Porcupine Advance, 16 Nov 1921, p. 9

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'a ip, to'"""""----.....- my _ _ - 'ii"'""""'"""--.....' WWWEHHHEEHWWWW 'r"""""'"---.-......;.; 'tt a ' A", m- YOUR {grocer has Mazola, the wonderful cooking and " ad oil in one pound and larger tins. Try' it accordin to directions and you will thank us for its CG'i'gilf, and economies. Never gets rancid, Tm: CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIMITED, Mound rar Frying, /sEGa%hf7iiii"i"sai"a"ds tirti'i1f) LA Pil),?;,',,"',!),,!', In I, 2, 4 and 8ib. Tins 97 Some smart chaps are selling, seaic ed, a recipe for home-brew. The Pack- et gives it to its reader free of charge. Chase ft hull-frog for three miles and gather the hops. To the hops add the following:-j0 gallons of tanuoark, one-half pint of shellac, a bar of home, m1ade soap. Boil the mixture 36 hours and next strain through an I. WAV. sock to keep it from working. Then bottle and add one grass hopper to each pint to give it a kiek.---0riyir, Packet. i ISud'bury is also noticed in the newspapers these days as being in the market for a coach and trainer. 8ever- al candidates are said to be in the field for the job, hot the executive of the 'Sud-bury Club has decided to make if a wide open field in an effort to get the very best possible man. He will he required to give his entire time during the winter months to the pro-i motion of hockey in Sudbury, and Willi be expected to coach junior, interme- dihte and senior teams. At present i-Sud‘bury is planning a Town League to include intermediate and juniors. At the end bf the season a team will be picked from the best of these teams to play off in the N.O.H.A. ir., termediate series for the title. Senior and junior teanis will represent Sud- bury in schedules in competition with outside teams. ievs when earning to the ire or retiring [from the ice have had on some occa- sions to pass through very unpleasant lcrowds. This has been particularly itrue in the case of players penalized, lespeeialy in a fast game where play lwas close and the crowds inclined to ‘get excited through their deep inter- est in one team or the other. Iroquois ’Fnlls, when building the big new rinlf there last year, took particular notice [of this matter of separate passafge- lways for players. At the Falls play- lers go on and off the ice without. com- {ing near the spectators, the entrance ‘ways being separate also for the op-i posing teams. - f solution will seek the provision C suitable penalty boxes il\ all rinks and the third motion askslfor a Bel' arate entrance in all rinks tb and fro: the ice to the dressing rooms: Wher these faeiiities are not available i has been found in the past that play _ At the annual meeting of the ICO. HA. at North Bay on Saturday of this week three' resolutions will be placed before the meeting by the Sud.. bury Club. One of these motions will ask for a North Land referee in all play-off games in Toronto in which N. O.H.A. teams take part. Another re- solution will seek the provision of suitable penalty boxes Il all rinks: and the third motion askslf'or a sep-, arate entrance in all rinks tb and from i SUDBURY TO HAVE THREE ‘RESOLUTIONS BEFORE N.0.B.A, m 2030mm ADVANCE Pre visitor for. the full amount of the pur- chase price. ft was explained to the Kirkland lliake man that of course the money to meet this cheque would not have time to arrive this for north un- til a few days drifted by. in the mean- time, just to keep thingsrgoing and help out a generous and wealthy friend like the distinguished Ivisitor he was induced to give his own cheque for some five hundred dollars. Of ‘course the cheque for tive hundred was good at the bank and of course you suspect the rest of the story. In any event the distinguished visitor was finally picked up 'by the police and landed in jail, and the word‘given out that he did not represent Thomas W. Lawson. The rest of the facts will likely come out in the police court. it -' VV_‘.V un-uy IJL I" (la " sort of John the Baptist fox-the Mas- ter of Finance. As a result of his supposed connection with high finanee he had many vistiors who were desi- rous of trading mining claims or parts of claims for Canadian or United States money, He showed just the right enthusiasm for the mining pro- perties of Kirkland Lake. He seemed to believe that there was a wonderful future for practically every claim brought to his attention, but he seem- ed to be slow in deciding as to what particular property he should favour with any actual money. Eventually one man who had money in the bank came along with some claims for) which he was willing: to take $7,000, cash. Soon he had the cheque of the visitor for. the full ammmt nt' Hm 'htqY' has one or more "wild men" these days. The story goes to the effect that a distinguished looking and self-pos- sessed gentleman struek’the Camp re- cently and the impression got abroad that he was intimately connected with Thomas W. Lawson, of stock specu- latiun fame. Apparently he made no very earnest effort to disqbuse the pu'blic mind of the idea that he uvas a “A“! " , ' . -- V Acmrdiug to a story I Kirkland Lake last week I not featuring "wildeats,' KIRKLAND LAKE SITS DOWN HARD 0N "HIGH FINANCE" Pas Herald says that whether or not these prices will advance depends up- on the demand for this class of far. Those interested in the fur business trapping, em, always are specially in. ‘terested in the way things go at the Pas, Manitoba, which is the centre of a wide fur area. Reports to The Pas Herald are that the catch this year of muskrats is going to be a big one, 2;- pecially in the Cedar and Moose Lake swamps and along the Hudson Bay Railway. The priced being paid are hom 35 cents fur the poorer quality to 90 cents for" the better grades. The] Humans BRING M To 90 curs AT THE PAS, MAN, a story coming from , week that Camp is Meats,” but it sure "wild men" these es to the effect that L" rs mi, EMS 'ttttr-----.-......' e""""""'------.;.".-; Phone 152. RC. Box 458 Will visit Timmins first of every month at Dal- ton’s Livery. Any other times by arrangement Ask your dealer for Dr. Gag- non's Veterinary Medicines. DR. L GAGNON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. New Bmpixje Theatre Block TIMMINS, ONT. A Diploma from this Conservatory insures your musical standing anywhere. We furnish the violin, mandolin, etc. You pay a little each month. VETERINARY orrldn HAILBYB any. ' C. BROWN 14 Cedar Street, Up-Stairs H. F. SCHROEDER, Director 'immins Conservatory Phone 237, 18 Cedar" aria." ed. Gasoline, Oils and Accessories. Magnetos, Electric Starting and Lighting Systems put in iirirt-elatu, condition. Batteries overhauled Hui re-chara GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timminn. DR. all. ll. AIKEN DENTIST Phone 201 _Eyre and Creme Car for Hire. Tinimins. T335

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