Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Mar 1919, p. 7

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WWI" oe, Bow. "WI. Ilvv-Il -- __ - I had to wait around: because they; were cold and uncomfortable. feed- ing arrangements had not been pro- perly organized. and after having been told there were no ships to take them home, they found. that the Olympic and the Aquitania had been transferred to transport American 'eoldiers. The men could get no re- niet. they were uncomfortable, and :they could have no pleasures. The "nen. he said, were unable to get (their pay for weeks at a time. There 'were army canteens in the camp and tcivilian stores nearby making great rsums of money out of the soldiers.' Cigarettes could be got only by in- denting a week in advance, and then Ionly for cash. and the soldiers could not Bet their money. On top of this was the fact that many military ser- vice men were being brought home lbefore those who had had long ser- Ivice. Some of these conscripts had been taken to France to march into Germany with the Canadians, and they were then sent back to Eng- land. They had never fired a shot and yet they got home tirat. (iid, Form a Dcpuwtlon. The men in the camp were natur- ally disgusted. They organized a, de- putation to wait on the officers. They appointed their spokesman, and went to a Capt. Patterson. He bulldozed them, and said he would not have them in the camp. The men there- upon went to Col. Colquhoun, the Commandant. He received them courteously and said he would do the best he could for them. The men made a. definite proposition to Col, Colquhoun. They pointed out that' conscripts were going home, and, they asked him to go to Argyn Hnnw'nn-l up! u pl'ullliHO from the "'"N'i'dls lhi'lo- list ships "mum be lH'tMidPll. If that lu'ulilist' Wel'e not when by 10.30 thr, following night. which was 'l'm-sduy. the men warned thcs Commandant more would he il'UlelC. . FM. I'm-ll told first of the case 'rl' a Major James McClvegov.. the 'wréidP-HI l'ity Engineer of Halifax, "he was paid " salary by the cor- norutitm of $Ii).M)U ul' tle,000 a :xvur. ' He wax u nwmber of the nngineoring branch of the army. The ~3in had been making efforts m have him sent honw. Maul-egor had been M Willey ('umpaml was sent toRhyl nn his way home. 'ie found him- sealr stranded there and approached Major Ernest \"ivmr Collier. who W35 in omnmund of the Nova Scouts. rel'linn of the (amp. McGregor told the munmamler of the camp the purpose of hm visit. Collier. had 'pm 1rcGvevso,. that he am an. m... I]: to the lmgilminu' of this month, and Sim-e tlu, armirdic-(a "1-H :igned. 32.01:!) Vanadium»: had been sent hunw. lle vmnpai'ml this with the I'm-0rd ot' England. where 2.340.470 men had hoon "istiiorrarked. in the "ovnielan'rt in a siiiiilm' period. Dur- ing the same time 92.000 Australians had boon stem home. , Riding Brvuks "tttcial V Inertia. "SUUSEHUQHH events show that it was necessary for the rioting if the inertia of some orti.cialts way to he m'oken." devlared Col. Pratt. He then proceeded to give several. in- Ham-es of the tlifficultier, confront- ing the men overseas. All the in- formation -he had secured at first har"i'il from the men themselves. In mime cases he was able to use the names. while in others he could not No communication was had with the men after that. and 10.30 o'clock Tuesday night' Hum" around with- .nn any prumisv. It was then the main}: HUMP-l. Tho purpose of it was to attrm-a [HIDHP "ttoution. It was a diffirult mattnr. he said, to un- derstand tho (-nmlitiun uf private sol- diers who "happened tube under a bulldozing. domineering officer'." Then- m'c- sunn- stich officers in the Canadian army I am sorry to say." width? speaker. 'H'tlons of those men." declared Col. Pratt. "Thruy Wore told they (:ouid not get ships. Twenty-rout. hours ttrtdp that Timing the men in Rhyl tharup were all paid. although they rnnld not get it before. Subsequent wants armed mm the men were right. Within a Week 20,000 were put u" ships and son! home. and they nrv now running hnme as never be- fore." them. t'ol, "I didn't' (rm-use the rioting. but ~utmeuucnt ("vents hare justified the yd IrcGrecoi. th: ransients valuing SH at present, although he had . of the tuaihr, the visit. Collier. had that he did not like into the, camp and thef , use they f'l W..ant to. know if_tluwe is any c-unpoction between the undvrstrap- pol-s- of the Air Ministry in Ar- :.'_\'H House with the ticket-sellers: if (have is some connection whereby 1hrrite,.ortivevs aw passed trom one place? lathe other and told they can- rot get ships, n'ntil, they get, the monvj'qu'd uw- nltlst Lufsélve' some, ways hand?" llv vantured "he 'rrriiniroti tlat thorn were ("anadian ot- rttrt".r.n Jing'nmd who did not know lvl'm'ed they had n pu-'sugo hooked1 fur humm- tltey Wen- fmn1ediately' tiisoNttirrgrur. Ilr, instanced the case of' tr Lié'ut. Mihmvll :and another" liete, Ir-nunUwIm was with that. oi'ticti.' 'l'lley haul hen-n u-ying' for four. months In pvt away. Finally they HEW!» " Io a iivket-se-Hvr for a "D" 'ir'vk,.btatitlt, and they guy home. at a (cost of ELLE" Thes t/cliett-stlVsv 0041-. Iitiod,itt thwntjhal he was making Cih (I, week in that manner] "That, is a uttsitive stcatttlrtlC. de- liar-Pd Col. Pratt. and Hti?ntrrev,c, (mi both sides of the Houso thumped' tin-iv desks, _ ...-.'\'I III IIIC Hausa Alum! sixty pm- rent. of the lmsL'thing nit-l) in llw wm'ld were "zllihdians. "l'louu, van-w about 6.000 vl' [In-m in Grunt Britain ul the pres- (m Mme. many of th~m waiting to up: hump for rum- nmnths. This it was imposaihle to do. but lite word Lani been pusxwl around among them that. hy "salving" thefhand of some Heket-sellvw they rnuld grit a berth and trip home. It was a fact that if they Went to the Air MiniStry and '_rq-.nr-_' wt, _ ' . :nngers on the train. mu! this money was voile-(1'94! from or.lt" of them. Thiorttoattrsv hm] luv-411 brought to tho :thhtiun'nf tho ftitnur" 'tuthoritios. Ite.. tl'etltred. - "Tin-1'0 should lw sump mu-uunt- ing. for in llu- [It'izhhm'hood bt '3.("00 which was pollen-led in that "nr." Silidvi'nl. T'I'ntl. . . 'v'. / 'cxA'wiv,tco,., ot" RAJ". "I'm-N's. _-"; Tus.. nxw-rivm-vx ol' of'lies in the Il.N.Td. wmw- "PX! velutrtu lo the lion's". Alum! sixty pm- vent. of the 'l,t 2m mu n fruiir.rit Huston Sta- 'i;;t,r. 't.orulott. to Ko ti, lil'l'O'HH'k to g i, ior ('mmhn Aitrat. Dunn-(ling tin, -"it1H tho, -1:o:u-lw:~r \rvro Junkvd. and .rn'ofi'lver and two H.('.U'S, "laitrt- In? to be from Argvlv Human. hassed thrbugh Anti defunndud, 'wo pounds 1mm out-h passengvr. The Tbronto ul'ilcvr paid H for Ilium-"If and wife, 2nd loaned tummy to "Hwy passen- gers Them» were nhmn L200 pas- :zm'vg'ers on the train. and this money was ("Ollm't'ml from tun-If of thém. and that if he did not apprqciate what. was being done to repatriate Itte Canadians "he would be, sent hkck to \Vhley'Camp; to kick his twels around for" few.nuonths. Not statistic,'" with this. MuGregm' asked m be paraded before the ()fticen. I'mumunding'. This: ('ullim' refused to "o, and mm hilllllhill if he were run (-m'aful hr would he want out. with n "1st Iin toHiro by himself Hymn in a 'ttlt mntlu- end hf the HAHN». Thic. "Il. Pratt (IN-lured, mm: "mu-um" In N. Il. & H.. for It I'm-an hm! " right ist he paraded he- 'n:'¢> his; vmvun' o'ir.rsr. Thy follow- "L' Inui'ving Au-Hrog'nr was Sent hark to Wi1ltsy 131m". and "fur :4'! n Major from Mnm'tnn. whose name he did nu! nivo. This ottiror. had 'uy4iywss :II Arr:rll "muse. H0 asked m we " Miriam "Mum: Inn was irt. :'nrmml that otlirrur W'rtrc busy. rte- Mrmnmd no! In lu- pm off. [his Hum-tun .\l:|_im- I'm-rod his way n :ancl {mum nu; "HM-ma: drinking lea um! Iuu, r'-trstso'rr,i'Htyltcvs:, sitting; on Jun. uni-I.) .mmkin: "ituvettes. Yul PHI" Hum told of H sonim' of, "m H In- Ix now in Tovottto who was "-'nn'.~,, hum" " umpln'nf yours 1uro, -,.; 7:0: (m n Hahn-4', [Custom Sta- rinn. 3.0mm", io gm In Hw-r-mwk to L I, ior ("111mm, Allow lmarding' the t'otttiratri'..u. tite l\l"Hll)E-l' fur South 's'orrolli sum hv did not condemn A-svuf 'Iimwv ge-nm'ully. There "(q-p ,umw gum! "Rivers there. "nu-ever. thoro was Arile "Hirer. an 'tit'tpcris,mnrrtto. '4: Mont. "unnuingrs. Ltsl ho aid ttol know how that man - "u! more. There was: scarcely a glu'mr ("HM-r in "rutvridu'tv1it, had hue" rvmrnmi umlm' Hui surplus offhuar ruling who had nut In"! heari- 'i-urnings lbw-amm- of ('ummings. i'nmmings was formerly a Sergeant. hm hm! boon 1":qu n Limllc-nant so in: he would talk lo senior omcers. "and he has- c-nusrad dissatisfaction from one and nl' Canada to the Minor." Hr- new: tritrast Hm nxpvrimmes of " Hajnr frnm Mom-ton. whose name 1w did in»! pcivo. Thi.; ottiror. had 'srrcittvss "ll Ar,v,rvlt "rump, lln "a"... with :'uwn lam!» u. :45: 1 man mg Mum-u '.ol 'rl nnw ito nnd tlt . "ran. like Hm! In oxnm Limit "Wu wh; u! thte nxpm-immes or Mnnvtnn. whose name tW. Thi.; ottiror. had :,\'H "muse. Ilo asked n Him-0r. Inn was in, S trl' orlies in the PK! I'Plnlt'd lo the ity lwr vent. of the in Hm world were Ctuutititt,eu. he . asked Wt'rr" .lmrkvd. and! two "120's, "lairnrl "pi.vlw Hulnw, hassetiz {link-d 'wo poundsi 'tl mu. kick Hun u Thy follow- Trt' was sent and "for a!'. ina' hiA1?t.ipils now." , sh'id Major ic. Weat- 'rt Tommy go-

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