Hon. Mr. Raney Says Better _ Country Hotels Is Burn-- _ Ing Question ; cnmmmenmnmmmesmmene w e Commercial travellers and others who have sweet visions of the "de-- lights" of certain hotels in small scentres throughout Ontario will be glad to learn that the Attorney--Gen-- eral told the Legislature yesterday | that the question was a burning one | with them. E The discussion arose on the bill| introduced by G. Evanturel, Pres-- cott, to the effect that no standard | hotel should be liable to a business assessment in respect to such hotel. Mr. Evanturel withdrew his bill. ; Time Not Opportune. The Attorney--General said he was not prepared to accept such a bill at the present moment. A conclusion had not yet been reached on the problem by the License Board. A circular had been sent out to the dif-- ferent municipalities sounding them on the subject. The Attorney--Gen-- eral went on to say a suggestion had been made for the classification of hotels into standard hotels, class A, class B, etc., a larger measure of exemption being given to a class A / hotel than to a class .B one, with a view to getting as many as possible Ainto class A. ~ "The subject is a burning one with the commercial travellers." said Mr. Raney, "who claim that in some towns accommodation is entirely in-- adequate." He said he would prefer that the matter be left to the License Board dAuring the recess. There had been a suggestion that a committee of the House make a survey, but the sug-- gestion had been commented upon adversely by a Toronto paper. They might appoint persons not members of the House. RBetter Accommodation Sought. He thought it best to allow the department to go into the matter be-- iween now and next session for a comprehensive measure looking for-- ward to better hote} accommodation in the Province. Better hotels, he said, might be encouraged by a bonus in the form of an exemption of taxes, or by a monopoly of certain classes of busi-- __ ness, sale of two per cent. beer, for Y instance. He told Mr. Dewart that a survey ought to be made, and there was no time during the ses-- slon, which would We an objection to a committee of the House during the session. Investigators could not get much material on the subject of con-- ditions in hotels except by a peram-- bulation. Wellington Hay, Liberal Leader, said that if they were going to give any consideration to this one line of business in the matter of exemption there ought to be some control over hotel rates.. They would hardly con--| cede a. business tax being taken off hotels in Toronto, at rates charged to those who spent three months a year living at them. o | To Be Tabled Soon? Hon. Howard Ferguson, Con-- | servative Leader. vesterday i _asked as to wher the House i might expect the report of the Timber Commission. Attorney--General Raney said he had no further information than he possessed when the matter came up at a previous | sitting. What had been said \ then had reached the commis-- _ sloners through the Press, said Mr. Raney, and no doubt they . _ were getting the report ready ~as quickly as possible.