Porcupine Advance, 12 Jan 1921, p. 1

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series. ~1’orenpme plays l'lllllC'yUlu'V Saturday night and New Liskeard on Monday evening. There will be much interest in the liaileybury game be- jyutisis the boys from the County Town showed themselves such first-elass game sports on Monday e 'ening here, when, though outelasseg from the stqrt, they fought as hard at the finish as if they had a chancemf catch ing up on the score. Naturally the game with New Liskeard will have a ispecial attraction and interest. The 1il'l"s'i' here are going down with the idea of' winning from New Liskeard right on their own ice. ‘No one doubts that this would be easy enough, if the New Liskeard rink were not such a little freak affair. But the team trom Porcupine expect to overcome fill; MW] MEI Ill til mm MM HM” ilfiG Games With Haileybury and New Lis- keard Expected to be Very Lively mm be good el 'going down fro: bury and New I there this Wee the freak rink handicap and wipe out the win hereby Liskeard by a win on biskeard ice from the Creamery play ery. it is expected eupine team will bury on Friday P, {Ability of ally dr.. IL". JUNIOR HOCKEY PRACTICE HELD TUESDAY EVENING. ll the game, The unneym be well worth seeing, am may well make a week er GAMES AND SCORES IN N. O. H. A. SERIES TO I)! 20111 W worth new ime to g raveilin HE ad c key tnt l try a trs,/ was on mars tl Unilt Mrs It donlin be co. uins, 10 Vol VI NC. 2 men Saturday 'r IO is'tl Mrs 'Int ('0! l ey uy iy one_last your )wn Friday, I} Ili' HIt m li' to " to ll n Burial: ofa su to ero w as Mn ma n owds of hockey tans n this Camp to Hailey /skeard for the games k in the N.O.H. A. no plays Hailcybury and New Liskeard on c. There will be much () pr on through part of Haileybury game will oing, and hockey fans week end of the trip. ants. I"')f-rifi'i. P0RcLjll?PsilllE /,ij):iiJ[)N/Art/CfE n o W D down to Hailey- to avoid any pos ate railway trips . to Liskeard. By he boys will have from T. & N. O. n m nt u ll D at " mu In p Ins th ot i II rt' of tl or " Pit' Tt ll hlllljhif WINS [HUM llMlllli1ll, 5305i lil-l Monday night. The visitors were hum outclassed by the local stars, yet the game Wits watched with much nterest throughout. Despite the fact .hat the 1raileybury boys had such a hi; score run up against. them, they. kept on battling from start to finish. Indeed in the last period they were working as hard and as persistently as if they had a chance of a win. It was an exhibition of good grit and sport that did credit to the Hailey- bury players and made an unusual im- pression, creditable'to Haileybury, on the people at this Camp. The final score was 10 to I, in favor of the Por- cupine. v‘ The opening period started with some good hockey. The iPoreupine team got their first goal in less than 2 minutes, with a second-in twenty seconds after, Spring and MeCurry being: responsible for both seores. Jaeohs then got an easy one, and Pat- sy Parker who played a lively and effective game all esening got one al- so before the period ended with the score 4 m o. 2te N A .‘vIunday 221110.. The following was the line-up Haileybury Pore Burns.........g‘oal. . . . . . .. w, Masterson. .. ..right ......:... McFarland. . . . left .... . . ' .. S Sueek..... .. ..eentre ..... Me Austin. . . . . . . .lel't . . . . . .. Mel It M there Jones.........).,'" ........ Laughington. . .spare ... . . .. Carmichael. . . .spuro ... . . . .. For the visitors 'Mastemon w bably the star. Speck was : play only part of the game. mm " OI About a thousand people turned out r the Poreupirie-Haileybury game in e N.O.H.A. Senior series here on ondav night. The visitors were ‘si'cors, Daspite Lead Against Them, Fought Gallantly to the Finish. a t'. EDUCTION or' WAGES IN THE COBALT CAMP litar it n ly ll ll " clt (slum! m work made allot . and McCurry a Porcunine 7; Hail 3. All the Porcupine players ' good hoekey. Worters in goal upping everything, Spring: and ere a wall defence, with brilliant on l'lic- oirensiv'e on occasion. 'ry,. Parker, Brown and Jacobs , their places effectively. Park- ;‘ker liked a hero and did well, MeCurry's work showed him a B'IcGuire, as usual, was right and put up a clever and effective 0110 a, and tw Mol‘furry 9ttit H d ond par'pd Jones got the for the visitors in 20 own and 1feCurry in com k made another score, and McCurry added another sine 7; Haileybnry 1. rted the third period by " nd two minutes after did (furry concluded the spot- left .4 centre left .. right vo Sit :ht .......'.... Cox l ......'.. Spring ntre . . . . . McGuire t ....... McCarty 'ht ........ Brown are . . . . . .. Parker Ire ........ Jacobs 'Mastemon was Pio- Speck was ahlts to :unes are r mecrin‘ oing' we T in US li( Tith neo Daltor w a S ltiS " Sit n TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12111., 1921 Porcupine . Worters W it 111 effet u All Me n Ii IS [If ll Ivo, CH'E lad 8 W IN 0n 1( ti n tirillilill IN TIME llf T. " ll, {MINE HERE Train Léaves Here at 2 Of 11.30 a.m. Other t tlltllilllliill ilf ililllllilll " t??lllllfill filil THE YEAR Town Council at Inaugural Meeting Sets Times for Regular Meetings As 4 P.M. Second and Fourth Mondays. nmrting’s ol' the Counvil on the summl and fourth Mondays " each month at 4 p.111. Last year the .Couneil's regu- lar meetings were held on the, second and fourth Mondays of each month. hut the hour of meeting was 7.30 p.m., instead of 4 p.111. The new hour of 4 p.111. Is more convenient, for the majority of the present year's Coun- eil The followfng are the Committees of Council chosen for the year, the first-named in each case being the ehairman:-- Finanec----E. L. Longmorc, chair- lf 'Poliee---J. E. bl L. S. Newton. 1vate!.rwovlis--'--r: King, JFK. Morin uriln tilt .qu'c N Ihngmorr Public Noble, L. N e w The new t went into Tl mmm rt Il It he Jun mtm If Mint ot us (let inaugural meetin own Council was ll ADVANCE WITH THE NEW YEAR ll tle $2.00 mat tl T C. HOUSTON LEAVES FOR WORK IN MEXICO " SW0 Pt" Otherwim e tune ls , advance t have TIr o r): Works---'?, S. Ne wton ll D " ime table effect 1 ll Kant King:, J ill w tH tr ll C'lerl Advance Ki W tl I” Slit l, nfo ollice mmntt Sullivan, J Sullivan Do ar .ll Me, Mari n f 111ml tap Me up. You have 1 in 1921. For tl Advance. If yo it m Longmorc, chair- E. blullican. " U M r. H.' l " let " are on ”.le by your .p is discont All] u M I' ( " inn HON " on Newton, 1 Noble no“ ---J J, mm. Instead Changes. 'dyo the I) lf off for Kina mm mel l 15321 W l It Sn " nee. A ll promptly on Mon: I and ail and be- ll Be sure H n Morin, v yam Mont- Af It aym}: inued ‘11le- "0nd 'r su Hit- rr l d Ur It tl H n ll ll MINES Gll WWW PW ililllllill illl WIN Interesting Game Between Mine and Town Teams Being Arranged For the Week. The. next game of hockey in the N. O.Il.A. series to be played in Tim- mins is not scheduled until Feb 1st. The fans here think that is a long time away to wait for tt hockey match here, so they are arranging a lively ex hibition game at the rink here for Friday evening of this week, when the Town of Timmins and the Mines will try conclusions. Those in charge are keeping their line-up dark, but it is known that a nunibcr of old- timers will be on the oposing teams, and the game will be a swift one with lots of snap and good hockey. The hockey fans should make a point of re serving Friday evening of this week to see.the game betweenthe Town and Hollinger hockey teamg. Skating, " Til llllli ih'1liBllilll H] ?i'r'llli MESH" iOll ter the game. i: n n 119mm) 551M need of tl pla tttOt on tl h md intel " the Goven 1ih Land (SHIT (421111119 as to In of the North it that the replies ld dilTer greatly d n )ll metal Dem-mg. Associated Board a the Government NN 1nd ould JI Ind Ittf feat I'th wards m )etlm-l would r idea O I tt “we to " H " lrlt van C. ll Alt de 10X] trds k fr/fm m tl sun Den It DY ttMt tir 11m It Kt ol n lor' Such mm "" it ou ndividu y press rrive at rt he North met them. mmodiate I ng. place 1 a com- 1't ttt I". ort In on mt " ll rt Trat mai; e on and Int (um the " nt ol lat n rt " a e "MINE llill FRMINEIM 'JUHN t'lllti'll MIME“! NURSE lllllililllill HERE; MINES ilillirll.l.lllllllllTl1 . immins to assist in the good work of warding and improving the public =ealth. The Town has opened an ome for Miss Lowe. in the premises recently occupied by Miss Copps, next to Stoek's Jewelry Store, Pine street, Timmins. Miss Lowe will visit the homes of Timmins, and special clinics will also be held for mothers and children. C _ lt will be remembered that twonor three inonths 'N ago the Provincial Board of Health stationed two nurses here, with the purpose of improving and safeguarding the public health by means of visiting homes, holding clinics for children, giving advice to mothers and prospective mothers, and gathering such data" as would prove of great usefulness in dealing with the zenith of the town. These nurses, Miss Linton and Miss Meiklejohn, did musunlly effective and helpful work acre for the public health. Through their efforts mothers learned of phys- ical imperl'vetions or diseases in their "hildren, easil) remedied at this tinie, ut. that might have proved serious Elllll"l;’s it unattended to. Attention ms t‘ullt‘d to many cases of adenoids, enlarged tonsils and other nose and throat troubles. In their advice to :imilu'rr; and prospective mothers the uurszx were especially helpful. The 'd't'e.tt value o!' their work to the gen- Miss Lowe, of the Provmcial Board 1? Health Department, Toronto, is the wained nurse secured by the Town of O mm: lel tt 3 Oper-d in Pine Street. Nurse Will Visit Homes. Clinics To Be Held. Bt Alf 11 LGBD WITH THEFT FROM PRIEND‘S POCKBTS. " ll ll It OI " u W W n (l Ill nes ADE met I) and to 1t ll tlt rune Thu undo )eruxancnt " If rsuay LIANJNL m Ieulth cl" ph BANQI m Iier it U? VC t was t Boa rd 'dr cont ll Is not l W [vice to John Jones has had d; mm the ing during the pist few IL The Hudson Bay district. Tl Jae gen- Imw he came to be on tl rly re- team was necessary to FOWH of leree American balloon: -0ntinue newspapers have been c I oftlw, the Shari?! of these ball was de- U.S. Navy men left Ra ll and t, O y ti H ly o " Miss ll WU? w 7'1 tl In re V ( it ti 'il Well-Known Porcupine Prospector Figures in Re:cue of US. Airmen. Tiu, telegram received this morning by The Advance, says that John Jones,' dog team of 14 dogs brought. out the three Balloonists from James Factory to Mattiee, on the Tran-- tinental and then by railway to Coch- rane. The. dog team reached Mattiee at 3 p.m. yesterday afternoon. Mr. John Jones and his dog teams are well-known in the Porcupine. Mr. Jones himself has spent considerable time in the district in prospecting and. mining work. Few men have stalled more claims in the district than he has in recent years. He has a ham her of claims in Deloro that he has been working on in the past few years mis dog teams are also well-known. A iyear or so ago he created a sensation lin Toronto by driving a dog team around the principal streets of the city. He was photographed with than team before the King Edward Hotel and pictures of the man and the team are published in leading daily pap- _ers. Moving pictures of John Jones n North Land. This country was plcas- ed at the advertising it was receiving: and amused at all the fuss. When the whereabouts of the three balloonists were unknown there was naturally some anxiety here, but as soon as it was known they were at Moose Fact- Jt'y, all ,knew they were safe and would he well-cared for and returned to their homes without special dis- mnnt’ort. Just as expected they are back now to where railroads run or walk. Johnny Jones brought them out in his 14-dog team. It would just be a pleasant trip for Johnny and he would see the three men had easy travelling and little more discomfort than on a steam railroad with parlor- and dining car service. Sexe. team was n m g d uc Hu Json ll LS. Navy men 11 December t mvul (;))servati est apparently IIOLLINGER ANNOUNCES FIRST DIVIDEND FOR 1921. k " .ml his dog team in Toronto were also- umle and shown throughout the coun 11y. lle brought the team up north :nd entered it in two sections in the 'creupine Dog Team Race last year, tis broilier driving the one team and he other being driven by John Jones Mm W ll ree l y W ht d you Single Copies 5 Cents 1t ti other be self. ohn Joni during t 0 It In): " II He llu m 1't d ll ltually going to earth otory district when 1 eharge of hy the I r at that. point. Am ily newspapers the been waiting Meat monl fixes M 11 “run Lion balloon. They got ly and drifted rapidly My going to earth in the ['3' district where they large of hy the Hudson- that point'. According newspapers the whole an waiting breathlessly 3 rchr.yn to civilization. not quite true about the m 10)‘ "HE ntl my to allooni q ft If on tl ud ( W rt Mr UI ell hallo m razor STUFF FOR N D THURS!) yum n n fi y are very amub- the Lyons-Moran the ladies of the r look at, “Fixed prove a popular ioelt brief w mont Phat is a] d n u thaws work 10111113 in the t is no dutilsg :gpot when a. aka out the :4. The daily wked full of mists. Three W n m mp 111 They , ll The' situ Amsolid- 1 1921 is div Mend een YOU In tl tt qua limseH’ t't tie will ns and wrved-. tieular ur "a,vp.1h'" 'liea'l',f,'d,'2' W: Ive a msell Jyor14 ttttrl It i um raxw. “I 1mp W Ctr' NH UH (I o g ll

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