During the past week our Canadian newspapers have giv-- en prominent mention to the Italian educationists who have delivered a series of lectures at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto. They have extolled their good qualities and given front page space to all their ac-- tivities. The members of the Circolo Colombo and their friends at-- tended these lectures nightly in goodly numbers and expres-- sed themselves as delighted with the inspiring lectures de-- livered by those noted sons of Bowling, activities are again in full swing. The mixed bow-- ling contests which were so po-- pular in the past should be revived and held more often and at regular intervals. Last Sunday evening a duck dinner was given the Circolo for its members to help defray existing deficits. Mr. W. Sanso-- ne and Jos. Piccininni were charge. *L A special meeting of the members of the New Year's Eve dance committee will be held on Sunday at 3 P. M. Many members of the Circolo Colombo and their friends have been regular attendants at the nmiost interesting lectures being held at Convocation Hall under the auspices of the National Council of Education who are featuring "Italy week". These Lectures were deliver-- ed by some of the most promi-- nent educationists and lecturers of Italy who are guests of the National Council of Education. The entire week has been de-- voted to "Italy Week" involv-- ing Italian topics of interest. EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB Past Pres. Gid De Spirt President Joe Piccininni Vice--Pres. Rocco Polito Seeretary , Jas. Simone Asst. Secretary Fred Catena Treasurer G. B. Garbarino e e e The members of the Circolo Hockey team held a must suc-- cessful meeting last Sunday. R. Polito was re--appointed. mana-- ger and W. Sansone, Secretary-- Treasurer. Practice will resume early next week, weather per-- mitting. Watch the daily pa-- pers for announcement of ga-- mes. Following the lectures at Convocation Hall last week it was a soothing sight to see so-- me of the old members of the Circolo conclave at the Club discussing the merits of the lectures. ITALIAN EDUCATIONISTS at CLUB EÉEverybody Welcome to attend Maggie Altavista, our bow-- ling director, has again been chosen by acclamation to be chief score keeper for the girls. Andy our steward, has unoffi-- cially been appointed chief coach . i 14] Begin the year right and vi-- sit the secretary. Remember he awaits your visit at the be-- ginning of each month.. What strange power has Ho-- use Manager Joe Grittani over his high powered C o l u m b i a bowling team? Certain mem-- bers of that team are very re-- luctant and take plenty of co-- axing before they will venture forth onto those two lines of polished hardwood and deliver those "curvas" _ without the support of Bro. Joe. The Question Marks have to be thanked for keeping a few of the brothers seated in our comfortable chairs where they can be seen enraptured in the contents of some of the books il BOLLETTINO ITALO--CANADESE CLUB NOTES in Following the series of hap-- py events of the New Year the Circolo _ Colombo-- are holding their first dance and social on Tuesday, January 23rd. which have come into posses-- sien of the Club through the work of the aforementioned. Bro. Pio Elia has also enrolled into the reading cirele which already includes Bro. Nick Pe-- rugini, Sam and Hugh Costa-- bile and many others. Italy: Commendatore Luigi Villari, illustrious Italian di-- plomat _ who represented Italy at Geneva conclaves, Signor Eugenio Croizat, a noted lec-- turer on Italian art and that famous patriot, Don Mario Co-- lonna, duc de Rignano who at one time was governor of Rome and Signorina Amy Bernardy, author and journalist. Last Saturday the dis'tin-,( guished group were guests of the Lieutenant Governor at Government House and on Sa-- turday afternoon our Vice Con-- January 14th--Joe Barone, January 15th--Antonio No-- vaco, j The Social Committee are making special preparations to make the initial social of 1934 a success. It is the intention of the Circolo Colombo to hold a series of dances, socials and lectures, the latter being of in-- terest to both young and old while the former should appeal to the Italian youth. It is the aim and ambition of the Circolo Colombo and their entire mem-- ber body to establish and main-- tain a spirit of goodwill and un-- Tony Riccio has not made any New Year's resolutions when it comes lo playing "Hawts'" as he still takes into camp such noted players as Brothers Gid De Spirt, T. H. B. Battaglia, Lou Gorassi. Yes sir, Tony's batting average is still 1000 ! A_ charming wedding . took place last Monday m or n in g when Miss Rose Volpe, daugh-- ter of Mr. and .Mrs. Michael Volpe, was married to Mr. Sil-- vano "Ronny" Roncetti, at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Rev. Father Auad performed the ceremony . The church was decorated with evergreen trees and flow-- ers and made a seasonal setting for the 'bridal party. The bride was given in marriage by her father. During the Mass the choir, of which the bride was formerly a member, rendered appropriate music under the direction of Mr. Frank Glionna. The bridal party consisted of Miss Violet Mei, maid of hono-- ur; Miss Bertha Roncetti, sis-- ter of the groom, Miss Lavra Volpe, cousin of bride, Miss Grace Volpe, sister of bride, Miss Lena Riccio, bridesmaids; Mr. Joseph De Laurentis, best man, Gene Volpe, John Volpe, Alfred De Laurentis, ushers; Loretta Volpe, flower girl. -- A wedding dinner in which the immediate relatives of the bride and groom partook, was served in the Circolo while in the evening some 'three hun-- RONCETTI -- VOLPE NUPTIALS Sunday at 8 p. m. First Circolo Social of NEW YEAR JANUARY 23rd BIRTHDAYS ho & à "\ ; a g;. % 7 & 6 4 & y e $ i L -- i ( | -- P vE u i | * 8 & OB Ù 7 oio t A ul 3 . ( e. P i -l- l Ct Rg & y patria P -- A iii _ | e sn se o se i e i i n e o e o n i on e nii A 2 January 16th--Antonio De Biasio and Amedeo Belli. | During the coming week the above mentioned_ members will celebrate the anniversary of their birth. Each one of the boys mentioned is a well known ,Club member. Each has taken \an active part in the progress of the Club and it is our wish that they live long, happy and! contented. | derstanding amongst the Ita-- lians and to promote the ideals for which our Club stands. The committee in charge of this social is composed of mem-- bers who so ably promoted ' our New Year's Frolic. They assure you that this,\ our first social of the year, shall be as enter-- taining as our last event. a well known orchestra has been en gaged for this occasion and po-- pular prices shall prevail. We reuest to enlist your co--operati-- on and that of your friends. ;Remember the date January 23rd. Watch this page for defi-- 'nite details in the next issue. On Sunday evening, January 14th at 8 o'clock, they will be the guests of the Circolo Co-- lombo and will give a short dis-- cussion on Modern Italy. The Circolo Colombo offers our Ita-- lian colony the opportunity of seeing, meeting and hearing these ambassadors of goodwill from our native Italy, by ex-- tending to all a cordial invita-- tion to attend. sul gave a reception in their honor at which the most promi-- nent members of the city were guests. . To Ernie too we extend our best wishes for many happy re-- turns. Many happy returns of the day, Bros. Another old favorite, now residing in Cleveland, celebrat-- es his birthday on January 15th--Ernie Jafelice, -- former steward of the Club. To the numerous felicitations already received, we extend our s in cere congratulations with the hope that the young and popular couple will sail on the good ship "Matrimony" in heal-- th, happiness and prosperity . dred friends attended the re-- ception at _ which the mothers of the happy couple were hostes-- ses. At eleven o'clock the bri-- dal couple amidst the well wish-- es of their guests, left on a honeymoon trip to the United States. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. S. Roncetti will reside at 13 Walton Street. Uomini $1.00 BOLLETTINO "~-- _ --KING EDWARD HOTEL : * Mercoledi, 31 Gennaio 1934 imo. BALLO ANNUALE In Onore del Ministro Piero Parini LOGGIA ONTARIG No. 1303 Georse F. Sansone, R.O., Editor ORCHESTRA DI PRIMA CLASSE DALLE 9 P.M. ALLE 2 A.M ORDINE H DEL y ne t ontn@C 31 Gennaio -- Ballo dei Figli d'Italia al King Edward Ho-- tel. 23 Gennaio -- Ballo al Circolo Colombo. 15 Gennaio -- >--Ballo Sodality Girls of Mt. Carmel al Circo-- lo Colombo . MOUNT CARMEL SODALITY ELECT OFFIGERS At a well attended meeting held last Sunday afternoon the Mount Carmel Sodality elected the following officers: Prezident -- Miss Mary. Co-- sentino to. Immediately after the elec-- tions the girls commenced to make preparations for their first social of the season. SODALITY SOCIAL Monday, January 15th. As announced last week, the Mount _ Carmel Sodality will hold their first social of the year next Monday night. The girls have made extensive pre-- parations and expect to make this, their first social function of 'the year, bigger and better than ever. Everyone knows of the good comradeship and hos-- pitality which permeates at all the socials held by this group of charming and vivacious young ladies. Their motto has always been "a good time for all" and they make it their bus-- iness to see to it that everyone that attends has a good time. There may be other more ela-- borate functions held in the I-- talian colony but it has been learned through experience by those who attend the Sodality socials at the Club that the pla-- ce for real good clean fun is at the Circolo Celombo. Vice President-- Miss Mary De Pinto di CALENDARIO _ COLONIALE prima di oggi i preparativi per un ballo sono stati fatti con ta-- le e tanto entusiasmo, come per quello che avranno i Figli d'l-- talia di Toronto, la sera di Mer-- coledi, 31 gennaio, all' Alexand-- er Room del King Edward Ho-- tel. Tutte le volte che il comita-- to si riunisce per l'arrangia-- mento del programma, i varii membri intervengono al com-- pleto e discutono e consigliano e studiano sul miglior modo di contentare il pubblico. In ogni riunione ciascuno fa a gara per portare una nuova idea che ri-- tengano possa meglio appagare i desideri del pubblico, dopo a-- ver data seria considerazione a l'esperienza del passato. Tutti sperano che in questo ballo non si abbia la benché minima la-- gnanza o errore. In conclusione \sarà tutto SPIC e SPAC. BALLO A_ ST. CECILIA Il 23 corrente, la sera alle o-- re 8.30, nella sala parrocchiale di St. Cecilia, Annette e Pacific Sts., ci sarà un ballo con buffet in scatole preparate a sorpresa dalle stesse ragazze che inter-- vengono alla festa. '_ L'ammissione é solo di 25 sol-- di. Secretary-- Miss A. Gismon-- Treasurer-- Miss Mary Poli-- -- 4 è & esn i n fi A ) fi i 2 { e 1 tpy ts e T } .3";'" baxs i u d Donne 750 RECORDS FOR THE MONTH Dec. 16 -- Jan. 15 High Score for Team Columbia …… u. se .u 5200 Columbia --0 r 5 sis000 RECORDS FOR THE SEASON Garbarino s., e. -- e e 308 High Game For Team Columbia . … 2 … sel eT High 3 Games For Team 5 Pellettiere .. s. …… $401 -- 3 Games 700 or over Apparently the boys have gotten over the festal season without any casualties judging by the scores. Columbus Coal continued their pace of last year by taking three points from Eatons in a close struggle. The former team have dug H. Fattori out of retiremenit and if he continues where he left off last year this team will be po-- tential winners. Boley has aga-- in made an appearance after a long absence and led his team with 651 for three. The Lucky Strikes took four points from the weakened Hookers and on-- ce again G. Bernardo led his team with the fine score of 764. However it remained to the Columbias to stage the sur-- prise of 'the week when they took three points from the Spows and in doing so they |knocked off high team game for the season with 1287 and high three games for the team for the month with 3291. The lever youthful J. Longo rolled 751 for three and his teammate Guiffre rolled 754. Constable was the best for the losers with 282 (757) but the others were 'far behind. He:s 20l e dn i l d Blavio--_>'s>32.2 l no e l ei @..Bernardos . i > sne i sul Giuffrì . o e i c h TONgO e 7 e oi e ti Gostabile -- . > . i. e r ti Hanfiah. . e e de eo ei Single Games 250 or over Flavio*a** oi ii eo u cio E GCarbarino --, i., .t n C Bernardo. .--...tam … i CGiuffre:....ur:/:l.e. 255. : Bongo . ... . /ss esn Costabile®.:. se uesnt o Goragsst .. T.:A .. e 4 Hannamw--....:'"~..im 4s Me Zorzl .. s ... 2310 2090; . Flavio At this time it would be ad-- visable to remind the Spows, Columbia, Hookers and Eatons that they have a postponed ga-- me to play and trust that they will arrange a day to complete the schedule to date. The le-- ague"is beginning to show mo-- re action right now and the fight for respective positions is more pronounced. The back-- ward teams of the first lap are beginning to show their real ability and it would be nigh im-- possible to prophesy the final standing. Every team has a chance to get in the playoffs and the least "let down" of any team will result in another team forging ahead. So turn out full teams, boys, and fight every inch of the way. The three Roses and a couple of strangers comprised the Question Marks turnout this week. Rose Lobraico started off like a house afire in the first game and at the first half she rolled 120. Then perhaps fearing to show the other girls Monday January 15 .... Tuesday January 16' .... Wednesday January 17 . Thursday January 18 ... Standing January Columbus Coal .. 5 Pellettieri .... Spows' ... m . ... Lucky Strikes .. Friult e. i eto sul Columbja ....... Batons --. , -- =. -- -- Hookers -- . …… QUESTION MARKS High Single Game Li W-- High 3 Games rdo. e e ee e. i e e eTo, i ti 903 Td0 ii eiiol BOWLING NEWS S (By Albert Pellettieri) KI 7142 845 744 764 (54 751 T57 7170 356 356. 256 284 259 318 282 260 326 213 . . . Columbia vs. Eatons .. . The Hookers vs. Friuli .. . Columbus Coal vs Spows ... 5 Pellettiers vs. Lucky Strikes Jup, she slackened down to fi-- { nish with 186. Rosalind ambled along at an average pace and lthen, boom, two strikes follow-- ed! And in a game with two |blows she totalled 164. The | other girls tried to keep up \with the former two and as a result they also rolled nice ga-- mes. Rosalind was the only one, however, who could keep up 'this pace and she followed with a second game of 154. Let me mention at this time that due to their being no write--up last week there was no mention of Louise Ponesse's good game so we will extend to her now the ! blue ribbon for her single game of 184. i The vultures have apparently been starved out and it was no-- i ticeable that Fred Catena was the only member present. Their ranks were increased, however, when Guido Gaglione went up and helped to finish their dain-- ty repast. Now that the Xmas season is over we expect to see lall the smiling faces of this |charming club. EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB Manager . Joe Grittani Chairman H. C. A. Sansone Counciliers: M. siello, V. Pellettieri, Sal. Cira, F. A. Scandiffio. Father Auadi£.lub Chaplain. --N The Hit and Misses showed their _ superiority -- last Friday when they outclassed the Stri-- kes and Blows in their bowling combat. Petit Josephine Grit-- tani led the winning team with 287 but her 'teammates also aided her materially. May De-- ferrari led the losing team with 265 but if she had a little bet-- ter luck she would have hit over 300. È The girls seem to improve every time they bowl and with a little more coaching (page Jimmie Motta) they would be able to compete with any wo-- men's league in the City. }' instance Rose Cairo had t right amount of speed but her control of the ball is very er-- ratic. This can be rectified if she would keep her wrist rigid when delivering the ball. Chris-- sy sort of fell down on us this week but we know that when the league is over she will be near the top in the averages. Mary Dinorcia has shown a slight improvement every week and we hope to see her continue this rise. Kate Mazza also has improved her game to become a leading conitender for top ho-- nors. The attendance has been ve-- ry good and we hope to have this cheery atmosphere for ma-- ny weeks to come. It shall be the duty of each and every member to a t t e n d-- as far as possible all the meet-- ings and to behave himself as an examplary Italian Catholic gentleman. When speaking at the meetings he shall first aslz' permission from the chair, h shall always address the presid-- ing officer in a civil and cour** teous manner; and shall be as brief and as clear as possible in his speech. He shall be entitled to use either the Italian or English language according to the occasion or cireumstance. A member who changes his place of residence shall be duty-- bound to notify the Secretary of his new address; failure to do this will render the member solely responsible of any or all consequences which may derive from his negligence. ; E v er y m e m b er shall be prompt in the payment of hi dues, indebtness of any kind * for any reason he may have towards the Club, or any as sessment, which may from ti me to time be levied agains him by the Assembly. DUTIES OF MEMBERS FRIDAY _ NIGHTERS 12 Gennaio, 1934