Porcupine Advance, 16 Nov 1921, p. 3

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I You Still Have (iii) Chance Left - oo-ooo-oo-to-o-oo-eo-ooo.""-"-""'-".'. ....H0.H.000H..0HH.0.0-t.tto- was: relatives.at once, and anyone has“: iirig-the,ahdress of an? of those listed Thelow whotave left town will help in Ellie distribution by giving snail) ad- dress-to 119% Mayor or to Mr.. H. C. ‘Garner ad the Ontario Fnup'ioysnent .‘Otlice. On receipt of a correct for- wafdite, Taddress, Hie Mayor says he Willrsée iliatctheiertitisies. are pro- perly packed. and forwarded at once. Any retairned men in the Jistrict who seeOeirsnames listed below will as- »S‘iSt:in the ftrfal distribution by calling for 'tuir/ityrtifieates, In this way alsxrthe/iiil receive a yery attractive memento from the Towel eotn1gernor- ating their service in the war. Any fiivered. The rehsm for thics is that Ilurge entitled to the framed tokens havt:timrleue'kri'tm tall fdrfchem or a usend any address to which the ter- 'titteutes, may-hr forsvaNh.sd. It is wfi'r, *sir-ed'now-t-o have all these eertifiestes, ireaeh "thtrsoliiiers. conaerned or their relatives.rt once, and anyone kaeoiv.. ing'the-addness of ant of those ris,ted é Specials ia,, Bedlg _ A latgerrmnihermf the Humans Cer. 'fihtstvtey, Mien by .the Town od, Tim- lrrjins, to1HMier'scf'iyn this plste serv- iing in tht Great War are still unde- If AWE are Left With thtrMarrr O: m. H. tl Garner These Will Be PWarded tt Once. llillillillll' IlillTlflilliill h'lll Ill Bi llllilill fili't Phone 209 Timmins, Ont. “Owing to our large variety of beds, i'n stock, so we are putting these on s these prices are practically cut in two. Take '.t-t.ototo0t..o9tt-ttttta'iot.tottttt_t'oto".io' iiiiio'it"oouuuitoouo-""u.oooooooooooooooooooo---oo-.-. llBUCOVEy1l"SlKY & CO. ' ..r..-_ _ t Pd " The big sale is still on, with its remarkable values. Big crowds, have been profiting by our slaughtering of prices. You can still shteee in the benefits given here. Prices for the best quality goods rawn”; down] Read our posters; see our windows; come and sc, tor yourself. . No. 553 Bed--3 only 'tot WWW .09o-..0.HH000000.00000.0.t- m» mm '."m4b"q9't,.0' , Joseph J. Brennan, John Cashman, Duncan A. Chisholm, Samuel Drake, Vicin- Culhert, Maxwell. Allen, Rich- ard Beswiek, Stanley Belrose, Napole- on Charbomieau, Daniel Dooley, Sam- nzi! Desehe, H. Bristowe, Kyran Big- .lmv, Lawrence Desarmear, John Cade, (ir. Depatse, Dien Domie Blais, Romeo ‘Daganais, John Brown, Edward Du- manohel, William Beauehamp, John Carey, Henry yeDonough, lhlmase Dumanehel, William Charette, Frank Baker, Arthur Ayre, Reginald Char.. lick, James Atkinson, Kenneth De- long, Thomas Burd, Leonard Duns- ford, A. Burehier, Alfred Beattelvainp, William Bushheld, Arthur: iBlais, Ira Burd, John Lieman, Thomas Alhertl Jamieson/Frank Garrett, Louis Fran 1ser, James Stanley Fleming, Ambrose jHorne, W. Goodwin, M. J. Gallagher, Fred Haldane, Adelard Godfroy, C. Holmes, William Gowdie, Frank Haw- kins, William Haldane, Stanley Flem- ing, Edwin Hayward, Fred w, Gar- rett, Louis L Coulis, Thomas Cotton, Thomas Mosseau, Lester Litts, Frank Ledgard, George D. Kelly, Hornudas’ Lapierre, Peter Jackson, Jean Ron- deau, Jerry Javers, Andrew Inhowik,l Alfrane St. Laurent, Ceeil Lloyd, Charles Jerwyn, David Lalonde, M. C. Leftrhvre, G. Maginsky, Arthur Me citizen who knows the address of any " the soldiers listed below will 00an a favour on n31 concerned by giving lhe necessary 'address so that the eer- tifieates may be duy forwarded, The following is the list of the Honour Scrolls 54511 undelivered '.---m -'--e"mr"rf-erft - -. ,, " i W? -.-.‘c--' ""'""i"'T"" H NT. and Mrs. W. J. Fraser and family returned Saturday evening: " text a few weeks"" holiday spent at AL landalg, Widdifkld, Cobalt and other points south. A Grand Euchre Party will be given by the ladies a? the R. C. Church, in the McIntyre Hall, iSehumaeluw, on Friday evening of this week, Nov. 18th. eornnreneing at 8 pmt. The ad- mission fee is placed at the low figure of half a ilollar, and all attending may rest assured of getting tnm times that amoum in value in a pleasant even- Ine. GRAND EUCHRE PARTY AT SCHUMACHER FRIDAY Ray, D. H, James, P. ‘MeDally, W. H, Mathewson, S. Madalsky, A. Mehr. tyre, B. Pritehar, William James Me. Coy, Alexander Martin. Philip Mar- tin, A. C. LMelgev, C'. Milne, William Olmstead, Dr. S. w. Otton, W. A. Ile Donald, P. Powpowski, Mose Lamore, Harve Rundeau, Armand 'Rotuleau, Carl Peterson, James. flalpmohe, P. T, Sheehan, James Staples, Frahk Stock; well, Augustine Robillzii‘d, J. Steven. son, Emery Talbot, H. C. Knuth, Jos. Tuvgeon, Isidore Robillzii-il, James Richard, Thomas Todd, Purdue Tho- mas, Antoine Tm'geon, Gedeun Roi. ert.4\. Roberts, Frank Smith, Peroy Wake William White, Roscoe Way, Frank Whitton, 45.” I W fitfifihfiflfiflfiflfiflfifififihfi!Hmmflififliflifififlfiflififliflfiflifififlififlfim """F" What are the admirable qualities in a Itlan---a real man? Courage! Pri. sauce of-Mindl Quick Decision! Un, selt'is'lmesst. All these were evidenced by Jalm Beebe of Mileage 137, meal“ the ‘lPus, Mivtitoba.' In its last issue, The Pas Harald tells how John Ikebe in order o, save a little child who tttil in the Way of an axe he was usiag, dtr.. .liherabely turned the axe arsiihr, ’56 that the child at least should! lyotitih.iru. HERE’S A REAL HERG Wm, DESERVES SPECIAL NOTICE On Wedtiesday of last week a ter- iri‘ble accident occurred at New Lis- lkeard, whereby Letha, the Il-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Neil lost her life. It is not known just exactly what happened but the facts as learned suggest. that the little girl was caught in the shaft protrud- ing from the side of the grist mill near the T. &.N. o. station, her cloth- ing being: caught by the shaft and the. youngster being drawn to the shaft. When found the childs’ clothing was found to be torn from her, both heri arms being severed from the body and} her side badly crushed. She was hruu vie to the hospital, but was beyond all help, and passed away the same even“ mgr. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT TO LITTLE GIRL AT LISKBARD p TV _ lei-Siam P, is only to emphasize the contrast that these two men are mentioned in the Same breath. John Beebe has done something worth while, but will he get the bouquets? (hs is it the fact that courage and ttttgems-linens are so much the vale that naturally they are taken for granted? Sometimes it looks like that in the wide stretehes, of the great North. But if John Beebe is the kind of a man he seems to be, if they did stitril him flowers and bouquets and fine words, he Would likely give his thanks totrsshhlly, and then say in a husky asider. “But why in blazes don l they send their, flowers and stuff to some poe:r sick kid?" fer injury. No doubt he knew that (ii) quick turn of the axe would pro- bably mean serious injury to himself, but he took the chance without wait- ing to weigh consequences. The de- eision had to he made instantly. It wns made apparently without a flicker of hesitation, and it was the decision that might be expected from the men who pioneer the great north of Can. ada. Mr. Beebe had his foot very badly out and he is now in the Pas Hospital. It is to be wondered if those sentimental folk who, are ai.. ways gushing or sobbing over some- thing or somebody will let their sym- pathies rouse them to action in this case, Will John Beebe he showered with flowers from peope all over tho houniry, like Fatty Arlmekle was”? It Tiimnri2ttt 44 Third Avenue. Already diseussion and interest are aetive at the Pas, {\‘lahitoba, in re- gard to the annual Hudson Bay Dog Derby. The Poveupine Dog Rave comes next in importanee to the Pas event in this form of sport. Every year here, however, arrangements and plans for the occasion are tlefervtrli until too late a date. Each succeed- ing dog raee here has roused 'keen interest and been very successful, but the plans to make a speeiaLbig day for the whole North Land have never materialized because details were we- g'leeted until it was too trio‘s-e to flu- time to hod the rare. The Porcupine Dog Rave amid be made a great fpo- ture, hot‘h as a day of sport, and as an advertisement for all this rountrx, but to achieve this end, work will have to be taken up on the event some months before the date of the race. The Pas Derby people have ibeen work ing on plans and arrangements for some monthsr--indeed, ever since fhe last race. The energetic enterprising, public-spirited example of the Pas. Manitoba, would seem lilura good one to follow. Mr. John Hamilton "'left on "1'imrsr day Last for Toronto and other points suuth to buy a car ofl1ght horses to bring to this camp. WHAT ABOUT THE FAMOUS PORCUPINB DOG RAGE? fig

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