Febyu any 24 Clai B h f Foiled All Effort A } o Delay Delivery) PLANIN UIRY | ahe ie i oc e y i erar i C | Insistonce of Gampany That | | consans witt se in a soasee io _ INTQ MEIOAIEN j Agreemen{ Be Filled "to ;!elh;'er at the place provided for 11 * * n the agreement of Nov. 29, 1929, the Letter" and F"'anc'al' between yourselves and the com-- Pressure Charged by P'°'i pany, 40,000 horsepower of electri-- * | _ _cal power and energy of the char-- mier HOPbU"' } acter provided for in the agree-- wan n zn n nmme ment, additional to the 35,000 horse-- 5 " w h power provided during the past it T AL K $ RAMIFICATIONS year, thus constituting a total of Hepburn .fO Arm e, j Ni eieceensin t o e cangy 73,000 horsepower available for de-- Speclal Legasla'non livery and to be delivered to your-- Efforts on the part of F. A. | |seives on the above--mentioned date, for Probe Gaby, former Chief Engineer of | the whole in accordance with the omm mmmmmmmmmmmmment the Ontario Hydro Commission, terms and provisions of the agree-- to obtain postponement of power ment. CHARGES ARE HURLED delivery from the Beauharnois Mess | C oany, In 1933, because the Premier Alleges Violation of Commission had sufficient power Trust, III | T { | contracted for to last until 1928. rust, ega ranster were foiled by insistence of the ' o"e e Tax of Funds | Beauharnois company that the g Supecmmnemermmmmmmns ' agreement with the Hydro Com-- , ' S h -l- Armed with the necessary power, mission be carried out to the § O U g which will be obtained through leg-- letter, Premier Hepburn told the islation to be passed this session, Legis e the Hepburn Government shortly lature yesterday. Amendmenf *O Universif will launch an investigation into the The Premier revealed what he de-- o y {inancial operations of Right Hon. clared were the political and finan-- Act Urged by Leg|5|a. Ar'-thurfl\éeigh;n, for('lmer Pgm% Min; ke * * ste , AI no eader 0o clal ramifications behind tne doFI tion CommcHee :;:r% ana zti" 1 w Le: th sion of the then Hydro Commis-- Smateo"ser'a"e group in € h 7 t Premier B i§i8lZ rin fthe Fisks that would have to . ht Cc Leristation Committee: ) Promior Herpurn made this state be assumed by the Commission in acting yesterday on a motion of as a climax to a:% onslaught on Mr. connection with construction costs» _ COntroller Raiph Day, decided to Meighen, his investment company, "The Beauharnois company wasn't -- S@#k an amendment to the Univer-- and his alleged speculation in Abi-- in a friendly frame of mind when _ sity Act which would enable the city ;LhLf'g}"";gr?g"g;d'::'é%é'um"ic:s'ioo"n'frg ie AbOUT a postnonemant of ge: to tax all University of Toronto "The nefarious Abitibi deal was "',ee':_'y; s:ld. 5:): pg:,?rnnf:r. °"M;._ property not being used for educa-- for. the purpose of recouping Gaby returned to Toronto and re-- tional purposes Under the terms i\,l'e'_gh%ns I%SSG?.'Itthe PFemlfé' rurd- Nee rrrifigimadiho ar impgssi'!)le" " of the precent act, all university. calec'ul(;t:cl'gg:c}'leme '::sd:ff:ud at?ae g:inteim;: ?;ZO'Q:::;??,S'm:mi'mg"fglé owned property was exempt from people for Meighen's bgnefit. He Royal Bank and the Bank of Mont-- taxation. violated his trust for his own per-- real, had agreed to take the power Strong opposition was made at sonal gain." _ R bo * i yesterday's meeting to the fact that The legislation probably will be nds,. twenty--four millions of them, ' M | W o and the Dominion Government, the Varsity Stadium was being allowed an amendment to the Securities Act, Government led by Mr. Bennet! tax exemption, and yet it was a rev-- which will proaden the powers of had guaranteed the banks against -- @nue--producing concern running in that body, and enable the Securi-- loss on the bonds. competition with the Maple Leatf ties Co'mmlssxon to probe Ml'.; o i Gardens. Other university property, Meighen's companies. _Attorney-- | Understands "Pressure. not being used for education pur-- General Arthur Roebuck is now en-- | "So I can understand the politi-- poses, included a portion rented to gaged in drawing up the bill, the cal pressure that was brought on a Yonge Street store and a home in Premier afterward told the press. ! the Ontario Government to accePt| ; Queen's Park on which the city was Price Offers Defense. ( the power, though it was not need--| 'Onl.V able to collect a proportion of _ _The Premier unleashed broadside' ea,, s2id Mr. Hepburn. The banks | |the taxation which would have been after broadside against Mr. Meighen. | had agreed to take the bonds and 'levled against it had it been located charging him with speculating per--. Roe 4 Orpmion Government had; |on private property sonally, and through his company, agreed to suarantee the banks The Legislation Committee fur-- with the Abitioi Power Company N<+" ppaidh n dorCee,are the widows | / ther decided to take no action yes-- bonds; with transferring funds ille-- ugd orphans for whom my honor--| terday with regard to a request gally from one company to another, puee ends scross the way have from the City Clerk of Kitchener, and with causing investors to lose. be£§ s';'eddlngblcr?:iodi'l'e t:ari. who asked that the Federal Govern-- huge sums of money. , !thy oonox:?u C (':n j{' e Leade"' ment be petitioned to amend the Colonel W. H. Price, former Attor--| :hat ?{ p%o: e ti is "en'ry.). 2850 Criminal Code to include, and make ney--General, became involved in a' Jad been in «power," there woulg lWegal, all slot machines except bsated debate with the Premier have been revision of the Sower) those used exclusively for vending _ [' when the latter charged that he, ® POw®" _ commodities other than tokens, , Colonel Price, had "passed the buck" contracts, not repudiation. e passi "Well, he had his chance. What whe.n a written complaint was sent did he d ith it? Nothing at all. A to him by Sir Percy Lake and a num-- Imagine :h:v aud;clty gf thegLeager ber of British Columbia residents, of the Opposition getting up and R.;k_lnhg fgr an investigation into Mr. saying if he had been in power, mieighen's companies,. : there would have been revision of ' There was heated cross--fire as the contracts. Colonel Price attempted to defend "The only way to handle the himself against the accusations situation was by putting through flung across the floor of the Hou§e.; legislation, which we did." con-- Loud desk--thumping from the L!l?-j tinued Mr. Hepburn, amid applause. erals followed Premter Hepburn's The Premier read a letter, dated declaration, in the midst of a wordy Sept. 26, 1933, from the Beauhar-- battle with Colonel Price, that, nois Light, Heat & Power Co., to '"Meighen is afraid of this thing, but | the Ontario Hydro Commission, he is going to face it." A few mo-- which showed, he said, that the ments later the Premier said: "We Quebec company was "not fooling." are going to enact legislation to stop Letter Is Read. this kind of thing forever." The letter was as follows: Charges Wires Pulled. "In order that there may be no It was later revealed by the Pre-- misunderstanding in the matter, I mier himself, after adjournment of am instructed to inform you that, | the House, that representations commencing Oct. 1, 1933, there will made by Attorney--General Roebuck be available for delivery, and this to the Minister of Justice at Ottawa,