Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Feb 1937, p. 1

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Cebrusry to R t f P it FIGHT [OOMS ' F S l f Li OVER SPECIAL 'cs i. ---'m..-------.- q.----.----.---- are Becomes Barroom claret! that the re hese s - . - Under Hepburn Beer and called hotels 't?egt,',t'ln21t"e,erit'ei, .Roebuclt w'".OP.P°s° Pro Wine A d m i n i sfrafion, ?r"leulrtl"tt,"tg, were owned hi" posed Legislation of . overnment. r. Conservative L e a d a r Nixon demanded that this charge W. L. Houek Charges -l',ee,,g,ttt,age'ijii, ttnd asked Mr. o) -------- tt say w ether the Savarin -vir- -. P"erwttso%tirt,ritiri",, th FORCES DIVIDED HEPBURN REPLIES Gt';e,r'atyern,t,. y dof e . " 5 ttrry Hunt a trien of t is A sharp an: '",i on the Govern. Government?" asked Mr. fd,,,? Law Would Tax Power Prop- ment's liquor prim-y. matured Oppu- 'Weil ttow, you can't segregate . . . . sition Lender t'.- ..rm liniirv's Budget :yaltsh'? hotelskin the hands of Lib- OHIO: After Aequisifion speech In thr L 'gisldtiut': -semterdny ' remttr ed Mr. Henry. by Hydro The former I'll'liilt't assrrted that -"------ the present prliry it'l"k"d control An open fight between W. L. features. "N" tlurt thr" udministra. . _ Houck, M.L.A., Niagara Falls. and tion of the Limit-t f).'1t,t1'.1 Board Attorney-General Roebuck, is said to 1aes Pmaltin: " rttn,'; throughout be developing at Queen's Park over l fi/ 'l",,',',,",.'," tic-'itt'cti that it "oult, the special "power" legislation tuii.'iC'in' him it l-vttri' in "(Will bee: whicn Mr..Houck will bring down . . i ' _ .,' ' . DECLARAT'ON OF L to the Legislature the first of next and "In" ttttthot it .. a lit Ct ttnm type: week. ot 'r/.'.t1ty,11: l '."'f"." '/(1'.'Y's' o. . BY HEPBURN CHEERED This legislation provides that, all population Hull. tit'di' 1liroi, but" ower undertakin r ac uired bv as existed tutu}. 'lltr' allocations l -s---.-._ - a" hill trs bf] . brouaht Premier linp~ur2t and sew. ' . . . y ro IA C wtre su J.et.1t. to 1.t'e,- b . '. . ' , . l Will Place Patriotism Second tion before their acquisition shall eral of hi, Citbir-t (ro'!roe,itrrs to . . their f Ct ultii sh,' v-v'. retort< but l ' continue to pay taxes to the munr. _ e . Ill' _ , ' to None cipalities notwithstanding Hydro's the opposttrrn Lentlrr stuck to his. w-------------- ownership. For instance. it is in- (iietir,',if" I)',',' H" t1trrsl "lr"l,. sad: Premier Hepburn drew on ma tended that the bill apply to such acking "N" l-. "Hm" Lo er tion from his followers in thr ' properties as those of the Ontario ment. Legislature when he refuted an- Power Company. Electrical Develop. lermed a Burlesque. implication that. ho was "UH-i ment Company. Dominion Power In support. ot tii~ (taint that build. British." which, he said, had been and Transmission Company, and the ings had been turned Into so-called made by George S. Henry, Cong Central Power Undertakings. etc. It hotels by the simple txpo-dlent oi scrvative Nous» Loader. shall not affect power undertakings knocking out a "all and putting in "As far as my patriotism i, con- created by the Provincial Commis- a few bodroon S, Mr Henry gave cerned. I'll take. second place to sion. such as the Chippewa-Queens- the minim at s... owl Toronto hotels 'none. men the Leader of the town development. which. he sttiti, had been turned into Opposition." Mr. Hepburn declared. The Government is said to be hotel, in order in obtain beer and j The alleged Implication t'Oncern- fairly well divided on the merit of wine attthotltrr,. i "as simply a 'ed the statement made hy tho the legislation, with Mr. Roebuck burlesque. he (ltt'i7il"'(l. Premier on a previous occasion leading the opposing forces. He will "Ht-re is tho ilivndulhune Hotel," that when it came to a matter oi speak at some length to the prin- suid Mi fl, tl't. "Hit'ttit-rly " was repudiation of obligations. Grer ciple of the measure if and when a motor Mimi hoilio,r The Gregory Britain had followed this policy it is called for second reading. Con- Hotcl "a. a um ..:t..-.- The Noah's iwtth regard to her debt. to the siderable lobbying of members is al. Ark lion-l u... " titnnt'il bank be, tUniied States. leged to be under way at the pres. tore it berumo a lititt'i. and the i "I said at the time. and I repeat mt time. Mr Houck will press for Danioitn "as. a tiilirnaule. That's in again today. that I did not criti- enactment of the legislation on the, a new mw to mu. i've heard of bars id" this rnpudiation. which is far ground, it is said, that only through' rooms that u .. e' tut": down to malt! 'more serious than our revision of; its operation can Niagara Falls and way fo: u tf,.stuh, Hit, 1 never be- the Hydro contracts." said Premier' :Stamford Townships get the meas- . fore heard of it ("iiurtil that became Hepburn. "The Mother Countryi .urc of compensation from Hydro a harroom had to do so because of physical! 'they believe themselves entitled to. "In July, l"'}i. tlitsie were 977 necessity." l -- standard lint-h In Ontario," L'On- ' _ tinurul M, llo-nr) "i believe I am . justified in serum: that this was the number nl'Ct.shs;t,rx' to provide ac- commodation for the public And many of their \vo-rt- in dr., areas. Now there are 1.152 so-called stand» ard hotels, including those that quail tied under the nmt regulations. l - suggest that c, per rexit. of their. 1 , t . . are not >l£tntiilid hotels. They "err 'H b E y not. that..." in... in is... hut l ep urn S COHOMIC IeWS -, became so later in order to obtain . t i beer and um:- aiithmiiies. What [ N L i. k M G 5 about rrstattrrntl' ifnder certain i o anger I e C eer s; conditions Hm should in: given ' , ttuthoritisr, m r'":ttturati, not 'is . _ _ hotels Premier Hepburn and former i friendship, I hope the Prime Min- t "bent Re nd Mayor G. G. McGeer of Vancou- ister will follow in Mr. McGeer's J _ tWO . war may still be close friends, but footsteps," said Mr. Henry. Ns this a MW poliyy ot the Tot: the Premier indicated quite plain- The Premier said nothing at Party?" ark"" Premipr Herobl.sr.rt. i ly in tho l.egislature yesterday this stage, but several hours later "I am Justif.rmq the 'yell-lions . that when tho present Dominion when the Opposition Leader con- ot. the BCI we Passed In 1934," re I memtmr for Vancouver-Burrard eluded his address, he made refer- plied Mr. Henry. "I don't think all made a certain speech before the ence to it almost immediately. restaurants should have authorities. Canadian Club. their views on "ft is a tragedy of life today In tact, many of them would IIO' _ ('L'onomtt' and social affairs be that too often men who hold re- want them I came as for apart as the poles. form views are too susceptible "Are you advocating the granting In opening his address George to flattery and become victims of licenses to restaurants?" the s Henry. Conservative House of the interest shown in them laws; Btmirt l'nqulred. ' " Lender" referred to the close by big interests." said the Pre- id M r certain conditions. yes. friendship . between Mr. MeGeer mier. "God forbid I ever become "t r.Henry. and Premier Hepburn and the such a victim. I hope I never St."', your Loader agree with somewhat. radical views of i forget that I represent the mass you. queried Hon. Harry Nixon, both men. But to his astonish- of the people and not a few in- aiming to Hon. Earl Rowe. ment. said Mr. Henry, when Mr. 5 dividuals." Don't you worry about me or my Mt-Geer spoke before the Cana- i As far as Mr. McGeer's speech 'tee, retorted Mr. Henry. man Club in Toronto, he made a before the Canadian Club was 'He'tt be "OM19! about you speech which showed that a re- concerned. the Premier said he 'mn'he hear: this. remarked the cent trip to the Mother Country attended the luncheon and after- , mar. had changed his views on many wards expressed contrary own- The Opposition Leader ran into things. ions to those enunciated by Mr. turthcr Interruptions when he do- "And knowing their close McGeer. .

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