Porcupine Advance, 14 Jun 1922, p. 1

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""llr"i-iiiii_, P0RCtjlPllrillf? All0VAricfE In reply to a question from Council- _,": by m ~lor Neivtun, the Town Engineer ex-lhroug plained that the summer water servive l the , mad been inaugurated for Moneta l thing again, the Township installing the l mega: aystem and paying for the water used. l Sewn In case of fire in town it ounld be clos- l was I ed " at any time if required. In view grand of Mutagami's action in seeking an-lmn a nexution to the Town, Council decided I and that similar summer water service again: should be available for Mattagami re- Per “dents. Mattagami people desiring l ton to summer water service and willing to at the defray the cost of installation, etc.,lfor th and pay the usual water rates in ad-‘cattle malice, can now secure this service for being the summer. lgerou; 1llllllll llf mlllllilll (Ill , ASSESSMENT, JUNLZSth Grant of $350.00 for Covering GrandIMr. Banner Neilly Gives Interesting Stands. Mattagami to get Restrict- Picts and Figures at Associated ed Summer Water Service. L C,)"'"' Boards Banquet. Other Council Business. i . - you " (in pith Nr, The Uounetl ta King's plan as {In eeuruypieal. The for the work was questiun whs hm ngain at another meeting. . Che unsightly and inadequate over'- head railw‘ny crossing was referred to again and "rt was decided to 'have the Coaneil meet the T. & N. 1). Railway Commission on the latter’s next visit to town and take the mutter up with hat body. The engineer was instructed to get out the necessary plans and speeihea- tions for the sewers and water con- nections for the hundred new houses “the built this summer for the Unl- lmger nut Pine Street should he g stune foundation, ll) im and 2 inches of saw-mod would make a good so: That would last for sever C. G. Williams, who was 1he Hollinger would be. the crusher, ete., for use for such work. Cu, thought 'the mud would without storm sewers. would cost about us 1 road:s. The dillhmlty l'm oeeured for a few days i l) to ruit ll nu'e to these s hat the busim he debentures rsrimated to In was a lot of m Ital cut'. £31111“ my be further " so on the new mn of approva Inns fur the t mil the Coum 1e proposed In weer was Instn'lt can 1' u mm Sm n- the town of tl: Seventh Avemy It was denided an reef lull the Ioeatlon st an'd west m'n wanting .sht along the ('uunvaur 11)]in Worl; ggested that h teen's 110th u: ne L’b't It n Jotuuftlior Newton spoke in {a tl a lt llllllllt tld Neal Buns by-l IL mm mm on Mint Vol VII No. 24 [If “will by mm an and at mn‘r Int-mum at to L'eolu n we YE est itnatt ill h "tered h In datum, LU s of spree .e. a good last for In' 31115, who .ter would w, ete., I'l )Jll n Wt il 3H " Hm IV JI H H. ite engine“ w ll own il a lllul‘mn Il ll " n " he gram Ill inches tit n Hm 0an li 'n II ll Il JU t't lit Wfls p t'P:uU be. glad to [on for the tmvn' Cuuneillot. Kin mid he all. nigh n Mr l n l WI survival)“ veral Neat h " ht He d tt l l' mu to In w w {Urit ol pzlvlng‘. ie50,000, Min-h onnoillm‘ King l IT te ll lllll( )lll ll Jil Ill w ll N C'IN NH n TI ttlt ll ll Is 1nditt'N " " It IVE " tleman (NH) ll Ill m te ll I? er l "llu'l If il ate? only line ll (It Il HUN I] (d ll Ill llL ll CSSH I'V Clll‘lll " f1 M " 11 ll "lnt'l night latter ll BYOB! Flu (me man ll ll W tlil " tlla H " I'l ll tilt tet ay th n 11d up in le It " "ten to erect a gate , at the bridge near , for the purpose of - cattle on his land r being that the gat lgerous to the pal r cause unnecessary I‘VTO HAVE ONTARIO BOARDS " OF TRADE MEET HERE IN 1923 and 517.9 0 muted EXHIBITION FOOTBALL GAME HERE ON JUNE 27th It more next yea men should 1 their stood cu tlllrll Illilm tlllilf THAN mm ill Miillll Tilllllf to deswe to meet hem em Ontario for year, various parts of the "onventions in the .1) lit W nen Sun t ll If ill It h td Counting: Bacon and King rainst, the mobion thus carrying. Permission was given to Mr. J. Dal., n to erect a gate at his own expense the bridge near the Town property r the purpose of keeping horses and 1tle on his land, the understanding ling that the gate would not be dam. 'rous to the public in any-way or use unnecessary inconvenience. um h ll It tin HIE-I'll ll the dc ll " " lllHlE lllllll It Wl1 Y strtl Ine It t. On motion of Con n and Noble a grant of made for the covering stands. Councillors Mori 1d Noble voted for the lt " w In comp Land W tSoatds ot l eipful ‘to the in the 5pm itlu "" In “out " ll am xtont of FE of by t athle up a crest In " lumen in the t ot or ttttl Mt Ili h Int a (“St " ttt 111 rue past, and [or oliee maid return the eompli- lparisun to the south, the has unusually strong I'vade when the mun-her bt various towns are com visit to the North Land Hell 5111 'lu " mt :lle cavern] He pointed M t of M P. Ile?; 01110! , 1' 'er It 11't tl produt interested enough In mar, the North Land, here "ne your. North- years has Itravolled to f the south for these he past, and for oliee n ll was me 0011 expenencc in the Ont Trade. It tl point the )USSI ll, tdir ll h dre anizations. “Hus ion of a park for realized that nu- could be done at n ll tttt nu lli ttt tr the ot If ll Int I.tit't oiliti ll U mention am ll Il p1 n e W mm to how lulu-h wo.werity of , 11 u JI't JilC out em husmc ll million dol- 'I' on ill, " ll were many ly the On- ,u'm Assu- would al.. ind hy as- ' the veal Land and ount III n'th tli or tlt' DE for most Ill ll Imam-i3! ll w ted W e W l ('miuri h Lam! market rt mot 1011 King m ()n th Ill under It ll ll " seven " em W 50.00 Ilit nded JU.crt W IT ll HUI 10H " le the " l y " " he ole n TIMMINS, ONTARIQ, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14tl: 1922. Ml to H H. W JI il h h I‘LDI'. Harv at at IMPORTANT PARTY To / VISIT PAYMASTER MINE process ot SI able showin encountered, il' preside, is expeete week, ae 415 1m Ur the new t fifty men promise to the master among an early date. ilillllll ililllililillll llll . EIME , SHARES ililiBliil mm Increased from 81.00 to $2.00 per Share Annually. More Capital Repayment this Year. Dome's Annual Meeting. In regard to the shareholder Hamilton P,. IN eeired the yol format ion over tepti Ct Associated Boards Discuss Many Important Question 1'Pt w GREATER AP?RpPRrATIoNs FOR NORTH ASKED. RESIGNATION R. A. McINNIS RELUCTANTLY ACCEPTED. MONTREAL BOARD INVITED TO VISIT NORTH. TRUNK ROAD SURVEY, GASOLINE CARS ON T. & N. 0., EQMESE EKERS’ EXCURSION, ETC., DIS- i JSSED. . [ , 2" -----_. l Il At the an 1lirftus the re creased from Iltl 1m Lt the I he 200 ll h te M (): (NV President “who per share would M In unmet lll tt"e annually tl It 9k, aremnpm A?rs connected luding some n continuin , foot depth before development war} been let to Hill-f Ill Weed n “I it lt T 1120 Unvern pital expew ll Ill all Inc lent Se lt Il n ll ll ll 1ymaster has been sunk o the 350 ft. level. Durin f shaft sinking a very c1 serves brol dVf it ly TI a t'elt Jun eeytttm INHIHN tlement of the lt Inilll HHIHII ll nt mtl nestlay mo U W yea luly annual' uwerin h ythetn It iovt Ill H'lllll tt Wills d ollowin 11' their 1't ll ll II I. Weed r] house to accommodate ll indications seem to appearance of the Pay- the new producers at de held at Kir ly, Thursday am was primarily a work. The co Hill-Clark-Fran: muse to accomn ll ttt ark City smklr high WIC, _.i'1h':l,;5l;b',4ti; on l $11.1t--3-10 per ton en'thusiastie. " broken 40,000 weve till wit! the n ' announce d hd paid end of we d DC ill mam ten HT 1)! II 111mm! meeting the Dome Minc ll dividend was in " evelopmel w e a t m N e TC Irtttttl ten 111 1111116 111nm paid for 315.- n ore reserves lire intm'ostin Mris to INN ll the note tmendmf, .would If Ill the shaft to th ng any later The contrac " ons ite Win w 110 m rupuu 'iot il very OPEL “BYE main Almtet e ore mule Pay- Township, gain next bout ten mterprise, urs. Since vain shaft d at least in capital. sent tiseal l't 5501'“! th li'f )mpany ll tt ll 1111 is for Dome “m Itll W a S fall tll 1i om IT ll U Hriiunark-Franeis have been award- ed the contract for the new four-room addition to the public school here. The work will be taken up at once and pushed through to completion. It will be ready for use when school re-opens in the fall. 4/ sotnetllm Mr. mine)". lt would the nice to get hawk to being British subjects, so that some measure of liberty and protec- tion for the individual might be assur- ed. Private and individual "enterprise in the case has been most generous, bat the Provincial attitude shows why CONTRACT AWARDED FOR 7 PUBLIC SCHOOL ADDITION bat t it is out but hasn t a 1 its suh.jet for enfor Mr. Hum? ll So Provincial Police Could Not Assist In Search for Lost Prospector, pl‘m'lsmns when I Heveral parties have diligent search all l but so far without I Mr. Jas. Hazleton seam indit that fund mg: man. Contrary to despair and other papers, the lice have not been able w vent William in the bu: Little hope him alive 1illillililll 1illlil Mill lit BE SEW fllllll [MIME 1t T, necessary to s Bolsheviks of Russ l Christian country H ll H in Srm rt men at the s hat truce may mu le in All} II' ll tes. s lor sp Lupposed allows Pt tlua tieems week auro t1 of M w ll ll " subject in Abyssinia some 'O the British Empire spent g like twelve million dollars. Vince of Ontario apparently cent forthe rescue of any of ets. Lots of money though it " r without Hazleton the some 'rtti ll us my kind Nicer latter ant nu In n U W tl'O 'd l in] attitude shows rwhy to send money to the tussia to prove this is " not the ta s, but of t mn'ide all rs to work nth w Vt h tlu 11'st " '9 been out 'makin through the busl effect. Thiswvee has still tt eoupl h in the slight hop found of the mis, Wert, )ney tIn T r " H amen roivrrs0ip, t pf ever finding wen missing fur without rifle 01 ! lost himself. " tll he: If I) H ll nent wa wim-iul tiisist in t ‘aull of t ll rescue orH KW l't' the bush, This week a eouple light hope N. I). all. d put [In Dominic! found ll sorts at ll O.T.A. humane I'N' 'ver m ernllt1E SYN“ pawl ”1'01 ll U H from Pl " the ll il ll m In It I] m 16 lt' (It pany has much cash surplus, re-ur- ganizhtion wtmld be imperative in arly event. It is understood that under the merger, old. shareholders are to receive one share of new for two of the old, the plan leaving 200,000 shares in the treasury. It is further understood that a Syndicate is all rea- dy to underwrite the stock remaining in the treasury, and that finances would thus be provided, assuring the resuming of work at once and the carrying along of operations on Large Crowd Delighted With tleverirr . jp"'""'"'":). Also Fine Musi8. ) Fl al Numbers. . I ' Intention to organize the new company with live million shares of par value of $1.01) eueh. An independent report some time ago showed that West Dome had about $50,000 worth of ore ready for treatment and provided the deal goes through development rwork could easily keep the mill of the Dome Lake in continuous opswation. This deal is generally regarded as advant- ageous to both oompanies, as the some ore body traverses both properties ll At the District Court last week at Haileybury Mr. M. Hearne was ae- quitted on the charge of assault laid against him some months ago. liHli TOMORRIOW DBCIDES DOME LAKE AND WEST DOME MERGER Eiilllthllili8 WENT 5'25 hlglilliligl Iffl 'iiihllllill illllllirlltl My; Kilf BY TRAIN SUNNY “If M Drmlv meeth Dome lf plays presume watcher artists 1nd ill e merged properties The mmple this presen vnurable 1'0 Thursday (tmnorrmv) decide: 's',ic ne of the organization of the West mm Litktr,1lining Co., as a joint Mina of the shareholders of the IV tl Ijtrt!letmtore that ol In tl llsr H " ll short ii't or tlie sha Ike and. We ' be held in 1t of the nu lim Ilo 1', ll. IN md Mr, ll " II ll n'ship ol' Mair. wit ll Il it 'erses bth propertiry ‘e the Dome ‘Lake has t he put in operation ir hue. As neither com n'tnn, was very pleas- Miss Theresa Quinlan e role with much skill realistic eharaeteriztt.. naive part. 'rd. t' and pleasing an'ess 1tion will assure a very eptinn for any further l by these gifted Selm- " HI nnqu ll Il tity It (we Sin t1 it ll upummont. wn l. Mrs. Keene' The Old “WHY; ll lllt , Dome emupu- nnmto for final nion. It is tn( All ll it ll 5 week , assuring the ct once and operations on tll, um Ilelutrt let Jessie LNl,qe- ‘1 maid, was n‘t and did ss of" the Ptr- I ild lied snort HIM H lllllll it H 1nd won " 'Curry 0n . Muir. T. Pnt'trtT 1'esluutru Pit d ‘Hl'lHHI iron and It n'esen wet and audience Adam ly mm tvid () I) H 1111(‘I'UH mmm-t il Pam} h ll Ct l tl thc l\ man with In MI llt ()1 till n We th( H HI ot 1( H ll ll ll IN ll t) thi the um run an " OPENING N.O.B.A. GAME CALLED ACCOUNT " RAIN the game last we went the contest and keenly-four,! Arron. Morrison III-ten NEXT MEETING ASSOCIATED BOARDS AT NEW LISKEARD SllUK'l'dl up smcmlly tor Coeltrane, while Danny Pine, Jess Becker, Flem- ing and “Bub" Hagan were players in the Falls team that were specially watched in the game. The next nwvti ing and Nurtf'on Boards of Trade Liskcard on Hum Nth. These dat for the famous N so tlwy should 'oe and helpful days North Land. Th Heed line. the pen ustratvs manly " llt ll lert 1mm ultir " on beix IMHO! ll MU ll lll (m Il tlis th: 1501):!” Ill 0n lCll " l n 1't " It'min lon the was tlt n Pulled Out While Passengers ere Waiting tio Secure Tickets. lirst indh HM mnnm ll It it ttl Single Copies 5 Cents ll tlt ll ll Ill w Pi we matter. unday the [min pui lweni.v-h've passenger where they were mun ot nlt will ll tur 11111111 ill md to be an other. ll mu Iilat ll JO: tr tl pt T.,' game m the Le, Falls vs. 4 w fourth innin " tt lay eeting to tlu 'xt le fails then had one to had no spore. The as “No game." Thus ume in tine Distrivt the match tomorrow Falls, as the second 1t Coehrane, on Mon- lim " rt rw Liskeard fall fair specially interesting in the history of the is meeting will be a ting, speeial abten- I the preblems of the 21's oftlw North. Of eral tombs of wider be dealt'with by the it'IT ll HIM was an interesting L affair. Thacker, and Dune, vaean ly tl and Sunday s. It 1 tVlit H )ml showin Vlf"t . o. has 1min rld niotto ‘ul " lt lt " ttt Imp: hue " rule recent- " felt they tin without export the eh a line of (ht " 1"oveulune, zinc form a pay hrtelti- & N. i). If tiled on the 'uvtailed on ll 1t nus soy-nee tt ml service U n ll OH " on the 0. would principles n to the m of the ll to last Ill the day ssihle in It tl ZS on at Oistriet hrehrane ll Iroquois Him] the m. Re.. ol; as if m- its it “mount le days an fair wasting ' of the necess- rightly 7; N. U. ll H at If nine: , $qu 'nn ve- dared about alon Hie out, n the 1' less 13' as "ll to spin" Hung made. “VB! h ISM)“ tail pus tint ll ' T ,‘nl out 2tld I't on the Eur U il ot " itt

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