RIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEIEEIE IL BOLLETTINO ITALO-CANADESE Essa potrs1 esservi molto utile in molte occasioni. Non aspettate che Sift troppo tardi, Per informazioni rivolgetevi a: 78-80 Centre Ave. BIGI IETTI D'IMBARCO con tutte le Compagnie di Na- vigazione - Da e per i'ltalia. ATTI NOTARILI - Procure e Atti di Richiamo. _ EMIGRAZION E - Informazioni su qualsiasi legge di emi- grazione. CARTE CITTADINE Con Vaglia Postali, Tratte e Telegrafo M. MESSOEE & CO. G. GATTO & COMPANY Carta di Cittadinanza Qanadgse Rimesse di denaro in ITA'IAIK' Fatelo a tempo. Procuratevi la ORCHESTRA Rivolgersi a LUIGI GRITTANI 365 Pacific Ave - Tel. JUnction 3970 N oi forniamo Orchestre per tut- te 1e occasioni sociali e famiglia- ri. - Prezzi assai moderati e sod- disfazione garentita. BALLABICI ITAL. e INGLESI GLOOM CHASERS BOYS Luigi Grittani's and his Toronto, Ont. IIIFA The alert man avoids those temptations and momentary pleasures which may extort a great price in the future and involve very much suffering. He is truly a master of the art of weighing pleasures. The alert man is determined to get a firm' grip on himself and makes him- self do things he may not like for the sake of the great future advantages he may derive from, these momentary sacrifices. Se alertness means self-masery. It involves effort, work watchful- ness, but in the end it repays itself a thousand-fold in the joys and satisfactions in yields. Life is full of pitfalls, dan- gers and temptations at every turn of the game; it is also full of opportunities and infinite possibilities for each one of us at every step if we only had the eyes to see them. It takes a con- stantly alert mind to play the game at its best. Let us analyze a little this exceedingly valuable quality which for want of a bet- ter word I have called alertness. The Value of Alertness by Dr. Joseph Pantaleone 3'099999090999090099099099') Alertness means being fully conscious of life's great truths and life's mysterious and mira- culous nature. Our lives are too short and if we are to make the most magnificent masterpieces possible out of them, we cannot afford to sleep on the job one minute - our task is to great -- we must be ever in the go, ever planning and looking for- ward with wise foresight and ever carrying on our present tasks in the most efficient man- ner possible. The more we have of alertness, the more we deve- lop the God within us - the less alert we are, the less God-like and closer to the animal we are, for then to live is merely to ve- getate. But suffice it to remember that in an age like ours when competition in all fields is so sharp a mental state of con- stant watchfulness and keen al- ertness is absolutely essential if we are to keep ahead of the other fellow in all our activities. The alert man keeps up to date, is as tactful as possible in all his reactions with his fellows, uses his time wisely, exhibits real judgment and does the right thing at the right time. Sometimes, however, to be alert may mean to go against the crowd for the dis- cerning man sees far ahead of his fellows and sees possibili- ties in new ideas which it takes ages for the rest of the world to catch up to. So, frequently he stands alone and has the cou- rage to voice his opinions aga- inst the whole world - of such stuff are the world's greatest heroes made and there are ma- ny other qualities which the truly alert man must possess. Mc INTYRE Accorrete, Italiani, ad onora- re questa Gran Santa, la cui de- vozione va ogni giorno piu' cre- scendo. S. Giovanni Damoneno ha queste belle parole a proposi- to di S. Anna: "O Madre vera- mente benedetta, o Donna piu' volte avventurata, che avete da.. to alla luce la piu' eccellente del- le figlie, Maria, gloriosissima per si gran nome, e dalla quale spunta il fiore della vita Gesu', noi veniamo a congratularci con voi, o beatissima Anna, poiché avete generato Colei che é la vostra .speranza, donataci da Dio. Siate benedetta e benedet- to sia il frutto delle vosre visce- re, Maria Santissima!" 27 Luglio FESTA DI S. ANNA Madre di Maria v. Domenica ventura, 27 corn, si celebrer2 solennemente la festa di S. Anna. ( Bugiardo é il favor mondano, vana cosa la bellezza: la donna che teme il Signore, questa si' é degna di lode. Orario delle sacre funzioni: Ore 7.30 - Messa letta. Ore 9 - Messa letta. Ore 11 - Messa solenne in terzo con panegirico. Ore 7.30 p.m. - Rosario; Pre- ghiera; fienedizione; Bacio de la Reliquia. CANDIDATO LIBERALE South Toronto Chiesa di S. Agnese, retta dai P. Salesiani. per 25 Luglio 1930