Grimsby Independent, 15 Aug 1940, p. 5

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. .-i" .. "er . tOLtfERhTR _"" o BARNET o ICE-KING Rummage sale to be held in store next to Baker's by Trinity Y.P.S. Saturday, August 17th. Remember we carry a wide var- iety of tarts, rolls, pies and pas- tries of all descriptions A layer of delicious custard over fresh bananas topped with mer- ingue, makes this delicacy one that your family will talk about for a long time. Miss Frances Lawrie and Miss . .mma MacColgan of Toronto are holidaying in Grimsby, the guests Mrs. A. Stevenson, Oak Street. A f1ufty, delicious Lemon Swans.. down layer, iced with smooth fondant Icing flavoured with tart fresh limes. A tangy zest- ful summer treat. Order one to- day. M _' THE ROYAL BANK the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Astle, Nelles Road. Mrs. V. R. Farrell and son, Ralph, have been visiting with Lieut. Farrell, who is stationed at Camp Borden. . Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Thompson tnd daughter, of Windsor, spent Lime and Lemon Gold Cake A 4-STAR SPECIAL 1940 AIR-CONDmONED . . . A REAL SUMMER SPECIAL- Also This Week-end Banana, Cream . Pie Thursday, August 15th, 1940. SHOWERS BULB Qlfll& t Itli GU. l, REF RIGERATORS PRICED $22.00 to $76.50 FRESHER FOODS THE ICE-CONDITIONED WAY War Savings Stamps Quarters, dimes, nickels-even pennies-they all help to fill Canada's War Chest when used to buy War Savings Stamps. Use War Savings Stamps as prizes-- as presents --at, gifts to children. When shopping take your change in War Savings Stamps. Always remember ---the more you buy, the more you save. GIIMSIY BRANCH PHONES 108-J and 108-W sold at every Branch of this Bank CANADA Miss Lillian Wilkins spent a few days visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Croft will reside at 126 Main Street, West, Grimsby. The couple left later by motor to Barrie and district. For travelling the bride donned a frock of blue with white polka dot, her accessor- ies being white. She carried a light tweed coat. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held at Wells' restaurant, Grimsby Beach, where pink and (white decorations were used effec- tively. The bride's mother wore a flowered blue crepe dress, with blue and white accessories and corsage bouquet of pink roses and sweet peas. The 'groom's mother was in rosewood crepe, with matching ac-) cessories, and corsage bouquet of i roses and sweet peas. Mr. William Grant, Oakville, was the best man. Miss Madge Croft, Grimsby, sis- ter of the groom, as bridesmaid, wore an attractive frock of tur- quoise crepe, with matching tur- ban, and her bouquet was of deep yellow roses and golden gladioli. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a be- coming redingote dress of pale pink sheer crepe, the coat having a white silk pique collar and lapels. A tiny hat of pink and white flow- era matched her ensemble and she carried a bouquet of pink roses and white gladioli. l Mrs. G. B. Easton, North Grimsby, to Mr. Vernon John Croft, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Croft, Grimsby. Rev. J. A. Ballard was the offici- ant. Mr. George Burgoin presided at the organ and played softly throughout the ceremony and dur- ing the signing of the register ren- dered I Love You Truly. GROFT--EASTON With white 'gladioli enhancing the altar and baskets of vari-color- ed gladioli being used deconatively throughout the church, the wedding took place in St. Andrew's Angli- can Church on Saturday afternoon which united in marriage Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and w. G. DULMAGE. Mona." N uptials , i:'::":::.'.":- 2.y.::fikti. :57 : 55533131551‘V'c} ffi.:fifjjj.i"jjiji1t..t....t?.::i.? p.' ".:y.r2l.c tt 8.'.'i'..?.?.i:.ii'ifif:f:.rijf.:.?.Siit', P. 13:55:2-5-wfiafiifiifiifiiiifiii f. 55"": " ?i.ii?ifof.ii?ifiii.iif:i : _.. .I.-"I ;?iyyffy.::/i:?i ttp. Eflh?.if,sSi.f.f.orifi'if:jf:j'.9. '.t.iff. Mr. and Mrs. C. DeQuetteville, of Harrow, Ontario, spent the weekend in Grimsby and on their return were accompanied by Mrs. George DeQuetteville and son, Clif- ford. I Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Pettit spent a few days at Grand River Lodge, at Paris. Their son and daughter, Mr. Jack Pettit and Miss Jean Pettit spent Sunday with them. Mr. A. Stevenson, Oak Street, has enlisted with the 41-102 Field Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, C.A.S.F., and is now at the Stand- ards Barracks in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Waites, Mansion Apts., returned home Sun- day after holidaying during the past three weeks at Toronto, Windsor and Wingham. . tu---.-"'- Mr. A. U. Price, lé'Uh-L LlaulLJ ager of the Bell Telephone Com- pany, with Mrs. Price and daugh- ter, Miss Isobel Price, are leaving today to holiday at Long Point, on Lake Erie. Mrs. S. McCaskill was the week- end guest of Mrs. Florence Wal- lace, of New York and Charlotte- ville, Va., at her summer lodge in Northern Ontario. Mr. Hugh Kelson, formerly of Grimsby, who has been receiving medical treatment in Hamilth for some time, visited with his mother, Mrs. H. C. Kelson, Mountain St., over the weekend. Miss Edith Leckie returned to New York on Wednesday after spending the past month visiting with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Neil M. Leckie. Misses Marion Scott and Maisie Cullingford, accompanied by Misses Daisy and Dorothy Pooley and Doris Barth, of Toronto, are en-! joying a week's vacation at Holli- day House, in Port Elgin. t . . Mr. D. C. Thomson, local man- ager of the Hydro Electric Power Commission, in company with a party of friends from Hamilton, is holidaying for two weeks in East- _ em and Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hitchman, of Buffalo, visited last week with the former's brother, Frank and Mrs. Hitchman, Robinson Street, North. Among the numerous showers and presentations to honour Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Croft (nee Mary Easton) prior to their marriage on [Saturday we r e handsome gifts {from each of their employers. Mr. Miss Mary Reid has returned af- ter spending ten days' vacation at Erie Beach near Cedar Springs. Mr. and Mrs. William Hewson and Mr. and Mrs. William Shafer spent the weekend at Coboconk visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mill- yard who have been holidaying there during the past two weeks. Misses Joan Eaton and Glenna Farrell are camping for ten days at Camp Owaissa on Lake Erie. Mr. William Walker, of Melissa, is holidaying this week with rela- tives and friends in Grimsby. Couple Honoured By Employers Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Shantz and family are holidaying for ten days at French River. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hull have re- turned to Windsor after holidaying in Grimsby. Miss Geraldine Terryberry is holidaying with her grandparents at Orillia. Croft was made the recipient of an electric grillette and a smoking stand by Merritt Bros. Basket Fac- tory, and Mrs. Croft was presented with a crystal rose bowl and can- delabra, engraved with silver, from the Canadian Package Sales, Ltd. Miss Joyce Mogg is holidaying for a few weeks at Preston. Birthday Party For Betty Fisher On saturday evening Mrs. Har- vey Lambert, Oak Street, enter- tained twenty-three friends at her home in honour of Miss Betty Fisher, on the occasion of her" birthday. A most enjoyable even- Ing was spent in playing games, during which time Miss Fisher op- ened the many lovely gifts which were presented to her. To con- 'clude the evening dainty refresh- iments were served by the hostess, assisted by Misses Kay Fisher, l Joyce Shelton and Alle3me Silver. THE qirNSBY INDEPENDENT SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. john E. Lawson, North Grimsby, and Mr. Leonard Lawson and son, Gerald, of St. Catharines, have been spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Russ, at Purdy, Ontario. Trinity W.M.S. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hysert, of Grimsby, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Joslin of Smithville returned home over the weekend after holidaying the past week at Rideau Lake. Mrs. T. R. Ferguson of Uxbridge, Mrs. c. L. Candler of Grosse Pointe, Michigan and Miss Teresa Coulson of Detroit are visiting their mother, Mrs. James Coulson at her cottage at the lake. Mr. Delbert Merritt who has been spending the past year with his daughter, Mrs. George Dalg- leish at Wingham, is visiting' in Grimsby for a month. - I Membes Enjoy Outing At Mrs. G. Luno's - Miss Forts,. of Teulon Mission In antOba Is Guest. Mrs. Leonard Lawson and daugh- ters, Marion and Shirley, of St. Catharines, are spending the week visiting Mr."and Mrs. William Shelton, Oak Street. A galen party last week on the beautif lawn of Mrs. George Luno, Iain Street, East, w a s greatlYnjoyed by members of the Women Missionary Society of TrinityUnited Church. Supper, served -tab1es, was followed by a progralmth Mrs. Murray Beam- er preS-ig. Mrs. no’s review of a Chapter on Meal Missions from the Study .k‘on India, touched on (the Wounong lepers, many now cured ling to treat others; the training women nurses to save the mils of women now dying annuallbom unsanitary treat- ment inkness and lack of sun- shine indah, and through pover- ty; and training of native men for doct i Miss Victoria Fox and Leon Betzner, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Betzner, are spending two weeks holidaying at Tillsonburg. Mrs. Roland Merritt and family, of Toronto, are spending a few weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. o. Moore, Kerman Avenue. Mrs. Wellington St. John left on Saturday evening to Join her hus- band, Sgt. Pilot St. John who is stationed at Ottawa. His many friends will regret to learn that Mr. w. W. Ferris, Ade- laide Street, is confined to his home through illness. Mr. T. R. Ferguson and son, Mr. James Ferguson, of Uxbridge, spent the weekend with Mrs. James Coulson. Connie Graham, ot Hamilton, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hunt, Elizabeth Street. One tad his foot crushed un- der a theel. Wrong treat- ment btwitch doctor caused gangrer Bible woman persuad- ed the y to take him to the Mission ital where amputation necessitifour months' conval- escenee.ring his stay he ob- served Iof hospitals, nursing and (unity. He accepted ehristiamd later entered the same ho in training for medi- cine and is there doing won- derful ma a successful staff doctor. ' trained native men make sun doctors now in medical us of the United Church tada. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Betzner and family were visiting in Tillsonburg on Sunday. A plesurprise came from Mrs. E. Lrgess, bringing her husband':, Miss Forbes, sup- erintendtthe girls' boarding school oin Mission in Mani- toba, whRhtited Church also has a 11- [She gave an in- terestingnt of the girls' training tll around christian homes. who have never known furorship and Bible reading t feel its strength and to b Above all their training it acceptance of Christ tlt Personal Savior. Many beu'istian leaders in their he community. An informal Ion followed by Mrs. Lut Forbes and Mrs. Burgess at years in India doing mirk. Membdorward to anoth- er visit Is FOrbes on her return tira Scotia next January. l te-1arderu?at:tacl, Theal Brds. I; MAZOLA OIL-... No.1size..... APPLE JUICE-ated Wing 200z. ......o......____, GOLD MEDAL TOMATO JUICE 250z........._r LIBBY’S PORK4 BEANS- 18oz........_Crfr, O.K. LAUNDRY SOAP......... Pkge. . . §NOWFLAKE AMMONIA, Large . . OXYD0L-. !{EDLUND’S MEAT PASTE-- LIBBY'S MILK 1602. .....'... Mrs. Margaret Mayne of South Bend, Ind., has been spending the past two weeks, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Neil M. Leckie, Kerman Avenue. STUART'S-. ORANGE MARMALADE-32 Oz, Mrs. Dora Bishop, who has been a guest at the home of Mr. J. Arm- strong, has returned to her home in Toronto. QUAKER, PUFFED RICE Douglas Lipsit is holidaying with his uncle, Mr. Hagar Babb, of Hamilton, at his cottage at Lake of Bays. I In making this announcement, the treasurer of the local branch of the Red Cross expressed the sin- cere thanks and appreciation of the Society to those whose efforts made these remarkable results pos- sible. CtUAKER- PUFFED WHEAT W. F. Buchan, brought to the So- ciety $94.25. The East End Section of the local branch held two home bake sales, and as a result Mrs. F. G. Fleming turned over $133.16 to the Society. At Grimsby Beach Patri- cia Pearson and Jane Sheri: held a similar sale in the park, and their effort was responsible for a further contribution of $19.50. Two lawn- mowers, donated by Mr. and Mrs. Work on behalf of the Grimsby and District Red Cross Society con- tinues apace, according to a report received from Miss A. M. Crane, treasurer. Bake Sales, Lawn Mowers, Bring In Nearly $250.00 - Thanks of Society Express- Red Cross Workers Have Been Busy FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DAILY PONTIAC, McLAUGHLIN-BUICK 107 Main St. W. T . '38 FORD PICK-UP TRUCK. . '36 FORD PANEL TRUCK. . '32 G.M.C. ly, TON STAKE TRUCK. P'" .- Q '34 PLYMOUTH COACH. . '35 FORD COACH. These cars and trucks will be sold at bargain prices, while they last, to clear our floor for the 1941 Announcing . . . NO INCREASE IN USED CAR PRICES Al)lplli)lM)trN0'r0R SAEES .odels. Shredded Wheat Miss Morrison, of New York, who has been spending some time at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Neil Leckie, with the latter's grandchil- dren, Master David and Miss Alice Willcox, has left to visit in Ithica, N.Y. for the next two weeks before returning home. Grimsby Branch plans to have a replenished stock of wool on hand in readiness for the renewed acti- vities of the autumn. Information received from On- tario Division Headquarters of the Red Cross indicates that thousands of pairs of gloves and mittens will be required for all branches of our Armed Forces for the coming autumn Iand winter; also all types of caps and helmets in great num- bers. Seamen's socks and stock- ings should be in hand at all times. Branches are asked to encourage their knitters to concentrate on these garments until further no- tice, to insure an adequate supply. Knitters T o Have Busy Autumn 11 a.m. - Rev. C. A. Perkins, B.Th., of Harriston, will preach. SUNDAY, AUGUST 18th KELLOGG’S C om Flakes 2 for 150 Trinity United Church Rev. R. B. Ferris, Minister. 2 for 230 'o.......... 21C Cash & Carry PHONE " - - 46 Telephone 391 Cakes for for for for for for for l9C 19f 15C 15C 15C 15C l9C 150 FIVE

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