Porcupine Advance, 28 Dec 1921, p. 4

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F A r- l w 53%.? ... 'is.??),?"",' on: tp, a i May the New Year bring i t Haippiness and Prosperity l A man who formerly was driver for Candusso's bakery was arrested here last week and is being held on a charge of theft., It is alleged that while acting as driver he collected a number of accounts, perhaps to the extent of $400.00, and failed to turn in the money. The people who paid, the money had receipts and when these receipts begun to be produced, investigation followed. The accused some time ago left town and was working in the bush near Connaught. Last week he came to town and was then picked up by the police. He will come before Magistrate Atkinson to, marrow. BAKE WAGON DRIVER ACCUSED or' THEFT Iroquois Falls re-leeted the Mayor and Councillors by aeelamation as follows:----) John Vanier, machi- itist; Councillors James Brown, mill- wright; Patrick Kennedy, electrician; Franw K. Ebbittt, Secretary; Edward Kelty, foreman; Arthur Brewer, sup- erintendent; Patrick Cannon, mill. wright. Ilif ?illltilM AWAKE! IROQUOIS FALLS RE-ELECTS MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS "oo-ooo-ttoo-ot-oo-ot- WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28th., 1921. Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Pybtidherr Canada - United States Jeweler and Optician T. & N. o. Watch Inspector 333‘; at? s2u'ify,r,f,'tF, Subscription Rates t {I 2 - vs " _ MW. . . = . . . r ' “"4 - Mg - _ MEiR - . " ,.~--.w-. KX an. - - - I . L " - i rr Mrh ‘ Jam Mt 2 ' " m, ”ma ' " a. " sc" 2 It 2 - -‘ ql% - il i w" r ‘ AI " ". . IIW" tttit. . , 1 , ., 2-; , _ Mel . Lu " .. m: 1 . ' . ,w . r , b - - 2 L." " _ r w ' 8 1.. .7 4.4 . . rgr . Fr - . 4 _ . " g . My ,. 1.. 2 . = ' . , " , “up". , 51¢”th * uh It; . -'~..- MNT r c. "r, tBt w ' .. - f’ nun-‘5 A " u .4 . , it u mp, . 'i 2 . 2 M' " - - "'. , “my " - Mi " " - , A .‘ BI ' - " .. ' $3 lat - 2 q " " II. T Mi . » . - MIN - . - _ w‘ r _ r V . . . - rr v ", I . "25v! " _ , . 2 _ r . . ‘ , il M . :2 » ' " , I lim " ~ MP, J w ARR - " ' th' A. ' 2 ‘ - . . I . , w Ft u s, tENE . .,2. . " K - - _ ', . . . - l H); “A 9.2.24; ‘ _ 2 q . 2 . l - I ,“) m . " , tlMBlMF' 1m '" vhf, m JE '7' » , '. . , . " , And may it be our privilege to add to your success Chas. P. Grill Telephones: for 10 Days Thurs., Dec. fl!) to Jan. WO”¢M¢MMMWW¢OWOOOWW Beef t.e.t........ Pork,............. Mutton, forequarttsr Bindqtsarters . . . . . Veal, hindquarters . Sausage Choicest Turkey. 12 Look at the big savings you can makejirthe follow- ing, all best quality '.- _ Phone 213 33 Fourth Ave., Timmins WMOMNOGOMWQOWWW Delivery, Daily in Timmins, and twice.a week in Schn-macher Shortening, per lb. All kinds of Fish, fresh and salt, at reduced prices. ooo-to-oo-oo-oo-o-o-"". ir-ill,,, 1,,,..dEE.'llDlllL,,,,,,jc Residence 112 $2.00 year 83.00 your ONTARIO Mrs 7c., 12c., and 15c. ... 160. and 18c. 5. .......... 14c. ... 10e. and Me. to 15 Ibs., at per ........... 50c. The police had a high old time Mon- day evening when they raided the pre- mises of W. Peters who recently open- ed a new store at 66 Fifth Avenue. The policegot inside and,found a glass and a jug with what they thought was Oh-be-Joyful. While Car- rying the liquor downstairs the Chief and Offieet' McCauley were ‘both set upon by some of those in the house. The jug was smashed to atoms, but Chief Greer saved the glass and its contents. A keg of wine was found in the cellar and seized. The ladies in the house gave their men every as- sistanee apparently in obstructing the work of the police. But, as usual, the police get the best of it in the end. W. Peters is now in the Hotel de Greer awaiting'trial on a charge of having liquor illegally. Mike Laturski is to face charges of being: drank and obs.. trueting,' the. police, and the ladies of the men in question may also be asked to respond to charge of abstructing the police. , GIRL WANTED-I:) Birch St. Ti POUGHT THE POLICE TO RESCUE THE DEAR BOOZE MANY GASES FOB. POLICE COURT HERE THIS WEEK Police Court here this week grill be a my place, there being a large num- ber of cases to come before the Ma- gistrate. Most of the cases are in connection with undue drunkenness, but there are also some more serious charges. The police were very easy during the holiday time, but could not, of course, allow rowdy work or rough house stuff. Several who insisted on the rough stuff or who were absohr. tely incapable of navigating were picked up during the week. There are also other cases ranging from theft to breaches of the ().T.A. to be tried. m HIS' a]. Phone 20 17c. 16e. Me. Timmins, Ont. Pure Lard, per lt. p............ 18c. 10 lbs. Sugar for.............. Me. Hate} size Milk, St. Charles .. .. 30c. Pure Strawberry Jam, Jacobs & Co. brand, 4 m. tin for .......... 90c. Potatoes, M th. bag, choice .... $1.75 Apples, 15 lbs. for ........... $1.00 Extra. fancy Barbadoes Molasses. per Finest Bulk Black Tea, 2 ths. for 65c. ill- mas Tree with gifts on it for all,--- not one missed,-uSanta Claus arrived in person to distribute the gif'ts,--- there was a delightful programme fur- nished chiefly by the t,i,r1Te-.-r1n/li there was the usual excellent supply; of good things to eat. The programme) was remarkable for its high excellence: throughout. It included well-render- ed reeitations by Jessie Watt, Anna- hel Murdock, May Moore, Master Adamson, Citwke Robertson, Patsy Murdock, Geo. Dewar, Stuart Dewar, Winifred Wilson, Master Croskery; charming little songs well given by Annie Jean Scott, Fordyee Scott, Ini- sie Roberts, Margaret Easton, Rosina Mair, Maisie Muskett; piano siylee- tions that showed decided talent by Edith Haughland, Maisie Roberts; a pleasing duet by Maisie and Robby Roberts, Maisie cleverly playing the accompaniment. Miss Gittin assisted in the success of the evening by her good work at the piano. Mrs. Cros-' kery and Mrs. J. R. Todd also eontri.. buted to the programme by .interest- ing and effectively-given recitations appropriate to the occasion. Mr. M. B. Scott, the president, occupied the chair and conducted the gatherifig :with his usual diplomacy and effieiei1- my. The evening was especially the 'ihildren's.Evening, and the Youngs- ters one and all had a delightful time. In the pleasure of the children and the fine programme of the evening the Lower folks also enjoyed themselves very much. The Caetdoniatf Christmas: Tree accordingly may be set down as a complete success and a very pleasant evening. There were over a hundred enjoyed the delightful Christmas Tree event at the regular meeting of the Caledonian Society in the I.0.0.F. Hall on Friday evening of last week. The children particularly had a Happy time and the event from beginning, to end pleased them immensely. There was a Christ.. CALEDONIAN S HAVE VERY PLEASANT CHRISTMAS TREE One morning last week at an early hour the window of the post ofttee was broken. It is thought that the damage was done by the town snow- plough, the handle of the plough pro- bably banging against the window in passing. At any rate the big window was broken all, right and the accid- ent occurred about the time the plough went by. The plough, how- ever, shares the possible blame with .a horse that was running the roads and particularly the sidewalks the morn- ing of the accident. The accident gave rise to a story that the post otfiee had been broken into and rob- bed. This is an illustration how the imagination of someweople can be started off. There was no robbery and no one even tried to enter the post otfiee through the window, except the snowplough or the horse referred to. P.O. WINDOW SIMPLY BROKEN BY ACCIDENT TEE POEM ADVANUI The so-ealled “Timber Probe" ins- tituted by the Farmer Government has lost its interest for the. fair-mind- ed public. The enquiry for a time pro- mised much of interest to those who labour under the impression that all politicians are rascals and all com- panies and eorporations.thieves and rogues. The charges of “crooked- ness," however, do not seem to have been maintained by the evidence sir. mitted, though quite naturally some of the “mud" thrown will stick, even without any conclusive evidence. All this is a detriment to the pulp and pa- per business, with apparently no com- pensation, unless political propaganda can be considered as helpful. Inter- est in the apparently political probe was revived last week when Commis- sioners Riddell and Lateht‘ord were constrained to refer. to " treason" and "tyeaehewy" in regard to some of the evidence already submitted. The mat- ter arose when G. C. Hurdman, form- erly Crown Timber agent at lSudbury, charged that a "fake" report in con- nection with the checking up of the Spanish River Pulp and PaperlCom- pany had been made by Sam Marks, a Government employee. The alleged fake report, which was unfavorable to the Company had been prepared for Robert Harding, former ’Crown Counsel in the Timber inquiry: The commissioners spa1itieularly objected because neither they nor the then Crown counsel, Mr. Harding; had been informed by Hon. Beniah Bowman, Minister of Lands and Forests, or Niven or Hurdman, that the report had been faked. Mr. Hurdnian said Marks was entirely incompetent to make a survey. He had made a survey of some burnt timber areas of the Spanish River Lumber Company's and faked the report for Mr. Harding. "'I had a man watching him and knew ‘he faked the report," Mr. Hudrman lasserted. Magistrate Atkinson had an easy day last Thursday at the police court here. It 'was a regular Christmas Week Special. There was not a single case brought before the court for the week, the only cases to he dealt with being thwo cases remanded from brevious weeks. One of these was the case again Joe. Gilbert. eharg- ed with beating his wife. Gilbert was committed to stand trial on the charge before a judge. 'He is now on bail awaiting the trial of the other court. The other case was that of M. Hem, charged with attempted rape. In this case considerable evidence was heard, some of it of conflicting character. The accused who strongly maintains his innocence was remanded again un- til this week. He is out on bail of $1000.00. CLAIMS “FAKE" REPORT USED AGAINST COMPANY ONLY TWO " ONE OF THE MOST PLEASING OF CHRISTMAS NUMBERS Arhatever Iroquois Falls attempts it usually does unusually well. Iro- quois Falls brings' jo every Jask 'a 'wholeheartedness, a thoroughness and a loyal pride in the town that. praetie- ally always means something out of the ordinary. So true is this that to know that Iroquois Falls is going; to do something,,--)" it be in sport, or business, or dramaties, or just "boosting the toirn,"--is to expect something special. Anyone who ex- pected something special in the way of a Christmas issue of The Broke Htistler, Iroquois Falls' own news- paper, will not be disappointed. The Illustrated Brolre'Hustler issued for Christmas week is a credit to Iroquois Falls and to all concerned, and will prove a delight to all who may be in- terested in the Big Paper Town of the North Land. There are 16 pages of beautiful printed photographs of peo- ple and places in connection with the Falls. Brief but illuminating headings give added value to the pictures. The Town Council, the Board of Trade, the Executive Council, the Science Club,' The Theatrical Club, the (J.W. V.A., the Hortieultural Society, the Unions, the Fraternal Societies, the Churches, the athletic clubs and SpurtS, the ladies' athletic clubs, the Fire Brigade, the School Board and the Teaehers,---all aredoietured in this handsotie illustrated number. Printed on calenderod paper in pleasing tint, it is a number that everyone who knows anything of the Falls will trea- sure as a most acceptable souvenir. 0n the front page is a message of greeting that is well worth reproduc- ing. This, message rettds:--yHitron1 the Community of Iroquois Falls to Its Friends Everywhere. Greeting. We have faith in this wonderful North Land, the land of vast forests, of im- mense mineral wealth, of unlimited agricultural possibilities. We have faith in the manhood and womanhood of the North and their ability to de- velop its resources. Coofident in the future, we wish to you and yours a happy Inletide, and may the new year, and every new year, bring to you greater happiness and a larger mm of prosperity? _ E'O "RNEAND" CASES AT THURSDAY'SOOURT WANTRB-A1irl or elderly woman for light housework; good wages paid to right party. Apply to ‘The Ad, vance ottfire. HORSES FOB. BA1iB--20 good horses for sale. Prices range from $50 to $200. Apply Triangle Lumber Co., Timmins." --46-- HOUSE POR SALE in Seluunaeher; 7 rooms; 2 storeys; reasonable terms. .Apply P. o. Box 662, or Phone 171, Timmins. ---50 A meeting of The Porcupine Agri- cultural Association will he held in the Township Hall, Porcupine, on Monday Jan. 2nd. at 7.30 p.111., 1922, for the' purpose of electing olh'eers for this your 1922. HOUSE FOR SALE, at Gillies Lake; w'ell-flnished; seven good rooms; " so good shack on property. Apply to Mrs. Laura Fournier, at the pre- mises, or Timmins P. O. --50-53p BABY SLBIGH FOR SALE. Apply Box th., Advance Ofttee. --61-- 25 rooms; all modern conveniences; living quarters in connection; unfur- nished. Apply to Timmins Townsite OHiee at Rink. --60-52 MISS LOUISE McDERMOTT GRADUATE NURSE (3-year Course) i With Post-Graduate Course. Open l b For Engagements. THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY OF -- TIMMINS. Open to native-born Scots and Scotswomen and those of Scottish descent. ,. ', Meth every second and fourth Friday in the month in the I.0.0.F. Hall. - Membership fee $2.00 per year for ordinary members and 50e. per year for associate members. M. B. SCOTT, GRADUATE NURSE Phone 184. - Cochran, 62 THIRD AVENUE, TWINS. TO REhrT--RoeM IN G HOUSE. HOUSE 8-roomed house, with bath and furnace, etc. 45-foot lot. 5--PAMENGER TOURING CAR Audits Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. Books Opened and Kept Posted Por Local Tradesmen. P. o. Box 804 - Timmins, Ont. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmina. DR. JNU. B. MKEN DENTIST Phone 201 ROOMING HOUSE TO RENT OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINB. MISS B. FINDLAY BERNARD a. BRADY New Empire Theatre Block . TIMMINS', ONT. In Moneta, 20' x 70'. Gurdun H. Bauthiar Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, . Gauthier will he at Timmins daily. _ 24 Hemlopk St. or Reed Block. FOR SALE A. C. BROWN President Special bivestitptitms Income Tax Returns (1919 Overland.) ACCOUNTANT WAREHOUSE NOTICE Apply. J. W. REED, J. W. YOUNG, See Cochrane, Ont. P. DOUGALL, Secretary Wm _ ~oommooomog p WW‘ WOO“. 0000000000000 0000000000000 Sommooomw' 1 Under and by virtue ot Fieri Faeias issued out of tl Court of' the District of Ter, in a. (certain actiou where Court of the District of Ter, mskammg‘, in a. certain action wheve in Realms-{s bottom & Edwards are Ph, ,intii’fs and, Tommy Burns Cold Mines 9 LimitMi, and C. R. Pope are Defendaz urs, and at me direeled and delivered : Against Wk}: goods and chattels and lands. l and lent': ments of the said Tommy Ir urns Gold; Mines Limited, and C. R. Po De. I have seized and taken in executin Y1 and will: offer for sale by publie auel Ion M my. offiee in the i'mut House, Towas ob Haileybury on Saturday tin 3 31st. day' of December, AJ). 1921 at t he hour of: ten o'eloek in the forenoi "? all, thir vight, Nth), interest and et wily o'rtts, demption of the said T, ""I‘my Bums» Gold Mines, Limited any/J c, R Pope in to or otrt of the flu” / ng lallai‘gnd’ tenements, that is t / C"- m_, ' ,"a,-. more, 0 Parcel 780, Cents ming, being Mining situate in the Town in the Uistrivt of F mining: by udmeusur mung situa more ttr the ine 11' mln more or ming, being Mining Claim ELDI" situate in the Township of Camje the Diytriet of Temiskaming, com ing by admeasurement, 40, 8-10 more or less. Dated at Haieybury this 15th of' September. .D. 1921. - A. MATHESON . ' l Civil Humor and Ontario Land Sumyor. Offiee opposite Post OMee. P.0.Box443. ..' Tistunina,UQt. mg tua Highest Market Prices PAID FOR ALL RAW PURS Orders taken for high-grade garments. Dealer in Raw I'm Box 33, Matheson, Ontl Phone MIA. Tuning ardlle4iriag Singer Sewing Machil gs Tgent, 9 Maple St. Pa reel Satisfaction Guara teed AL. WILSON 35 Third Ave. 3' "'ht 'ne 236. SHERIFF’S SALE or' ' "LANDS mate Buy Willis Piano fron a I'? 'aree DY ate. m Distrh ate In I)istri( Distrh by ad Os' Sheriff, District of Temiskami i). Sliillljll)i Noah Tillfer Ltealer in t WOOD, I ALL LENGTHS Promp 't Delivery NEH FAULKENHAM less tlmeasuremen Ir, on: Old 91 tlu GEORGE CALDBIOK, 10 ".l‘ownsl of Temisl " (R-ntre Mining Minir Centre Section Mining Claim , Township 0de d' Temiskaming asurement 37, E Centre Me u.neta. tt'emer l‘nwnsiup ol 1'emiskamin 'ST, J tion Temiska'.. q .dim H, 12.1249", whip of Langmuir, H . . ' N'-, I'emiskaming, con, , ament, 36% acres; Swath Section Teri Section :‘Tlaim LI) o Spruce St. run 25. n n and will: el ion M my, " Towas of? u 3 Blst. day- t he hour of oi an all, thir mity orre, [many Burns. c, H Page m T}? 801M, tao 19 Dist cm 10 Coritalt Writ CM U. haw. m (I til of vidt Mio H Tt'i3 l

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