Fresh _l)filllit._!1..i,.. heh Dressed Beef ZEN {LIE ' ' O ... . . . . O Wï¬MWWWWOOWMOOm ' $§%%%ï¬ï¬%%ï¬%%%ï¬ï¬ 5555555555555555555-15555ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚iï¬ï¬hï¬tï¬ï¬‚iflflifliï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬bï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ihï¬ï¬Â§ï¬Â§ï¬ï¬$§ï¬Â§ï¬$§ï¬Eï¬ï¬ï¬hï¬ï¬bï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬sï¬ï¬‚ifliï¬ In ..----------"""'"""""r"T"_rrrc; __ "i'"i"'aTi"'a"G""i"i""GT7o7ou'7oTu_-"o'""""t g. HARDWARE - 3rdAstenue FURNITURE - 32 Pine Street E WEEWEEW SAM FELDMAN Wholesafe and Retail Present attractive Purchas Teiegraphic Charges paid on all Orders and Confirmations GIVE THIS SERVICE A TRIAL Till the Market advances before placing your orders. Ensures privacy in all your transactions. Copy of this Coke Book will be sent Free, upon requ THIRD AVENUE, While they are at these Low Levels. Ensures you Prompt Deli Homer L. Gibson Prices Right 'gigeigi'hfiiyfiiillrt 69 Maple Street, Timmins, Box 317. Phone 206A A new stock of Furniture arriving daily at prices which cannot be beaten. We now have a full line of Kitchen chairs, Kitchen cabinets, Congoleum rugs, Dining o-ooo-too-...-', ' - ' t'"""""" MOWWâ€WW VERANDAH FURNITURE i room suites, Bedrpom suites, and i SEAGRASS mums Chairs and Rockers ............... $2.50. to $8.00 a complete stock of Beds Springs i, Chairs and Rockers ............. $11.50 to $20.00 Mattresses and Springs . ' Es , g UNOLEUMS MI) OILCLOTHS or,.,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,?',.:),??,',,??,??,',,,,,,,, --_- 1125.00 t and Mattresses, etc, 't "o""'"",",.',,';,',',,',':"'"""'" Wâ€Wâ€â€MWW tot--....-...-....-. oo-tttoo--............-....... at} Private Code Book 1lig 8lll o " ', M., " " ' I me, " " I r - ‘ ' " " ‘ Bil " Illl il, 1 p, " .. . , - B%" I... " , " - " " . - Mining Stocks Kapok, filled with 1007 pure Kapok or Silk Ploss, fine art ticking, ...................... $17.00 ------------'--" -- ti . i ---.' . ti . . . . ite . V Felt. White layer mattress covered with good art Seottish . Wilton, gemnne Scottish . f Piece Fumed Dining Suit I consists . Extra Heavy, Armstrong's Linoleum, 2 yds. wide, ti kit, Re 1 $18.00 for $13 00 make, imported 9x9 ...... $67.20 . of large roomy buffet with bevel e in d $3 00 1c IL'g, guar . ............ . 9x101/2....................$74.00 o plateglass.6ft.nondividingpedis- perr11nn1ngyar ...................... . . , . . - 9x12......................$88.00 t talrod extensiontable,and6up- _-------.--..---------------------------------- Mixed, :09: “r": 51:.“ with two layers fell/it Can. Wilton,--4'6" x 7'6" ...324.oo o holstered dining chairs including t Oilcloth, 2 yds. wide, per running yard ....... $1.75 W “ma IC Ing.........-...-. . 6'9"x9'.................. $44.00 t armchairat..............$95.00 t a--------------------------------------' Ms filled ithii 1 felt to“ 9’x9’.....................$52.00 g eagrass, e W1 ne seagrass, ayer e p, 9' x 10'6" ................. $64.00 . striped ticking, .................'.... $7.00 9’x12’....................$72.00 t Chairs congOIeumS -.-...-.---.----.-------------'--------------- velvets, ----4% x 6 ........... $17.20 T . Printed Congo1eum, 2 yards wide, per running Coil-Constructed of the Highest grade, Carbon Steel 71/2 x 9 ............... . . . . .. $48.00 Green tyl Natural Verandah chairs yard .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.50 Wire%ounted on heavy steel frame with angle 9 x 9 ....................... $52.60 with cane stats (roy $2.50 to $8.00 e------'-----------------------------------" id -rails Price ...... ............. . $9 so l ---.e J3eagrass Chairs, built for comfort, .tnae i . . ' gx10y2...T..............861.00 durabilit and a, Cara: i o---------------------------------------' 12 . . .. $72 00 y pp noe, IT ce N t Fl . . 9x Cr",,",,',',,) i'""" . from............$14.00toS19.50 . ep0nse oormg No. 441 Spring. with fine double Weave, Steel Wire Tapestryts,---6 9 X 9 ....... $17.20 Extra Bea 2 ds wide er runnin d $2 00 body. Doub1etmpportsofisteeltstuuiawithoi1 'i,'x,r1/i,rr..rr.r.'r.r.rrl' ' - -- VY, Wu. ,p gpl..... . tempered helicils, mounted on 1% steel tubular 9'x1 ' tt .......'......... . q --------------------------------------" frame. Price ............. ........ ..$8.50 9’x12â€...................$28.00 Bedroom Suite . HALLLINOLEUMANDSTAIRCARPET q---------------------------------- Mats,--." .sizes.27 x 54 and 36 x 63, White Enamel Bed Room Suites, con- 3' Ball Linoleum, Brown, per yard .......... $1.25 No. 120 Spring. Twisted link, rust-proof. steel wire. ranging 1n pnces from $1.60 to $18. sisting of Dresser, Chiffonier and 221/2†Bungalow Stair Carpet, per yd. .. . . . . . . 60c. Frame consists of beam angle steel side-rails IRON AND STEEL BEDS Dressing Table with 3 mirrors with 221/2†Brussels Stair Carpet, per yd. ........ $1.80 Ostermoor mattress guaranteed all wool . . Our Personal Service Coil-Constructed of the Highest grade, Carbon Steel Wire‘mounted on heavy steel frame with angle tside-rails, Price n..................... $9.50 Watches, Clocks, Community Plate, All Repair Work Guaranteed. you the best execution of your Orders, Deliveries and Settlements. Everything in Jewelry 441 Spring. with fine double Weave, Steel wire body. Double supports of steel bands with oil tempered helicils, mounted on 1% steel tubular frame. Price ...... ....... ........ ..$8.50 P Members Standard Stock Exchange 703-45 Bank of Hamilton Building Service . HORWITZ (Between Boll inger Stores). HEM; DO NOT WAIT TORONTO, ONT. es at their present Prices. BUY 2iii?iiiitiifi Phone 152. wm vhlt Tlmmins first of every month at Dal- ton's Livery. Any other times by arrangement Ask your dealer for Dr. Gag- non's Veterinary Medicines. DR. L GAGNON VETERINARY OFFICE HAILEYBURY. Ilan Illllarslltalllll-lllhmllestone Limited Id] "el ih "iEhgiiyEgihrei%ii, 'dextf tl nest. $25.00 etc. P.0. Box 458 TIMMINS. MOOWOOGWWOOWNWWNO o"'""'""""""'".' kiln]?! {E make, imported 9x9 ... 9x101/2 ................. 9x12................... Can. Wilton,--4'6" x 7'6" 6'9"x9' ............... 9' x 10'6" ....... 9'x12' .......... Velvets, ---4% x 6 . 9x9 ............. 9x 101/2 ...T... 9x Ig........... Tapestrms,--6'9" x illil WEI Iillulilflll IIIII IIISIIIIBI III Tl8llllllllilltil Over 61 per cent. of the Vote in Te miskaming Against Bone-Dry Scheme. tr were, a m eer at :Muti‘ice had not Come under cording: to the W e 1' E urnxn tltll ent tt m l l' 11 011C my ml on o It mm It Il f) nt IT e Il w Ill " m RUGS rendum 1'liis'y.C.'.'.Y.'. 16.9,: 'x' sir' 111111: H o ll 5 lit ll he regulation o0ieial count votes at Moo (t1 bit rt 111830! " On W rt. )untc l the importation rovince), and 4071 It ll It lt PIT lot (I guts on d from med w THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE annuunm unt a an aunt [More Moonbeam, ver O " pr ll II' IO ION' n If I) O n wa S, If Hi tH n 1'f? n " HI TWO MONTHS IN JAIL FOR ATTEMPT TO ROB REGISTER P, YOU (I H sin and woe. May Moonheain, an for evermure! Shine,QInon1 Beam, Moonshine! Good evening It ll HI Dining Room Suite 8 Piece Fumed Dining Suite, consists _ of large roomy buffet with bevel plate glass, 6 ft. non dividing pedis- tal rod extension table, and 6 up- holstered dining chairs including arm chair" at o............. $95.00 Green and Natural Verandah chairs with cane seats from $2.50 to $8.00 Seagrass Chairs, built for comfort, durability and appearance. price from ............ $14.00 to $19.50 It ll I W " W a upt 1b t'VII 1m n Moon n :his'tlark vale Mooirbean1 sh hine, Noonlre Mr II tll vn t w .md Inf n6 "o.-.-..... WWW-‘WOW “M00'bowéOWONOOOOOOOWâ€WOMâ€OOMOO$ W I TORONTO GLOBE ON THE INCREASE IN GOLD MINING b N UT t) JI It l'IXl'a n VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS & SUPPLIES MUSIG SATGHELS tl " N Come and look over' our selection of Old and New Violins. Large stock of these Instruments for sale ranging in price from $10.00 to $125.00 Can take a very limited number ofEstud- ents for violin and string instruments. tl 1w eonstt'uetitm ol' a t1'ansm1s- :10 of almut seventy-live miles, xill dispose of the, fuel problem mntly and it will supply a renter production of gold in will be effective in reducing arse balance of trade with the pm JHilllet in t nee to 20 Hull yo L lt Heavy, printed Dominion per running yard .. .. 3' Ball Linoleum, Brown, per yard . . I 221/2†Bungalow Stair Carpet, per yd. 221/2" Brussels Stair Carpet, per yd. [ 27" Wilton Stair Carpet, per yd. . . . [ twer In" and w tt tr mt tilt the recent applic nger Consolidate f developing elec hitibi district, Th pm] lf) Kes FORMER TEACHER AT DULUTH (li)llt'Ell1aT0flt m H. F. $08lliEIE8, l4 CEDAR STREET (HPSTAIRS) h tl mam followin transm i s- purposes (3V6 ly Linoleums mrt il (‘6 1' m m 1n by eu at to 1e ti Jar the mm St the mum ltmgdom, Fd. from Sweden, i"20,i'rtit5,558 fr, ada, $10,753,851 from China, 287 from Australia, and only from British South cV'riea. r: still the great market for fit W tl S hydro electtne power tins country ought to continue increasing the pro- duetion of gold.†I rho Linoleum, 2 yds. wide, .................82.50 1t We 49. '0 amount of power at a time whe decline in the prnduetion of silve set free a considerable nmnher L _N' e O" t'Olti Service impurle 1.499. ll led lt' Wttf; Hiram outh J ulih 181T: w Can 900. )1 \1 ll LII "