. , ' aw Jhe Sound Of Music cutouts, than no two mulls: Yea, tomorrow um (Friday) will In In“: Night at “an €111.le W. Them will be cilia} mate, mutual nu- air, and can.» nude. a forward Elects and wat. cha- one hour It t AM. Su- day, AMI Mth, 1966. All aitisens Are reminded to Barristers - Solicitors mu wum Ave. 147-1101 Crane "In Daylight Saving Time, APR". 24th George W. Bull Tomorrow Night- Music Night At W. C. I. Magerman 8. Page Barrister . Solicitor Notary Public Evenings by appointment 1933 Weston Rd. tat John St.) Weston Cl! #589! SHERWIN " WILIIIAMS -iaaGG a: tomato†Bow-rt G. mum, a A. can w. _ n. on. an unmet mm. W. um mu Of - at.) WESTON, ONT. - 247-0077 TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK Burl-(er Ind Salk-1m " Elm: Street Weston, Ontario (H 4-5547-8-9 OCTOBER 30th Fraser & Simms 3. b. SERVICE. um: Barrister. - Samuel: "" Wanna and Opposite John Street mm. on. Cl! 1-191! Professional " Business Directory BARRISTERS n A I: an“ _ Acnm INTANTS d H. Herman BA., lt.C. - Cod - Colours and Odometer . M‘s hate it .... like buying!!- drew or In}: .... your WI! “It! and pocket book determine quality rang in all decanting "te- and plans for your home or ortict. At stteFwin-Wi11iams Ynint and nib paper centre we have several price ranges in paint and we lpaper require- ment. For colours, it's amazing but it's true we offer 2.000 paint. colours artd.rrhtd.es .... thanks to the electronic brain of our “COIDRMFI'ERâ€' muting tum machine! See our ‘Color Harmony Guide". ASHBOIRNE and CASKEY _'f9t"im'13tr" - mu... Anvil 21.19“ Appointment PAINT 8. WAllPAPER CENTRE 1947 WESTON ROAD, WESTON tit John St.) 244At Know Ittialiit0lltlmllM CAN BE AS EASY AS B - 1%tore. you 'pare decisions .... Be wipe. invesiiiue before you Even in'ul mi myrements you t.hink W! pay rteed you†thu you. Tto our Triple Trio in Jun to delight In I’m-whom “at": with new In. “In Poppins". u well as other auctions. For in put 50va month: tttn nin- tllll hm he! practising one. aweedattu.agtrhmsrote “a. m map. like the choir. is undo: the direction at [in The Choir', biggest work in e medley of man from “The Sound a! Music". Other work: range from Bach end Humou- dinck to a Negro spiritual FULL GUARANTTE Whéel inhuman! _ "ut FREE Court“! Cu. Pick-up 1778 In. Bt. Ctr 7-65.. By Danna Mun-mu Pe" of the City of Toronto In the Robnm Report on the‘lnd surrounding municipalities. 1230 Jun. tgtFiet Mt. Danni: RO 9-1.4] :5? Mint ' Anton-{k eel' Do You See Thin Spice? List Ynur Business or Profession In This Directory! Nll CH 1-5211 J. R. Currie, 0.0. let The ttysle Decide 1894 Weston Rd., Weston Walter’s Garage For Appointment Can CH iAWOt Board Of Control " Vs. " Executive Committee REAL ESTATE And Repairing OPTOMETRY Piano Tuning Work Guaranteed GARAGES Optometrist MUSIC uit At Sherwin Williams Paint & Wall- paper Centre, 1947 Weston Rd. in the heart of Weseon ..r. phone number 244-0224 ._.. you have all the necessary mum; in stock requirements and our advice. tit Pe are naked) l? help you in your home" 'Gia, - Jraiirtrs1UG." 'Boch II Soul" mused by use late Luna Bell. Th otehestra In also â€at many [on bun at return] limo preparing a line event“ at truuie tam for then- woun- Iomm'. Ulric the dilution at Mr. G. Gum. the Bret-tra will play an interesting auction at tuunttera-Mth their major during being a medley iron “nu Inuit In". Samuel Koblinsky I.“ DNA! IN. I"! E. J. Sackett & Co. Chartered Account“! " lunatic-k Crew. Downsview - Ontario Phone 633-9405 A '10. “N0. or CAREER“! ovum " IwONABLI PUG" CARPETING a INSTALLATIONS oar 32mm!" WI] oh At You In. WRIGHT BROS. UPSP" In! In: a! I I no In: ACCOUNTANTS -- AUDITORS wm~nmn “was. SKYLINE HOTEL BRANCH 65.5 Dixon Road, RedeIe. Onurlo Pinon: 2414522 In. 2mm Member Toronto Stock Exchange S. J. BROOKS & to. CB 440‘] ACCOUNTANTS 1495 KII'LING AVE. N. BEXDALE PHONE 249-2971 INVESTMENTS J. "in; rtortef,' nun-get. the way was cleared to: the establishment of an “Executive Committee System" to replace the Board of Control. This idea of an Executive Committee is being considered by opponents of the Board of Control system in the City of Toronto. Tho Sun Band, "other In- ty tarmed group this you, will be playing music (to. "Can.- tot" and other pieces at I lighter nature. An Executive Committee would replace the Board of Control; however. it would carry out ad. ministrative duties in much the same manner as the Board of Control. The Executive Com. mittee would consist of I May- or (who would act as Chairman) and four members of Council elected to the Committee by tel- low-councillors. The theory expressed and set out in the Goldenberg Report on Metropolitan Toronto (favouring the establishment of " Execu- tive Committee) was that since the Mayor and Controllers are elected "at large", there tends to develop a competition for popular support. which creates 1 "split" among Board of Control members. Beginning at 1:15 p.11. tamox- rcu night. Friday. thu yen": concert dtteg pruning to h. on d the vary but yet. S5euts may be purchased from Choir or Orchestra member: or at the door. In my opinion, this recommen- dation of an Executive Commit- tee would prove inadequate and ineffectual tor the following rea- sons: A one mill tax levy assessed on all property in Metropolitan Toronto would go I long way to reduce Metro's chronic hospital bed shortage, said North York Councillor Paul Godfrey this week. , "In Metropolitan Toronto at tn present time, the lack of hospital taeilities is an outright (1) The soliciting of support End Metro’s Hospital Shortage Min 1 Mill Metro Ta: Godfrey Chartered Accountant.- Mush, Goulding "I†Weston load CM l-lll! mind all the alum â€at... lint-I um th- III!- that ad police had responded hut the were: had huh I hurtful escape; Th: company. which - cute: vending hatching: in the area, mud that nothing an apparently missing from the pint. . by aspirants to the Executive Committee {ram among their felhtw-eouneiihtrs, could lead to "bapbseratehing", the results of which are generally not in the best interests of good public " ministration. (2) This system would not be effective in seating the candidate most responsible and capable for the executive body of eouneil, (3) The City of Toronto would be ignoring an important preced- ent which has been set by com. munities outside the Toronto not. who have for decides, proven the usefulness and effec- tiveness of Boards of Control. M) Personality conflicts would increase other than decrease. (5) Most significant, however, is the fact that this system of mu Executive Committee would deprive the citizens of the oppor- tunity of direct election of the executive body of eouncil-whieh is considered a vital body. Much serious consideration will be given this idea of in Execu- tive Committee in the City of Tcronto within the next few months. However, I trust that the decision as to whom should sit on the executive body of council, will remain where it now rests-in the hands of the eleetorate. disgrace. Unfortunate individu- als who are plagued with seri- ous injuries or sickness often have to wait weeks for a hos. pital bed. Most residents of this Province of Opportunity my Hos- pitat Insurance in order that they may be protected against heavy hospitalization e o s t 8. Meanwhile many who ply their In the Estate of George Willred Akerfeldt. All persons having rlaims against the estate of George Wilfred Akerfeidi, late of the City of Toronto. in the County of York, Electrical Contractor. deceased. who died on October Mrd, 1960. are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or he- fore the 30th at Avril. 1966. particulars of their claims. Immediately liter that date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the elalms of whieh notice hai been received. DATED this 13th day of April, 1986. In the Mateo: an: Leak. deceased. All perm hula; claims Imus! the estate of Elle been. lute of thr Town of Weston. In the County of York. Retired. accused. WM died on Jena." Mtrt, ID“. are herebv 'rtrtined to send to the "damned all or be- lm the Mth “Avril. 1936. ,UrttaiaA V of V 1th til-Ins. lmmedluely ntier that an. the mute. will be Marina?“ Si%ii_rimttr to the claim. of which not!" in "can. Aoitint,tratirx"," by her Solicitors, Messrs. FRASER t‘smms. 1944 Weston Road, Weston. Ontarlo. NOTICE TO tlElllTilllt SHIRLEY LOBRAINE Mr- . NUTIII Til tiEll,','illlt man h emu). nu muo- "a. was... 0mm. great gtrtagi. that the» fish’ that was mated to the On- cnduro to turnout the ob- . aria Federatitttt ot Anglers and me]. of tho remains 01 I dun Hunter! for their con-dentin. {mammal-Mentocom-Ht “I proposed In this brid plete an at! cl inlugct msdow-i.that a tUh ladder be installed ed by Mother Nature ha. be; at the me of Nicholson: Dam come n you tom-int attraction , to enable the spawning fiah to in the Alum ml. But this was not alwm no. The rainbow is I native to the Paeitie Coast of North Anette: from California to Alaska. It bu been introduced into my parts of Eastern Canada. The first small plant- iis in Ontario wnten began in Iâ€! and in now I perman- ent resident in Lakes Supe'rior, Huron. Shame and Ontario, From the first early plantings in the Sydenham River in 1904. a tremendous sport fishery has develop! Until the introdue tion of t sea lamprey into the Great Lakes watersheds. Lake trout were considered to be the greatest tune fish and suppor- ted both a large commercial and sport tuhery. The coming of the lamprey changed this drastically. Lake trout stocks vanished to the point of eating tion and closed tot all practical purposee the commercial fish. ing industry based in the fine natural harbour; of Georgian Bay. to the Georgian Bay water is attacked by the parasitic lam. prey it seems to have the abil- ity to shake off its attackers and consequently a large rain- bow trout sport fishery has de. veloped to fill the gap. While the Steelhead or rain. how trout since its introduction premiums require the service now but are unable to receive it, the Ward 4 councillor said. Two hospitals are now under construction in North York, be. cause the public through a ref- erendum in the early sixties en- dorsed a one mill levy on the general mill rate for hospital construction, Godfrey said. Godfrey called on Metro to levy one mill for hospital pur- poses stating it would be sutfi. cient to solve Metro's hospital bed shortage Ind impliment an area-wide emergency atnbataiie1 service. "Those politicians at Metro who fear such a tax rate would h.-atartled to learn that most citizens would endorse such a -ietreme on a Metro-wide vote," he said. "Extra taxation is often a bitter pill to swallow but when Sickness and death can be avert- ed with new medical facilities the cost is really negligible in the light of menu." is there some car-safety you need to buy? "es" Get cash now . . a for new tires, gate overhaul. any good reason. A Niagara counsel or will mic over the amount and repayment schedule . . . and tailor it to fit your budget. We believe money and helpful planning go together. Loans from $50 to $2500 â€All†FINANBE COMPANY LIMITED 1941 Weston Rd. - 247-7451 KNOWS HOW 5‘53 (At at: It.) 2437 Finch Ave. W. -- 741-8234 , tht n. Pte-eh, and) (In! or Wuh- ll.) the fish Io enable the yawning {in to comma: their journey to the upper teaches at the river. Af, ter due consideration work be nn on the tish ladder. In the days prior to the completion of the ladder tUh stopped to mtandmwnltthehueoi the dam tell easy nrey to poach- en. To put a stop to this the river area immediately above and below the dam was de- elared by law and posted as a fish sanctuary. To further benefit the study of fish man. agement by Department of Lands and Forests personnel it was decided to carry out a tUh tagging operation both spring and fall with " annual count of tour to five hundred rain. bow trout being nmpled. Mr. McDonald for his efforts on this project was awarded the Canadian Bank of Commerce Conservation Trophy. . A byproduct ot this fishwly is the development of a well kept, well appointed picnic and camping area close to good fish. ing and friendly people inter- ested in the well being of our wildlife, We recommend a viit if just for a look "and a Spuday drive. Since the beginning of record keeping anglers have always - Uatminstcr Wdtd fhiitth . duh-ilk“ m an. at t “my!“ ' Rev. J. Kenneth Nob]. . WESTON FllillmgllM CHURCH 11:00 am. 11:00 mm. 3:30 In. 11:00 In. 9:45 Bart. 10:00 mm. 11:00 In. smdan-lsu “All. “10.533 Sunday, April 24, 1966 Sunday, April 24, 1966 I. - Sana-y School ' year: and In I. - Pathfinder Ciass s. - Morning Worship "The Call To Renewll“ A. - Sunday School - 1 to 8 you! Cross Street at Church Sign: - Junior a Intermediate School - Pax Bible cuss - Nursery, Kindergarten. Primary, Crib Corner 1VtteidNeord;eattgtti.Ubt Pond (Nelle. Idaho; 0 " ia. chulourlpounainvd‘m. LICENSED newts-mum -A_lf Work Gum“ at G.M. CAR orTRUCK CANADIAN CAM! SOCIETY f 443 Mt. Flaunt " Tomato 2, Ontario 12. DUNEDIN " m fight with a check-up and a cheque ON YOUR cancer