Febrile." a.4- iyFGriirircairition intend "I tak not th tic in dentin twi [ ghen e full responsibility for ympa e 3 th the {Treatment companies. had failed to "king Colonel Drew to investigate," it?" adnd sickness. "men. said he , ring results. The British Colum- said Colonel Price. "My mind H a taken the trou e to get the, hlt complainants had agreed to doesn't go back to the conferences ealth Department fileson Heel-hiss Withdraw their complaints as a re- held six or seven years ago. But (30"th he had discovered that no, suit of pressure from many sources. I believe Colonel Drew took the 'l'l','l't,tt',t for hospital care of any; he claimed. right action. But if there had been . n had been "We for the lad in! In the House the Premie re-i anything I could have taken action nyest.ityt by Dr. Welsh or any otheri ferred to the Ottawa angle Ltu'v'," on I would have taken it." '.?y:1ic'yhry .uWhy'" said the Pre. declaring that he never saw "so "A pretty flimsy excuse." remark- rm": didn t .the member tor Eaat many wires pulled" as on the oc- ed Mr. Hepburn. "Do you mean to, Hastings do hts duty instead ot tteelt. casion of Mr. Roebuch's attempt to Btut you didn't know the SCOPE Jil ing m make cheap political capital get the Dominion Department of the Securities Act? Of course youI f " of the Child's affliction?" Justice to act in the matter. did." The tenets in the statement tt.ntdel, "I never knew a man had so "Pm not afraid of anything I have sre true, declared Dr. Welsh, rising . many friends." commented the done," declared Colonel Price. "I've abruptly. "r'm prepared to back iPremier. "But he should be made done my duty." l them up. Dr. Doyle of the health; ito pay the price. He took advan- "We'11 investigate. make no mis- clinic and I talked the case over tage of inside information to specu- take. but first we'll have to t','l',','il, and I. was told there MN" no use late with bonds personally and legislative power," promised irc' applying for admission for the boy through the medium of iiiii'Gii; mier Hepburn. because there were a thousand or ipanies." It was later disclosed bv the Free more patients on the waiting ligt" ' "Why did you wait more than 'mler that whatever actioil is taken Mr 'Hepburn hit the root. "I Bay,' two years before deciding to do by the Ontario Securities Commis-i It sail: Ptt??1ttt.ie,n, was made. something?" asked Colonel Price. sion will be a Provincial matter en-' a"? "ol', were derelict in Your "Sometimes it takes more than tirely, having no Dominion tie-up.: tigh'" ' . '" t two yegrs to uncover a Tory plot,"} There would be no Royal Commis-'l ape: Stop it'. were some of iretorted the Premier. "1 did not! ision inquiry, the Premier said. Thel the crtes WOW". at the Premier i have this file until two months' "iiaiij'Gs' Department would do the! from the Opposition benches. l I'i,oCi2,e, file containing the Brit- "lirtvestitratlrtsr. Won't Stoe M. tish olumbia complaint and the " . ' _ " ' ' '; correspondence between the then ".M,,llJ'sn rt,os/g',gitr',',oe', "gh?,t',1': - - a pto iiVtor_rtev9nertl, Colonel Price. and . lhle one can do than what the; fine Secrritles Commissioner of the I member for East Hastings did." ', ay. o onel George Drew.) This instance. he said, reading from Charges Illegal Transfer. departmental files, was not the only i "Meighen was subsidized by pub- intt.r.ru"? where in order to play; 2 lie funds as a Hydro Commis- politics against the Government [ sioner." said Premier Hepburn. at 'Tyy o!fieiyls".lttd Withheld topli- [ the outset of his attack on the cations for hospital care that should l former Leader of the "Shadow Gov- have been sent tn. . (ernment." "At the same time he Deriding the mental hospitals lwas carrying on nefarious transac- program TP". which the former: tions in his investment trust com- 1Tttnr.v Aeini.stTtion had embark- pany. My honorable friend. who cd after dissolution of the Legisla- was then Attorney-General. was ture in 1934, and on the very eve l asked by Sir Perry Lake and others -----.-- of a general election. Mr Hepburn 3 in British Columbia to investigate Youth Could Have Been . charged that some 8710,000 had been . Meighen's companies." m v.ot.ed by that Government by kik/-l 1 "What date is that 2" asked Colo- Hospital Year Ago cial warrant, an." that in some in- nel Price. referring to the docu- t "a???" foundations of the proposed ments in the Premier's hands. Says Hepburn bmldings had been started without "it was in 1931," replied Mr. Hep- ------ , singlet) "at; for tth, structluhes " avmg een rawn. " e," sa e, 33:3}. You were Attorney-General CONSERVAT'VES SCORED "are approaching this mental ac- "Sir Perry Lake and the other in. ' "nmmodation problem in a proper, vestors gave reasons why Meighen ihtelligent manner, tnd an" J,',',' " . . . I s or on a program in e spr ng itrlut,'ayegl'et,t1'Lfi'Qnt1lfe Tactics "it East Hastings BY" we will ask the Legislature to vote l he transferred funds illegally from Election Are Tanned i the moneys Ttlute?,, and not by , one firm to another And what did . . 7 any special warrant. my honorable friend. then the At- DiseroditabU t " The Government, "ht, said, had torney-General. do? He passed the --------- ' r'tgt'iq,2idfirttrto/'i',h"",Sse 51:3: l buck to the Securities Commissioner. E st " .- '.. . ' tM Ings g ' . ) Colonel Drew who had been in office . At.' abllhlsb boy mental pa- . than could be said of the Conservae only three days when the com laint lient who is so sorely "afflicted. tive tactics. The paid campaign was? forwarded to him A": -ou that he has to be chained to an) literature spread around by the knew at the time on l'o'i.wl)'d"e'd't"ll' apple tree in summer and to the: Tories had been "absolutely un- com laint to Drevgtthat the Securit leg of a table in winter" is to bel true." Every one knew, said he, Fr Pd; A t did at ' w r le', admitted at last to an Ontario hos- that the present Administration at C au ti ic t til "gimme in pita! for treatment. Queen's Park was "a Liberal Gov- .O'Em " on 'l, o J?", "gth . More than two months have ernment-a Reform Government," 'll,',') lent": litetw ho "ll a. Flapsed since the boy's case was and not an O'Connor Government. a: t ave 'il e'her tire fide',". made more or less of a local as East Hastings was told. t arapparetnt l "ems hf" fem; issue in the East Hastings by- The Tory claim that great sums l gel) with as d', t t; sail', pu , o election campaign. but it was only of money had been transferred from j thr, es ommss 1','r l tt .vosterday-aftrr much of the bitter the public to the separate schools th '1? It,', d','d (ime e ers f"ei.ittg of that election had been was "absolutely false," he said. The 'tW.. " e o:ne {tee to tedt revived momentarily on tho floor story that he and his Cabinet had th 13' 2'd With; oo cu ed 5; in"! of the Legislature-that adequate imposed twelve new forms of taxa- _ t e rem er. k ou Dusted nothit i care for the child was assured. lion on the people of Ontario since ' 1',l'u't'"t'lev'l,u'tneer?' egg" lgtters L'y., 'Will you give me your word assuming office, was "a deliberate deed.' Catching 'you" would be like. "ft"? the boy will be taken care, ' lie." trying to nail a Jelly to the wall 'r)'j,d'/t.'fitf.)oe'i1e///hvtir,',1'p'se/t,e,ett/ No Debt Increase. .You wouldn't dare touch Meighen "cation?" asked Dr "an": A I The debt had not increased by "He stood too well in the Conserva- fVelsh. Conservative who won the I s8q,000,000, but during the first full tive Party. But we are going to Fast Hastings; fi ii.' l fiscal year in office it had been cut ' " . . g . who first re-, touch him." vealed the deplorable condition of i by some $3,000,000. Health services Colonel Draw Defended. the child. and who then, and yes-i had been extended. Ie/et "angst! The Premier went into phases of. torday, Was accused by Mr. Hep- l Twenty-tive per f1P 'id f {PM - " B eec . , burn of "playing politics" at the men.ts at 'Queens ar snce as p h, but a few minutes later. , * ttice had gone to returned he tangled again with Colonel Price. ' "spouse of the yenutttster's afflic- 233355 o 1 ,who. aroused by the attack on his 'S'.; . g . . . . 1 ladministration. declared that he was . 9.f course we'll . take care of ' es,"'; t ',1"1tai,s.),,r,t"tt'st tiiteatll'ortigt: t ! prepared to abide by the decision of It.) 22?1','g t1,m,e,',t,eitytothl,'yki t 'j'iTc'Le.'l/ldlUnel be challenged, he 1'iii2iiiiitci.i'ct' investigated the, m: tit' if 333%; ",',l2d outmth: ' said, any member opposite to make i " am ready to take responsibility' proper application. and had not i one sltyrle 80111817 charge against . - . . , w ite ill with the, the Liquor Control Board that. toy my acts " Attorney-General, "2:51 to play po ties a could be substantiated. He had ts,h'f,2'g,td,'.rte;g,tg 'tt,'A1'.ed'g. iii. in... Battle [ not "intimidated the iudieiarar" 8,r,i h d f d to hi e rem or . . . "defied constitutional authority' l a Jeff" m " being like .The row-the first Jn which Dr " simply because he had differed with a 'tlt:,',',,, where _ " elsh has figured since he came the Judges on their Hydro litiga- i ht in it." said Jonah": yourufoot data the Provincial House, and a stiff tion finding. It should not be for. 'dit all the w at as urn. You one at tttrr-felled during Mr gotten, he stressed to the House, bat u "23d etheob gll "lt l yepburns one-hour criticism of the -that even the Judges had been bee 'Sl :cter stl f uc . at's discredltable tactics employed by, 'divided in handing down their the life?' " l C o you all your {he feet"d,,T3tgfhd'trrt,iiA' win the iclsion. i,, .V-e ect on. ot " a tee" more I The East Hastings campaign, he' Tutr /d,1l,erde"gglt'i1letg for rontemptible. said he, than Dr admitted. had resolved itself into Elie. a Colonel 'e,th1'i"si',e'te1','fd 2 an '""it "ig lone ittsue--the separate schools' . . an ta e eg" c arses. r [ question. The Tories had pooled t "2'gf'1"i', Tdf 'tft,',', Meighen. Welsh had made them for. he said.l to racial prejudice, turning the , e at on the Premier "twill. .was to further his own political cor. l overwhelming Protestant majority re ly the bu ck. Th you itunes and to create at large the 2ri in, the riding against the- Catholic . "pm We ttetUgL" e mat- 'Dresalon that the Government was . _