ICI (tt ttn a, When the Eyesight of Others Proves Better .,., Than Yours iil" THE CURTIS DRUG COMPANY 535% EEEEEEEEEEï¬ï¬ï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬EEEEEEEEEEEEEEï¬ï¬$§$§§ Perhaps your eyes are in the first stages of eye strain Glasses now may save you years of eye trouble Our examination will tell, Consult our Optometrist. OWâ€â€œmWWMMQO "ot-"""'".'"""'""'""" PRESclllllPTI0NS i, A When your doctor hands you a prescription be sure it is dispensed by a comp- etent dispenser and that you are getting pure, fresh drugs. Experienced, pomp- etent dispensers are here at all times. “WW oo-oo-o-ooo-ooo-oo. "o.ooi.oooo-o-oooto_ootooo WWOâ€. iiglliyfilgillgiigNiNiigiilgiigiiSiilgiiSiiSii Iiil%lliilgiilllfiigiillRiaiilgiillfie uEiatgtigiieESrfii)iiEfriil THE CURTIS DRUG COMPANY Act at once, eye strain taken in the beginning we often correct and strengthen so quickly that after a time glasses are no longer required. It is many times your first warning of eye trouble. Call arid Get One FREE SAMPLE of Colgates Florient Perfume with each package of Colgate; Tooth Paste. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE ES St gi; ES N t5el'rrn, on l Saturday of thi ed by the anno this issue. mversary f Church at ( Monday Rev Haileybury Dedication and eonsiyeral monie.s in eonneetiot1 with quois Falls Royal Arch Clrg & AJM. were held 13% week, wan Rigglrt Ex. Comp. H. T. Smith,Grand Scribe E., of Toronto, representing the Grand Chapter Lodge of Canada. Ex. Comp. J. K. Moore, of Timmins, was among the visitors to the Falls for the occasion. M r 0 (l " tev. t he Strand Tailoris.tire com seeial sale of clothing in ' store of their local agents, m BSD} " 1, Ont ovothe busy seem Nant-and JP.tr Timmins News in Brief " m l. De system H m (JIM l Parks conducted services in the" ll " " o e, ll noun Cetti6 n M tre ere It attend t there. j tits weal Ine Ott ursday, B. Don to re rtrks nests " 6X!) 1t w D HIE ll y as W1 went Sum resume tn ext" "ation cere. ;h the Iro, haptér A.F week, witl. nt n m ee am conten at ducting IO " JW n n 50 w tute re In , and n an- On 0 In Je It was a l: ices her Rev. Mr inspirm D morn mm host ohiee new otm ment elsewhere ittr,this-issue, tenders are being called for alterations and extensions to the Timmins tire hall building. The changes are made ne- building. The changes are matte ne- cessary by the recent additions to the fire hall equipment, and if the Coun- eil finds [lie work can be done eeon- omically at this time, the improve- ments to the fare hall building will be proceeded with at once. ll akmg " Joulter 11 en “KG M ) tt tty omee in n ll o '. ir'. IS. Counter, pastor ot the d Church at Cochrane, conduct- epserviees at the Presbyterian ii on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Pa.rks ' the anniversary services itt Mr. er’s church in Cochrane. There , large atteqdanee at both serv- ere, and the addresses given by Mr. Coulter were interesting and "mg, A special feature of the 215: service was the rendition by nnior Choir of an anthems-thy g ot the 3 appreciated 8 IT 'Mutheson, Ontu LandhSarveyor, is " new W Tinunins, opposite the Mr, Matheson is well and known to many in this North Land, having 'bgen ection with his profession occasions. and no doubt n v.e ot udvant n , V a, and no d eniences of IN people ml nusm t 10 n vertise- tenders Dance (HIE 1esday s Har. ere to en O tll' It Ll 90â€WOOW“OOW - w t' E STOCK BROS. OMWONOWO“W tit )l't The romance of the pearl dates back into the far beyond. Chinese literature mentions it in the 23rd. Cen- tury B. C, JEWELLE RS OPTICIANS In these modern days, the pearl is still just as much prized as it was four thous- and years ago. The lustrous beauty of our pearl necklets makes it a gift that will receive increasing appreciation throughout the years. ttt Official T. & N. 0. Watch Inspector. THE OLDEST JEWEL Opposite Post Office es on l'iu, Re hy Mr, " 1t " " e Enterprising Town iiit; _ the pages suggest g 'resent and Future.†In on the pages there was , Retail Merchants Asso- Mr. C. A. Culbert, fqrm- 21 Porcupine, and an in.. »ry of “Early Days in 9' Mr. Cyril T. Young', In old-timers in this part no of The Sudbury Stat ere were two full pages ttmctive way with Cap- ed by The Star's head- v Enterprising Town ait TIMMINS lam Vit ifie part