at last reports both mother and baby are doing fine. It has been a long time since the boys have indulged in this form of pastime, but the de-- pression must be passing on in-- to the great unknown as the boys ' certainly did. not 'spare themselIves. Each, of the cele= brants ireceived a suitable me-- mento of the occasion and the usual games of tre--sette, mor-- ra, etc. held sway during the greater part of the evening and until the "wee sma hoors of the mawrning". The friendly dis-- putes which were not settled on Wednesday were amicably, fi-- nished on Saturday night when the boys put up the white flag and called off the battle of "I'm right, and your wrong". As is the truth of all other surprise parties, Brothers Nick and Sam were. greatly ,"'surprised" and '"flabbergasted" when the boys walked in singing "Happy Birthday to you". The outcome of the two evenings was that all the boys, had a good time and Brother Nick and Sam ad-- ded another year to their ages. Bene per Noi -- As announced last week,i two of the most popular members of the Circolo Colombo, Nick Pe-- rugini . and . Sam Costabile, ce-- Jebrated their binthdays, Bro. Nick on February 21st. and Bro. Sam on February 24th. On these nights, the "Spowers" and a few friends gave each of the young men a'real old time serenade'in the form of a sur-- prise party . i Bene per Voi BROS. NICK PERUGINI AND SAM COSTABILE SEREN-- ADED _ __ON THEIR BIRTHDAYS I nostri abbonati tengano presente che Ja pubblicazio-- ne di un settimanale richiede dei sacrifici immensi, perciò la collaborazione di tutti é indispensabile. Non vi aspet-- tate di venire a pagare dopo un anno o dopo mesi, giac-- ché le spese per la pubblica-- zione del giornale dobbiamo sostenerle settimanalmente. Quando vi arriva il nostro giornale, osservate la data che é segnata al disopra del-- Findirizzo. Essa sta ad indi-- care la 'scadenza del vostro abbonamento. E' notorio che l'abbonamento al gi o r n a l e deve pagarsi in'anticipo, per-- cio raccomandiamo ai nostri abbonati, per i quali la data di scadenza é arrivata, di far-- ci una visita o farci perveni-- re un piccolo cheque. Per co-- Joro che ci fanno pervenire l'abbonamento di ' un -- anno entro TRENTA giorni ' dalla data di scadenza, noi accor-- diamo uno sconto di 50 Soldi VENITE OGGI Single Games 250 or over ARosato . ... e o Airlce [ Cufaro ;s..;>...2"..", e e e De ZorzÌa o . ci -- l e e ei e Ponegsli ci. su u. . eo el ... & Elayvio ':."...*... .:.' 271,"% A. Pellettieri ........ 276, & E. Pellettiert … Sf e. e Dowe .t . ts e delo s no o i e e l Gismondit: … . u. nti Tsn e f J..Mattacchione. ……… -- Turnbridge ……… 273, 2 De@*Marchi :. 1. 00 s eo Goratal :. i en e. 957 3 Pio :.:. . on ols n ee Longo 250 :..;....... 250 2 Previous to his entering. the professional ranks, F r a n k ie who is only now eighteen years of age, fought his way up from bantamweight champion of On--. tario to lightweight . champion of Canada, and as such he re-- presented Canada at the Olym-- pic Games in Los Angeles. Af-- ter he had won the (Canadian, championship, the powers that be refused ito include him on their team. Upon learning this news, the youngster who was then barely seventeen years old, was heart broken. Through the efforts of il Bollettino and a few friends, sufficient money was subscribed to sent the boy to the Olympic Games. It is worthy of note that outside of. one other who eventually won an Olympic title for Canada, Frankie made the best showing. He deféated the best man in' his'class ' on --the first night.. This fight took a lot out of him as on the following afternoon\ he was defeated in a very close 'bout by the Italian champion. Many of the experts ealled Frankie as winner as he led un-- til the last round when he we-- akened -- slightly . However; the degi'sion was given against him. Upon 'his return to Canada, he turned to fighting as a me-- ans of making a living. He has engaged in fourteen profession-- al fights in Canada and the United States and in every one he has been returned victorious. Recently he sojourned to N ew York and while there he gained a vast. amount of experience working out' daily with Tony Canzoneri and other world fa-- mous fighters. He has rever-- ted from the cautious scientific boxer to a hard two -- fisted fighter. According to boxing experts in Canada he is a dia-- mond in the rough and proper-- ly handled will go far in his For this -- week's ' "Looking through the sporting keyhole" your-- scribe has chosen that up and coming : young b a ttil e r, Frankie Genovese. RECORDS FOR THE MONTH Feb. 16 -- March 15 5:Pellettieri;.. …… .. …… " 3497 High Score for Team 5 Pelléttieri …… ……… 8371 RECORDS FOR THE SEASON High Single Game Turnbfridge"~...""...:.... B. Pellettieti. ... ;....'......;034 High Game For Team Columbia :; ……… 1287 High 3 Games For Team 5 Pellettieri:. ,… … ui. 784907 Monday March 5 ... Tuesday March 6 .. Wednesday March 7 Thursday March 8 . Standing March 2, 1 o Pellettieri ". .. 7. v. . … Columbus Coal … :.. E FiulE 7o i de e r u Columbia ……… … SPpowWS8 .. i.. t ri a a Fatons … e. sui e. rl Lucky Strikes …… Hookersi .; . e sro e e e E | L'f; i < B Loz -- | i o F 3 i y ) 97 pio T . ( co V A PATRIA PP = D fB 09 Looking Through The Sporting Keyhole Frankie Genovese ttieri. … :. a … . 1976, terert … cto ne l i acchione. ... ; ...s... Ige ......... 279, cRL :.: t e i ii o i i i elo High 3 Games BOWLING NEWS (By Albert Pellettieri) KI 7142 1934 254 297 292 268 250 303 258 304 258 259 268 253 271 251 259 360 Manager i Joe Grittani , Chairman H. C. W. A. Sansone Councillors: M., Tassiello, V. Pellettieri, Sal. Cira, N. F. A. 'Scandiffio. Father Auad Club Chaplain. _ È | Primo Carnera Retains vi Championship -- fee Primo Carnera, world's he= -- avyweight ' boxing 'champi;). successfully retained his ti last night against' T.o m m y _ Loughran, when he obtained _ the decision . after fifteen ro-- unds of fighting. According to . reports, ' Carnera . could ' have . knocked ' out -- h'I&\aup_cÎ)?g@-afiîf any time after the tenth round, & but failed to do so on account _ of the courageous stand, which i Loughran put up. Naturally, . the crowd who-- are always cla-- _ mouring for a killing, booed the. y:.alian because he failed to put _ nim away. i ct It is true that Carnera lost a lot of prestige by his stand, but to true sportsmen and unbiased fans he has become more po-- pular. t C UN AMICO SCOMPARE _ Domenica scorsa cessava di vivere Louis Gurofsky, . di 63 anni, molto noto a Toronto per la sua attivita politica, nel cam-- po giornalistico per il ramo re-- clame e fra la classe di 'agenzie di biglietti d'imbarco. Fra gl'i-- taliani era molto conosciuto an-- che perché piu' volte aveva teli tato di accoppiare l'elemenito taliano e quello ebraico per ar-- rivare ad. avere dei candidati politici delle due razze nelle lezioni locali. Ha cessato di vere dopo due settimane di lattia e lascia quattro figli fratello e due sorelle. . The Columbus Coal and the 5 Pellettiers each #ot three points this week and maintained their respective positions at the top of the league. However,. there was quite a few changes in the other five teams, when Spows took five points in eight from the Columbias in a regular and postponed . encounter. Colum-- bus Coal obtained itheir three points from the Eaton aggrega-- tion and the Five Pellettiers took three from Friuli. Russ. Dawe and A. Pellettier rolled 304 and 303 respectively. Dawe was high man for the team with 768, which was also high for the week. Turnbridge with 273 and 268 is slowly climbing to the top of the high average: men . 4 Wt However, at this; time we will mention the achievement of E. Pellettier who knocked off high three last week with the mar vellous--total of 934. Much cre-- dit for the continued success of the Five Pellettiers is due to the . aformentioned E. Pellet-- tier's steady bowling and the acquisition of ' Black H o r s e Dawe. . chosen profession. Frankie is a credit to our local Italian colony and Italians in general. His suc-- cess is our success. ? PIETRO LIMA CAMBIA . Stante la maggior quantita di affari e deciso a voler offri-- re al pubblico un locale attraen-- te e comodo, Pietro Lima ha trasferito il suo negozio e rela-- tiva abitazione al 994 Bathurst St. * i i L'ampio fabbricato 6 stat completamente rimodernato 'e abbellito in modo da assicura al suo proprietario ci6 ' che tempo pensava di fare. l -- u n e nn Per l'occasione dell'aperturà" domani, sabato, ci sara un--afî vendita straordinaria . Gjuffré n sn sne A. Pellettieri … … I DOW@* sne e shelo ulo Turnbridge ,....... Columbia vs. -- -- -- Eatons The Hookers vs. Friuli Columbus Coal vs Spows 5 Pellettiers vs. Lucky Strikes 'Altilia EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB 3 Games 700 or over 2 Marzo, 1934 703 709 768 766 285 d c 1 u | | 205 V i it e il [ 1s s