W. at?» 2lirti? ,r FA:, V. " l H? CfCf Mi! A PAGE or PGRCUPINE PICTURES Where all the trains come in and out for this prosperous camp. The station is of solid brick, hardwood finish throughout, and in appearance. size and conveniences would do credit to any small city. It was completed in 1917. OQOQOMOOQOOWMOO WMWQMOON One of the best-appointed hotels in the North Land. Built by the Bollinger in-the early days for the accommodation of the Town. h The world's greatest quartz gold mine. Situated in the Town of Timmins and the leading industry of the Town, employing over 2000 men. -ttttHtttttt-0....tH0..HHo WOOOOOOOONOOOOOO â€â€OOONNâ€â€W The Goldfields Hotel/Timmins A View of the HollingerEGold Mine . & N.O. Railway Depot at Timmins m POROUPINB ADVANCE 'iti ibE OMMâ€â€NOOWWWMâ€OOMO Comfortable and wet-appointed homes, with water, baths, electric lights, etc. WWW OMWOOWMW Oâ€WWWO“Q WWW Noted for their fine lawns and gardens and their general comfort. A Row of Hollinger Houses on Tamarack Street A Row of Residences on Hemlock Street