Homeowners Will Never Be Satisfied With Prices Paid For Expropriation tam lmn, I North York‘ cumin-t, “In“ of cm" My M " is " vary as!“ 9. ion, on the band-um" and l wasâ€... - Mb. uni - who. hr - ow- l-M m, in, In new, on. other - "my" VIII to that with the eeqt. He make the remark arts the township politicians called the Ontario Exproprilliou Act “un- just, inequitable. harsh, discrim- irtatorr mad with." Concern has been expressed by York, Weston and Noah York municipal candidate: recently. that homeowners reedve unfair 1nd less-tttan-market prices for their homes. when thdr propert- be: are exprtrpriated for parks, roads, schools and redevelop meat. In In "hm" to get this "um lust and immune Act" chang- od " give the property - a donut brook, Cwncillor Murray Omit! ran IMO I so“! wall a! Most members of council agre- ed with Chusid that the present Act leaves I lot to be desired, but they wouldn’t agree with his solution for the problem - at least not until it is studied in detail. Rogers threw a no monkey wrench into mi: proposal by stating that no matter how much you pay " expropriated pany he won't be "tistied because “mon- ey cannot replace the satisfaction and love of a home where you have lived for many years." Chadd had asked "and! " Mom I man-n min. the Pm- imial â€worm-mm to clung. the In: to In! a - who has had his homo “Howl-M um to “mm-M "the nmm " - "quit“ to ml.“ 'het homo in the “no or similar community." ï¬ï¬Ã©WéMO/me‘é Council decided Monday night to prohibit parking on the north ude of Arthur Street, 100 feet from the cistern end no the nil- way track. Council also heard I plea con- earning a rebate in at business tax of Alton Marine. The owner complained that the repairs to Jane Street had cut oft his busi- ness as had the strictly enforced parking regulations and argued that 1 rebate was in order. Merchant Charges That Highway 400 Extension Ruins His Jane St. Business W. E. Pletzer said in a letter that he had paid "to avoid fur- ther penalties" but added that “we wish to protest with all our hearts the absolutely dreadful position the Town of Weston has allowed Metro to place us. I Imall business, in." The weaned "religious war" between St. Basil the Great Col. lege end the Humbermede Rate- payers Association took a new twist " Council Monday when the reeve and a eoutseMrr took strong exception to the language used by the Ratepayers. He compliined that the High. way 400 extension and all of the work on June bad been done dur- Councillor Lund aid the "Det. iciency of Parklands" brief pre. sented by the Ratepayers WIS I smear on the township tamin- i<trntion because of a sentence which Issued the “ministrat- yon of “thinning funds". The Ratepayers spent the Past year pnparing a “Inward brief on the history ot parkland: in the Venom Road-Sheppard Ave. and and strongly urged Council to acquire land from the laaillan College. land Blasts Ratepayers For Term “Misuse Of Funds" _ Ward , Councillor John m apolozlxed for the hump“. stating that they Md nd Imam M sunning the township at using . . . Says Rogers This ttrt/rep/tuInt"'.',',,',',', the vtfrl NO Comma: VIC-(on. by The typical child leaving, say. Weston Collegiate or Downwicw Cttliegiate or Downs. view Secondary School. spends about 1s,000 watching television and only 10,000 hours during the I school. ing the summer, the shop's bus, ien time. Although the work was supposed to make Jane 1 "fine street," is merely speeded up the flow of traffic. funds fer any dishonest purpose. He suggested that Land was up- set with the language because lawyers are inclined to only ae. cept the strict meaning of I word uglier than in loose mean- ing. "Now the street is only good for tratrte-not for the people living, working and paying taxes on this street." Furthermore. Pletzer claimed that he had a 15U foot (rout- age "with no access whatsoever to the rear of our building-oo latte, nothing." Parking restrictions were also I hardship " they "repair out- board motors, many of which weigh " much as 200 lbs.." and customers found it impossible to park close enough for them,to carry the motors to the front door. Pleuer charged that many of his clients had received tichts Reeve James Service said this area of the municipality (of which he was the former council- lor! now ha: more parkland than probably any other. Re emphas- ind that some of the strong language used try the Humber. mede Ratepayerg should not be interpreted to mean that Council "will run backwards" each time some ratepayer barks. ALL NICE GUYS (even if they are principals) Principals sharing a ioke with Mr. Yost are: Whit heard Elwy Yost (2nd from left) claim that the Morris, Flemindon Public, Jim Bailey, Harding. average child spends three hours in front of the ton, Al McCallum. Pelmo Park and Robert Ever- television set for every two hours spent in school. ist. Chalkfarm Public schools. h ttt W For 15,000 Hours & Teacher for 10,000 Council ,agreed that Nam York and the Metro (i','l'a"dg' Authority should negotiate I the mute school to acquire parkland for use ot the while. but he and the majority at Council refused Mom‘s suggest- ion M Mating what proportion of college lands should be enquired. ALL NICE GUYS (even if they are principals) heard Elwy~Yost (2nd from left) claim that the average child spends three hours in front of the television set for every two hours spent in school. Speaking at a dinner meeting nine period, attending f for of the North York Pubtie School Principals’ Association at the Beverly Hill Motor Hotel, Ely Yost said television has nearly as vital and profound an influence on todar's child as the education system. Howard G. Ashbourne. a mem- ber of the Weston Board for the past 4 years, "" “pains must be taken" ttt ensure that the best, wif the eston and York boards hich argmerging at the end of tis year, is used so that even Iild receives the education that .e ne'eds and deserves, t Ashbourne. who 143': that (there, is always a reason for a mum man or woman dropping out of school. believes that the dropout rate can be reduce) provided that school presents a challenge that when the stud- cat‘s" am for parking in front of his store "tor as little " two minutes." Said Pleuer, "we bought this store Ind our life savings are tied up in it-why should we be saeritieed to the motor vehicle?" Council is thinking about it. A 36-year-old lawyer. and father of four, is one of a num- ber of candidates who are seek- ing election in Ward 6 " trus. tee on the Borough of York Board of Education. 'left Pick " Brains For Best System Mtilit:" Ashbourne Yost said television has quite ondary School Television Pro- MAID MINI TWIN. In! ' "Inâ€. MAID. WV. WWII tr, I,“ He then stated that "the " year old does not separate the television world from the real world, while the Wrearold does separate the two and can aw predate it on two levels. Yost said television is quite naturally mf1ueneed I good deal by Hollywood movies since so many of them are run on tele- vision. The value presented in most films are those of sex. success. material gain or money, Ind show a world that does not exist, with some exceptions, such " principals that: “Renard: on television’: Mteet on children show. that it has no untoward psychological influence on nor- mal children. to the best of our knowledge." on adopting the best possible teaching techniques so that the educational system is improved todar, instead of in five or 10 years when it will be of little benefit " current students. documentary fillils. Ashbourne lamented that thy us. is ahead of Canada in pro- gresilve education and said in. stead of trying to work out our own techniques we could save I lot of expense by adopting the very beat of their programs. Re "A new teaching techni- ques can be “opted such is team touching, without incl-us- in: who! but.“ budgets. Knowledge. laid the Ward 8 candidate. doubles every 10 years. "We must make sure that slow learner: and bright chil. dren get the best MUG edu- cation“ -ttmitier." He said there are a hundred edmuttittnal experiments pre- sently being conducted in On- tario and suggests that school boards should cotteetttrate more He also believe: tttat a VIEW department would be set up " the provincial and federal level- to Minute studies in Cart. ada‘s I. province; For example. the R. J. Alex. mm awe School â€an. an Mdettmiorertastrearori" ttirdoetu-tu.nditttte m nun any can tn- .(1- to In.“ ditttemtt m Ontario's. it an mom- trPt.arearteMtmtyee- 'fthevmtdifrtemremistei. nth-aiming thd "Often parents do not allow their children to watch the shows which will stimulate their imaginations for fear of the viol- ence which is part of the show --yet they Allow them to watch hours of trivia which does noth- ing at all, and is a complete waste of time." Candidates Meeting At Emery Collegiate Four Ward 1 ratepayers' Is- millions will sponsor a "meet the candidates night," " Em- ery Collegiate on Weston Rd. to hear the views at those who as- pire to be the mayor. controllers. alderman and school trustees in North York. The sponsors of the Wed., Nov. 23 meeting which begins at I p.m. are the Humbermede, Woodview Park; Rioida Heights and Weston Beixhts Itateparers' Associations. ' He told the Nord) York public nhool principals, that menu should take an interest in pro- grams their children watch but should be careful not to ovu- do censorship. A public information booth to keep lawyers informed and improvement of I “small town" trattspttrtatiort system are just two of the election platforms put out by Convener: Bull Rall and Frank' Wuhan. MALI. Hall Pledges A Public Info Booth Watson Calls For Better m Service As North York's only fun-limo member of bond of Control. slid “all. he his the experienu and time to make sure the rights of “in. "All. ‘Borongh citizens are protected. In.“ .0 Control I He added that the "not: form Addressing linden“ in the WCt Inditorium on hmcnbnuc Day, the View: mayor. I World In Two W pilot, traced 1taektheliveat_eothiatoe. not ell-Imam. unit. on a. d the pun- cnt gauntl- vb will step in- to new job or higher educa- tion, may at lb student: who attended Weston Collegiate yem no joined the med more" and "eritieod their lives oversea. saidHluor Wesley Buddha». "During the Int In a hm percentage at our classmates ur- ved in the Navy, Army and " Force." he said. “Mm enjoyed a successful military career. Someotourfinestdiduttre. tun and it is those people when we honor and remember once I year at the 11th hour of the 11th day ttf the nth year." Metro Toronto students of to. day had the opportunity to wort hard, enjoy his leisure and ma- tare. Some you!!! people didn't get this chance. the mayor aid, “those who laid down their lives, than who made the “Intense “crime in defence at their coun- ter. lambton Park Parents Night Tonight, Nov. IT, is Parents Night at Lambton Park School. 50 Bernice Cr., from 1:30 until 0 p.m. This is they; a busy night for Nelve yen: no, Hurricane Principal E. A. Smythe and the Hazel caused havoc and millions bullets. lot dollars' worth of damage in Mrs. Mildred Humid, presid. IMetro because flood waters cut of Lambmn Park Parents l climbed over the banks of rivers and Teachers Association, tells l and streams. The new munber me that the ladies will be serv- l Bled. chum] ig part of I “.000: ing tea throughout the evening. 1000 flood control scheme to chen- Mrs. Margaret "Peg" Grant declared Monday evening she was "shocked" to discover that only one person in 200 knows who his North York Ward 2 sit. ting trustee on Board of Educa- tion is. Seeking to dethrone trustee Jack Newton, Mrs. Grant said that almost everybody is in com- plete darkness when it comes to knowing how their school sys- tem operates, despite the fact that 53.5 cents of every muni- cipal tax dollar is paid out to teachers and on new school buildings. Mrs. Grant was one of a dozen municipal candidates to speak at the Peimo Ratepayers Asso- ciation meeting in Pelmo Public School. . less Than One% Of Ward Two Residents Know Their Sitting Trustee: Mrs. Grant CIVIC CENTRE Reeve Jame: Service, one ot the two mnyonlty candidates, spoke of North York‘s futuristic civc centre in Willow-dale. elaim. ing that the cost to the township would be returned maardold in taxes Ind bettefits. ed more and more municipal l duties (which all cost money).‘ North York your: need a con- l, troller who will make sure that they are kept lupin-date on where i their taxes are spent, says Hall. WATSON E Watson bulky†a municipality of 400,000 dam better than a “am-ll town" tr-rtatitttt Intern and We piazza that he would "call for the contract- h d the swim Rapid Transit with: at the same time " .0 Ya" St. subway Extension, In to be emulated by 1971.? MALI. ' “Thy could be aligned," be 'te-tnd."'.-."-" -ttrtgserrt-eatmdtttt- hmhmmh .thrtoghetmm4eftrehartd ':.seatettiq sham-t Imam-nut“ "all nid if reelected, he would VII! to an up I "mobile public mm bare-I. mated with ml who have I detailed mac of local public affairs. His comma-m sparked the School Candidate '9tKltti0" Mm Tmrs life: tlt His Old classmates =CCztrrr2""T1"t"LTri-"er-T: “Haw-amt menu-sum muhmmnmuum York Township Reeve Jack Mould and Metro Chairman Wil. liam Allen were the two prin- cipal figures at the ottieial Itrert- ing of n tt.2 million flood con- trol clunnel along [lumber Blvd. on the west side at Wes. 1M government could be I part- ‘nership ttf equals or I dictator. !ship of the Metro council." Hall said be was elected by acclimation in his six at eight years n a councillor. Ind de. Efuud his dons! rival try 4.000 [was In the [In municipal elect. most discussio- uld criticism amen: the so to O) tummyâ€: who attended. Seven] residents charged that Pelmo is the “tar- gotten corner at North York ad that Willowdnle is may miles away." ,,,,, - One asked it the money North York spent to acquire land for the civic centre could not have Been better used for street im. provements. Another suggested that the two million dollar: plus spent Mr civic centre land could have gone toward a centennial tteautitieatitttt project to replace open ditchea with steam levers, pave the streets and other pro- jects which would improve North York‘s appearance. DID NOT PAY Service attempted to explain that the Pelmo people did not have storm sewers because they did not pay tar them when their homes were originally built. In recent years these services were built in and paid for by new home huyera, he said. Several ratepayers replied that Black Creek Flood Control Will Reduce Hazel's Wm new MOULD CUTTING mason hold by Chairman Allen. Occasion marked opening of Black Creek Flood Control Project. A BITTER USE _ again-hogan; nel six miles at and Creek " tween Highway 401 Ind the Plumber River. neu the lamb mu Golf and Country Club. The Humber Conan-tin Auth- ority hopes that them channel will avert cunt-who: o! the magnitude caused by Hazel. lhe scheme also will have collide:- able vulue u I pollution abate meal measure. The existing pol- luted and gartrage.eiogged stream will be replied by a with smooth channel simple to hep clean Ind pleasing to the eye. (Commute! on page 5) . , Candidate Ed Canton! who "at: ittettmbettt Joe Gould‘s pt in Ward t told the gum-a tMt he mm the MD m 5. administered on I m. basis became u m m York UM I nu h m. I. 1 later email that it I: is - to be the Ward 2 than k I“: It“ slimy-In It than» Sitting Ward 1 Trash: Jack Newton spoke on the quality of education, chiming that North York has a system would to - in Canada. After the meeting I number or the ratepayers complained that most at the candidates â€with; their votes spoke only ot new or promised libraries, emu ice rinks. civic cent-es, Infill-a ther-tttow-ttremand ship you†offer some Instance. the sky" drum: which -retm. or em a public or high Ichool. When her children pus than“ Grade 6, she bltteetr complah- ed. they Ire required no “and Weston school: for their higher education. has never seen. Ms no Tho-owlay “my“ Mrs. Grant pledged that just asheisirmtlvedintheetma. munity today. she qrlil be him edirtitevertmor-tttetr- tee.Sttedidmtthi-it,rma school repreeetttatheB job in! to 'tteuaetoolboardrrtmtiag. Indlnntoinfomthepooplewh htotthetawttatitioR_ She promised that as we]! as doing her homework on It. school board she will mad Home and School and nap-yen meetings " more than hit at the tax dollar (on to edtmatitm. NIX? MAY“? Nd momma