Alkiin Cl B fs! hGs Aid #00008¢009890000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 @0000000080000000000008600 ©00900090000000000008000000000000000000000000000000 8006406000606 WWWOOMOWO'MCOOOW“WQ“QQ00““0000 00000400000000000000000000 ©80000000000080006000000000000000000000060000600000006000066686 In some instances, where there is some small defect, we have cut the price right in two. In lines where we are heavily stocked we have reduced the prices in some cases as low as 50 per cent. Before buying see our goods and get our prices. @0900008000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000600069 $000600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000046 00000000000000000000000000006666 Complete in every way, with wash board, wringer, clothes line, etc. Regular $7.00; for . ..;.;.0:.........l.l.e.dv.;.. ... 4 gg $5.50 Before telling you of all the Wonderful Bargains we have for the last minute buyers,â€" we take this last opportunity before Xmas of Wishing Each and Everyone a 3 f Smaller size, Regular $35.00, for ....... Coat Hangers, in leather cases, priced at per Music RoHs, Collar Bags, Purses, Travelling Rolls, Hand Bags, all made by Julian Sale Co. . Complete Ivory Toilet Sets, with Brush, Comb, $40.00; for /.; .....rre i i aer h aall cle woa is . A «bargain Prayer Books inâ€"various colored backs, all leather bound, price from .l.:}l..r s es i a4r tanrrs it aarann s s €a en ‘a‘e‘s at POMs MB Merrp Â¥mas and a BDappy Mew Dear fale } : .s se es se P a aia ies 40 B n i+ c +c s 1y + Smaller size, Regular $12.00, for ... .. THE CURTIS DRUG CO. WNOWW MWWMWWWWWOWW Bargains in Ivory Toilet Sets in a beautiful Rocking Horse. Before Buying Get Our Prices and See Our Goods. Mechanical Toys Rocking Horses Leather Goods Prayer Books Coat Hangers Wash Sets A beautiful line of Christmas Packages.‘ Xmas Perfumes From 50c up. set...........§1.00 Regular Mirror, Y her bound, price Games '@‘4 / Axcias‘ s st PC MB TIn some of these, we have made drastic cuts, to clear them out. P e e d en e anneeer ns $16.00, On .A $10.00 «.4 $7,00 etc. Reg. .. $28.00 .. $25.00 Hand painted Vases, Comports, Bonâ€"Bons, etc., all reduced 25¢%. Two of the most popular Xmas gifts at moderate prices. Brass Jardinieres, at ........... Jewel Cases, from $1.50 to ...... Buy you Decorations now, before they are all gone. Cigar and 6i’garette Humidoré, in Mahogany and Oak, at each $7.00 and" . .nn apananans . ealigri@ra.odano n $ain0 Toy Bears, Dogs, etc., in wooly material, all at half price. Our display of Cards this year is complete in every from:. t.. .. ;i i iX s . s on wiee se mak in hk e i B oi e e s Eversharp Pencils and Waterman‘s Fountain Pens Cigar and Cigarette Humidors Christmas Tree Decorations Toy Bears, Dogs, Etc. HE PORCUPINE ADVANCE Christmas Cards [ he Bargains 50c to $10 a box The old favorite Xmas Gift, Priced from‘;..‘.......... Ganong‘s and Lowney‘s, the best in Chocolates. Xmas Chocolates way. Cards *~>. DC. Bp $2.50 $5.00 :@3 l 1 y M M ( N j J M K Toy Books, Late Fiction, Service‘s Poems and Painting Books Manicure Rolls in leather cases, fitted with Ivory, some of them reâ€" duced 50%. Come in and look them over. Toy Books, Late Fiction, Service‘s Poems, Painting Books, are only some of the books we have in stock. How about a year‘s subscription to any of the magazines for N m ce onl e es mc We invite our custony ers to examine this latest improvement in shaving comfort. A complets line of shaving necessities always in stock. The New Improved Gillette Patented Canada, Aug. 31â€"1020 Good Christmas Gift ? We take subscriptions here. Manicure Rolls M I ) . o d N @ M H | X] i Auto Strop in designed cases from $1.00 up Gillette Razors Safety and