I M7, :,ril:8s'l a 1‘31 :1 if] E! pl ,,rig.N, %ï¬ï¬%%%%§%ï¬$§$E§Eï¬ï¬$§$§$EE§§§§$§EE§E§EE§$ E YOUR CHOICE IN THREE DIFFERENT MAKES OF iii] . .. c' p“ at": r' "5; "alfa, I LTfiaiiiit I don't want any money before you get the instrument in your home and are entirely satisfied. I will give you good terms if you so desire.' Give your order now for Christmas. WILLIS, LESAGE AND EVANS BROS. Singer Sewing Machine Agent or P.0. Box 75 or SUPPLEMENT TO THE POROUPII‘TE ADVANCE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16th..1921. ' 0. SEGUIN Write, Phone or Call God Save 'The King. Illia llll"nliiCMiiir an - itiii,c'-,fi"iiiE, r1Tr2"r.Trh% . , r [at iy: [iii.iSiillagiilNlRNiilgiigii " iru" fre "3’FTP-"Jiétr’ï¬jfl‘ï¬mgï¬ï¬‚gm lrf'briygmï¬lï¬fxxaiafla Jam- 9:3?»ch at; P "e $.23??? ' 4.15m Ulstrict of Temiskaming. BORN-ht the Cairns Hospital, Tim- mins, on Nov. 4th., 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Justin M. Huntin,---a daughter. ROLLINGER DIVIDEND N o, 91 PAYABLE DECEMBER 2. As will be seen from the notice else- where in this issue the Hollinger Con- solidated Gold Mines Limited an- nounce tl dividend of one per cent. on. the paid-up capital stqck of the com- pany, payable Dee. 2nd 1921, to share- liulders of record of Nov. 17th. The first of the evening elasses last week started out with an attendance of 38, which is much above last year's opening figures. Since then the aver- age attendance has been 45 or 46, which is also above last year's record. The classes last year were recognized as being, unusually successful, but this year’s success will eclipse that of last year from present prospects. The elas ses started last week were as follows: Sewing, Electricity, Machine Draw- ing, Shop Mathematics, and English for non-English. speaking people. The pleasant sight was seen last week of ten pupils who could not speak a work of English in a Mass studying their hardest to acquire a knowledge of the language. The evening classes are under the auspices of the Ontario Department of Education and the Fld/ill';' Public School board. They offer a wonderful opportunity for education and better- ment to all who are willing to spend a few hours a week for their own im- provement. In each class expert teach ers in that particular line are here ready to give the pupils all possible assistance. The fees are only nominal. Mr. C. S. Carter, principal of the Pu- blie School, will be pleased to give full details of the courses, etc., to any en- quirers. There is still opportunity to join these classes. It is intended this year to excel lass year's good record for steady attend- ance at these classes. This year each teacher will see to the attendance of the pupils in that particular class. In this way it is expected that a much closer check will be kept on the at- tendance and the students thus gen- erally be benefitted, and the classes be even more successful. let SIM“ MAM THIS - YEAH illl NIGHI [JESSIE at Year These Classes Were Note.. worthy, But Promise to be More So This Year. T 'er'u'5';rrCllCr' Phone 21 l $5353 WE Shops ...... Stores ... . .r. (Nfiee-Retinery Mine No. 1 .. Mine No. 2 .. McDougalI Robinson Parker .. Rona'ld .. Kermode ' Players Totals Vi'lleneuve .. Henderson ..' Sattano . . . . Jones, A., ..'. Artlambeault Players :Mine 'NO. 1 and Mine No. 2 teams tie in the second game, and the roll, off was won.by Mine No. 2--rolling 75 pins to 40 pins rolled by Mine Na. 1 team. November 11th. 1921. TWO TIE GAMES IN McINTYRE BOWLING LEAGUE SERIES Jucksch [ Campbell Players Totals Petals Hall Starr Henderson . ' Villenehst. .. Sattano ..... Jones, G. . . . Archambeault Totals Out of the three games reported this week in the McIntyre Bowling League series, it will be noted that there are two tie gathes. Also it will be noted that the Office-Refinery team has the high score, so far, of 840 pins for one game, and the high score, 2351 pins, for three games. _ The interest in the bowling games at Sehurmteher continues to increase, and a 'big season is now practically assured. Players Players t1raehllister Rabinsnn . McDougall Parker ..'. Kermode . Players Corrigan . . Irish . .. . . Dr. Muterer NewIands . Cooke . . . . McIntyre .. rn the game on Nov. 7111, Stores and Mine No. 1 teams tied the game, and rolled one frame,---Stores 51 pins, Mine No. 1, 75 pins,--iing Mine No. 1 team the game. Score as follows '.---- November ith., 1921. Total Totals l rnott . Team .A~verage 784-157 Team Average 657--131 Team Average 760--152. November 9th. 1921. Mine No. 2 Team .ayers lst 2nd Team Average 721----144. Mine No. 2 Team Lyers .nst 2nd Team Average 678---f36. Present Position in Tournament . Won Lost To play ops.......... 3 0 21 'res.......... 4 2 18' iee-Retinery . . 3 3 18 Team Average 705---lii9. Mine No. 1 Team. ayers _ lst 2nd Office-Refinery Team: lst 2nd 3 Mine No. 1 Team Ist 2nd Stores Team lst 2nd 129 108 126 575 745 149 145 153 148 150' 203 128 142 100 1251 120 157 156 202 128 760 137 171 696 158 147 l 12 155 113 703 763 87 ft i"i' .- F 'sl L“, F 165 112 151 114 184 151 157 161 117 140 726 840 807 158 13S 223 147 100 183 813 175 175 171 150 140 145 96 150 l 33 146 130 104 ‘655 "26 139 670 159 116 129 3rd 691 21t 134 115 182 3rd 122 162 14 T 140: 1 76 3rd 168 137 134 144) 17' O 3rd 119 100 141 143 ISI 3rd 155 117 105 3rd LT.?, 681 203.") 763 751 703 18 1971 2.56. 2351 297 409 319 449 421i 441 44 o 385 470 111 421 450 516 470 387 477 44] 56tl 47ti 2T2 428 43 4 482 551 128 507 327 405 38 T at? @553 éï¬Ã©â€˜i‘? U'.7 Jig a"