m. FOUR hoeal Items of Interest Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the States. J. P. Richardson and Son 'ot Mora have purchased Baldwin's Hardware. It is expected stocktaking will be finished about the end of the month, when they will take possession. l, VERNON TUCK, R.0. by using cheap bargain glasses. It not scientifically' correct for the particular detects of your eyes, such glasses are not cheap when the final results are reckoned. Don't Endanger . Your Sight m'""-"--"-..----.-- (Registered Optometist) GRIMSBY VG BAtlllk,0F. HAMILTON BUILDING STONE tre tnat iTli if]] H, GODDEN a SONS yrt RED SAND STONE . CAMPBELL, MANAGER GRIMSBY BRANCH: tor wry, near top of Grimsby mountain r f buildin PHONE 425, GRIMSBi1 ESTABLISHED 1872 o supply now qr Those valuable documents of yours may be burnt or stolen, and you' knew that you could not replace them. Don't take this risk yourself when for a a safe deposit box fn our fire and burglar proof vaults. nall annual sum you may rent a""-"--"--"--"--------- purpose Miss Margaret Ross of Lyndoch spent the week-end with Miss Freda Randall. ' '. "Pecks Bad Boy" is the feature picture at Moore's Theatre, tonight and tomorrow night. Mrs. C. W. Harrison (Madame Eulisse) of Bradford visited friends in town over the week-end. Friday night. Good floor in the Fruit Belt The roads both above and below the mountain are in a terrible state and traveling is a difficult proposition. The Central garage (formerly Coun- ty Motors) under the ownership ot B. W. 'Shantz, is handling the Crown Oil Companys product Steline. The Christmas cantata to be given by the pupils ot the Park school will be held on Wednesday, Dee. 21 in the School house. The cantata will be "The Christmas Spirit" ahd all are working hard to make it a sue- cess. "Made in Canada" ts a. slogan thatl the Grimsby Steel Furniture Com? pany has adopted and that amplified‘ by the quality ot the goods is having tar-reaching effects. On Monday a full car load ot the products of this company was forwarded to Vancouver and another car load is on order to, be delivered in Toronto by December 10. These car load lots are but a small percentage of the goods going out, but serve to show that small orders are not all the business. Dance in next Spring tlu alt-ttte-tttp Delive The Independent Halls t. Good music. Best or at tlu tint I tmmimiuimmltitmummimimmrtttt new Nordheimer piano at 7.30 in St. Johns Cir at 7.30 in St. Johns Chuich. Nelles Rutherford has real Guelph Agricultural College his third year course. T. Smith got the prize, dell the St. Johns Presbyterian Ladies Aid Bazaar on Thursd ing. Phone Smithville at Grassie Station. on Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Symmes have gone for their annual sojourn in, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. L. gym- mes of Toronto accompanied them " far as Washington. T Will also handle Bran, Shorts, Chop Corn, Cracked Corn, Rolled Oats, Chopped Oats, Mixed Cho , Mixed Chicken Feed and Oilcake Meagz I am opening up a Flour and Feed business, at Grassie\ Station, in the Grain Warehouse. . I have a car each ot Corn, Flour and Feed on order. Corn expected this week. Will book orders off car at 80c bushel-special prices on ton lots. . Mrs. Gilbert Rayner Lloyd Rayner, Nelles roat ceive tor the first time si to GRIMSBY on Wednesd: bbr 30 from 4 to 6 o’clock about learning I utilities and im one that practic every dar-and l prone to critisize A new Dry Goods, Ladies Ready- to-wear and, Gents Furnishing store' has been opened in Beamsville known as The White Store on the corner of, King and Ontario streets. They have an ady't. in this issue. , o' 'twas hard to keep the fe Quite a number took ot Manager Le Patottrei) during telephone week tt Bell Telephone exchange workings ot the plant. 'I was there _a good part ol and in his absence at his changes, the chief ope Dora Cole explained the visitors in the day time,, , evening Miss Eva Little erally called upon, tht operator's assisted at tim the visitors were mm 1nOre / B Coy. Lincoln and Welland Reiti, will parade on Thursday evening atié pm. in front ot Postoffice building; All members are requested to attend; and any desirous ot joining should do so without delay, as only a few "ii cancies remain. l every way. Which means that the crowd was not so big that the dancers were crowded but enough to make good fellowship. Between sixty land seventy couple were present and those who had braved the bad roads were loud in their congratulation ot themselves to think they had not missed such an excellent evening's enjoyment. The floor is smooth- just smooth-o other word is need- ed: and ttfe orchestra was a reminder of "the tin-tin-tin-tturi,,,, ne Hm C. W. Cuttorth traveling represent) ative ot the International Bible Sturt dents association will speak at Rabi! inson theatr.e, Beamsyille, on Sunday" Nov. 27, at 3 p.m., oh' the subject 03 "Christianity Doomed! Why?" All seats tree. "s', Lucillselves to think they had not missed such an excellent evening's enjoyment. The floor is smooth-- just smooth-o other word is need.. ed; and the orchestra was a reminder of "the tin-tin-tin-ttlation of the hells. bells, bells," not because of Ed- gar Allen Poe's way of putting it, but when the staccato notes resounded 'twas hard to keep the feet in check. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The ladies Auxiliary of the \G.W.W] A. held the weekly dance in Snot; singer’s hall on Friday evening ah had a good turn out, about titty bell} present. Many ot last winter’s at; tendants remembered and came'backd The music was good. and no lunc§ was wasted. 'se A certain firm sent plumbers kit box to .1 other day. Across the name plate the brant are aiven as: “92m fornia;" "New York, U. S. A." gara Falls, Canada.' We thought San. Francisco was in S. A. as well as New York city John Dawe of Ttr Cosby. Spring Creel hunting trip in P: week. Thev warn f anatawan and had g brought home the ti deer he has yet had going northdi5r seve invariably brings om " HIIQI‘ coming to Mr. Ryan jumpe to the lines and fenCe further (h leg broken on Th the top of Mount jumped from his , an Jr. were 'comh tain when the be Hal twang ducted by I vnd G. L. S Orurtge Hal Grimsby, w November 1 ed. Lord's night, excel at 8 o'elock un nd 111ed IN H ou visitors were nut that there were shows an apathy of learning more ot as and institutions lat practically eve dar-and one that when t1 he hors :ertaln tfrm sent a sample ‘of T 'ers kit box to Jas. A. Wray thi day. Across the bottom of'thei' plate the branches of the fir ’ iven as: "San Francisco, Calf r;" "New York, U. S. A.": "Nia' 1g trip in Parr: They were in s wan and had goo ht home the tine further down. 1 l and an ambula the injuer man nuilton. THE INDEPENDENT, tiiiiiiwsBY, ONTARIO a number took advantage agar Le Patoitrei's invitation telephone week to visit the lephone exchange and see the rs, ot the plant. The manager are a good part of the time m. U. Steen of Sou Rive, Shivas of Orillia, in th tll (opposite Radial Statfon which began TAnh 'e, n'" invited to listic Service . B. Steen of Ir. S. M ERRITT. ot ce at his other ex :hief operator Miss ined the workings tt 1y time,, while in the c'., Little was Kerr .artea to 1' the cement d but the SA ran . the" 1101 uwn. Dr. Sn lursd bu rted an to the d and ay y ot the , G.WAC dance in Snebi ay evening and about fifty being st winter's ati,' though times. T numerous e not norm attend, an I'hi each " ring 5, or s mentioned. :1erous, the not many the public our public especially ryone uses many are 'etufned £6 to 1 Tuesdays each week if et We always' IS in the U. gem b'i. "to 1e spital tr given " church ay even- em eVening n it I'hot IO gen- other moun4, adwayl, clung into a 1 the; Friday night the regular ation) I he held in the new Indepe . to take all? spe con 1 he lust wa his n at, the Barnardo homes, and was unaware that she he tives living. Since that t: of the girl have bean In: rie, Ont. ’ Anyone possessing information re- garding the whereabouts of Emily Saunders, a 20-year-old girl, who is thought to have formerly been an employe of the Woolworth stores In Hamilton is requested to communi- cate at once with the police of Hum- ilton. The young woman wns form- erly a servant girrin of residence at 4.15 James street, Hamilton. She came to Canada under the care of the e there The ladies ot the Guild of St. An- drews Church will hold their annual sale of fancy work and aprons. on Thursday. November 24, opening at 3 o'cock. Ctiteterity will be open tor both afternoon tea and supper hours. Suitable music will be provided for the evening and do not have their tea 25c will be charged those who go for the evenng and do not have their tea tice will be held in the church schoolroom on Fri ing at 8.30 at which your will be gladly welcomed. ttce Wi church th fo Hear Miss Grunert play on the Miss Niven of Toronto who delight- ed the congregations last Sunday with, her sweet message or song will sing again next Sunday at the Union Services in the Methodist Church at 11 o'clock and in the Presbyterian Church at 7 o'elock. sion. Mr Hamilton sold out In connection with the Union Ser- vices now being held in the Presby- terian Church there will he an illus- trated story entitled "Probable Sons" on Monday night next. The colored slides are exceedingly attractive and the story attractive to old and young alike. "ft. g METHODIST Sunny, Nor. 27th, 1921 ' baan.--United meeting for Prayer. li aan.---United meeting, conducted "ev. F. A. Robinson assisted by its, Niven, soloist; Miss Grunert, dist and the united choirs. r "o pan.-9undpy School. q ; pan.-No meeting-The congrega- l . _wi11 unite with the Presbyterian t " Mission of Evangelism in the byterian Church. T soloist Servic dresse fMoney order tor England pt by December 2 in orrle ir destination- in time b as. 7 The I Methodi on Thm f1 a.m.---"The Christian's Deliver, ea." ,30 mm, Bible school---)) V0) C' and Shipwreck." _ p.in.----"Contession ot Sin." No. 2 Ws Double-minded Man." 'onday 8 pam-H? Y. P. U. , ednesday 8 p.m.---Prayer Meeting _'d Bible Study. , L411 imr-Serv l! ion Mission irreh. £“Victor R. Cal who has been in _ r, some time is K, The county road men have co dd the layihg oCthe ten-inch drain on Park a'oad, GRIMSBY the road will now ' lu, r,,' s'iiht, t " iriit9IrW,ei,, ttr',',:;;`',',:'." k B. the {road edge. Candidate Ci'aise tended meeting in th on Wednesday night. livered orations were ,_Golden Text:---", know Him Whom ‘ihaxfe belieyed, and I am persuaded at He is able to guard that which I "fig. committed unto Him against (a; day." (2 Tim. 1:12). Moore pecial services each" evening .. , conducted by Rev. F. A. Rt V or Toronto. t iday, 3.45 p.m.---Service tor only. - or modern gentleme Piece 0 sharp. Candidate tfiaise held a well-at- tended meeting in the Snetsinger hall on Wednesday night. Those who de- livered orations were Harper Secord, W. P. Ryan, Editor Ross. of the Farmers’ Sun and th candidate. Thursday Mr. Craise he]: a meeting 1 Grassies. w' The Ladies'Auxiliary of the G. M.' A. are holding the regular wee dance and a pie supper in Snetsi er’s hlall on Friday evening, Nov. Good music and all invited. " the rson Ict 'T tte out in business unity in 116 Men. in Moore' afternoon next will be held pm ses e singers ally invite Choir at 'nu oly BAPTIST Sunday, November 27th, 192! a.m.---"The Christian's Deliver- Churches Robi p ros it UV F to he Mi " (Manor o11 meetin ome, sing PRE SBYTE RIAN arvt hu ervice withdr anuary intending to quit but seeing a good op- GRIM‘S-BY bought here. In The trt SiOll OI SUNDA the numbe to rp tin cpenter of Hamilton reported as Attention w in 1e ten-inch storm‘ d, GRIMSBY East! ttrliei,(tlitkagr'ayigr antion! You are ssist in the male Special Meeting Theatre. on Sun- u, h for men onl tir in 1nd Friday th -n was resident amilton. the car ot year mgelism. lie Miss Nive pianist. Sty, Helpful a Id be helpet Id ll tted at in dance will ndent Hall, rviae. All Admission freé. Five anon pe-, of Emily ' who is been an ', on Sun-L I n I A prac-1 Methodist l au' even-', presence; CASH! _ o ty rela- relations ommuni yt" Ham us form lence a posses- iness in ars and m u w mona. hospital ery low. it JIt Ch) fo " She of tted in n M ly f) “WWWMWW*M$ t Cakes and Pastry - ,,,,,V_____-__---------.-..--..-u.----------I---IIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1¥¥4¥¥¥¥¥¥¥44444444¥4¥4444¥444444¥4444444‘4444¥¥¥444 y%+%*%*fW%**%%*MMM*WMWW - " '¥¥¥¥¥4¥¥¥¥¥¥¥4¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥4¥¥¥¥¥¥4¥¥ llllllIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIAI‘I‘IJIIIlull"llllllIIlllllllllllllllll_l!l!lllll E2eVlMeMiMrMeMNrMtMrtrtetgNg'tPtUhuiimuaiuaiimii.ii'kia"s"ah"Sl 9.... A--.__--___-__A Pure foods make us thankful and money-saving prices add to our sense of gratification. "Three squares a day for less money if you pay cash and carrrit home" should be your motto. - T More on Main Street Phone 108W. Not only have Perfect Satisfaction Four wagons on the road Good Bread We have had the experience; our men have had the the facilities; we use none but first grade , ingredients and can guarantee bread the Delicious Flavor Many ADVERTISE IN THE INDEPENDENT Irs catering to fastidious palates has taught us the we studied the'manufacture ot wholesome bread, but our bakers excel on . JARVIS GRIMSBY BAKERY Ask your grocer tor Jarvis Bread and get the best. t 1en nave had the experince; we have mt first grade flour and othqr antee bread that will give Wednesday, Npvember 16 Bakery, Depot Street Phone 108.]. PAY LESS! h of , 1921.