APR'L '5 | "Let the "Attorney--General find" out his source of revenue and the contact _ between Littman _ and . > : Feder," declared Colonel Drew. I "I Despise Feder." | f rew Declares Law \ T aut io Samiacs, ol ing, said the Conservative Leader had named one, Manny Feder. "I E despise Feder and all his kind," said n f o r c e m e n + Re ard Mr. Conant, "but after all it is al-- | together a different matter despis-- U d a | ing a man and getting evidence that n e is necessary to put him in jail." rmlned by Conan+ He recalled that after Feder's arrest in the Brown Derby raid, |Feder was sentenced to four months * in jail. In connection with that Clalms AHorney-General Arranged to Have prosecution, said Mr. Conant, there i * were two charges against Lieber-- Charge Agamsf One O{ Feder's Henchmen man. He was convicted and sen-! * * * tenced on one, and when he was Withdrawn After Brown Derby Raid in 1938 \ brought up for a hearing on the second, "counsel said the Crown The controversy over the existence: | _ Dr. H. E. Welsh (Cons., Hastings had given an undertaking that it of -- gambling establishments in | | East): "The only conclusion that I . would be satisfied with one convic-- suburban Toronto was renewed in | can come to is that these people _ tion." the Legislature yesterday when| | have law enforcement licked." Mr. Conant said he was "very Licutenant--Colonel -- George Drew,' The reply of the Attorney--General much annoyed" and immediately on Opposition Leader, clashed in vig--| | Was that the problem resolved itself being advised of that situation, orous debate with Attorney--General| around the extreme difficulty of . Wrote to Crown Attorney McFad-- Gordon Conant. obtaining evidence. den. He read the letter, which out-- Crowded galleries, attracted by It was the Attorney--General who lined the position, and then stressed the prospect of some sensational de-- reopened the gambling issue in a "there must not be in this Province velopments, heard the Attorney-- statement prior to the orders of the ; aNY compromise with crime." General and the Opposition Leader d4ay. Quoting from an afternoon | Has No Information. present their respective sides of the . newspaper report of an interview Colonel Drew, on Monday, he picture. with Reeve Clutterbuck of Scarboro' said, had made charges that certain Colonel Drew criticised the At-- TO\\'n'Ship. Mr. Conant denied the |of these men were engaged again torney--General for having been in~ reeve's charge that the Province in illegal operations and that the strumental in arranging to have a . had failed to keep its promise, to dopan;fiont was aware of it, "In charge of carrying concealed weap-- raid a gambling establishment !;the skort time I have had avail-- ons withdrawn when Harry Lieber-- located in the township. Mr. Con---- | able to deal with it since, I am un-- man, henchman of Manny Feder, so-- _ &nt read correspondence between |\able to find any officer in the called u_ndvny«_»rld leader, was ar-- his denaftmm)t and Reeve Clutter-- (Attorney-General'.s Department who ' rested following the raid on tne buck and Chief Constable Thomas |has any knowledge of the state-- Brown Derby in October, 1938. This Draycott of Scarboro', and then re« | ments. Of the charges made yes-- man was conviected on a lesser charge 13"'_(1 hOW_ the Ont{iriq Provincial | terday of the Attorney--General's and sentenced to four months in Police, acting on his instructions, | Department, certainly I have no jail, whereas a conviction on the set about preparing to raid a gam-- 'information,." said Mr. Conant. k weapons charge would have carried bling place known as the White | 'The Attorney--General _ stressed with it a five--year sentence, he de. Castle, at Danforth and Kingston that inquiries were not made of clared. A sawed--off shotgun and a Road,. Provincial Police aclion wa Commissioner W. H. Stringer, blt}ck)ack wore _ items of evidence in _ invited b.'" the municipality, said bereaved within recent days by his this case, said Colonel Drew. Mr. Conan! | wife's death. "There can be no justification for _ Police Are Foiled. | Colonel Drew said he wanted to withdrawing a charge that would A system of counier--espilonage | read the original of a letter "writ-- have led to a [n'rz.-.\carhprnnlt_\'. aS" . developed by the suspected gam-- I, .. remmeresmewe :g;togrgg:](msl'rl;)):o:\;m Tllll:":\:\&on':' blipg ho_use fo'ilr-d Provincial Police ten by the instructions of the ber. 1940 Feder. .«; a'l n]t';\'Pd 10 offmers in theu: attempts to get in-- Attorney--General," Adatod Oct. 3 mm"r pala'ltial'quz;rtm's ?'hn Combins s:do the premises and obt_:s:n the 12)411. to the Rev. Gordon _mem,, Club. A raid was ('al"riri out, and evidence _nondod before a raid could "written to one of those ministers ommc " * * *' be organized, Mr. Conant revealed. whose sermons apparently fall on ) . as les The men sent by the department to the unwiliing ears of the Attorney-- a shot gun and a blackjack wer¢ obtain access and collect evidence General." | .«fnzed. Again we find lfw names Of / were detected and "thrown out," The letter, said the Conservative | PAod'm' and Leiberman, h.w men \}'h" said the Attorney--General. Leader, was written by Commission-- | welt excused by the A*torney--Gen-- "Many persons believe all you © or Stringer, It stated, in effect, that' eral two years before. That is th? | pave to do is to take a gang of . the Attorney--General had referred ku':d. of thing that is underminin§ _ officers and surround a place," said to the commissioner a letter from' confidence in the enforcement of the _ Mr, Conant. "All you get then is a _ Mr. Domm in which the minister | f"i"- Yesterday I "'-'i.' l'l"'b'_"l""l U( _ w snn eee e iniisrnmmmmemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmcese had drawn to the department's at--| ",U.m the A""'"r'"'('f.nnm,l.\ state-- bunch of dupes without any e°eVvi-- tention that some alleged resortsl ment concerning the difficulties con-- s ' » er j | fronting ali s dence as to who the keepers are. were being operated. : xur..'mg I'n.n\. in dealing with this Ba Explaniti "And, at the time, the files of the problem. Today I am not. ps Explanation. f Attorney--General contained letters, "Fattening On Public." } Colonel Drew arose mnnf*dmlvl.'-. of which I have the original copies, ; "This man Feder has been fanm-t at_wr the Atlomc,\'-unnm'gl resumed _/ piving information as to where and ing on the public for years. He is | !lla seat, and launchcd' into _crnw- 'in which municipalities these re-- not interested merély in the[ fem of the Attorney--General's °X* / gorts were being operated," charged \gambling game. When racing was planation. He referred to a letter | Colonel Drew. threatened by the drugging of horses | which Mr. Conant sent Crown Att _| 'ppe commissioner's letter, he con-- a few years ago, Feder was uncoverJ torney McFadden in connecti0n |qinued, advised Mr, Domm that if ed as the key man in the plot. If with the withdrawal of the conceai~ [ ns haq information as to the loca-- the Attorney--General doesn't know| °4 weapons charge against Lieber-- |;jon of these alleged resorts, that\ that, then his files are not com--| MAn, and declared that the At-- \he should give that information to |. plete. Feder is an expert on horses,| torney--General had not explained 10 _ |;ne jocal police and, in event 'therel as well as on gambling. This matter| the House the nature of the charg? _ |was no action, to the Provincial has gone far beyond the stage of the | withdrawn by the Crown. | Police "who will consider the ad-- Attorney--General writing to a muni-- "I have nothing to conceal." re-- visability of lodging a complaint cipality and saying he believes ther« torted Mr. Conant. "I am speaking 'with the police of the municipalities is something wrong. What has taken | from memory but I believe it was a involved." | place consists of nothing but token charge of having concealed | "ft is opviously a form letter and " raids. That is all they are. |_-- weapons" |\I don't blame the commissioner for | "These men are extensive boot-- "Y¥es, a sawed--off shotgun," said | writing that letter because he obvi-- leggers as woell, and their activities|\ Colonel Drew. "No dounbnt used as '\ousl.v \\_'rote it 1mmedxately follow-- extend to the still worse angle of| an ornament around the gambling _ |ing an 1'r'1terv1ew with the Attorney-- corruption that creeps in with joints | joint." iGe"neral.. he added. § of that kind," said Colonel Drew. . | The Opposition Leader charged | | _ I might say that the Attorney-- \ During the course of the debate,| gnp Attorney--General with "brazen'" General might make some inquiries. Mr. Macaulay asked the Attorney=| conduct in attempting to defend his | 'He might inquire into the fight General if he had any legislation m! department, and asserted that the | | which occurred at the Auburn Club \ mind with a view to remedying the| jaw gave the department ample | |°" 'I'\larch 18, less than a month situation. The Attorney--General re-- ower to step in and clean up an | | ag0o-- . 4 | plied that he had conferred with his | "')inlolerahlo" r;iluation. The name of | It was at this juncture that Pre-- | law officers, and the only constrUuC--| Benny Littman was mentioned for : | mier Hepburn called for a closure | tive suggestion was that the Attor--| ) the first time when Colonel Drew |on the argument, on the grounds ney--General might be given some | asked Mr. Conant if he did not have | Colonel Drew was out of order, and | jurisdiction over local police. i. information concerning this man on _ | Colonel Drew declared with empha-- f | his files. The Attorney--General re-- | sis that he would reopen it in dis-- |plied in the negative. lcussion of the estimates of the At-- torney--General's Department. .