'Etiit'tlih" um _le?i't"dr,q8, mm â€in: m POEM ADVANCE John Hamaluk for having liquor in a public place was fined $200.00 and costs, or three months in North Bay. John did not have the $200.00, 50 he will spend the holiday season at the Hav. Oscar Mneki for having liquor in a public place was lined $200.00 and costs. Oscar paid like a little man. The police went to Osear's place looking for another gentleman they Wanted to aeeommodate at the Hotel de Greer.. There was such a scurry and fhwry at the appearance of the police that sus- picion was aroused. One of the folks in the house had a jug, another a bots tle, and so on, and all seemed anxious to hide them. The police went search- ing: to see what they could see and they found some "Oh-he-Joyful." As the ownership of the booze was not shown to be elsewhere, Oscar as the keeper of the boarding house, had to answer the call. The gypsy arrested on a charge of theft made restitution in full for the money takerrand was" anxious to move out of this country which did not seem a healthy one for her business. She had some small children and for this and other reasons the Magistrate was inclined to be lenient. According- ly her gypsy-ship was allowed to go on suspended sentence, making res- titution and saying, she would he away. from town by the noon train Friday. She left on the early morning train. Wilfrid Allaire, who was arrested a couple of weeks ago on a charge of the rape of tt girl of sixteen years of age, was sentenced to two years in Kingston penitentiary. Evidence com- ing to light after Allaire's arrest. showed that the offence had not been as heinous us at h'vst supposed. and the charge could he redueed, Allaire being- given a mueh lighter sentence than he might otherwise have reeeiy- ed. Bay. Louis Gliindon, who was found by the polite while operating a still at the residence of Mrs. L. Leduc, Bal- sam street, was fined $600.00 and eosté and Sentenced to one month’s impri- sonment. He did, not have the money, and so must serve seven months. Mrs. Ledue, who admitted knowledge of the work being done in her house, was en.. ed $200.00 and costs for breach of the Oth. This fine was paid. Peter Siko, who was found in pos- session of u still was fined $600.00 and costs and one month in jail. He plea.d- od guilty, but not having the $600.00 he will spend seven months at North Moses Chartrand and Ed. Colborne, an charges of having stills illegally, will also have to serve time. Char, trand was fined $600 and one month; 'n' seven months, all told, and Col- borne was fined $300.00 and costs or six months. Neither of them could "finanee the situation. 18. T. Allary, who is charged with conspiracy, was remanded for another week as certain documents in the case bad yet to be translated. Allary is a foreigner who is accused of "frattr., ing up" another man who was com vieted some three years ago of a breach of, the O.T.A., and ftned $200 and costs. The case rests on the alle- gation that Allary "planted" the liquor that resulted in the other man being fined and letters since discover- ed are said to prove this. M. Hem, charged with attempted rape, was remanded for another week, being allowed out. on bail of $1000.00, furnished by himself. These sentences account for all the stills discovered recently by the local; police. The large quantity of liqdoii seized, as well as the stills for making; etc, are all eqnfiseated, . Justice was very swift lipon thr' heels of David Foisey. He was worle ing at the Hollinger and recently “has; laid olf. He went back on Thursday but his job was not ready for himi This annoyed him and he got into mi altercation with the shift-boss, Mr: tErnest Simmons. Eventualy he Struck at the shift boss, and then things Pty, queued soyswiftly that he must have; found his breath and his money hath tor and he was taken nature the mm", azistrute. The case was duly heard an)' David was tined $50.00 and costa", which he paid forthwith. All this haiE" pened within an hour of the minu "i, the tackled the shift-boss. Assaul'tig a shift-boss in a mine is rightly mit)) sidered a very serious offenee mitt», usually draws prison terms. The ori;, fender in this case was therefore and thier lucky that his assault did nor get well under "Y before it wasstapaf ped, 3’55"; David which pened he tat Geo. Hoi was fitted $2.00 and eoate for allowing young boys to play pool in his pollroom. He was advised also to observe the law in this respect in the future. He said he would, of course. _ T Mrs. Macki, who keeps a boarding" house, charged Albert Paisni with des- troying property, bat Magistrate At.. kinson dismissed the case. I ’ atthe vened found taken any reasonable n the shift boss h held. Then the thr and he was t gistrate. The case Mr. Vincent Steinway, of Iroquois Falls, was a Timmins visitor his: week. p'" t boas He was clmcnev. hen the police were p he was takeh before th The case was duly hear an and his mom Before he could Iber Utl.y ue tilr't an things h, 1e must in s money b could get of wallops clinched a were phm and mad if: it. ',n " Jâ€