Porcupine Advance, 10 May 1922, p. 1

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ed. "If the debentures are I can see no possilsle objecti wanted the Mayor. The fltr iieft over for‘furxher inforl ‘A petition was received 1 walk on the south side of '1 nue from the Queen's Hotel Maple street. The eonstrtr cement walk was not pmc the houses were brought net) level of the street. The ' gineer suggested that the 1) walk on the north side of " used for the south side go easy on In: one section. bought by the tre thought the were after or corner wuuld cost street, from Serum] would cost $21,!"th would thus he $4558 understood that ti: were anxious to 1mm roadways made and buy the debs it would nut ally. Coum.ill mam roadways been in very ha He had had (In growth of the town, the plan would he a danger and inconvenience to the general public. Aeeordihy:iy the Coun oil decided to provide a place where jitneys could stand waiting for pas- Bengers and the streets otherwise must be free of their standing. A by-law to this effect will be passed at the next meeting of Council and tlis"by- law will be rigidly enforced. "/- Councilor Newton asked as to what progress had been made by the Cont, mittee appointed to see about a mar- ket for Timmins. The Committee had not. yet had time to conclude its work, but the Mayor said that a market was now practically assured for Timmins. Jir. Brigham had kindly agreed to the 'use of the rink for the market if de- sired. account of the road. Mr. Jog. Gilbert also spoke to the ('ouneil regarding the roadway on Elm street which did not permit him art-e55 to his property wu" h his auto. These matters' were re- 2e1t.1] to the Town Engineer to see what can he done. 'Dir. John Dalton told the Council he had just lreetf'ney,otiatin,v,r with Jack Easton to buy a few lots from him in the cemetery. "f might as well sell the lots 1 have in town for busi- ness" said Mr. Dalton, who proceeded to point out that despite the high taxes and the heavy investment of the liveryp1en they seemed to have insuf- fleient protection. "Trventy-five cars can come and park right before my property-and take passengers right trim my door and under the present system I have no protection," he said. He also referred to the special hard- ship suffered hy another liveryman who was at present in the hospital. "I'm not oomplaining ahout the jit- neys," he >&Ilti, “hut i don‘t think that on payment ol' only $10.1?!) a year they should Ire allowed to use the " vantages of other people's property that pays a heavy share of the tax-i ation.” If some were allowed the use} of the streets for business, all should} have to have the same privilege. Ini reply the Mayor and some of the‘ Councillors agreed that there was some hardship intlieted by the present plan of allowing jitneys to stand any- where on street. Also, with the " yr fore the ("uunc ary peAnisiiiun new tuwnsite ' ed municipality townsite will l north of the to ferred to the 1 port upon, and port upun, given as so requiremen requirements are m Nr. John (humus eil if something out the end of Elm st: 'lots there on “11h build but JIIIIIYS III HAVE PIABI Jltltllllll IIIIIIIIIII WINS IIIII IlTll,lllllllll III WWII IBIIM flllljllll illliliglll, BY-law to This Effect to be Passed.nlwo Out of Three Prize Winners in Market Assured for Town. Discus- I F Bro Hustler Contest Ware sion Re Better Roads. Other I od,','"')"' Prom Timmins. Council Business. 3 --- The Maya» hr the need fox Ttrt the the these mttnen SO mu hat Jest Vol VII No. 19 lave no prutectum, ', he said. eferred to the special hard- ted by number Everyman at present in the hospital. Jen le access was not {:0 the road. Mr. Jo; to the Couneil ref-ta n Elm street Whit-l m access to his Ito. These matters " )urden H“ n te Jusmess men, c problem would ll ""'ll"'"'t-iE ID0RctjlPllrilf? Alfyv/AriCllf? SQ“ seemed to have insuf- m. "Trventy-five cars park right before my take passengers right and under the present 10 protection,” he said. yd to the special hard- Mums to he looked '. the Couneil had to expenditures on any the debentures were e w agltt up the question improvement in the Ill tt If were willing t, If they did thi he town tinanei he que inform H n I) [structlon ot a practical until t nearer to the " not be done t. He had f he intended not possible Mr. Jog. Gill ly a market was for Timmins. agreed to the market if de- Il r. Jog. Gilbert regarding the which did not 20.00 tttttW, to r mation H lite tet'ittf1tlt corner whe V11 In orgamz 11' MiE tlu be on was If \ve an it If ll " side Ave HIT com soi ouncu with from ji well me on it h tt up, ee- 9N ttlt sent oun " )lll OI] to lt were passed l mess dealt wit Hue, meme On motion W Wttll t'l mm 'R. w. Br rill pay hi: keaver Lodg meat walk is .put on the north side. The Board of Works are to look into the matter and if thought'desiruble a board walk will be put on the south side from the Queen 's down. Couneillors Morin and Newton mov- ed " resolution that better provisir‘m he made for the. town ollioes. There Ivor uon Another Enehre and Box Social, un- der the auspices of the Altar Girls’ Sonia): is to be held in the K. of C. Hall, Timmins, on Thursday evening of next week, May ISth. The events put on by the Altar. Girls' Society are always pleasing and sueeess/'ul and the young ladies concerned intend to make the event on Thursday of next week even more enjoyable than pre- vious Socials. Cards at S.30. A good time for all assured. EUCHRE AND BOX SOCIAL BY ALTAR GIRLS' SOCIETY meet were no purchase ne'town. The usual the baseball talent of the Falls is an auspicious opening for the season. At the same time the incident also in, dieates the fact that The Broke Hust, ler is widely read and-popular. “If ference with players by the coach, til iriiiy: of bat by eateher, failure t toueh buses. hitting out " order. " Mr gswers gave exactly Billy Evans suggest used were generally the puzzle for the 1111: Cummings came nee perfect solution and h'rst place. Umoive tum of The full by Billy and trleiW6 'wn um l' HE Six batter t one run numllor it ll ( Wednesd ll ln( counter though I] " NI " place. Umpire Smit Iimcntary referenee t of Messrs. Scullv a n m usual accounts Pl assed and other I ritit del any f If "ills n ttl ovel JWIn " " " T h tts m acted as Judge gave an intere ism of each of The Contest ll baseball pruMe ly Evans. Non ttt Vtlll " o ty h Kin ay ) y be available. Cing brought for, truck for the tow: talent. An auto t itself in the savin , for transporting 1 ion with the water Jr, disposal plant, Councillors Kina H 1.F' es concerned intend to t on Thursday of next re enjoyable than pre- Cards at S.30. A good In tt wt " player was retired tally touched with the 111 this confusion, eight ieta II .ytepped ount lerk t) rl t the needs tor the ventually the matte: tly evenm the Scull)“ and Mt he Problem as L Helm. D.D.G.U (med in the inning at a base on balls and a triple were mlls hit over the. Mir territory when the playing: field " visit to Golden A.M., Timmins, 1N C'ru'rot I'uwlem prultount None of the ar the solution the ad, but the play an 'es ll nd Town En- to see about able truck for next st to mung a , was awarded Plt rt. Mr ly tl )I'llf w E Wt ll n 1mg revlei the wiunin hf 1' E to.um en Ill 116 the plays, and fitted HM IE )rward 1e " m Iveri lad hr UV: up lat ll TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10th 1922 31 mamder ot their days with th dren there. The sincere syml' all will go out to the bereavet and the children and other he tives and friend? in this sudde vement. There are two daught viving,---Miss Edna, at hon Ivey who is married.and now in Detroit, Mich. Two sons , left, both having returned to 1 after spending some time a home here following the close Great War in which they both: loyally. The funeral of the 1 Seth Hutchison will be held th to South Porcupine. It is lilo Mrs Hutchison will return sh Endmd to reside with her son and highly I Camp, Jras t home here on SUDDEN DEATH OF MR. / SETH HUTCHISON MONDAY Last week the Porcupine Camp had a visit from Mr. Walter Knox, noted athlete, and representative of the On- tario Amateur Athletic Association. ()n Wednesday Mr. Knox was in South Porcupine, and on Thursday afternoon he treated the school child- ren here to an interesting motion picture exhibit in the Old Empire Theatre. On Friday he visited Sehu, maeher where he showed his motion pictures and otherwise roused inter- est in athletics and sport. Mr. Knox was expected to put on his motion pie, tures in the Old Empire Theatre on Friday evening: last in connection with the annual meeting of the Tim- mins Athletic Association but was un- able to get back from Se!m1naeher in; time. l ollee W to all games free. Messrs, w. Field and A. J. lluwnie were, appointed as the ulticial referees for these games, Mr Downie to oliieiate at all games between the Underground and the Town and Mr. Field at all (between the Surf'ar-e and Town, and the two offiei. zils to take alternate games of the Surface vs Underg:round matches. The meeting.r decided to give every eneout'agement to junior football, the matter of seeing about outfits, ete., for the hoys beine left in the hands of WALTER KNOX, FAMOUS ATHLETE, VISITS CAME Mr of reason to worth more tlet Ct tiltt tt First Game in Town League V Be Town vs. Underground, On May 18th. . filllfllllll,ll?allllf EAR 1litglll HIGH WATER AT _ilffltftt HEATED EAR [HEAL EEAGUE EAMES' MII CAUSES DAMAGE. jllllliflt llilillllllllllilll mil Mr ergrtrun.tl. Saturday ii Surfaoe. Saturday IOP, , wn ft Intent ll It abalt Count es of Chief new tlf '01 l) tuund. wsday, June 2 was derided t 5 cents admissi lllI H week the to make 0 " l hereafter for " " It lt Huh ll' IN l. esteeme 1 the HUN June M Max M l dispensed with of Police Bonne, n de e man 'own o ead In bed at h 2y morning. Dent '1'011‘hle. The lat It m, :1 well-known u M l' 20, Q u 1' fat 1'e m League Will A Set 111 OI ssur )mmittee (ler det 3 give every football, the outfits, ete., the hands of le Dresen 2tted me vs 'l'nwn. nominal fee w Sounevule lee l Newman obal ll-l, al "Int of n It 1115 11 H Fttt' " If Itt l t 0 91121119 on 111g lar-ful to teach his pig threatens to cross before next'year. bars have lost lo .;-n\'e\'e1', lune-been tnes settlers, on the 'low lying: land down the river Their land, houses, barps, ete., ete., have been eompletely drowned out. Up the river the losses have been very heavy. Indeed, all along the river this is the faet. Col. \Vorthington’s house had little more than the roof showing up above the water. He had to move to living quarters at his ramps. On Monday, to save about 100,000 feet of lumber, he boomed it and started doe/h the river. It was a memorable ride for speed and danger, but the (‘01. and his men got their raft through to Sandy and snubbed it safe- nen If ”mg possmle nus, {wen .vater by, but the floods many. One man descriln , 1' tl ll " 1'1 111 " ough to Sandy eventually. I ine house was higher ground ful of water. li' ll m 11'esserton Co., Jlet tieally every settler IQVE " Vel') ll wire he tt 1'1 var , Wit N tl m W E te ens to cross Ins Hens With ducks ' next'year. He and his neigirs 1ave lost logs too numerous to m. F. M. Warhngrord, the Chr. Tie, Timber & Construction Co., ll ll tl xoke M lifered fl Wa 111V n IO e NOWE Indy H sable 11E waitir the floo drownet it fl ll he n most 1] tt of us n S wee tlf M P. E tt (i It un ily ttt Mr. Brewe] ii to swim 1116 flooded eseal ll " ll mum Met urtailmen illt ll out the IE ht pulpwood, tint. »quois Falls also effect. the work Jude, Jet l C. Brewer’s ed. The house ted with a eel.. IN ' e V tl res ll n one IVE ave been S'andy f SHINY It hm " Ket Ills every " .Re0lt1s ttot mas had and he in ducks me 11 xt't'e W " H It WI Ir) WEE had JI " w tho dl, on tl IE ol of ht lb Mr llt' tendanee of baseball fans. Plans were started for the Day of Sports to be held here on May 24th by the Baseball Club and a very pleasing day is look- ml forward to. Among the items de, Filled upon were a Junior Baseball Marchya Senior Baseball Match, and a Senior Football Match. The Senior Mr. «Chas. Sheehan Appointed Man- ager of District Baseball Team. l'iuwhull: H. F. H. ('mlmzm. l"m)tlmll: l). l3. ('ui'lis, Tennis; ll. F,. Martin, Lurl'nssv; W, Pierce, President; J. W. Faithful, Secretary. A number of matters of interest were discussed in connection with the athletic grounds and plans started for a successful sea. son for the T.A.A.A. Illlllflliill CLUB HMS fllll SHIRTS llll MAY y 1M on quesllon mg- was eont ing of the I the olh'eers,- et'etavy,--anr' ll Dre): withdraw, but eventnajly taken, starting: with the (m the h'vst ballot Mr. IN M Me when a If IE HIS -Ia mat 1011 The Base MI whim-anon by \fter the work IN of the Executive which includes ofh'eers,--the President and Se.. avy,--and one representative from _ of the Clubs. The representatives em wetse:-F'ive Chief Borland, 'hull: W. F'. P,. ('mhuun. Funthull: N. o. COMMISSION HERE ON TOUR " INSPECTION 0 <1'.<. 1'19 William trer We l'f o tliullit Itlt Ind WI " he Thes nines-day ( Railway ( IN' " 1 from here additional , the mnttee was then pr 1' President there were Perm resident will fr 059 IE Il Id M Humiglmu brought up the. covering the gt'andsttinds, e matter will receive due n by the executive. work of the annual meet eluded there was a meet Executive which ineludes m” , lf M e m Vt' IV1t1 " 1l0CU' rounds t ty of spot '1' l Oh nominations H IL [If Mnnnglnm, (human, C. Harland and Pierce. asked to he allowed to eventitajlv a mm was " It or the r.A.A.A. toy I'. Mr. J. w Faithful seerehiry-treasurer by " nr Hmlt1 ll W Match. The Seuit between Timmix chrune or Iroquo n md 11’) Wtt tr) W II' 111‘" n n ere 1'1 lh ll In heel lat $01116 it It itltt ltan, ( it tn " 21 ol' " ma )pointe H n PTOPPG‘I II It a vote was last named. Pierce was IPI Iranted the May 24th, will be pnt has a lt? stnwettiry JN' W )l'I't N llumh F. Am the inoludin dman, ( " 11 Mr Messrs 19 Vot report HI 35011 H I' YE HS W tl , di Hr I'e IN trtt ttl Ct lv MR. T. BROWN SERIOUSLY o.w" INJURED IN ACCIDENT H ret " orotr. he added to the above offieers as art exeeutive eounnittee. The seeretary is to ask earl: of the mines to appoint a representative. The Committee to look after the Rink was appointed as follows:---Dr. 1felnnis (proposed by Messrs. Bor- land and Ostrosser) ; Dr. ‘R. H. Brown (proposed by Messrs. J. Thomas and H. w, Hooker); Mr A. rh"azeau, (pro- posed by Messrs. A. Borland and P. Maeaule,v). These were elected as the Rink Committee by oeelanvation. Fire. Chief A. Borhmd was nominated but w i t h d re w. After the elm-lion of offieers, ete., there was tt general disenssion on ho, ekey, and all present seemed confident that the mining season will he the il 'l'i'e'dsurey---ll. Sutherland: proposed by Messrs. Marshall and Todd. It was further decided that a repre- sentative from each of the mines,-- the Hollingev, McIntyre and Dome,-- 1N: h'teeveturj' by Messrs. H ookuhv. M were ehiefly that full provision Shoal? he made for skating t'on the publie and special hours for skating, for chil- dren, as in previous years. The rink of course, would have to be left in as good condition as when taken over The Mayor also pointed out that them would always he work available fox good win-hers at the different mines and as the good workers and the good citizens were the ones that made tin hest men in the hot-key team, this was another advantage. The t'ollowinw Were the Ullivers elect- ed for the llm'key Clulo for the ensu- ing: year, all being eleeted by acclama- tion H guru to we mm. It a committee or husiness men were to be appointed as trustees to see that the arrangement was carried out, the Hollinger would allow such ll committee full returns from the rink and full eontrol for tho season, subject to certain roasonnhli. reservations. The committee would have to pay in rent only an amount to cover the taxes and insurance, ap- proximately $800.(Nl. The reservations were eliiefly that full provision should he made for skating l'or the publiu hml special hours for skating for chi!» Imsmese men w: trustees to see was carried out Mluw sueh ll (w from the rink a: jHUEKEY ilfflllillll fllll _,' EWING SHEEN METER havmg good, He Slit] that very kindly I' tee, and [here Hni Meyers. President----)',, J. Meyers; proposed 'f Dr. Brown and Chief' Harland. Tiee-sPresilent--H, J. Marshall; oropused by Messrs. Todd and Mey- ('K( It Mi le support lt “It Il 16 eff in unllttee dlu lo ' El, J. Meyers, President. Dr. Me Innis. Dr. Brown and Mr. A. _Brazeatl on Rink Committee. HI Imp Single Copies 5 Cents If " ll tPt Me hm Ill " his n Mr. I ll tlu 11H ll reside met I) everythin nu Sm rious th recovery eleetion of offieers, ete., renerul' diseussion on ho. present seemed confident tin; season will be the Hwy. The arrangements ' hands-of the Committee rIor>Imxding that every- d ihvm and will eo-tHer'- tet II D. Sutherland: proposed " Ire' H Cl'll Km mJurles are reru Mr. Brown, who t. Brown of town e shift bosses at tile mme caption 1 V. Luidlaw, proposed Sutherland and H. W. H't't " taken at once mus reported for: the Fhirteen appointed at 11;: to interview the ' their eo-operation in W215 H " In 5 every t the mine lave to be left. 111 as P, when takep over. rinted out that there work available for the different mines, '(H‘liUl‘S and the good ones that made the whey team, this was reoently underground 100k nu] in smue way led by the moving 5 injured and his H HH'r If ll f Il, r nmnagem n'mmsitiun W a N will be H) W n n , had Elven tl , the commit . assurance of was sen-Ions- an Tuesday l' the unfor- n clear. Mr. h running: to 1 account. te to the required ed to he to some was 1001(- and when e will be " Ham tle () up ngurles appear speedy ol' sw , has , the e m , the done nt had in re- 1'iP3Set? 11117. rs 'lrer'- , thu ." yet Bri Huber 1', Dr, fr. H. Iet'e ll tt n

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