TIMMINS HIGH SCHOOL If. Dodge . P. Daher . F. Kendall F54â€: ..'...... B.:.Mosetr........ H. Kinnari ..... 1,,Lawrence ..... E. Kari ........ J. Peters ........ I. Martin o............ PLCanon ............' M. Cole s.'.........."' B.MeCraeken .......'. Ingrid Hakala ........ Willie vRoberts , S, Kyllonen .. Gladys Hughes Honours: D. Porter .. R. Porter .. M. Cobborne 5 Holland 'h's' Valve .. J. Maltais .. A. Shulman ..u.... I. Everard ......... k. Houghland ..... W. Musthto ....... K. Sterling B. Allen .......'... H. Litle .........'. i'r. Charlebois A... 1'1. Niemi .......'.. Il. Cooper ........'. A. Feldman ....... J. Marshall o.....,.' E. Monaghan ..... F. Neal ........... E. McNulty ....... A. Macpherson .... L. Cooper ........' P. Maelean ....... M. Cameron ......, P. Ellies .4....... L. Bradburn ...... manuals M115“?! or Tllaliltllllll V mm Bow Neighboring Town C ooks at To- morrow’s Hockey Game. The "following is f:rp'h this week's Broke Hustler:--- . . I Che first big Letrgd hockey match will he Thursday thid week at 8.00 p. m. in the Arena wile} Timmins comes in by special train , ith "five hundred supporters to try and snatch the Falls":alp. F _ It Wt hbe the first opportunity to get a line on the teams in the northern sogtion of the N.0.H.A. and every hockey fan will be there to.sitfup the players of the two teirns who are gen-' erally credited with: being the con- tenders for the championship. The Timmins team is minus the ser- vices of Jess Spring and Roy Worters on the defence, but Aster has been doing good workin the nets and Tim- mins fans claim they have material better than Spring for the defence position. Otherwise'Timmins’ team is much the same as it was last year. fits, as ' gown-y. _. _ Daenee:---Bill Brydge, Wilson, Y nuski. Forwards ..---Bill Rancher. Quesne Caireoski, Brickenden, Cybulski, F hey, Flutter. . It should be a ding dong match, with lots of speed and something, do- ing every minute. The Falls team this year has no'men who stand out above all Quays; for tit,e simple rea- son that they Are all good. The strength of the team lies in the fact that every may of t is speedy and a hard worker. ackwheckiug, in (which the team w woefully weak 7“? your, is one of eir strong points his 3013011, especi ly with Shorty. Arithoot predicting e winning of the The charges fo the league hockey mambo: tfliis yea are 75e. with 25e. adiritirmsrl for a, eserved seat. The plan in now 0 also,for reserved sett won tick , 86.00 for the' six boiitxrasatehgts, . Ming the we sent for, each sitkti, or the holder of a 1,i"iiiif'riFm1ih, it ""t be said that this figâ€; team will a harder team to beat than last ye a. l - ticket ',tjirr,,'_, FORMI. , Spel. ma. Ari. Alg. Com. tha. Lit. Lat. ,,1i)0j7srtsr8tsi8?i!tyri,?!ri:e1.,) "i,s1f-cr4s,90l:90i.sC.t7i??litt 3341343 'is2i56)93)99ii7'3 "r,stiotirr,s3l:o'is"i93i03i72 .. 1100l ....'v;100l69i,91'l90lr"rt?'!'rr1',iy.'l,t?.e,it,,".,"e .'.'.'riGiiii0i'nri,Pii.4fi?.y,iyai,i,t?,,),e,'.),t .'.'.'.lFiriiisi'r2i73i41rlttr(ttr.4.l1.7,ir,?.,7,,5,',o ....g721701 oiasy6ai'r8l15lf?lih7f/? C'iiiiiiisisoisri3sii60l51l5"/o FOB-MIL ' Bpe. Hum-1.00m. Geo. Lit. Lat. Bot. Bool. Pr. REPORT FOR . NOVEMBER 76 78" 82 E FORM m. ' Lit. AW. Combat. Pr. Goo.A_l¢. ‘Phy, PD. 46lo6l 30 6f 60 68 59 K? 54 66177127534! 59(94i901751 50:78't90348! 431721731481 Tol meshes! 56I50157!38’l 66 I salsa: 90\84! 82:56; 33166; 771741 tol 80 69 The Advance this' week is somewhatl out of the ordinary,yet it is not in thel usual sense a special "Christmas Edi- tion." It is simply the ordinary edi- tion enlarged to accommodate the ad- vertising for the weekend furnish the news and views of the Porcupine. It was all printed in The Advance utilise during the current week in the ordin- ary way. As The Advance has modest- ly suggested on many previous occa- sions the plant. and equipment .ii2 [here to handle anything that may reasonably come this way. 74 This week 's issue of .The Advance, however, has many special features of interest. For instance, the advertise- ments alone are more than worth the price of admission. The array of an- hBuncements from the business men of the town and camp is a striking in- dieation of the up-to-date businesses in this camp. All the advertisements are well worth reading, and all the stores more than worth a visit at this time. Special interest may also be, taken in the review of the PoreupineCamp in this issue. As a prof of The Advanée of This Camp, This Advance is-tom:' twen- ty pages. . - As an adi'ertisement of the Camp as'n prhr,ressive and up-to-due centre it tells its ownptory. ' PRBSBYTBRIAN S. S. SUPPER AND ENTERTAINMENT The Sunday School supper and 'en- tertainment in connection, with the, Timmins Presbyterians church will be held in the church this (Wednesday) evening. The supper will be served at 6 p.m. and the programme will com- -tnenee at 8 o'clock. The Presbyterian Church Sunday School Christmas en- tertainments have been \noted for their pleasure and happy times for the children while the suppers af'e famed for good things in plenty. CHIMNEY FIRE AT SOUTH PORCUPINE SUNDAY NIGHT A chimney fire at Mr. H. Costain's at South Porcupine on Sunday even- ing threatened for a time to be se- rious, but was put under control with- out any damage being done. The blaze was in the pipes and chimney and had some headway before it was noticed. Then the intense heat caused a. break inthe pipes and when they fell there was considerable danger of the house taking Bre. Ottieer Roy happened to be passing the house when Mrs. Cos: tain came to. the door to give the alarm, and with the assistance of an- other passing system the ttre was ex- tinguished. 72 74 60 74 65 58 (58 56i93 66:93 745% 18177 76 81 tral90 THIS WEEK’S ADVANCE 97 87 67 83 100 90 60 _ 57 ST 74 80 83 50} 86 87 331691511 741891641 731961501 771801521 67 76 71 97 94 37 98 99173 03:72 [96i68 100158 46 96 95 86 56 94 88 53 57 81 21 90 78 72 49 63 63 In: was 2621 53149152 51159162 64159134 50130100 52146146 78140184 69110126 751451-50 501151138 69 70 95 19 14 74 15 71 51 31 Bqt. Boo. 5 62 i 66 I 69 I 50 53 41 70 61 48 73 50 5417370 tr9173f'c T527270 79169570 52mm 5916395 731577.? 80 (38 82 62 58 l 74 40 Fr. 86 80 68 69 49 if -t' 90 88 70 Miss Fyfe left last,) week fits be! home in Hynilton. _ Cimmins stores all open evenings this Week. Shop early. s'. Aiken leaves this week tp spend the holidays in the south. Mr. Tomlinson left this week to spend Christmas in the south. Mr. Qua is spending Christmas in the south. 'Mr’. Hugh 'Burritt gis Spending Christmas in the south. Mr. J. Gurnell leaves to-morrow to spend Christmas in Toronto. Dr. Brisco_left this week to spend the holidays at his home in Chatllam. Mr. and Mrs. M. Downey are spend- ig Christmas in the East. Mr. Casey Campbell is spending the holidays at Toronto and other points south. _ er. Geo. S. Dgew (istt Tuesday to spend the holidays 'at hisfhome in Can- ington, Ont. ' Dr. Mitchell léaves this week t spend the holidays at his home in Tc ronto. I Mr, J. F. Henderson, Town En- gineer, is spending Christmas in the south. , . Mr. Jos, MoGrath left this week to spend the'holidays at his home in Mi- chigan. _ C Mr. Ralph Taylor, of Cobalt, was a business visitor to the Camp last week. Mr. Arthur Jaeksotr left Tuesday to spend Christmas at his home in Sidney, N.S. Mr, Geo. 1Iondeai"vs spending the holiday season at his home in Hai- leybury. - ' (Mr. and Mrs. J. “I; Faithful are spending the Christmas holidays in the south. . Mr. Taylor, formerly of New Liss' keard, but veeentlrresiding in the south, has been the guest of his son, Mr. P. Taylor. ' The next Band Concert by Tim- mins Citizens Band will be held in fhe New Emplre Theatre on Sunday even- ing, Jan. 27th. Mr. A. R.tlobe, manager of the Peninsular Gold Minds in the Night Hawk Lake district, left on Sunday for the south'to spend the Christmas Holidays. Some pt'ospeetors Working ttrr the Nipissing Mine of Cobalt are said to have made a valuable discovery near the "Soo,' the ore being heavily min- eralized with both gold andtilver. TharsdiyS court cleared out the Aloha] de Greer, and the Chief is said .to be painting a sign that. iwads:-- “Please keep away until after Christ- mas." Ther. should be an Armistice tle- elared {Eds Christmas in the 9.T.A. battle, and then the Armistice cupid be celebrated eactsreeurTing Christ.. mas until the worlde,ets Sense enough to have the Christmas spirit prevail all the year round. A North Bay man is to he tried this week for a breach of the Lord's Day Act, which is nearly as serious a mat- ter as a breach of the O.T.A., accord- ing to the Atrocity-GeneraL of Onta- ria. The man is said.tu have killea‘ra pig on Sunday. If it was a blind pig, he mi.ght as well say his prayers. One of the election rumoris in town thisrweek was to the effect that the oiheial returns had given Mn 1ieFla- chren a majority. Another was to the effect that Mr. McEachren had figures to show that hewas less than 100 be... hind the Labor-Farmerscandidate and the polls untaken would throw the seale in his favour. As a matter of fact the official figures have not yet been given out tusd are not likely to be until to-morrow or may’be later. Last week The New Liskeard Sper ker made the suggestion that Temis- kaming be divided into two ridings for Federal purposes just as it for Provincial. As it is, the riding" is " mfether too large to contest or to re- p 'esent in the right way. The Speak, er is right in thisrand the new Go- vernment might well take up the mat. ter. If there were two ridfngrthis "Northern part might some time have a representative resident in this part. and so conversant with its needs and opinions. Timmins News in Brief THE POROUPINE ADVANCE to Lt - Chrilstmas is the time’of good will. At this time of year a fellow doesn't feel so bitter even against the Farm- ers' Government. Cir. Donald Cayuga left on Sum day for his home in Buckingham, Que. where he will‘spend the holiday sea- son. “' Next Tuegday, Dee. 27th, the Aless ander Trio, genuine musical any will he at the New Empire I Are. There will also bean '2tiiS,ftf"l1ec: of pictures. . . wfr There was/a bjefitrR on Sunday with the snow/drifting mountains high at times and in places, but the T.-& N, o, came through it all pretty well, the evening train only being about three hours late reaching here. An order-iniameil has been .pass- ed by the Dominion requiring the ob- servance of Monday, Dee, 26th. as the Christmas Day holiday, Christmas this year falling on a Sunday. The police wefe tipped off last week that there was another still in opera- tion in the northwestern part of the town, but on investigation no still could be found. This is what is known, nd doubt, as a "still alarm." RESERVED SEATS FOR GAME TOMORROW, AT P. M. BUR-KITS Those wishing reserved steals for the hockey match at Iroquois Falls to- marrow (Thursday) night ihay secure same by calling at F. M. Burke's store where the Iroquois Falls Rink Com- mittee has kindly placed a numhennf reserved seat tickets for theaeeommo- dation of Timmins people. IROQUOIS FALLS CHIEF APPOINTED CHIEF AT BAY 1 MMâ€"ri l‘5%BEEï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬BEEEEE§EEBEBEBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE? Monday evening the North Buy Council by a vote of b' to 4 passed the by-law appointing It. Ifovbey, now chief of police at Iroquois Falls, chief of police at NorthBay. The same by- law appoints Wm. Raynor, the pre- sent chief at the Bay, deputy chief. Chief Moribey has been ,about five years at. the?'alU. iii, ~mc Wish 4hte anb R11 ft very 'iii Alt)ertpi! Christmas arm a happy iiii T Mew Dear. _ iilil l a. iiiiigigiigigiigigigagiigiiyERRiRRla8 BEEEEEEEEEEEEEï¬Eï¬Eï¬EEï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬EEEW gï¬gï¬gï¬W%5§%W%3 “..WW;WWN oootoouoooo'oooooo There will be no Dance Christmas Eve, but see - i2il the Old Year out and the New Year in at the s': 4 Dance in King's Hall on New Year's Eve. m KING’S AMUSEMENT PARLORS PROTEST Pmonnnmas 1N TBMISKAMING ELECTION (Last week formal protest was made to Col. Biggar, Chief Eleetorat Otfieer for the Dominion, regarding n9 pord being held at Moose Factor End. at Wawaitin. At Moose Dtftory it is said there would be o. " votes and 17 'll Wawaitin. E m present indiea- tons as to t _ tote for the various candidate .ne votes for Moose Fac- tory cu Wawaitin might tum the 911-5 one way or another. .Until the omeial returns arena, no definite pro- test can be made regarding the elee- tion. The oifieial,returns aeeordingly will be awaited with muoh speeial in.. terest. The regular meeting of the Timmins Town 'Couneil is scheduled for Non- day afternon next, Dee. 26th. This ilue -iast regula'r meeting of the Council tg 1921. l l ' - J C-a-oo-o-o'"""""""",) . “7 TIMMINS A Sliring Day A Spring day in Muskokl. with ‘aky and water vividly blue; the smell or pine. the can: of bird- in the air. On a nanny ulope _a girl gubered trilliuma with user hands. She smil- ed at the questioning gimpser. . "I never picked wild tiowertt be‘ tore," she and wtrrttutty. "We lived in (hvcity. Father died, Ind then-- mother, of tubereuiottm, I wan all alone. I wasn't "rontr,-worhed too hard,--and I trot It. They brought mo here to the Sanlttnum on I stretcher." Surety she was worth saving. this bonny, blue-eyed girl! Surely the Muskoka Hospital for Conaumptives deserves, her tratltudg! --- "But. look at me now."' exultuuly. The thow of health was in her cheeks. "It's the rest and care and good food and fresh air that saved me. ' and her eyga sponq joyoualy. _ . , " "tyontrttsutioih may be sent to Hon. w. A. Charlton 223 College Street. Toronto. WOOD POR SALE. by the eord and by the load. Apply to G. Iloule, US Fifth Avenue. 50-iilp, Up in Muskoka "51%?