Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Feb 1937, p. 1

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Rhinos" 2.5 As l . a": '/t,,i.llt-tet2tr, them in to strip would not have come in here " ITS HEPB m 'iti'),,t',ltcev'id, take the wood ri,'2/V, you made it attractive, all at fir e-sale 'grill,',',.',,""' up the North i "agnd , Mignyggcaglayyu tol back, . . . e oo Secs Shortalxhted Policy. C for more territory to Lti2,'f.'P"r Describing these 0 erat u . ll ti' POLICY new barons-the tt','fi,rl'r"'tr,1,t'n'i!,1' , and at least it could be said of the It " i ------ "power barons" that they were ( Canadians-Mr. Macaulay placed c-au" I - . befo th H " . Forests in Danger of Becom- 1'i,",'J','," 'l thwg- as a glaring in- q " . . o e over ' . mg American Wood. sighted policy of (l'li'l','h"'n2 ttit. IN LEG'SLATURE , . " p a ned. the co piles, Says Macaulay tered into (idi1t'nt'hrl"'ugigtot?sgtg: ----- "/afo,',1t"g; p ------ "It was first announced i EXPLOITATION IS SEEN 3:331???" Dec. 21, 1935pn h: Hon. Peter Heenan Unrufiled ------ . . n I. may or , . . been subsequently 1138323118? as Leopold Macaulay l Claiming that the Hepburn Gov- Order-in-Council. l wish we k y T l 1 eminent does not know the meaning more about it from official ' Ity a S [ ',e,r/2nst'pi'1igt Ill, that all its "According to press any??? -t_..--- re ac uate y expedien volved tho sale to the .. , l n l land not far-sightedness. Hon. my. ner-Alstead interests 'po",',',"";;,"; SAID COMMON TALK" [ pold 'l','"tt,Piy Minister of High- United States of 6,000,000 cords oi -----r-_ 1' ways n t e enry Administration. pulpwood in the Lon Lac . . ', ' charged in the Legislature yesterday condition that they mg, 1'tl,co/for'iU'd,, I rhe H,et/y.tr,tSe battle was aired that the s - ' vearl .. it will ro I , ' ' n the Legislature yesterday with pre ent set up at Queen's . y; p V de seasonal em- Leo old M l kilt 1 i Park has inaugurated Practices ployment for 2.200 men; and the dire'z-t fashaicau ay, 1.n Sti: uleulit, which. unless checked, will have the Government will facilitate the 'sth. of the ',1,ii11/l?c,Rbt'l'l'r ffei ','l.'lt'l,'.', ultimate effect of transforming On- ter.ry.riy by providing trtutsportaiion out rufflin F',','),',",')?),, if f,'.' r v"th- tario forests "into Ameri ,i facilities at a cost of $250,000 which g . g . a " on e, " can wood th head of the genial Irish emperor l piles. I e company . agrees to repay over of Northwestern Ontario " Up to 1934, Mr. Macaulay warned' a iltittr psiifd' . Only once did Mr. Heenan protest the House, all Ontario Adrninistra/ ver rim? m wine-m told-and Mr. Macaulay's narration, and then "lions litad practiced conservation to. higzpqt mingle." 'iUdlf 1u2 51:10th amounted to a muttered: e ex ent o compelling of menu-I . I _ I . . J., . ot ing to it." facture of Ontario's timber. or the: plished'so tat in connection tp, "Oh," smiled Mr. Macaulay, dis- major part of it, within the Domino; doveloping mm". rcs0u t'ees, tirmingl.v, '?yt all know the honor- ion. It had remained for the Hep-i Premier Hepburn is quoted as say- able the Minister would draw a gum Government, he said, to aban-' ing. tTdnt,1vee.of, charity; Til' thel incigetrlilt. l I on all restraint: to throw the; V "tt is a big thing. It is one of , , owing '0 e ru es. 0 e House, aece t your denial, l sl'i,t,'ittl'tir,,"..iea,,otet RANT"? tff the biggest concessions ever made faith, but. niftside the House 'tg',',','.'. I talk of "cii'm"ii'/isi, rj'.,nJfrud,7etle' (r: to American capital in Ontario-one fair is common talk." structive tendencies which had ms ot the most deadly blows ever ,Jrleitite1,1,1n'"tf/,1h' urgent"? how spoiled the onee-matrnifitront pine struck at the integrity of our own acted Gia Mr aMaacigueia 'asvh e and and spruce forests of the mid-West- pulp and paper industry. Who or Cox 'diiiii 'C'harles Coh l Men_ tr. ern States. what is this Pulpwood Supply Com- without portfolio) h d mt 13115 it pany? We know very little about f ,r. . .na en ere t e "Wholesale Inmd." it. But according to an article 35:18.1; ion)"; tellinhg him he was "This Government." gibed Mr. in the Paper Trade Journal of Jan. 'f/le 1eiri/gytiingaexrertittlrt,,',,Ti1t,: Macaulay. "talks about providing 21. it has been granted a Pr.ovinci.al line which Mr. Heenan had had as employment. in so far as this was charter to do a general busmess m a boy in "dear old 'Ireland." had evi. affected by reductions in timber lumber and pulpwoodd on "We" dently stood him in good stead. [ dues to existing companies operat.' ment tracts. It Ya qua.rtt?.rs are "They said," said Mr. Macaulay "that in O . . . ! at Toronto. It is capitalized at h . Li' g ntario mills, perhaps it was, 000 _ l l - e (Mr. Cox) went right over not not without justification. But when! ye: tlo pm; shatre's. rut 111966;." one railing, but two. And right over it means, as it has come to mean in 'i'g'.g"edns2'f if no I, fiififefi t5 1h'i a stenographer's desk. And over her I one instance. a wholesale inroad on th . G n er l mine $391.1? lhe head. too." our timber resources b fo i i - e overnmen , . l . 'You want to be careful," chided y re gn n made in the Long Lac district. To . terests t the e- - . . Mr. Hepburn. a xpertse of Ontario provide means of transportation. "Oh when I ov 't . settlers and workmen then it be- the Government will construct a friend's (Mr High :31.) Ide', genial comes a very expensive form of un- dam at the north end of Long Lac now on ii will be in: o lik/gg employment relief." and cut several canals to divert ccr- VII be making " smil 3 1180611; call The whole scheme of which the tain waters from their northerly lav. . . e r. acau- Government was prone to boast-its course to flow southerly with out- . pulp export policy-Mr. Macaulay let on Lake Superior. stated, would be "ruinous in re- "For the sum of $1 pcr cord-still suits" " well as fallacious in prin- according to newspaper reports--- ciple. "I am going to reveal," ne this company of American capital- ' A said. "that for every man who has .ists obtain pulpwood which, if 9 been or will be given employment manufactured in Ontario pulp and BI fo Tax under the Government's plan ten papt'r mills, would be worth the others will. in a figurative sense, "grim; 1fui'i1/nrrop"ikis wo d H d R d . . . o , have their throats cut; and that toI 2.000 or 2,500 Ontario bushmcn will y ro ea accomplish some temporary advan-i earn at the rate of approximately ---------- up the Government has actually' l$2 per cord, tor, perhaps: nine sold out the future of the North on months ot. the year. Thele will also Would Affect Those Proper" ruinous terms to foreign interests . he expenditures for supplies antttor . p . trtutsportation-bringing the total fies . aying Taxes Before for whom thousands of Ontario citi- up to, perhaps. $9 or $10 per cord, . . . . inns will become hewers of wood delivered at the mill. Similar out- '. Acquisition {and drawers of water." laysltan'tfl than" gyeg'J",',t, w:fuld --------_ resu l w lustre. North Sold. . tured at ttl',',',,:.""',",,),",',',",'.,',','," "as: First reading was given by the ', Today, with only scrub timber ibp employment for perhaps 900 men Lrgislature yestordtiy, to the special available to them at home, but with in the higher-wage brackets-skilled bill of w. L, Houck, (Libs. Niagara their pulp and paper mills still pulp and paper makers, who earn Falls). providing that powerunder- hungry. American operators were up to $1.68 per hour. takings acquired by the Hydro- turning to Ontario for wood supply. "When that wood reaches Wiseon- Electric. Power Commission, which "They have been getting it for sin in American freighters and were subject to taxation before years-pulp-d cut on private American trucks. it will provide their acquisition, shall continue to lands. plus a litttle from the Crown work for 5,000 men the year round pay taxes to municipalities, not- lands. exported under special Gov- at double and quadruple the rates withstanding Hydro ownership. ernment permit." said Mr. Macaulay. which our bushworkers will receive; The fate of this measure is trtiit "But this supply is insufficient-a and the company will make millions undecided. Cabinet ranks are said morei bugatelle.t Hen? we lfiind on its finished products." to be split on it, with Preméerlf-Iep- mer can opera ors an capita sts burn and Hon. David A. ro re- trying to get into our timber re- MW!" Challenge. ' portedly in favor of it, and with. serves-twing to get their puipwood . In his discussion ot the Fulpwood ' t Attorney-General Roebuck and Hon.) in empire lots on the easiest pose [Supply Company contract, Mr. Mac- T. B. McQuesten. Hydro Continue! siblte S,"','.,",-;,"',' Lt/d ifri'ti'g, mills; laulay clashed on different occasions "toners. the most outspoken against o urn ra er w c costs . i them a pittance per cord into paper 'Wlth Premier Pye" and Hon. t. which is worth anywhere from 840 :Peter Heenan, Minister of Lands . to 3270: ton. 2t,1te, Governments i'I, Forests. kept t em ou un ettt5 they estab. "We had to make things attrac- . lished their mills here. This Go - n . u e ent is letting them in without itive', Mr. Hepburn once said, or ithey (the ynited States interests)

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